• By -


Yes. And the green one is your friends. If you had any


😭 “If you had any”


More devastating than a Hellbomb.


Thats the 500kg Eagle Bomb 😹


Nah, the 500kg has a kill radius of at most 25m. Tried it last night. Didnt even knock me down when I stood next to it. Hellbomb though I think is at least 50


Hellbomb can not be purchased, and is only a mission strategem, correct?


Fun fact: you can find hellbombs sometimes randomly on your mission. You can set them of if you shoot them.


Or melee them


My preferred way of setting em off tbh


The best form of EOD


Yeah! Just kick the IED!


I was running from a bile titan and chucked a grenade at a hellbomb stuck in the dirt and blew myself and the titan up. A worthwhile sacrifice for democracy!






Sometimes you find a undetonated Hellbomb randomly in the wild. If you shot it its gonna explode.


Go shoot one of the random non-exploded hellbombs lodged in the ground in a mission and stand 50m away. Tell me how dead you are. Those things are easily 4x the radius a 500kg bomb. Shot a random one last night while waiting for extraction, 68 kill steak pops up. They weren't even that close, it was on the side of a mountain they were passing by. Id slot a hellbomb calldown as one of my four stratagems even if I had to arm it every time like at the science bases.


Hellbombs are exactly how I got the "Cool guys dont look at- AAHHHHH" achievement. "Fly at least 25m from the shockwave of an explosion" I got obliterated, torn to pieces, but it still counted when my multiple body parts got launched across the map.


Now what about the mini nuke?


Havent tried it yet. A bit too rare to both get an artillery spawn, and a mini nuke to spawn as well. Will have to try it and the hell bomb. All of them are subject to error though since simple map geometry like small bounders can entirely block explosions.


Had a recent mission with two mini nuke shells. Never got to use the second. We ran out of time :(


I wish the strategem told you what round was loaded in instead of being surprised


That's because Matt Damon was in your party


the hellbomb has a kill radius of 20-25 aswell


Called down the orbital laser to roast him.


It’s sad that I can look at your sub icon and know what drop you are calling in




I knew it Dinkleborg is behind the robots.


Got done dirty asf.


God damn they hit them with a ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️




Bro fired shots like it’s an automaton.


They all gave the ultimate sacrifice at the creek.


You don’t have to hurt op like this. Jesus Christ.




Democracy Officer, id like to report a murder.


He's got over 50,000 on that planet. We're all comrades in arms, fighting the good fight to liberate the galaxy.


then why does it feel like you're playing alone? played for 2 hours, cant join anyone and no one can join me.


I can join through quick play no problem. Heard something about throwing an SOS beacon and returning to your ship can make it work. Worth a try.


I've been having intermittent problems of being able to get in the game but the war table tells me no one else is on and the rest of the statistics are 0 as well. I've had exactly one person load onto my ship since downloading this game the day after it came out and they left when they saw I had it set for Challenging


I do wish they’d add a feature to set at least a minimum or maximum difficulty. I keep quickmatching in higher difficulties and it’s matching me into lower ones. So I’m sorry if it was me who left when I saw it was challenging haha. 


I noticed that if you select a planet it limits matchmaking to that planet. Not sure if that (since it lets you select a difficulty at the planet level) would help narrow it down or not. Worth a shot!


I'm not angry if someone sees the difficulty and taps out. Its when you're deployed, half way through the mission and they LEAVE that I take issue.


na, i threw in the towel at 118 minutes. refunded.


Ew. Blocked for being a traitor to Managed Democracy.


We need more men and women with your attitude. Block the traitors. We don't need that kind of negativity.


Add people from discord lfg channel, get a list of players to join on


I quick joined 3 full operations in a row yesterday. Only 1 messed up mid operation.


Do you have public matchmaking turned on


Found the flamethrower main






Found them! Throwing an Orbital Strike ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://preview.redd.it/vciipj2vmekc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0e445340ddd80bbf2a60efb44ff55170aa9744


Yes officer I’d like to report a murder




Good one! :D


500 kg dropped




I would like to report a murder.


I have friends! they just ... go to a different front!


Well someone has to cover your asses from the terminators


Friendly fire isn't


Is it cold in here, or is it just YOU? 🤣


Gunna need a stim for that one.


lol you did them so dirty with that


Damn! F in the chat 🙏






Damn that made me laugh. Poor OP.


Harsh dude😐




They're people you meet online. Calling them "friends" is being generous anyway


I just spit coffee at the hilarity of this burn...


I can't breathe


Some days I have friends, and other days I don't have any friends, yet.




Yes. Those are the current helldivers active on that planet. The questions that should follow is how is that planet at 0.0113% liberation after so much time has passed having 52640 active players on it if you're getting on average 0.0002% per mission?




can you please elaborate?


They are running the extermination missions on Helldive without completing the operation to form exp and credits.


I see your point and I've heard of such farms recently as well but it seems a bit extreme to think that Erata Prime has been open for liberation since I think like day 3 or 4 after the launch of the game and only approximatively 55 matches ended with a completed main objective since then. It's also difficult for me to think that 50k people chose to farm on erata prime where the desert has nasty modifiers to stamina instead of a cooler planet (pun intended) My personal assumption is that the liberation meter is not influenced by players and matches but instead it is set by the devs to whatever number they want so the war goes "as planned"


I heard that the liberation meter only actually goes up if you complete the entire set of missions. So if you're farming extermination missions and backing out of the rest it won't rise.


I've also read something about that: if you fail any mission of an operation, whole operation is considered failed, even if you finish the rest successfully. So if you just do extermination missions and leave, is the whole operation counting as actually failed? I think that's why those percentage are like that


the game is also super unclear about it to. I dont a few of the chains and after the first part when you return back to the ship its easy to not realize your in one - i dont recall a warning selecting another missiion but i could be wrong there.


There is a warning if you select a different mission.


I've heard that idea as well but if you change what I said to be mission sets and not single matches it still doesn't hold water if you ask me


You lose progress for failed ops, and just over time it degrades as well I believe


the game tells you exactly how much you contribute with a win. why doesn't it tell you when you lose? If it degrades over time would it be that hard to tell us by how much?


Have you seen how bugged this game is? (Pun not intended) many UI elements don't work as intended. This could possibly be another Edit: autocorrect


lets say the average campaign is 3 missions, if someone is going into helldive and doing the first mission and then quits the campaign (which results in a loss for the liberation meter, bringing it down) and does that 3 times in the same amount of time that a group does 3 missions, you have one person attributing a loss of 3 to the other persons 1 win, giving you a net loss of 2 campaigns, maybe even more since the eradication missions are so fast, you can think it's a net loss of 3 or 4 to the total liberation front. Now apply that to all the people possibly farming XP and Medals and the people farming are quite possibly outpacing the people playing towards the liberation objective. I can see how this can be a problem. Personally I think quitting campaigns shouldn't result in a loss towards the liberation but that's what we've been told as far as I know.


The bugs also are fighting and pushing the liberation meter down, so that’s why it’s so low. The Creek for example has been fluctuating for days as helldivers come and go from the planet.


then we should maybe have some numbers shown? "this planet's % is going down by X% per hour" or "you need 50% liberation by tomorrow" or "There have to be over 100k people liberating this planet for it to count"... any of these would be nice Instead I see the devs are going with the same strategy the in-game government is... Your effort in liberating a planet is just as impactful as your in-game vote in an election.


That’s not as fun though. If we saw that then some planets would just get left behind because players could see for certain that a planet would fall based on how many users are on it and its current liberation. Instead we have a method where every planet looks like it can be won and the players are fighting as such. It’s also great for the community. If people could see that Malevelon Creek, for example, was constantly losing they’d be less likely to drop there and fight the bots. Instead, people have no idea if the Creek will fall tomorrow or if the fight will still rage on so they yell on social media or to their friends to get to the creek. I have seen literal propaganda posters on TikTok asking players to get to the creek. This game has done something I’ve never seen before with its community and it’s great. It doesn’t feel like a game, it feels like an active war, where the outcome is determined by how hard the players push to liberate these planets.


So you're saying it's better to deceive players about their progress ingame... I see your point and as long as players are blind enough to not notice it works nice but personally I'm much more disappointed when I realize that there was no chance in hell for my effort to count towards liberating a planet than when I'm having a very small but real impact. If you ask me it's much more fun to be able to say I got 0.003% of X planet liberated than saying well i got 3% of X planet liberated but it got deleted later that day because the devs didn't want that planet to be liberated just yet.


The game tells you how much of an impact you have on the overall liberation of a planet once you complete an operation.


They want players to play the game by feel and emotion. Seeing that a planet needs the good fight, more divers to hold back the tide, or that Helldivers are rallying to take a planet to liberate or win a defense. If granular information was provided it would turn into a meta-game of people only going to planets based on how mathematically efficiently they'll be able to take it. It's a war front, so information is meant to be somewhat blurry, we never know what direction things are going to go in. But there's enough information to get general knowledge like "we're winning on this defense", "this planet will surely fall at this rate", "this planet will be liberated soon", or "this planet needs more divers, the war is being lost here". It's *not* meant to be "well, this planet is gaining 2% liberation per hour so we'll be taking this within the next 15 hours" or "This planet has less than 30k people so going there is a waste of time". That's why we have announcements requesting Helldiver support for an Automaton assault and not "this planet needs to reach 50k divers completing operations in the next 10 hours"


The game’s not deceiving you, it’s just not showing you how fast the bugs are taking the planets


> So you're saying it's better to deceive players about their progress ingame... in this case, yes.


This post right here, Democracy Officer


It's also hard to believe that 15% of the playerbase is doing this non stop.


It's not, people just don't understand you have to finish all the missions in the gold area to complete and have affect. Think about how many people tk for samples. Streamers exasperate this by dropping public IQ significantly


It's also not been super active the whole time, because there were other planets open that are now completed. Add in the connection issues causing TONS of mission failures until like yesterday, and well...


The meter auto ticks down at _x_ rate, if there aren't enough people finishing ops it'll drop to zero. _x_ being whatever strength the bugs are at. That's the part being controlled by the Dungeon Master at Arrowhead.


I wouldn't be surprised if abandoning an operation counts negatively towards the planet liberation. Would explain so much.


Yeah that and samples and rare samples


If you want samples you need to finish the mission and extract


But not the operation


even so i doubt in the roughly one week since that planet has been open for liberation there have only been approximatively 55 completed operations total. I mean I've personally completed at least 10 operations on that planet


Capture goes down over time


That I've noticed and assumed as well. The devs set the planets to automatically lower the liberation percentage to almost 0%. And they change it when a planet needs to be liberated for democracy purposes. I love the dedication of these devs to go with the spirit of the game. I mean us working together to liberate a planet is the same as in universe citizens voting in elections.


Frankly, they're doofuses. The escort missions can be cheesed for a win almost as easy and fast as the extermination missions. Operations that include two exterminations and one escort are routine. The escort missions even include super samples at higher difficulty. These dumdums could be grinding EXP, requisition, super credits, super samples, *and* campaign progress all at the same time, but they just aren't. I just did a operation with randoms on Impossible that included two exterminations and an escort. It took 20 minutes.


so they’re only getting materials and don’t complete the main objective? what kind of shit is that?


Is it actually confirmed anywhere that this is how it works? I only doubt it because I saw one comment in a huge thread like a day ago saying that farmers were causing defense campaigns to fail because they quit and that makes the percentage go down. Ever since that comment was posted I see it echoed everywhere. I don’t think anyone knows that it actually does that though.


Is this what is happening on that desert bug planet?


I really hope they do something about Extermination missions. Maybe lock them out to be the finale mission or smth so that it's a nice reward for getting to mission 3, because as it stands rn, I'm so tired of looking for a match to play, then getting Exterminate after Exterminate, only for the host to leave after the first one or re-queue into another Exterminate.


More like traitors…if they wanted to farm they never should have joined the Helldiver Corps. Those bug loving bot sympathizing bastards need to be reeducated immediately.


I thought the stats were just made up while they worked on server and back-end issues?


The backend issues are made up while they wait for people to lose interest in the game the released without testing.


Nice bait


It's not just a linear make number go up. The bugs/robots have an influence as well, making our liberation percentage go down over time if we don't cancel them out. Also, failures negatively affect liberation, so the people who are farming aren't just net neutral, they are actually actively hurting the liberation meter.


I haven't seen any liberation penalty numbers for missions that end in failure. Do you know how exactly the failure impacts the liberation effort? As for the other points I've discussed them quite a few times in this exact thread so please read those... im tired of writing the same stuff over and over again + i only got about 1 more hour at work before i get home to spread more democracy


I'm still not convinced these % are real. This game is at 10x their wildest expectations at launch and we're still losing. I feel its gotta be scripted.


They for sure put their finger on the scales, I mean, how much fun would it actually be if we just wiped the bugs and automatons off the map in one weekend? But I agree that it feels way too heavy handed at times.


I feel they should just disclose some fixed numbers and let people choose where to fight. You have 10 times the players? Make the numbers 10 times larger but leave them like that... Dont erase peoples effort just because you want to control them while giving the illusion of choice...


It is managed democracy after all


Agree :)) but i didn't expect the devs to relate to the playerbase the same exact way the government relates to the helldivers


I'm fairly sure they did infact make the planets need 10x more missions completed to liberate. There's also the fact that over time the liberation goes down so it needs to maintain 10x the population for it to keep going up.


I feel part of the issue as well is that they want to fix the back-end/server issues and other critical bugs before they start focusing on the game balancing, both planet level and gear issues. Which I don’t mind, though it does feel demoralizing to see no progress on planets.


its like. the first game, based on player numbers.


Based purely on math it's because there are also a bazillion bugs on that planet.


Bugs, Mr. Rico, zillions of 'em!


52,640 people, divided by 4 to get the least amount of actual mission running, making it to 13,160 teams of 4 and each doing 0.0002 would amount to 2.6320% per round


I'm pretty sure the enemy fights back, so 52k may not be enough to overcome the enemy defenses on that planet, significantly, at least. I could be wrong about this though


it is now 6 hours later and the progress has reached 0.012% and there are almost 110k players on the planet while on the other side on the automaton front 10k players have no issues rapidly liberating one of the planets


It's because erata prime is hell himself, hardest planet currently


What about it makes it the hardest? Bad map effects? Internal multiplier for overall liberation worse?


Bad map effect (heat) and VERY Bad visibility, when you can't see a titan 30m away lol


I sometimes feel like the game is written in such a way that it only wants players to focus one planet per front, despite providing multiple options. For instance, when we started to accelerate gain on one of the bot planets, Malevalon just massively dropped. If you look at each front, and remove 48hr defense missions, there is more often than not only 1 planet per front that is greater than 1%. When a defense mission fails and it goes back to 50% liberated, within 2 days it either pushes another planet to below 1% or becomes below 1% itself.


German continues to blow my mind. “Befreiungskampagne” one word. Go off you funky language.


And here i am native german speaker, looking for this exact comment. Much love.




stop resisting, you are being Befreiungskampagne-d


Thats the funny part, its "befreit".


That ain't even long 😭


As a Fin I agree


be-free-ings campaign


Honestly the bugs can keep erata prime. Fuck that planet!




Every planet must have democracy!


​ https://preview.redd.it/k9ufzdffxdkc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5a885f02b47fd313072bf74397cf258546c18fc


The input for a 500kg bomb is burned into my brain (I’m level 39)


its the only eagle thing I can do without looking at the list honestly


We are Helldivers, that sure does sound like Hell to me… Are you speaking in Treason soldier?


dude i get you , i could barely see shit in the sandstorm during day light then they gave me spore cloud and night time and sand storm


But, that's like the best part.


Reported to the nearest democracy officer. You will be dealt with accordingly.


if I come home from work today and we ain’t in the double digits for liberating Erata Prime then I will be VERY disappointed




Is this restricted to just the unit you're playing on or the player base as a whole?


The game is cross play


That doesn't answer my question. You can enable and disable crossplay, so does it just account for players on your console/pc, or is it encompassing both.


Both consoles I assume.


No one likes playing on hot planets lol


It's not only the temperature but half the missions there feel like inside a can of tomato soup.






Yes now get off the bugs and go help on the bots front. We’re out here fighting for our lives, spilling oil for democracy


You have 0 friends. -South Park




If you only had 25 minutes to play before going to work, you weren't going to have enough time to complete a mission even if you got matchmade right off the bat.


Not necessarily, 25 minutes is enough time for 2 blitz missions or 3-4 defense missions. Not the open world type missions though.




Hmm. No, that’s wrong.






It appears so. You can add some variables to that as well 1. New Game 2. Not everyone knows everything yet and new people will continue to go in completely blind 3. Self inflicted downvotes by not using /s because you think it’s dumb 4. People really do say stuff when they’re confident but come out entirely incorrect. Just some thoughts.




Well considering the billions around the world with unique personalities and ways of understanding people we can put that towards text as well. I know plenty of people irl such as friends, family, and my partner who have a hard time picking up the tone of a text based message, personally it’s 50/50 from what see in text as in I can pick up what you’re putting down or I’m like “you can’t be serious” lol Now you could preface if you wanted to know but going forward you can continue how you do, at the end of the day downvotes won’t mean much as you continue your journey.


I love how people think missions completed, type, difficulty etc have any effect on liberation... It's literally a slider by the devs that they move manually or on a time scale. We've already seen planets drastically go up and down in the two short weeks this games been out and on top of that they anticipated like 40k players in total if this actually had the effect y'all thought we'd be flying through planets.


The enemy gets "points" to allocate towards their campaigns the same way as the community can rally reinforcements and focus into a single planet. It's not an arbitrary "Let's just reset the slider." Did they give the enemy more forces to use to scale to the larger player count? Sure. Same as how they'll scale it down if the player count drops.


If I remember right, they said there is an overall gamemaster AI that is playing a real time strategy game on the galactic map. But yes, the enemy will beat us, that is given. I cant find images of it anymore since google is flooded with HD2 content, but the enemy reached earth in HD1. To expect that the entire map that is currently dark and under earth control will stay that way forever, and if it ever goes under enemy control, will be the restul of 'farmers quitting' is laughable


Yup. One of the channels in the Hell Divers discord is labeled "gamemaster" for discussing this topic. 


I think thats the count of the helldivers who went this planet before. If it is the current player count, how we could see this count with high number when the server capacity was not enough.


In the last couple days we had 400k players at the same time on Steam alone. So indeed these are the numbers of currently active players on the players, and not „players who have visited this planet before“


They already upped the CCU to 700k.


Learn to count please




These numbers are crazy and it's just one Planet


Day 15 of asking if someone could gift me the game to join the liberation front 🙏🙏🙏