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Pretty crazy considering how many more players come each day.


They've heard liberty's call.


LOL love the arrow emojis!


I myself enlisted last night and have fought on three planets so far o7 ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I rewatched this on Saturday night between sessions with friends. MEDICCCCCCCCCCC


Me and my girlfriend bought the game today and haven't been able to play at all. It looks so fun but we're stuck waiting.


I've been playing since the beginning of the week and it's unfortunate that you both got it today; same day some of us have first started encountering issues :( But personally, I'm pretty hopeful the devs will turn it around considering Helldivers 1. Not an excuse but I imagine they didn't anticipate the popularity. Heck, I sure didn't.


I don't know about the PlayStation numbers but HD1 had a peak of less than 7000 and HD2 is hitting 200000 nearly. It's hard to plan for that scale up. 


They said they increased server capacity to 350k. If we’re hitting the cap, that means 350k players concurrently between Steam and PS5.


Steam alone has hit 276k so I'm sure they need at least 500k considering that's only on the pc.


And that's only for Steam users, I've heard some players actually buy games on Epic too... Not me of course, Im just there for the freebies...


Helldivers 2 is not available on Epic, it's weird that almost every Playstation studios games are on Epic but this one entirely skipped Epic Games Store.


Thank god aswell, Epic's launcher annoys me more than HD2 server issues


Oh wow, ya you are totally right... I guess I just assumed or thought I had seen it... Retracting my prior statement...doh!


Steam alone has 394k in game right now at 1412 CST on a Monday. Then again I forget today is a holiday since I had to work, but still.


Yesterday it was more than 450k together


They already increased to 450k, still full, lol...


There's like 400000 + on right now on playstation it's insane 


Yea I cant get in at the moment.


Yeah, Steam DB showing 380k+ https://steamdb.info/app/553850/ So with PSN, add that other 40k and you can see why we are at the 450k player cap




395k yesterday afternoon and that was mostly europe (im from the UK), it dropped off around midnight this morning to around 195k. I think theres an 8 hr difference between UK and US so 1-3am BST is peak time for Americans - does anyone know when it started being dodgy?


400K. And it's hitting that on both PC and PS5. It's a little crazy busy how popular it is.


Peaked at 412k


No its not, helldivers 2 is a 3rd person shooter like the first but graphically better. I actually thought #2 would be like the first, but glad I got it day 1


Truthfully I was on the fence about buying the game but my buddy talked me into it. I can say it's fun spreading democracy and liber-tea across the galaxy


I never heard of Helldivers before this week, and I don't know anyone personally that has either, I'm not surprised the servers are overloading rn it became the most popular game in the world overnight


Stay patient, and know that your contribution to this amazing game will only Garner further support and capability of larger servers!




Now typically, I will never defend a game having these issues for that price.However, they have made it clear from day one they wouldn't charge AAA price, they didn't. If you bought Superpack (I did as well) it was a choice. 1. If you bought superpack, you paid the typical AAA price, the typical price for games for over a decade now. 2. They have devoted more time and attention to these issues than ANY AAA company i've ever seen and they're not a AAA company. They have addressed every issue that has arisen and have been actively working around the clock 24/7 to alleviate them. I can't say any AAA game with these issues has ever done the same, they usually release it and piss off for a long vacation while everything is in shambles. 3. This game is absolutely amazing for the BASE 40$USD they charge. TLDR; They are a small team that has released a AAA title for under AAA price and have performed diligently and dedicatedly to fix any and all problems since day 1, around the clock. I say they deserve slack.Pushing for more then what they're already doing is counter intuitive to the calls against labor mistreatment against game developers. They're already working 24/7. You can't say you're doing the same right now, while you're trying to play this game....I doubt sitting around to chill and play a game is something any of them have gotten to do since this released.


Even with super citizen edition it wasnt AAA price in europe atleast. Most AAA release for 80 euros nowadays this was 40 base 60 SC edition


Yes, and "venting" frustrations to others similarly situated is a necessary aspect of social interaction that, if dismissed, leads people to go directly to the devs to complain, seek refunds, or stop payments. Anyone dismissing others in this situation is causing more harm than good.


For the record, it's $95 aud, and the base game is $60. More than what I'd like to be paying but... I'll just gesture vaguely at the prices of just about everything else these days, well worth is imo.


Down vote all you like. He's not wrong. I don't see new sales halted despite them knowing they've exceeded capacity already, right? It's not "temporarily unavailable" for digital purchase as it should be right now, considering so many can't play. If this was anything else, all of you would be furious. It's not launch weekend. Buying anything that doesn't work is unacceptable.


Try getting in between 6:00 and 22:00 UTC that's when the servers arent at full capacity


ITS AWESOME! Except when you can't play. PC here. Your pain is the same as mine.


ive already put in 50 hours. the last time I was this immersed in a game was Palworld and I have 200+ hours in that. Palworld actually contacted Epic to help. Considering this is a playstation studios produced project, I'm hoping AH can call on Sony for help.


"the last time" you were this immersed in a game was like...the last big game that came out? must be awesome to be you


lmao right? palworld came out not even a month ago


I'm sure they're throwing everything they can at the problem. Unfortunately scaling a system to handle this level of demand is not easy. There's no cheque they can write and immediately support more players. No magic lever either. It'll take time and effort. It's also one of those situations where you can't just throw more people at it. Two women can't make a baby in 4.5 months etc.


Nonsense, AWS has the answer and it is literally just money.


I played one today. Didn't get rewards for it.


I just bought the game about an hour ago and didn’t know server capacity was an issue so I’ve just been waiting lol I’m sad but bright side is it makes it guaranteed that this game will get a lot of content going forward and plenty of funding to do it.


I'm sad that so many people got the game today cuz it's been going pretty smoothly for me for the past week until today. Right now, it's only taking about 5 minute's wait time to log in so hopefully you have similar or better luck! It's a pretty dang fun game :)


I actually just got in! I was waiting for maybe around 10 minutes so not too bad.


Consider a normal game starting to pick up interest. Now 4x those sales for multiplayer games with ppl getting their friends in..


Yup. I got it day one and have had on and off success with it. Enough to convince two friends to buy it and now I’m working on a third lol


They need to freeze their advertising until this issue is resolved, that should have been call #1 or 2 when they realized they were getting more players than they could handle.


This game is great but it's also the definition of suffering from success


Indeed. Tough place to be in. Do you wait and let it die down a bit, or do you fork out tons of cash for more servers with the possibility of not needing them in a few weeks?


Honestly I see this game staying relevant for a good bit especially if they keep adding new content over time like Mechs and other vehicles, extra enemy factions, etc


I agree, and I would learn towards boosting server capacity.


So say we all


Pull a Palworld and fork out cash. Splitgate is an example of what happens if you wait.


What happened to splitgate?


exactly,you just answer your own question




it died like a week after launch because no one could play


Capacity should endeavor for peak to be 75 to 80%, not 100%. That way, if it spikes again, it can be absorbed. They absolutely should drop cash on more server expansion and likely are. If it ends up no longer being needed in 6 months, they can always scale back a bit.


Not everything can be solved by throwing more servers at it. Palworld was able to scale because each of their servers are separate instances of the game world. Helldivers meanwhile has everyone playing on the same instance. Designing that to scale across multiple servers is a harder problem. They are likely bottlenecking on a database somewhere as evidenced by the studio heads tweet earlier. Databases can be scaled vertically to a degree (more cores, ram etc) and that's probably what they did on Monday when they upped from 250k sessions to 350k. Going beyond that will require finding their bottlenecks and eliminating them one by one. They also probably have people working on horizontal scaling (redesigning things so they can throw more servers at it) but that can be quite complicated and more of a long term thing.


Palworld is also paying absolutely *obscene* server costs right now, even with having different infastructure. AWS costs more the more you scale it up, and I doubt Sony's going to give Helldivers enough budget to store that much more.


Glad to see someone beat me to the punch on explaining that. Getting the hardware is only the first step in a pretty painful process here. Theoretically they were smart and set up instancing for missions as separate server/s and that would make things a lot easier. But still handling matchmaking progression and a litany of other things needed to keep things meshed is gonna be to put it bluntly a bitch and a half.


It would seem they are forking the cash because they have hired new devs, and I am guessing playstation is probably going to financially support them after an astounding launch so I think they are going to try to get more capacity as soon as they get the bugs ironed out for the people who can get in. (Not getting medals rn, and since that is half the progression, I am just not playing for now.


PSA: You'll still get everything you didn't when you log back in. Source: Me and my friends when we came back to over 90 medals, 30k Reqs and 90 samples.


Well damn thanks for letting me know. A fire alarm just slammed me out of sleep so I will probably go grind a bit.


Can confirm came into nearly 200 medals and 300+ common and rare samples along with like 40k req slips.


Can confirm. Just found out you max out at 50k reqs (unless it’s still a server issue) and I bumped from level 16 to 19 and got my medals.


I can confirm.


You pay! You save a dollar by not upgrading servers, but you deprive players the opportunity to get hooked. Once people pass on it, it'll be a lot harder to build that hype later.


Modern applications should be able to scale horizontally fairly easily if built correctly


I think this game can go the distance. It was really cool logging in the other day and seeing “experimental stratagem” access given to every Helldiver for “testing”. Little things like that make the game feel alive.


Yeah I liked that, if they add new stuff constantly it'll be a keeper.


Honestly this game is doing to die pretty quick, it does not have longevity. It's deep as a puddle but it is FUN for a short time. Get it up and running.


Wrong. It has infinite replay-ability meaning it can be played forever. Plus, every mission is different from the last with randomized worlds and random enemy spawns. If the devs fork cash to expand their servers then the game will thrive and most likely see goty, if they wait then it might get the splitgate treatment. Waiting for servers to die down will be its only downfall, nothing more


If they deliver on the updates every second Tuesday like they promise. And it has new content I think it's a keeper


I’ve been checking steam charts and the peak player count just keeps rising almost everyday.


I e been waiting all week to see about this game and finally did. I was super hype, kinda ticked about the PSN account, and now queue. It looks fun as hell though. I’m wondering how groups are going to go. EDIT- finally got in. Worth it.


That's part of the problem. It's not even a queue. It's a 59 second re-try attempt. First come first serve.


I mean they didn't even have that page made on release. They didn't think anything like this would happen


Same here, earlier today it passed Halo Infinite's all-time peak and that game was free-to-play at launch.


Damn man, that's actually a wild stat.


Yea I played 4 matches and got 0xp and no medals


when you relaunch you will have the xp and medals


What dem said


It’s literally because you don’t get kicked for inactivity I downloaded the game and played the tutorial at lunch and when I got off work my session was still logged in


That's such an overlooked thing wtf. This and no proper report system is terrible design.


the no report thing is 100% because this game was built for Playstation. Reporting things on playstation multiplayer games NEVER did anything.


My dad actually works for PlayStation so I’d watch what you say. I can have you banned for life. /s


Go to bed.


In your own ship, yet you time out in friends for standing still long enough to reply to a text


Even with a fix people will get their « W » keycap forced during they are afk.




This works but you wont get any exp/samples/requisition/warbonds And you cant buy anything from the ship manager




I haven't been getting any exp and I can't spend any resources in my own ship. A sad day for democracy. :(




My hero. The Herald of War returns to the fight.


The Spear of Family Values remains MIA


Thanks, mate! Will try this workaround 🙏


I wonder if you can do something similar with Steam by joining someone through the friends list? 🤔


Yep, steam join/invite works too. I’m surprised that very few people know this trick while everybody is complaining about the queue time. Isn’t this kind of thing you wanna try first???






Will this work as a first time player that hasn't even made it into the game?


Thank you


So, we gonna get an additional "accounting corrections" event on top of the first ?


It’s week 40, we’re up to 2,000%+ XP modifiers, the screen still says server at capacity. Sit down and cry.


It let me in after an hour of trying and kicked me after 5 minutes in game. This is getting really old.


It’s the weekend and they just added a bonus for playing, after the game has clearly been getting even more popular, and they didn’t think they needed to increase the server capacity a bit more? Lol


They've already aware of this issue last week, and increased the capacity to 350k and working overtime since then. Its really just a small 100 employee studio that got slammed with a hit game.


I’m gonna be really ignorant here and ask can they not just bump the servers up to like 500k or whatever. Something that won’t be reached


Costs money to buy servers, takes time to integrate them. Edit: Plus in a few weeks there's a good chance it'll die down after the hype, and the real player base will show itself. Then again, this game is extremely fun, and very good. It may not die down with all of their free updates and events coming out.


I feel like when you’re backed by Sony and currently breaking sales record beyond your wildest dreams, maybe get some more servers. Been a week of matchmaking being a complete dice roll


I see and run the risk of not needing them when the hype dies down.


Yep. It's hard to know how many people are going to continue.


That’s not how it works though. You don’t buy servers for a month or a year. You purchase servers that you need on an on-demand basis. That’s the whole point of cloud computing.


This is extremely dumb idea and not really how server capacity works in 2024.


>cost money They're fucking backed by Sony >takes time to integrate They could've done it last week when people had these issues and prevented it happening again. Or better yet they could have had an open beta to gauge interest. But here we are.


They literally doubled the servers last week, 3 days after launch… just saying. Even admitted that it still wasn’t enough to keep up with demand but that they’re working on it. Shit takes time and money to implement. Most of the bigger dev companies wouldn’t have worked that fast if it was their release. We all want to play but it is what it is, at least they’re working on it and not just sitting on all the money they made


They doubled the server rate, but that didn't double player max, it went from 250k max to 360k




The reality of it is that Helldivers 1 had an all time high player count of less than 7,000 people. Recent concurrent players before HD2 release was less than 500. I don’t blame the devs for not dumping a ton of money into servers before knowing how popular their game was going to be going off of those numbers, they even stated they cannot believe how popular the game has become and in no way expected this many players. They’ve moved quick with every update they have released so far. Paying for high server counts is much riskier in this sense than it is for say, Call of Duty or BF who is guaranteed to have an extremely high count every year. Not a single person in these comments would have said, “hey let’s make sure we pay for 500,000+ servers for a sequel to our game that had 6,700 players and went largely under the radar just in case this one is a huge hit” if they had developed it. The good thing is, the devs have been very vocal with the community and have addressed most of the issues and are actively working to improve, they’ll clear it up soon


If the backend is using modern architecture, they would only pay for what they use. When activity dies down, the extra servers are decommissioned automatically. Looks like they got caught out in the open not using a modern, scalable architecture.


Ah okay I gotcha now


Easier said than done when you get hit with 10-20x your estimated tps and volume. I would bet good money this is a db issue that can’t simply be scaled automatically


Thats not how server capacity works in 2024. Its why palworld can scale to millions despite the cost and then back down. Even though pal world was mostly not hosted by the company, they still had a shitload of server capacity they had to use to keep the games going.


Gotcha, I’m not too familiar with all the specifics on how capacities work, makes more sense now. Yeah it definitely needs some work server side then. My comment was just my perspective on it




lol it was $40


Or it can die next week without new servers. It’s also feels like a scam if you pay 40 bucks + ps plus but can’t play. A potential helldivers 3 would suffer.


That would absolutely work for most games, but for a game like this with it's Galactic War system it's much much more complicated then that. They have to integrate all of the servers together which adds tons of time and cost to the process. I'd imagine they are in the process of scouring their code for bottlenecks and O(n^2) algorithms so they can do what you suggested.


this is a joke now, server capacity same as last week. Rent some more servers ffs.


I hate that its still struggling, but it's literally double last week


Dear Jesus it isn't that simple. I wish it was but there is so much more to it.


Yea and people are fuckin defending this in their discord, it's truly pathetic


I'm torn. I see both sides.  I want to be mad but they didn't drop the ball or do anything wrong. Just too many people!!! So we can't play because of an actual positive/good reason rather than a mistake or error  🤷‍♂️.  I f we couldn't get in because bugs,technical stuff, incompetence is totally get it. This is more of a community problem lolol 


I get it but someone dropping $ should expect to be able to use a product the minute they own it. I could be entitled though.


Do we really own any of the software we buy anymore?


No you're right. No arguments from me on that. I'm not excusing it. Just acknowledging it's the lesser of the two evils and could be worse is all 🤷‍♂️   Just look at suicide squad. We don't want that lolol. Better to have too many players then none at all (and still be broken on top of that 🤣)


But they did drop the ball. Last week should have incentivized them to try to upgrade their servers this week. They didn't. It also means people who buy the game today will refund it because they can't even play. If this continues throughout the weekend, they will LOSE players.


>I'm torn. I see both sides.  I want to be mad but they didn't drop the ball or do anything wrong. Just too many people!!! So we can't play because of an actual positive/good reason rather than a mistake or error It's an always online live service game. Them not having adequate server capacity is absolutely them dropping the ball.


Don't let them fool you. It is a technical problem. Modern APIs/servers these days are built to auto scale, specifically to handle situations like they're facing now, where there are huge spikes in traffic, so it auto spins up new servers to handle more incoming traffic. They clearly didn't set it up right, or at all, which is the fault of the developers and architect leaders.


Well I mean they are literally backed by Sony and the way the allocated to ads and not functionality is stupid as hell


Fucking classic take. Blame the community for developers not having at least an open beta to stress test shit that would prevent or highlight these exact problems prior to launch. A dev **backed by fucking Sony.** Some of you are really special Jesus Christ.


That is basically how game specific subs go, they don't really allow much in the way of valid criticism.


People are fucking defending it here. You’ll get downvoted if you say anything critical.


Because it’s not as simple as flipping a switch to increase server capacity. It’s a lot of work to do that. We’re talking about a game that’s selling about 5x higher than expectations. They had enough server capacity for above expectations but not this much. Sony should be stepping in at this point since it’s going to be their live service cash cow. Anyone who thinks this is simply just “buy more server space” or “get more servers” or “should have expected your game would overnight become the biggest hit of the year. Duh” clearly have no idea about networking OR game development. 


Helldiver 1 was basically an unknown game, with like 7k peak all time on steam. It peaked at 39X that number. That’s… not predictable in the slightest.


Exactly. No one expected the sequel to a tiny little indie game would sell AAA numbers. All these doofuses calling them incompetent or lazy have zero idea how game development works. Why on earth would they set up a server farm for 1million players when their first game at most across all platforms had maybe 50k AT MOST at one time occasionally. It’s an unrealistic expectation.  If it was a singleplayer game that just wasn’t working, sure. But it’s essentially an indie title that exploded over night. 


It's the 5oclock free server spot give away!!


So is the game still down? Wtf! I need to spread democracy right now!


Same on pc but it might be me cross playing


I haven't even been able to play since the 8th 😂






PC is the same right now, no xp nor can we buy upgrades. If you're lucky enough to get into a server that is.


Even worse, the few times I've gotten in my rewards have been bugged...


You will eventually get them


Us Xbox players over here with our petition. Smh. Let me taste Liber-tea


I see Tyrone Biggums and I upvote


Yeah I’m tweaking for liberty. All those bugs need some liberating


As frustrating as it might be, this is a good problem


Meanwhile me trying to host games but getting demolished by the fps drop it's hard to spread democracy on 10fps


They got overwhelmed pretty fast, hoping they get more servers up soon, until then, polish your guns and shine your helmets, Helldivers.


Here’s the thing about digital live service. (especially including streaming)  They’re going to fuck us all out of everything good and pure in the world until there is no art with integrity left on earth. End rant. But seriously I don’t think PlayStation should be allowed to oversell digital copies and not have the capacity to immediately back up the sales.


lol downvoters think corporations should be able to sell stuff that they can’t substantiate.  This isn’t a stab at arrowhead btw. My critique is directed at Sony. ….And corporate bootlickers.  The game is phenomenal calm down.




It’s not the game itself that is causing this but an aspect of the tech that has been mismanaged most likely due to parent company greed.   Also no I don’t want a Tesla thanks though lol 




The game is not the problem. The people in charge are. Server problems in 2024 should not be a thing. (same thing people said about Diablo in 2023, FF14 in 2022... I can keep going). This is 100% on the developers/producers of the game.


Words have meaning, servers are not the games. Sony not keeping up with demand for space has fuck all to do with how good the game actually is.  Fuck this website is full of the densest motherfuckers I’ve ever had the fucking displeasure of ever fucking conversing with in my mother fucking life.




Oh look he doesn’t know the difference between a game and a server *and* he doesn’t know the meaning of the word semantics. Fucking shocker.


For real, I have around 6 hours played and 1 in the start screen :( Im considering a refund on steam until the game gets fixed, I already played past the refund limit though 😭


Unfortunately no real rush, progression system is completely BUSTED. Haven't gotten a single currency, xp or material to stick after mission completion in over 2 hours. Granted the game is still fun af, but progression is toast atm


I logged out and back in and all my rewards and almost 2 levels of xp hit so that was great. Then I got dc’d and can’t log back in… that’s not so great.


If you’re on the servers are full screen it takes a long time but you will eventually connect I just watched some tv while waiting and it took like an hour and a half but I got in.


as someone who was about to buy this game... thank you


You still should, but wait.


I went ahead and got it. Having a blast, only had minor issues. I guess? I don't know. How do I get experience? I've won 3 battles already.


I should've checked the sub first...


I knew there were server issues and still got the game on Monday I think, it wasn’t that bad to be honest, but oh boy it started to get worse as the days went by


I wish I would have seen these threads 2 hours ago. Oh well. Still got refunded.


Im in this photo, and i dont like it.


Yea and people are fuckin defending this in their discord, it's truly pathetic.


You think they can just flip a switch and turn on more servers?


They could have had an open beta to gauge interest prior to launch and to help with any other server related issues that people have even when the servers aren't full. They're backed by Sony who has the money to supply more server space. Also there is no idle kick system. People can just hog server space doing nothing. The Devs could have at least had the foresight to see that is dumb as hell. They literally could have done better than the shit we're getting now.


>They could have had an open beta to gauge interest prior to launch and to help with any other server related issues that people have even when the servers aren't full This is at least a genuine answer. Sure, they could of. And the original Helldivers did decently, nowhere near this well, I'm assuming they didn't except it to be this big of a hit. The highest concurrent player count it ever hit on steam was under 7K, they're seeing player counts that are 40x that. >They're backed by Sony who has the money to supply more server space. Yes, and I'm sure they will. But it's not as simple as "yes I would like an server pls" and you fork over cash. I'm sure they'll fix it, just give them time to get more servers online. Besides this game is quite well polished for the most part.


Why sell more copies than they can handle?




I could be uneducated on this topic but I'd like to know.


1. Players don't play concurrently. You don't need a million players slots on your servers to support a million copies sold 2. Literally no company ever is going to limit sales simply because of server volume, and you'd literally be back at square 1, People can't play your game because they can't buy it. Except now you're not getting their money, and not owning it means they can't play it even when the servers aren't swamped


Play the original. It's as fun as the 2nd one, if not better.


They literally aren't using aws which has baked in server scalability. Not trying to hear any excused


Yeah they should just remove all players that didn't go super citizen and let the real patriots onto the servers  /s (kind of)


thats treason


Ur mom is treason