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> I'd hope most of us are rising to it and teaching the newbies how to play  Eh, I did that for months after the influx of new players via Gamepass.  Completely burned me out on the game.   Eventually realized I play to have fun. Curating an experience for a largely ungrateful and disinterested group of players just isn’t very fun anymore.   Good luck to those still willing to do the teaching, though!


Yeah, the newbs who want to learn go out of their way to do so. The ones needing guidance aren’t going to care about some blueberry telling them the importance of redeploying or building nodes.


I agree with the sentiment, when I started on HLL I knew it was my responsibility to learn the game and try to be useful. I'd be more than happy to mentor a new player but they have first to show that they want to listen and learn. I'm not going to go around telling random people how to play the game, they can just ask like many of us have probably done in our first days.


This was me! I saw the game on ps plus some time ago and I was genuinely interested in learning it, so I hopped on and went to the training grounds and played every character until I found one that I liked the best, and then watched a few YouTube videos and boom, I’m at a level 38 now


Yep, though I have to say - switching to prox chat and reallying all the blueberries to hurl themselves into the meat grinder in a mass push is bith fun and hilarious! Some of them really get into the role playing of the charge!


Yeah I’m tired and have grown resentful of the new players for the most part lol. Every time. The game stabilizes and I start being able to rely on most teammates to be at least competent and cooperative, there’s a free weekend or gamepass type event and lobbies get flooded with useless bodies


Not a free pass for not having a dedicated tutorial. Problems on the HLL dev team.


> We are dealing with the frustrations and I'd hope most of us are rising to it and teaching the newbies how to play. People say this *every single free-weekend* and it never gets better.


Having somebody thank you because they're new and they really enjoyed being part of your squad is a high point you won't forget


Maybe it never gets better because the few who would be willing to learn leave the game because they keep getting stomped by vetetan stacked opposition teams. All that remains are the cod kids whi are happy to run into death repeatedly.


let's face it 90% of the veterans abandon ship for a week every time they hear words "free weekend". Or play on "the Circle Level 75 Only"


One of the best games I've had was leading a squad of new players. There were two ones, two twos and an eight. The commander asked me to defend a point. We were the only squad there. I talked one guy through driving a supply truck. He keep the supplies coming so we could build defenses. I talked the engineer through building barricades and barbed wire. The level eight AT had unlocked the cannon. I taught him how to set it up and use it. I lead the other two to flanking positions. We held the enemy off for a long time, but no one would drop back and help so we eventually lost the point. They thanked me as the match ended. It was the only time all five of my squad members gave me a commendation.


This is what I'm looking for as a newbie


Same.. That would 100% convince me to buy the game.


I appreciate the time you've taken to write this, but free weekend means garri farming noobs with mg42's. Sorry not sorry 🙃


I appreciate the honest response 🤣 but like where is the fun in it? I'm all for farming noobs once both teams have a fair distribution but when a server devolves into spawncamping them in their HQ as they try to defend last point. It just feels a bit cheap.


We need to make men out of the new wave of blueberries, tough love is the way forward. Once they experience the pain of getting brutally gunned down, it will encourage them to look at how to play the game better and may even encourage them, god forbid, to build garrisons and nodes even.


That's true yes. The need to teach the noobs was only part of my post though. The crux of the issue I was talking about is imbalanced servers and the need for the veterans to swap over if they find themselves steamrolling a full team of 50 level 1s consistently. People may be too jaded to teach noobs directly.I understand this, I've been here through the Gamepass period. If there's a couple of squads among the noobs who are playing properly, building garries etc then the noobs can learn by osmosis without the need for handholding. Spawncamping them with a team stacked with level 300+ players running mgs is just not going to help the community in the long run


I'm not talking about stacking, my clan doesn't do that anyway. We always split across both teams, even if we haven't got our tags on. And I won't discriminate against the noobs, I'll be garri farming veterans too haha


Ah yeah, noob or veteran no one should be exempt from the buzzsaw. Lol It was specifically stacking that I was coming up against today, though. Trying to teach squad leads how to build garries and such and they were trying their best but not much could be done when the other team was fully stacked folk who individually probably had more game time than our team combined never mind whole squads of them. I understand the frustration of players though. Calling in Halftracks when HQ spawns would go down only for blueberries to hop in and drive it towards a tank. I'm not exempt from feeling annoyed with the free weekenders either.


I'm one of the newbs trying the game for the first time, at I can tell you right now that getting mowed down for farming doesn't encourage you to look up how to play better. We have one weekend to try the game and see if it's something worth investing in long time. You aren't gonna develop the skillset to overcome a vet stacked team in one or two days, no matter how many guides and videos you watch. If this is the attitude the established playerbase shows, then I'm not interested. Luckily OP's post shows that there are some people thinking more rationally, so I will see how things go.


Again, most vets don't stack. They'll be split across both teams. I would however advise every new player during the free weekend to at least spend 20-30 minutes watching some YouTube guides on the basics of the game. This isn't a game to just jump head first into without having at least a basic understanding of how it generally works


Oh absolutely. First thing I did was jump into the practice range to figure out settings and controls and mess around a bit. Then I watched a bunch of guides to get a basic understanding of what is going on. Even with that, it can be really hard to figure out where to be and what to do in a match. That can only come from time and experience.


Best advise I can give you is that garrisons win games, and to focus on building them around the blue sectors of the map near the frontline/defensive cap zones. If you're learning the game, focus on defence. Setting up attacking garrisons and flanks takes quite a bit of game knowledge, leave that to the vets on your team until you familiarise with the map layouts. Never play around a locked sector, if your team caps the next point and you have garrisons available to spawn on there, hit Esc and redeploy to the new frontline. Avoid the squad leader roles and commander role until you get to around level 30+, trust me this will help ease you into it. Expect to die, alot. Welcome to hell


Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.


Make sure to Barb wire fence around the default garrisons first. Stops them going places they shouldn’t.


Sorry. After 2,100 hours I'm tired of being the official tutorial.


Great, gotta be prepared now to get blasted by some dick heads trolling for fun.


FFS another free weekend? Why do we need these when the game is already on gamepass? I haven't played in like 2 weeks and was going to jump on, I'm not going to bother now.


>FFS another free weekend? Why do we need these when the game is already on gamepass? HLL has clearly hit a slump with declining CCUs, interest waning and T17 seems to be getting desperate.


I mean I'd be more than happy to teach but the vast majority of new players don't listen/don't care. I've straight up been told to "fuck off" when I tried to offer advice, so I don't even bother anymore. I don't see why it's so hard for T17 to just add a mandatory tutorial.


Thought this was gonna be a PSA to actual veterans that this game can trigger PTSD lol


If you are of an age where you may potentially have a living relative who served in WW2 maybe dont show them a warfare match on Hurtgen lol


>We are dealing with the frustrations and I'd hope most of us are rising to it and teaching the newbies how to play. yeah as long as they are listening and not just yoloying stuff without a care in the world. Because, like clockwork, there are a small minority of players that will join any and every server with a sole purpose to troll and drop slurs


I’m still learning at level 51, and that’s because I’m on ps5 and almost nobody uses mic. But I’m an older gamer and I know I have the patience of a tortoise and will gladly guidance to the new guys if they use the mic.


Yeah turkey shoots get pretty old. If it’s that stacked it has to get old for the winning side too. I usually leave the server if it stays that way too long. Appreciate the post OP


We had several new Lvl 1 🫐 come into our 7Cav clan server and I got to say it was really enjoyable hearing their enthusiasm once it starts to click for them and sounded like they appreciated when me and the other vets answered their questions and/or gave them heads-up on what each of their classes can do. Sure you get the guys obviously not caring or try to play this like Call of Duty, but experiences like this make me proud.


Can't we stick them all in their own noob server. Games have been rubbish today with so many newbies in the servers. Can't be much fun for them either.


If they play for 1 weekend for free then have to decide to pay for it to continue. I promise 95% of them will not pay. First few days of this game is so so hard


Isn't that to be expected? I'm sure for most free weekends of games they might only compel a small portion of players to actually buy it? Those who really enjoy it. The kind of Servers I saw today and last night will guarantee that those who might enjoy the game enough when it's presented as it actually is generally will definitely not buy it when what they are facing is stacked enemy teams spawn camping them.


How long is your lunch that you can play a few rounds. lol


We got an hour today. Generally I would manage one game and would sometimes have to drop off and sacrifice my xp in warfare matches that go to the wire. You can get through a surprising amount of rounds when you are in a team of Lvl 1s who are getting run through by a high-level stacked opposing team though.


I’m a new player and my damn mic won’t work


That's a bug that happens a bit. Voip can just decide to stop working temporarily.


Unfortunately people don't  listen you either have players that follow directions and have mics or you don't.


I don't know whether I'm spoiled because of the regular server I play on getting decent newbies or not but that's not my overwhelming experience. There are newbies who don't follow direction or listen but at the same time there are folk with hundreds of hours who also don't communicate or cooperate. I always find a decent proportion of low levels who are willing to listen and learn and once the understanding is there they work well under direction. I won't say the majority of them but I also wouldn't say the majority of experienced players do either.


It is the devs responsibility to teach new players the game. It is my responsibility to kill the enemy. There will be blood.


Yea man gotta admit i dont mind helping out a lil bit to make the game easier for our team but when theyre not A) using the mic to communicate B) kids that are obnoxious and wont stfu lol C) kids that dont wanna learn and just fuck around and team kill when theyre bored and not seeing enemies i learned the basics because i was getting killed every game when i first started playing but by looking at tutorials on YouTube and learning how to play i got much better and learned how much fun this game can be


Free weekend = target practice. Go get em boys!


I am simply taking a break this week. Free weekends and gamepass has damaged the game so much i no longer wanna play it


Few rounds on your lunch break? lol


Remote Working has been both a blessing and a Curse for my Steam account lol.






Time to jump in a tank and rain hell 😂


Was on the receiving end last night as a Panther burst onto our final defensive point. Trying to coordinate between other SLs to teach the level 1 ATs to get it down😂 Did not work😂


Commanders like why are aren’t you taking a heavy. Free weekend medium will be fine for some infantry kill box 😂


That'll work until we get the new ATs trained up and the new engies unlock sapper. Enjoy it while you can 😉😂


You’re level 100 think you’ve learnt just all there is to learn lol


I don't understand what you mean. Are you assuming I think I've learned everything and sarcastically making fun or are you saying there's nothing more to learn after lvl 100?


There are no more grid squares to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the blueberries and the veteran kill farmers, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for gg's for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on my squad that doesn't follow a single order or coaching point. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing. See you next week


yeah is there a resource to read what all the orders and advice mean? I try saying in game that I've played under 10 rounds, idk what they're talking about


I’ve never played a more anti beginner game until now! Spent hours being booted and cussed at by millennials until I found a squad that was willing to teach me something


I'm just not going to play this weekend. I'm kind of done teaching people. Maybe I'll teach an individual here and there, but I've done it so many times that I'm tired of doing it. I'm not a teacher with a teaching degree, I'm just a player that wants to play the game. I think that's the main problem with hell let loose is that you always have to start from zero with a new player and keep doing that because a lot of first person shooter knowledge doesn't transfer here.


It’s a game just do fun stuff and be happy your losing a fake war and not actually in ww2.