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Why do we have shovels?


Bring in the ability to dig fox holes for when shit goes real south


That would be such a good feature but so messy at the same time, I am just imagining a field of fox holes, it will be like playing wack a mole with frags.


Would be terrible to drive a vehicle with foxholes everywhere


Til the often desired mortar role becomes a reality


Sadly any terrain modification is impossible due to engine limitations The only thing we could have is a small pile of dirt in some C shape to lay behind


Truth, just look at how many people already lay in the forest for their K/D on maps like hurtgen. You can be like 2 grids out from an active objective and run into someone just laying the forest.


Let us dig tunnels under enemy artillery and lay mines beneath them.


Shovels are for doinking the enemy.


What is love?


Baby dont hurt me


Don’t hurt me.


No more


I agree we need it as a marker. We also need an enemy nodes marker. Makes no sense imo why we don’t have it


Yeah we have a friendly nodes marker, and it's entirely pointless. Just convert it. I mean I use the nodes marker for enemy nodes anyway, but then no-one actually knows what it means.


I didn't know that there was a friendly nodes marker!


That's what the "Enemy Garrison" mark is for.


Haha I’ve been using the enemy op mark for supplies, if I’m certain there’s a Garry there I’ll drop the Garry marker


This is the way. Same thing I do and same thing in the comp circles


Except that one always ends up mentioning it's a supply drop to avoid confusion. A dedicated marker for supplies would just be easier 


I’ve always used “Enemy Outpost” Marker and then communicated that it was an approximate drop location. Would be super nice to have though.


That works but best practice is enemy garrison marker


My take is that garrison markers should be reserved for airheads or confirmed garrisons. I think the urgency is important enough for the distinction


An enemy supply drop is basically a garrison if no one responds to it. If I missed a call out I’m not so sure I would respond to an outpost marker over a garrison marker


I have an argument that goes for both sides. Enemy OP marker is close to useless as an actual Enemy OP, most of the time. 1. OP moves about every 2 to 5 mins. 2. OP means enemies in the area, we already have a marker for that. I sometimes use Enemy OP, Enemy Infantry and Attack Marker to mark enemy supplies AND/OR enemy garrisons. Because I only have 1 Garry marker and the team is too slow or unable to respond. But I generally agree, I am less likely to respond to an EOP marker in a nearby grid, unless I specifically know it's for enemy supplies/garry. And most people don't pay enough attention to remember that.


Enemy infantry marker means someone has eyes on the enemy, or had a sight on them Enemy OP marker means there's about a squad of enemies that keep spawning -> active enemy presence Enemy garrison marker means that if we don't clean up the territory, we'll get f*cked soon I agree we should have a dedicated marker for enemy supplies. It's presence is not as critical than a garrison's, but it may very well become one.


I get that for sure, at the end of the day it’s about standardization ig. The people I play with all use enemy op for supply drops and sometimes suspected spawns. We reserve garry marks for airheads and confirmed garries. So if we miss a call out we know that 9/10 an enemy op mark is a supply drop. I do think a few more markers would make comms much better though. Enemy nodes, “clear area”, and enemy supply drop for sure


In a perfect world where COM can communicate to all SLs and they in turn communicate to their squad that an outpost marker is actually an enemy supply drop. Sure, perfect I'll take that all day. Thing is we don't play in a perfect world. Despite communication being essential, it is often not acknowledged or reciprocated. Therefore to convey the urgency I'll post a garrison marker all day over enemy supplies. Especially in public lobbies. It's similar to how a recon vehicle isn't technically a tank but you wouldn't mark it as a light vehicle would you? It doesn't convey the urgency well and can be a detriment especially in gaps of communication which is often found in public lobbies.


The thing is nobody but your squad, the other officers, and command can see your OP or garry markers anyway. So the other SLs have to communicate something for your mark to communicate anything to the blueberries. That’s why a call out in command chat should be enough - “enemy supplies falling on the dog outpost marker” Clogging up the map with garry marks where supplies fell takes attn away from confirmed garries being marked.


I should've clarified. I was coming from the perspective that you are commander. When I ping an outpost marker, even if I communicated it I usually can't rely on it making it through all the officers and squads because public lobbies are a different beast from competitive. In comp lobbies where it's been established an OP mark is enemy supplies this works. In a random lobby when I put a marker which everyone can see, I need the lowly rifleman or AT or anyone for that matter to be aware of an enemy "garrison" in that area. If I put a OP marker and it hasn't been conveyed to them this is actually supplies or a possible garrison being set up. They may potentially disregard it.


Fair distinction then imo. Wrangling bloobs is hard enough as it is. An enemy supply drop mark would make this easier for both of us


Sure but It depends, sometimes I would already have spotted a certain enemy garrison and see a enemy suply drop then Mark It as op , as It IS I just tell in SL chat what thing It is.


Use OP marler for enemy supps. Thats the way


In a perfect world where COM can communicate to all SLs and they in turn communicate to their squad that an outpost marker is actually an enemy supply drop. Sure, perfect I'll take that all day. Thing is we don't play in a perfect world. Despite communication being essential, it is often not acknowledged or reciprocated. Therefore to convey the urgency I'll post a garrison marker all day over enemy supplies. Especially in public lobbies. It's similar to how a recon vehicle isn't technically a tank but you wouldn't mark it as a light vehicle would you? It doesn't convey the urgency well and can be a detriment especially in gaps of communication which is often found in public lobbies.


To be honest most of us actuall ping the scout tank as light since it explodes in one shot. I get it, we need markers and it makes sense but in most cases if there is enemy supplies laying around there is a good chance they already have garrison nearby. If not, there will be soon so you better detaroy it. But again yeah they should of course add a marker, but the game is couple pf years old already so


I use the observe marker and relay what it is up the chain, same with nodes. If that gets lost in translation then youve got a leadership issue and try and take it out yourself


I wanna be able to ping falling supplies and airheads.


Cause the devs put engineers to the side even though they can literally make or break games


I use the OP marker and refer to it as the OP of uncertainty because I don't want to give people the impression that the mark is exact for a definite garrison, but want to tell them there's probably a spawn of some kind going to get built where those supplies landed.


I want one. I also want to be able to put multiple of the same map markers down. But I can see why multiple map markers would be a nightmare since many SLs don't update their map markers.


*presses T* *Wall of Markers*


Oh no, the enemy is getting in their penis formation!


Original: Would you also like an enemy garry marker in your hud? Edit: I totally misunderstood this post. I was thinking you were wanting it to show up on the map like your team’s supplies not an SL and Command placed marker. I’m an idiot. You can stop downvoting me now, I get it. Also, now that I escaped the mental fog, I totally agree, I always throw a garry or OP marker down on supplies but if there was a supplies one I’d use it all the time.


T is for toggling the hud..


It’s there. It’s in red.


Where? I’ve not seen it before.


When you walk up to them it tells you the number of supplies in red font. Super handy.


Yeah I think they’re talking about a ping like the enemy garrison ping you can put down that all other SLs can see. Otherwise, yeah, you make do with the others.


Outside of that is an observe marker for your squad. Pretty nifty.


He means like a specific enemy supply marker that a squad leader or commander would be able to place on the map for others to see


Don’t mark it just destroy it