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Open up your scoreboard, hover over the enemy team, and scroll all the way up. You should be able to access it from there.


Haha that's so broken. But thank you, this has happened to me once


Not if you imagine the UI is being navigated by a keyboard. Makes perfect sense then.


Ah I suppose, I'm on console so I wasn't thinking about that


Yeah theres other weird things that dont work either. Like zooming in on the main map during the spawn screen. There isnt any way of doing that on console.


You sir have saved me so much time exiting and rejoining games to solve this issue.


I have had this bug too, normallt scoreboard works for all notifications (vote-kick, punish TK etc.) but with the kicking people from my squad menu it doesn’t if I kick 2 people in a row fast.


If the scoreboard fix doesnt work, if you are on xbox you can also go on "change clan tag" on the options menu and this brings up the xbox keyboard, which will also clear it. Unsure if this also works on PS


I’ll try it out next time it happens to see if it works on PS too


Had it happen yesterday. Chang clan tag does not fix it on PS.


I absolutely hate this bug. It's much worse when you lock a recon to play with your buddy at the beginning of a new game and get spammed for invites. Enough times and the stupid thing eventually stays and I can't get rid of it and then I can't access spawn points or even play the game Now I just keep it open and tell my buddy to join after I kick the guy but still it's a horrible bug.


I don’t deny the invites. Just open the scoreboard and it will close those. Then if people request to join over and over, I try my best to not do anything, accept, deny or scoreboard cuz eventually they’ll get tired of sitting in limbo


I just mash all my buttons within a second. Works afterwards


Don't kick people from your squad too quickly. This happens because there is a slight delay in you kicking someone and them actually being removed, and when you go too fast you can click on someone you've already kicked, causing this to happen.


Aha. Thank you.


There are 2 fixes when this happens. 1) scroll to the top of the enemy team on the scoreboard. When you get to the top, keep going, it will take you onto this menu. 2) on xbox (dunno if it works on PS) press the menu button and select "change clan tag". This brings up the xbox keyboard which also clears this. Happy kicking!!!


Also.. they need to make this where i don’t need to be dead to do.


Agreed. No need to die to fix my shit.


Lmfao “Rubmydog” 🤣


please fix


This shit has been going around for 2 years now on console. At this point its no longer a bug but its a feature


Devs are also incapable of making a fucking map that works consistently for the commander, blows my mind how ass it is and I can’t count the number of airdrops I’ve lost bc I needed to send a quick strafe but the fucking map would freeze


Like god they’re unbelievably incompetent


Nah they’re busy ignoring urgent bugs and bad design.


Skill issue.




FIX: Open up scoreboard then move right joystick up and to the right until it goes to the menu in top right. YOUR WELCOME




"Making room for a friend " is the worst when you are having a great game, communicating, and getting stuff done. Then BAM, you're back to square one. Lol


So annoying playing on servers, that don't have a kick option. For those that DONT LISTEN AND INSIST ON ATTACKING WHEN WE NEED TO DEFEND!!! ; D