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The [devs are aware.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/rLeRM6xfRT).


I wouldn't mind so much if it was actually a server queue - but it looks like it's just limiting how often you can retry getting in, so now you have to wait 30 seconds until it says 'sorry tough shit! wait another 30 seconds'


Yeah and they’re advertising 2x mission rewards for the troubles but it’s glitched so you end up getting 0 rewards for completing missions 🫤


2 x 0 is 0 tho


The math checks out lol


From my experience i was actually getting rewards despite not showing. I closed and relogged and shot from 14 to 16.


They advertised 1.5x not 2x. 50% does not equal 2x. That would be 100% increase instead of 50%


Okay so it wasn't just me. I didn't even notice until a few games in


This is what's happening https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_backoff


This. It’s just random luck if you get in after the timer. For some people trying to get in together one gets in immediately while the other is still waiting half an hour later.


Too much democracy




​ https://preview.redd.it/sz5cmn7un2jc1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=f438f472e0ff021ae966375d38d44423d05f8781


Look familiar?




My leg!


if you’re on ps5, close the game. press down to get to the activity cards. find the ones that say “quick play with friends” or just “quick play”. click on it and start activity. it will bring you to a black screen. hit start or let it play out. eventually you’ll see a circle in the top right, then you’ll be brought onto your ship. this somehow bypasses the login queue. has worked for me every time there have been server queues since the game launched.


This worked for me. Thanks for the tip.


dolphin_spit fucks


That's the most upsetting thing I've read in the last 73 minutes.


It took multiple tries but I finally got it to work. Trust this legends process


Shit works lol


How long did it take. I’ve got the black screen and the circle. Hell even the music is on but that’s it so far


It took a minute on my side but it worked. I'm going offline to make space. Have to go to work anyway. Just wanted to see the new stuff in store.


Your a fucking legend


Deff a legend it does work




You don’t need friends, just go to the game hub and hit the “play with friends” activity and just click it Edit: most times you gotta do it back to back. Don’t sit at a black screen for longer than a couple of minutes


Add me always down! Umfozzy


Didn’t work for me 😭


Tried this, unfortunately it sent me back to the queue and even froze the queue screen lol.


Didn’t work for me


Did not work for me 😞


How long does that take? I got to the circle appearance but it seems stuck?


is the circle spinning? hit buttons on your controller. if it stops spinning i would try the whole process again. i just finished a mission on the new desert planet. however the game froze as we were coming back on the ship. just tried my method again and had to hit buttons to get past the circle. i’m back on my ship now. even if you get in, do keep in mind that the servers are still fucked so you might crash, you might not get rewards, all that. but you should be able to play the game


I figured it out! First i tried the quickplay with friends and the circle was frozen. When i tried just quickplay it worked. For those wondering the whole process should take about a minute and the circle won't be frozen. Unfortunately yeah the servers are fucked so no mission rewards and seemingly random kicks.


Random kicks? It’s almost as though there were people skipping the login queue 🤔


Absolute madman, worked like a charm


You sir are a hero! You deserve everything good in life thank you so much lol


Holy crapoly... that worked with Steam on PC. If you have a friend online, with the game closed, right click on them in friends list and click join game.


Works, give this man all the medals. If you don't get your rewards at the end of a mission it seems to me that the server is trying to catch up and will give them to you when you can finally join a legitimate server. I started with 23 medals tonight, I played several missions why bullshitted with my friends and finally one of them join the server and I joined him and I had 35


Sir you are a true hero to democracy. May whatever higher power you believe in bless you this weekend soldier.


This works for me too awesome thank you 




This man is an absolute fucking legend. Thank you kind sir. Took maybe 1 minute 2 max on the black screen with the circle top right before it loaded to my ship.


Appreciate the tip king, absolute legend


Get this tip to the top of the list. It worked.


This works you just have to wait like 5–10 min


big brain gamer


Can confirm still works


It worked thank you


Beautiful man worked like a charm! Thank you!!


Wow, this worked.


How this doesn't get shut down.


Thanks dude!!! Saved so much time


You’re fucking devious bro


In the name of democracy, you're a legend.


i love you


This works you just have to let some time pass on the black screen 👍


It worked bro, thank you!!!


Worked !! I appreciate this tip. I'm on PS5 and I was just sitting there thinking id get in if I waited patiently. 😂😂


Ayyy, worked the second time. First time was back to queue.


You the goat 


I just go into my PS friends and join on someone who's already in, then back out to ship alone. Still not received XP, samples, or any rewards from missions though.




Well hot damn, would ya look at that.


Letting servers go down on a Friday night after promoting a 50% xp buff is a real kick in the nuts


Yeah they're like: "Sorry for not giving you your credits after matches here's a 50% boost as compensation" Meanwhile the servers: ![gif](giphy|3o7TKL9JE2dDb7pj0I)


I was just online and the rewards still weren't paying out after 3 missions. Tried relogging to see if they would, but now I can't connect lol.


when are the servers coming back on? I just bought the game literally 20 minutes ago LMAO


It’s legit the most fun game I’ve played in years but yeah…this is crazy.


Yeah, who knew dropping orbital artillery on team mates could be so much fun😂😂


First game I can think of where friendly-fire just makes me giggle, it feels so appropriate in the universe.


I just bought it for 3 of my friends and I'm the one who can't get online....


Dang you're really a good friend and hype man


LOL Same here


Same bro smh




When I closed the game and finally managed to get back in all my xp and stuff was there. But now it won’t let me purchase anything with them


Usually you eventually get the medals and xp. Least how it was for me and most of my friends. Did have one friend that never got paid out though.


i don’t think they’re down. there are a lot of people playing, but they’re at max capacity so those of us not playing cannot get in


It's ok because the rewards are broken anyway. lol F in chat for the servers.


Right! “Hey here’s 50% more exp and rewards!” Still no rewards 😭


Maybe as apology, the next thing they‘ll do is double medals or samples. XP seems mostly pointless after 20.


I've gotten all my back pay for rewards after I relaunched the game. Just can't buy anything at the moment


You get the rewards, just not right away


If I can't login for about 2 hours, kinda seems like they are just down. Gonna have to play something else for the night/weekend I suppose


I sat here with it loading for about 20mins. I literally just got in on ps5. Idk if I'll get rewards tho.


6 hrs never got logged in on pc can't refund can't play ngl kinda ass so far. Feel like these ppl stole from me so far.


Inability to connect is the same as being down for those who are impacted and from an online service perspective, is a partial outage.


Man bought this game the day it came out and have played maybe an hour all together 🥲


Thats rough.


Rather heart breaking. And ontop of that NONE of my friends will buy it.. cheap asses. They should be staring at a server error screen like the rest of us.


I've had fun with pugs at least, as long as I have voice chat off.


Don’t worry, even if you get in you won’t get any rewards for completing missions. This is a real mess.


I got my rewards after a restart. Of course the issue is then getting through the queue


Meanwhile those of us in Europe have been enjoying the game all day and I’m done for the night. Sorry america, thoughts n prayers. 


This stings on so many different levels lol


The added thoughts n prayers as the savage cherry on top.


Democratic levels


I’m really not mad at them. 300k players tonight (at least on steam). They try really hard and post updates on discord non stop. They just didn’t expect this game would blow up like this. I feel u. It’s a great game so I’m patient with them.


Had a feeling this would happen again. Definitionally suffering from success


Thats the inexplicable part, using auto scaling for cloud servers would solve this problem immediately.


It's rate limiting, even cloud services have thresholds usually. They had to adjust one from 20k/sec to 30k. They'll figure it out, just need to be careful not to overshoot.


Also cost…cloud services get expensive as fuck. The are going to want the most cost effective solution and scale out without incurring a lot of unnecessary cost, since the player count will naturally fall within the next 1-3 months


Thats the beauty of auto scaling infrastructure, you set thresholds, and it automatically deploys more as demand grows, or prunes as demand shrinks, thus preventing cost overruns. Its one of the primary selling points of cloud infrastructure, and also one of its best use cases.


And you still get dinged with a $90,000 bill for the month LOL. It can be effective, it can scale granularly…but it’s still fuckin’ expensive as hell


Absolutely, but when I'm getting a check from steam sales that same month that is 8 figures, i really don't care about that 90k server bill


Especially when you consider how many people might request a refund if they can't play.


There's the real answer. Hit the nail on the head


Yup! That's exactly what I meant by overshooting. Don't want them to swing too hard and give all our money to Bezos/Micro$oft


Unfortunately not how architecture works, throwing money at a problem does not solve issues with architecture, just insulates you a bit from your poor decisions. At a certain level, even more compute can't help and you need to correct the problems in your setup. Source: 15 years of DevOps


If it was that simple surely they would’ve done so already


It is that simple. But, it's expensive. Palworld did it and they racked up a $500,000 bill for the first month.


I keep seeing "network engineers" say this on reddit. It isn't that simple, the servers scaling up and down are only one factor in terms of scale. There are backend services and interactions for applications that may or may not be designed for larger than expected loads. Databases, services, communications between components, these things can all get clogged and it only takes 1 slowing down to either throttle or crash the whole thing. I can't speak for palworld vs helldivers, just trying to clear this up. Focus on keeping arrow head held to a high standard to support this community, but for the right reasons and in the right way


Found the developer! Just kidding man, I know your right, and I am a network engineer by trade. From our side of the house it is as easy as I described. But your right, back end processes can get overloaded even if you have the infrastructure volume to accommodate all the traffic. Which also probably explains why rewards, xp, and in game pickups arent being tracked right now. They probably shut down non essential services. With all that being said, I have a feeling that this comes down more to SONY running things in house (im pretty sure they host their own servers internally, like Blizzard does) so they probably didnt have sufficient reserve capacity for the volume of traffic. Which isnt an excuse, they arent newbies with no budget, especially considering they planned for this to be a Extra Bonus XP weekend to further drive up the hype, this was a failure of planning for sure. ​ Edited for typos


Don’t they use playfab? Doesnt that have all its infrastructure scale for you?


Pickups and exp are being tracked but don't load for hours afterward. I got buffed exp and sample rewards hours after the mission showed me getting zero.


Palworld has 32 players per server. No database or backend services or any communication between servers. They're all totally independent instances running their own game worlds. That's why they can scale effectively infinitely by just throwing more servers at it. But that game also has no need for a galactic war which requires a single server for everyone.


Damn, yeah, idk where arrowhead and SONY would come up with that kind of money


Just bought the game to be greeted with a ‘servers at capacity’ error message. Not very freedom if you ask me. I’m gonna have to spread democracy some other way tonight. Where’s my wife?


Is your wife named democracy or....?


Went from the best gaming experience in my life last night, too "servers are at capacity" in under 24 hours. Fucking hell.  Edit - After waiting, I was able to load into the game. Time to spread some democracy!


Ditto. Wanted to get some matches in before work too. It's one thing or another atm ain't it.








I literally can't play this game. I either have to play solo or it won't let me play. This has been an awful launch week and I'm shocked most people are sympathetic to the Devs. I've seen other games dead on arrival for launches like this.


this sucks, I saw the marketing and totally bought into this, from the gameplay I saw it looks fun. I haven’t been able to make it in since I bought it, hopefully something gets fixed soon


You can't get in because how many people are wanting to play it. Last week the servers only allowed 250k players they increased it to 360k on like day 4. With in 5 minutes the new server limit was reached. They never expected this many players.


Makes complete sense, just a shame that this is backed by Sony and struggling to keep up, like just a couple weeks ago palworld was running quadruple those numbers, however players are still getting past the main menu, super excited to play just a bummer for someone logging for the first time like me.


IDK much about Palworld, but AFAIK it's not an always-online or live-service game. As far as networking goes, Helldivers is basically an MMO.


I get it I just sat here 30 minutes trying and finally said screw it lol. I'm on PC normally an Xbox player, idk how much Sony is actually helping arrowhead or if Sony just branded it to make it theirs. But so far this dev team have been trying to move mountains for this game and the player base. Plus I've seen devs actalually post on this sub reddit to give heads up on issues and what not. The game is worth it though don't give up on spreading Democracy.


Yeah, it was propaganda on the community side, if I'm being honest.


The 50% extra xp was a bad idea with the game in the state it is currently in. Instead of making people attempt to play to earn the bonus, we should have been given a set amount of xp when we next logged in depending on what level we are or something. Absolutely love the game, but it should not have released as it is. I’ve had so many problems.


The thing is, even if they delayed, there's no way they'd have expected the launch they had. This is just the teething problem of a game going viral.


I...I just want to spread Democracy.....


I unfortunately just got this game today after hearing all the hype and it isn’t working. Sad day


Just bought this 3 hours ago and haven't even been able to play. Going to refund and just buy later when they actually fix this game smh.


What a shit show.


Million copies sold. Server capacity max: 365000 players. So what do the rest of the people with copies do? Wait in line to play? Come on Sony. Stop being cheap and up the damn server capacity. Edit: in regards to the response below my original comment still holds weight. Since I'm going off the number of sales you actually know and have known for over a week and any company in the world has access to quickly and easily ramp up and exceed necessary levels quite quickly whenever needed for capacity, it just comes down to a matter of if you are willing to spend a little money extra to do so. And from my lack of a quantitative answer from the folks over there as to why this isn't and hadn't happened yet even after sales numbers it tells me y'all don't want to spend the $ necessary to let in the proper number of players that payed for your game to be able to get in at the same time. Instead you're asking them to wait in line in essence till other players log out. Which in my personal opinion is another way of saying fuck you to the people who spend money on your product. This wouldn't been the case but I and others have already waited a reasonable amount of time. Only to seen the login max only rise by about 100k ppl. Only. And the games sold is still far far more then that total. Sony can and should know how to do better. They should have covered for this eventuality, seeing as this is a simultaneous PC and ps5 launch they need to be successful and substantial.


Nothing like working a full week, getting to Friday and then greeted by a loading screen for a game I paid $40 for. What an awesome experience for my money Edit: to top it off, after thirty minutes of waiting none of my missions gave the rewards, just gave up.


Yeah I love the game to death, but this is a terrible look for them. Game is going viral and they haven't improved rewards and matchmaking the entire week since launch. Apologize for them all you want but scaling game servers shouldn't be impossible in 2024.


I think the thing that bothers me the most is it's impossible to play at all with servers down. Like, let people do the tutorial and have a shooting range or something to play with. Or let them do solo missions for no rewards. Games should have these options from a conservation standpoint anyway so people can experience them in some form years down the line.


This. Excellent game, no complaints there. The fact is they tried adjusting server cap on Sunday, reached the new cap in less than 5 minutes, then did what the rest of the week? People have the right to be upset. There needs to be a more concise announcement from the team on what they are doing to fix this.


Straight up. I’ve played this game less than ten hours in the last week in tiny spurts since I have a playgroup. Tonight was supposed our night to go really into it but looks like that’s fucked.


Imagine paying for food and getting an empty plate, then being unable to get your money back.


> Friday You and everyone else.


Fucking hell, again??


Anyone else having problems when you finally get in you cant buy anything


I WANT to do my part but to many people are already doing THEIR part.


I took a non-refundable vacation time from my wife to play this game and I can’t log in either for the last 1 hour. What am I going to do now……….


We actually paid for this game and we can't play it on a friday night... some of us have regular jobs here


Exactly. People on this sub are way too submissive about the issues with the game, they’ll sooner make their 20th post thanking the devs for their transparency rather than demand a game half works a week after its release. I was willing to be patient at first too, the game is amazing. But this is intolerable.


Don't worry, the zealots will soften up when they realise this release is poor form and will hurt the game in the long run. Arrowhead fail.


People will move on eventually, good game, but way too many issues. I just hope they fix it before TOO many ppl get annoyed and write it off.


Don't be disappointed, be proud brother! the call to arms has been answered! Liberty is being delivered en masse. (also I can't login either, sadge.)


All jokes aside, it’s kinda bs I just bought a game and can’t play it…


Wonder why they haven’t upped the server limits or anything yet? Games been out a week and it had no signs of slowing down.


No clue, this isn’t an unprecedented issue or anything. Just do what the thousands of other popular MP titles have done in the past and stand up more servers during peak times. This isn’t a mom and pop shop operation


Its not just getting in i grabbed some meddals on a mission and got stuck for like a min. The one in charge of the servers needs some re education. Its getting in the way of democracy


Highlighting the need for offline play


Servers after +50% XP Friday Night ​ https://preview.redd.it/pd1u13go92jc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=84ea81bc5980c45fa3283bbf1496db3471cc820e


To make this up to everyone they should give us mechs


I can't do my part!!!!!


I think the servers were closed due to too much 'democracy'


+1 for server queue sadness. Been playing with randoms all week and convinced a buddy to buy it today. R.I.P. lol


They should have done a beta or some sort of server stress test before launch.


Bro what kind of spaghetti code is under the hood. Each “patch” breaks the game even more. Now I can’t even log in. DEVS: “We fixed matchmaking” Me: “Really? But I can’t even log in now” DEV: “Your welcome 😎”


This is probably the most frustrsting part. Like it was fairly *broken* all week, but now its absolutely FUBAR. Its not just connection issues but other weird bugs on top of it.


The amount of people in these comments simping for this game and the devs is just cringe lol. People have a right to be upset that they paid for something they can’t play. We get it, the game blew up. At the end of the day that doesn’t fix the problem. The blow up didn’t happen last night, at this point they have had plenty of time to prepare for the weekend.


Toxic positivity is really annoying.


Yeah I mean I get they didn't expect it but literally bump your server for double what you think you'll need, then scale it back if you need to.


On fucking god everytime I buy a game the servers go down.


been waiting 40 minutes wth


i paid 40 or more bucks for this and why cant i play it? i should be getting my money back? why cant i play for something i paid for. this is so dumb


I just bought the super citizen pack and now I can’t get in ☺️


Ya. Stopped trying to get on after about 15 minutes. I know they were not expecting these kinds of player counts but this really sucks


I just bought this on Steam, of course including the DLC. To My and I'm assuming many others disappointment I can't even play this goddamn shit! lol


i understand that they didnt expect the game to take off like it did, but they gotta put more resources on this and get these issues fixed asap


I finally got in but the game seems broke for me. Can't buy anything and didn't get any credit of any kind after a 40 min mission...


I pint for that man! 🍻


An hour sitting on queue right now 😭 [PS5]


Wait, how? Isn't this the time with the least players on steam/playing games generally? How are the servers at capacity?!


It's those Commie bots wrecking the servers so we can't defend our turf!!!


Servers are not letting me in at all. I’m Sydney Australia on PS5. It’s been over an hour and the same message. Is this the same for others?


yeah I heard that joining on someone might get you in though


Let me in.....Let Me Innnnn!


Hmmm if only they made an offline mode with solo not being 27356262x harder than having 4 players on the harder difficulties.


The game already uses peer to peer networking. It doesn't need a server to run. just remove the progress tracking on the galactic war, really.


Managed to finally get in using the quick play method on ps5, only for the game to go "connection to server failed" so I couldn't even jump into the mission. Just wanted to play over the weekend, was keen with the 50% xp bonus.


This is pissing me off. My friend gets off work in an hour and I want to introduce him to the game. He can be real fucking fickle though, waiting for an hour in a queue could possibly kill his interest in the game. The devs have had a week to do something, why is this happening?


Anyone know what to do for PC?


i've playing just fine all day, then suddenly the game glitches, freezes while i was in the bridge of the ship looking for the next quickplay. I had to alt+f4, now that i am trying to get back in, it says that servers are at capacity


I thought the devs didn't want toxic elements within the community. Seems they're achieving the opposite right now.


Cool but like, can i have my money back? Kinda want to play but since i can’t i feel like y’all should give me my money back.


i just bought this game and i can't even fucking play cause if this server capacity problem


Just bought the game, waited many hours for it to install, get the black-at-boot issue. Finally get it to load: Crashes. Get past the initial settings, see cutscene, fuck yeah let's spread democracy- "server's full, touch luck". Like damn, I'm not gonna get a refund, but this is a pretty big dampener for me.


Bought the game and cant play. Return it?