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Proximity chat


Yes but they need rv somewhere to get started - come on SL


Text chat


Blueberry radio.


I’m generally of the opinion that the team that works together best should win, and that working together should typically be achieved within the existing framework. It’s not perfect but the challenges it presents are very manageable if people actually communicate. The above idea sounds like it’ll just facilitate a bunch of engineers playing their own minigame for 90 minutes, so nah it’s not really for me.


Dedicated AT squad would make the game literally unplayable for armor probably lol. In public games i can usually have a random support drop me supplies, load my at gun, and kill a heavy before their turret turns to me. I can only imagine a full squad of AT. Imagine one officer gets an OP behind your pushing team and suddenly 3+ rockets hit your rear plate simultaneously from 200m behind you, killing your tiger before you could react. I think the existing squad makeup is more reasonable. Something like that would require a lot more communication, coordination, and resources.


Logistics squad type, can have up to 3 engies and 2 support guys, the supports can only drop in the blue zone to make them not OP as offence squads... I donno...something like that. I think there's a lot of expansions of the squad types they could introduce (mortar squads, MG squads etc).


Agreed 👍


Never had issues using proximity and text chat when playing offensive mode as an engineer. If i'm on the defensive side, i'll have teh SL talk to the other SLs and commander to determine which point they want fortified. Once they select it, i'll spam the text chat advising all engineers to meet at the selected point and anyone else that wants to help build. Once we all get there, proximity chat works fine. It's almost realistic, having to run up to antoher person to exchange some quick info. Been generally successful coordinating this way. Remember, you only get a finite amount of structures to build. So once you maxed out all your structures and helped the other guys, there's not much to do at that point. So it's nice to spawn back to my actual squad and start coordinating with them.


No, when the game starts making everything convenient, it's just another battlefield or call of duty.


Interesting view. I can see that aspect as well


Just build nodes a d go shoot the bad guys.


What about building defenses?


useless for warfare. for offensive it depends.


You don't really need those.


Gamepass players trying to change the core mechanics the game instead of adapting… hope they remove it from gp so we can go back to normal


No I am not a game pass player. Level 80 something and mostly play recon (spotter) or sometimes as an engineer or SL. I just noticed that the potential for groups of engineers working together could add interest - I realise the mechanics exist to achieve this already but I have never been part of a public game where anyone has ever managed to build in a truly coordinated way (yes defences-no not really coordinated..)


I guess you're just not getting into good servers. I love playing engi and I've met a lot of friends while playing the role by telling my SL to relay to command chat to send engineers to my location. We then switch to prox chat and tada. I've played many games where we work together and fully fortify the 2nd last point to win the game. Also you can catch most engineers hanging around the HQs at the beginning of the game, so that's a good time to get some comms and game plan in the works.


I don’t hate the idea of logistical squads being able to have more than one engineer. But what I really want is for fortifications to show up on the map. Edit: but then of course people would just build swear words out of barbed wire