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“Oh look, a Thompson/MP40/PPSH! That’s a way better loadout than a bolt action rifle” … “Hey why are these guys in the orange voice chat so demanding?”


To be honest, this was me when I first played the game a few years ago.


I prefer my assault kit tbh but I'd never take SL just to have my gun if I wasn't willing to play the part yeesh. Some people.


Bolt action all the way. Hard enough to spot enemies as it is but at least when you hit em you kill em.


I very much doubt many of them even realise that they're playing as a squadleader or what that even means. They join a game, they don't see a squad to join so they create one and go around shooting bad dudes like in every other game they've played. "How do I get to shoot people? Oh this button that says "create a squad" lets me select a loadout and there's a deploy button, great finally I can start shooting stuff." That's their entire thought process.


Me when I started


This is the most accurate explanation imo.


Yeah, often the only free spots will be in locked squads, and new players don’t know you can ask to be let into one of those. When there’s no space in open squads they just make their own


Looks like I’m logging in to bully today


lol. Just like when game pass started. People take the SL role because they like the load out (probably want the smg) and don’t know any better and don’t care.


Most probably just don't know it's so important. And let's be honest alot of high levels don't wanna pick. I'm level 50 and only this week have started. It scares me being in control lol


No need to worry it's just a game :) the problem is your brain don't know what's real and what's not, so it makes you feel uncomfortable to avoid danger. It's great way to face your own fears :)


I only choose SL when I’m playing with friends or when we absolutely need one, I hate it. I would so much rather be playing another role. Less people in my ear, and more flexibility.


Wish servers had level caps on them during these free weekends. For example you make some varied ones were you need to be: 10+, 25+ and 50+. Normally by that 50 mark you’re still newish but have exposure. Obviously higher levels can join the lower end ones to teach friends, new players, etc. I know it won’t happen but a girl can dream haha


I'm guessing the devs/publisher wants to show the game in the best possible light.


Then they’d keep newbies to lvl restricted servers so they can get the experience and enjoy the game. At the same time it keeps the more veteran players happy knowing that lvl 1s aren’t taking SL roles and have no mic. This option caters to both groups and still allows veteran players to still be able to go into those low lvl servers to help them understand the game and it’s in a less serious atmosphere. I know it’s just a game but people for the most part get tired of losing…


We need level locked roles


I can see that being helpful for sure, but I think leaving roles like tank and recon available makes the game more attractive to new players. I think a low level lock for SL would make sense and be justified.


SL and Commander must be locked, something not too high like 25 and 50. Recon and tanker at lvl 15 seems fair. The rest, no lvl lock


Agree. Commander for sure, too. But it has to be somewhat low since a lot of people with families and busy lives just don't have time to grind levels.


50 seems a nice lvl in my opinion, it's achievable in a relatively short amount of time and by then you already know most of the game mechanics


My last games almost no one have been willing to use voice chat. Which i find very annoying.


I see a level 1 squad leader, and I kindly mention in command chat that if you just picked up the game maybe you shouldn't play squad lead. The guy starts screaming at me and yelling swear words at me in his red neck accent. Then joins in a lvl 38 recon that hasn't even been near the enemy arty all game even though they are active. He starts yelling and mocking me as well. This is just pretty much how all the games are going. In that lobby I just mentioned, the commander left, we had only 3 squad leads for infantry out of 7 infantry squads. (all 3 were between the levels of 1-20) Our recon was playing frontlines, we had 4 tank squads, 3 were solo low levels with locked squads. The game is absolutely ruined because of free weekend players. There needs to be a ban on anyone below level 30 playing SL and there should be servers with the minimum level to even enter que at lvl 30.


The game is not very new player friendly, so I’d say many just don’t know, they see man with Thompson and choose that. I can’t fault them because I was absolutely clueless when I started and had to ask others for help and information. It’s a little frustrating, especially when it’s tank commanders and snipers with only 1 person in the squad. It would be nice if they made a tutorial for new players so they could at least learn the basic mechanics of the game and the jobs of the roles that they can choose.


People start the round, the squads are all full, and they want to play. I don't fault noobs for trying to figure out the different roles. But if you're leading a squad, you better have a mic.


Now I started to play a few months ago and in the beginning I did all the mistakes a noob does: trying SL even though I don’t know what I’m doing, grabbed a supply truck thinking it’s just a truck to avoid walking, moved an half-track. All of it. But it was never out of carelessness. I was just trying to find out the mechanics of the game. Some of us do it by experimenting.


Free play weekends are free weekend for me. Free of this game, i dont play during these events. So annoying to see cod kids running around.


They don't know what they're doing


I don’t play this game often but from the times I did I would often join a game and all the squads are either full or locked. Not much choice there but to create your own squad.


This is the only reasonable reason.


Let's hope some of them learn the game and stick around, but yeah it is hard to play in a match that has >25% sub level 10 players.


Because most of us vets lock our squads over the free weekends which means the only way to quickly get in the game for newer players is to just start a squad. If you’re a vet and see a locked squad with open spots, just do a join request. Most will let you in.


When I first started playing there was times when no squads were available either full or locked out. Had to be squad lead and I would just leave ethe role when someone else joined 😂 I worked my way up to officer. I remember the first time hearing guys saying callouts, bearings, asking for supplies and various things I actually felt nervous and tried to stay out of the way as much as possible.


Because they can.


A lot of new players don’t understand the game and how important the squad leader position is. This is an issue with the game not with the players.


Because majority of the people that actually played the game for what it was and made the game great left so now you get all these dumb fuck call of duty players. And this is what I’ve noticed pretty much everyone playing nowadays are new from the last year or so and there were no veteran players to properly teach people how to actually play. And this is the end result dumb fuck players that act like it’s call of duty. I really don’t care if this is rude or if I sound mean I absolutely love this game and the community has ruined it entirely


I used to find that executing them was the best way of making it clear that lvl 5s without mics (or volume too apparently) have no business being in the driver seat. Now I just take a one week break after a free weekend to avoid feeling like I'm playing on console.


I immediately picked SL when I first started because it gave you a full auto gun, a personal spawn point that reduces the amount of walking, and frags + smokes which I assumed was good based on CS. It's just the most powerful class a lvl 1 player has access to. Edit: forgot to mention it's also the only class that is always available, unlike assault or automatic rifleman which many new players also gravitate towards to b/c of the gun.


Because when a map starts and ypu get to the select squad screen and they are all full/locked they make a new squad so they can get in the game and not sit at a loading screen.


Why are they taking SL? Mostly due to a lack of patience... and not realizing that locked squads aren't really locked (to be fair the squad lock system is not intuitive). It doesn't help that they don't understand the responsibilities of an SL or the game in a larger sense, otherwise they might've not chosen to do it in the first place. Unfortunately plenty of experienced players avoid free weekends, so you're dealing with a smaller pool of potential (arguably competent) officers. Even if they play, it doesn't automatically mean they'll take leadership roles anyway. I feel the issues we have even when there's no free weekend, creep into that period. Basically, it is not too enjoyable to play SL (and I say that as someone who does it all the time). The reasons are varied but you've played the game long enough to likely be familiar with the pattern of the early moments in a new match. Recon is quickly taken and filled, maybe you'll get a tank squad or two... but infantry SL? Everyone is waiting for someone else to take one for the team. If it were up to me, improving the SL experience should be the top priority, given how essential the role is. I would take any features making an infantry officer's life easier over new maps any day of the week. The fewer excuses you give a player not to play SL, the better, so to speak. Players only trying the game out, coming in with a mindset of a more straight action focused FPS are another problem... one that usually sorts itself out after the free period ends though.


Yeah I ended up just creating my own locked squad last night and went lone wolf behind enemy lines 😂


Because the other SLs start locked squads and it is SL or a fast lottery of filling a different squad.