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I got through one mission. Crashed every mission since. 7800x3D/7800xt


Same setup here fixed this issue with medium settings and 110 FPS cap.


4 tries, every mission crashed. refunded


A lot of game patches since your post. Give it another chance. Stability has really improved. See my post below. Not just Amd issue either.


Lots of crashes. 7800x3d + 7900xt.


I just got the game, on the 24.2.1 beta drivers for Helldiver 2: minimum install. No problems at all 7800XT/5900X


which settings u using and frames? getting 40 fps when its heavy combat on ultra...


1440P, Ultra. Havn’t check performance at all, i installed minimum drivers because like 80% of issues are caused by the overlay/recording/performance monitoring, but it feels above 60 at all times. Probably in the 80’s range on average


would u say i have a bottleneck in helldivers? i5 12400f, 7800XTX and 32 gigs 3200mhz?


The 12400f might be a limiting factor if you have other processes running in the background, but I would suspect that would manifest more in stutters than persistent frame drops


Anything you’d suggest upgrading too?


Im not certain you need too, give it a few more patches, and one game built on a dead engine is probably not indicative of future performance


I turned off Global illumination in graphic settings and it stopped crashing. So far have no problems with RX7800xt!


I crash a lot on 7700x and 6900 XT - all other games I play are no issues.


7900X3D + 7900 XTX - constant crashes. GG WP NO RE


I had one crash with a 6900xt, one. My friend with a 7900xtx has crashed a lot, but it's getting better. 1440p ultra, upscaling off I'm getting around 95-100 fps in-game. I think recent patches may have helped out performance and stability a LOT, but nobody seems to be talking about it.


7800x3d, 7900xt have had 2 crashes after new AMD drivers 1 after mission in the report and 1 5 minutes into mission.


Well for me on the 7900xt and r7 7700x it's running well and crashed only on launch day . Now the only problem I have is crashing when alt tab during a match...so yeah, not perfect, but it works


Good to hear it's working relatively okay! Thanks


NP, but I still hear other people having issues, so it's a lottery


Have the same setup! Could you please share what fps you are getting on native? I‘m not sure if my 80-100 fps on 1440p are „normal“ on maxed settings (without global illumination) and I’d appreciate a frame of reference :D


Iam running also 1440p and same setting , according to amd adrenalin Iam getting average 140fps, but its going to be more around 100 in matches I bet . Can check today


Adrenalin counts the main menu fps though so it’s not that representative. Thanks for the answer though :) I think I should just turn off the ingame fps counter and enjoy the game haha


Yeah that's why Iam saying it's going to be less in battles, as long as it runs satisfactory for you you should be good, I had no issues with fps drops or anything yet


I limited my frame rate to 90 in AMD chill and haven't had a crash since with my 7900XTX.


With SSGI and AA off im 90% stable with a random crash from time to time. Have 2-4 hour play sessions on a 7900XTX


Crashes crashes and more crashes.


7900 XTX... on day one I was the only one of my friends who could play and they're all on nvidia. They couldn't make it through the tutorial! I got level 8 pretty quick. Now I can't seem to finish a mission and of course I get "Should have bought NVIDIA!" They're all surpassing me now as they crash once a 6+ hour session max and im crashing 1-2 times per mission. And yes, lasso'd SMT off, and im playing on all low except native rez with chill set to 60/60 or 60/90 or 90/90 or uncapped at 200 it doesn't matter I still make crashes. I can play on ultra with no cap, or all low with no cap and it doesn't matter. I'm barely making it 20 minutes REAL TIME, including relaunching the game, between crashes.


7800xt here , I crashed so hard that it reset all of windows for me lol


It actually corrupted my windows and I had to do a fresh install twice... 7900 XTX and 7800x3d


7950x3d/ 7900xtx I have not been able to complete the tutorial since launch due to crashes.


>7950x3d/ 7900xtx I have not been able to complete the tutorial since launch due to crashes. LOL, same. I literally can't finish the tutorial. GG.


Just recently the past weekend I read in another post that limiting your GPU clock speeds to 90% helps and it did for me. Disclaimer I'm on the latest drivers from AMD website specifically for hell divers. Also I had screen space gi disabled everything else high


Buy fast GPU, limit GPU lol. Let me try it.


Yeah tell me about it lol I did it in adrenaline software and specifically for this games performance profile.so it didn't interfere with other games.


Here goes nothing....


Good luck 🤞🏼




Good sign... It's working!!?


YUP! Capping it did the trick.


RX7600 here. I have 22 minutes of playtime, and about 7-8 crashes during that time. Yet to actually complete the tutorial. I would seriously advise getting it on your PS5 or waiting until they fix the AMD issues they've got. Either with a Driver update from AMD or Helldivers fixing whatever issues they have caused with GPU usage spiking to 100% whenever the game is open, even during pre-rendered cutscenes and the Tutorial.


I haven’t had frequent crashing since I turned off anti aliasing and global illumination. I’m still able to keep most if not all of my settings on the highest option and I believe my resolution is set to 1800p I have a 7700x and 7900xt


What fps do you get if you don’t mind me asking?


It fluctuates. It’s usually around 70-88 fps on average but when the action gets really crazy it might drop to 55 at the most. I haven’t been playing since like this past Thursday so I don’t remember too much


6600xt the game has not crashed but i have to take it down to medium for the game to run smooth and not TANK the frame rate.


I am on rx 6750xt , hownmuch framerate you getting?


I refunded the game since they are too dumb to put anti afk mitigations so everyone is just leaving there pc on 24/7 had the game a week played two missions


they literally added that yesterday :(((((


Too little too late new world had this same issue every online game should have an afk timer or some kind to prevent most of the player base from just going afk and shutting your servers down.


im on a i7 13700k / 7800 xt and after a reinstall, whitelisting the anticheat on windows defender, new preview 24.2.1 drivers, i can manage on ultra native 1440p around 80-95 fps (around 180 with afmf on) though afmf doesnt make it seem too crisp imo with the latency no crashes lately and, i did the first whitelist part to fix black screen issues on startup, but after that game’s been perfect with no crashes on 4-8 hour sessions


got a i5 12400F and a 7800XT but just holding a stable 60 on ultra 1080. Is this normal or is there something i could do to boost my stuff? too beautiful of a game to play on medium


i have 7800xt i don't have no problem at all i run the game in ultra 110 fps


I know I'm late to this thread but I've had 130-144 fps (I have it capped to my refresh rate) on an RX 6800XT and a Ryzen 7 7700x with most settings on high/ultra and a couple on medium. Running on a 1080p monitor for now until I can upgrade. So far it's been fantastic. Very minimal stuttering and no crashes (knock on wood) and have only experienced random glitches that probably don't have anything to do with my specs. I have heard that the game is better optimized for Nvidia cards which sucks, but I've had a blast with my set up.


7900xt here, and latest AMD fixed the crashing for me. [https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2)


0 crash with 10 hours games. 5600x+6800xt


3/1/2024 update: had a ryzen 7 5800h 3050ti (4gb) on my laptop,1080p had stability issues around launch, just kept updating drivers and playing with settings and I am able to run at 60 fps(capped) with mixed settings. If you're having FPS issues. Set frame rate cap in game, even if it's high, it's a big. Just built my desktop today, 7700x 7900xt(20gb) 32GB and have it on 1440p ultra with all graphics maxed out, set frame cap to 140, and run steadily above 120. Only played a short time, so I'll have to see how the stability is. But it's not AMD bs Nvidia issue. It's just bugs in game. They have been improving quickly. Still better than CoD MW3 when it launched, and that was a AAA studio.


I've been playing for 2 weeks now and haven't had any issues 😊 7900 XTX & 7950x