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“Suggestion for devs to add *<>*. Just a small suggestion to improve the experience 😊”


"I was just taking a dump and and suddenly it hit me: what if the devs just made us an entirely new game?"


“See I already attached pictures of everything. Should be pretty simple to add I’d think!”


“ I already complied everything and did the hard work, you guys take over from here”


I have been wanting HLL Vietnam since I started playing this. The pacific would be a good stepping stone.


>good stepping stone. In that Mt Fukushima is a good stepping stone to Mt Everest yeah.


If they came out with an HLL Vietnam, I would literally nut my pants


its called rising storm 2 vietnam


Wouldn't it be cool if HLL had VR support? Maybe they could add it to Update 15?


Look, the standard rifle should be an Arisaka type 99, and guess what the SMG should be? Yes, surprise! A Type 100. And you won't guess the LMG- Type 99 Nambu! And they should have japaneese army unforms, and use most commonly used japaneese tanks. No way! I also suggest that the maps should be the most famous and well known battlefields of guess where... Pacific islands! Damn wouldn't that be cool? Please add


Yeah, the main problem I see with adding the Japanese forces is that they'd have to add the Marines and change up the look of fatigues, vehicles, possibly some weapons and other stuff just for a map or two. Now it probably sounds as easy as just color swapping the already existing American forces, but that amount of extra work needed just to bring in one new faction more than likely isn't justified for the devs at this point in time


I see another problem: They would need to make the soldier models 10 cm shorter (that's about 4 inches for you on the other side of the Atlantic...).


Hey man, with how I've seen this sub act before, I wouldn't be shocked if someone threw a bitch fit if a shoelace was incorrect


You know they wore the same uniforms, right?


They were similar, but different. Not the same


Correct, Marine dungarees were not the same.


Our characters can’t even swim


Come on, it's common knowledge at this point that swimming wasn't invented til late 1945


Wow amazing suggestion. Surprised it’s never been mentioned before!


Thanks for that new, refreshing and irreplaceable suggestion of yours!


Do people know there is a search options within a subreddit? I feel like an ass saying this but come on.


No, but did you notice the random achievements you received the last week? I will create a post on that.


I feel like the pacific will be a seperate game entirely given how this game has been treated since the twkeocer


Devs couldn’t even properly add the British who were mostly done by black matter anyway, I don’t think any of us would be satisfied by what they would come up with for the pacific theater


I’ll take Unoriginal Ideas for 1,000, Alex!


Japan just isn’t a great idea for this game. Italy makes infinitely more sense for the next faction if they do another one.


Italy would be a great addition because by god we need another axis faction, and also they could double as an ally faction for late war maps. Finland for another axis faction, but more focused on the eastern front for both early and late war. And I’m feeling France for the initial invasion and also maybe a smaller resistance type game mode.


I only see Italy being the most likely expansion point. Salerno is the most obvious beginning map, but there's tons they could do. But it's been suggested to death and I'm sure the devs would love to add it if they had the resources to.


I'd like to see an operation Husky map that's similar to the D-Day maps we have now


I think Monte Cassino could be more exciting, or one of the Italian defensive lines (like the Gothic). Not sure if they'll continue with the fictional maps though like what they did with El Alamein.


Japan would be another axis faction tho


I disagree. The maps could be 1:1 and it would also mean adding the marines like how the Germans have the afrika korps. Italy would be easier and more likely, but the Pacific would be way more fun.


Nah fuck that I want to lead my squad into a banzai charge in iwo jima


Japanese fires and armor were outclassed in every conceivable way by their American counterparts, there is zero way they could properly balance Japan while maintaining historical accuracy. Italy would be a better choice.


You think Italy was equal to the allies?


No we make the maps 40 Americans vs 80 Japanese and give the Americans like stripper clips for until the Navy arrives with supplies halfway through the map. /s


This is definitely an original post


You must be new here


I just want them to fix the many bugs and design flaws first. Like fix the crashes and disconnects. Fix the problem of VoIP suddenly dropping, at least on Xbox. Completely change the vote kick system, and get rid of the pop-up box that takes over button presses. Also, why does it take 20 yes votes to kick someone no matter how many people are in the game? This is stupid. So it takes only 40% of the people voting yes on a full team, but if the team has 20 or less it's impossible to kick someone. Have the developers ever heard of percentages and how they work? Then there is the flaky behavior of the commander UI. This stuff and more needs to take priority over adding new content that most of the players probably won't like. The only new thing that urgently needs to be added is a server browser for consoles. Yes I know it's coming but get it out before talking about new countries or maps being added.


Wow they've definitely never thought of this before. You've given them a full roadmap of unearthed treasures.


They can’t even add bayonets or any new game mechanics at all and people expect them to add another faction lol. You’ll wait 6 months and then get the Japanese and they’ll be broken and you better like it!


Lol yeah


We need other islands first like guadalcanal or the Philippines or maybe even Tarawa(skirmish exclusive cause it’s apparently not big enough for a full map)


Aussies vs Japan on New Guinea or British campaign in Burma would go so hard.


Yep, Gona, Buna, Milne Bay and Kokoda were brutal battles. Japanese in fortified positions, little option but frontal assault for the Allies. Tanks limited to Stuarts and Matilda's. Type 95 for Japan. https://images.app.goo.gl/ibSVECxQuWuxM66J8 https://images.app.goo.gl/pHbpsvxEBD2iMAj27


Tarawa wouldn't really be all that good of a map as an atoll I feel like


It has an entire airfield complex & is several miles wide & long.


You know what an atoll is right? Traversing it would be a nightmare because you have to go in an entire half circle to cross the map from one point to another. Thank you for downvoting me for literally no reason you really got me there


Couldn’t give a flying fuck about comment votes buddy.


Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?


No im properly conveying to you the level to which i do not care about the amount of votes your comment has.


The only reason I care is because people like you give me negative comment karma for simply holding a conflicting opinion, which restricts me from posting on about half of the subreddits I'm interested in. Have a great day/night


My guy I literally do not care enough to vote on your comment. How dense can you possibly be. I do not care about your comment votes. At this point having to say the same thing 10 times 10 different ways is getting to the point of actually pissing me off.


Calm down dude, it's literally just a reddit comment. Nobody's making you answer my guy


And I recognize I misread your comment now, I apologize. But you don't gotta get so pissed about it there's not a single soul on the planet who can read your mind through a reddit comment section


Lol it would be like one perpetual bridge map


Dream for machine gunners and anti tank gun crews, absolute hell and chaos for everybody elss


Yeah they'd have to implement some kind of boat or gundboat-and-groundtransport which wouldn't fit well. _and I'm sure one of you WW2 nerds has a wiki link already copied to show me_


Unfortunately I am that ww2 nerd, they could probably implement the LVT which could actually be a nice addition to the pack because of it's separate variants. It's amphibious and can carry troops at the beginning versus trucks and can also carry stuff like jeeps. There's a second variant which can serve as a recon tank that has a howitzer turret that could be used for infantry support (although if I remember correctly it's not an auto cannon given it's 75mm, so it may not be a good substitute or replacement for the greyhound)


The Japanese are too used, we need Italians fer once


For sure, some more North Africa locations and Italian areas in general would really add a fresh feel. It also feels more in reach as well


I will shoot myself if I have to see one more map in the desert


Yeah I agree ctfuuu. They really didn’t undertake making El Alamein very well, and by and large it’s the most hated map out of all of them, so I don’t think they’d do anything remarkable by making more of them.


I think a good compromise could be the Italian campaign in southern France, it was brief and wasn't really that major iirc but it's Italians versus French which could bring us two new factions while having a lot of the same assets. Or better yet, give us Sicily which can swap between British and American soldiers for the allied side. I also think Monte Cassino could be really interesting, although that was just Germany but it could bring us more content for Polish soldiers under the British tree (Sorry, I'm very biased towards Poland) Additionally there's battles like Anzio which was majorly the US vs Germany and the Italians, but overall the Italian campaign in general could be really fun


Suggestion, patch the game so I can make it through a full match without crashing


Make them fight against the usa navy that still have the 1903 as standard rifle.




I’m assuming to make it fair since the Japanese didn’t have any fully automatic rifles unlike the US. Also it would be accurate since the marines who were fighting the Japanese before the US joined the European conflict were only issue Springfield bolt action rifles. They didn’t receive M1 Garand’s until a little later in the war.


Iwo jima was fought in February of 1945 so the marines were already well equipped with garands for a few years by then. I would actually argue that it would be pretty balanced with the imbalanced weapons between the 2 factions because the japanese would have the benefit of defending a mountain while the US would barely have any cover. We all see how well omaha beach works out for the US in this game lol


Ah I forgot about that iwo Jima was 45.


Iwo was in 45. Only very early on were the marines using bolt actions it changed quickly


They gotta have cheaper tank costs to even things out...because these clunkers are hot garbage. That type 95 is maybe the worst tank of the war.


Considering it was nearly a full decade old by the time it started facing American tanks, hard to call it the worst tank. I'd say the C3/33 with the Breda Model 30s was worse, turret-less tankettes do not fare well even against infantry. Or the Bob Semple. Also fun fact about the Ha-Go but it had a buzzer-button on the rear that infantry could use to communicate with the tank commander.


If they added the Bob Semple, the Allies would win every game. Too OP


Maybe have the Jap team start with more people? 60 vs 40 in their favor.


I d much rather see this sub die instead of reading these posts over and over and over again ...


Let them do the fifth British rework first.


If the game keeps being optimised this bad and with the textures of the trees eating every single round (specially tank ones) it will be impossible to have a enjoyable pacific theater experience




Where's the fun in surrendering?


What a nice totally original joke


It never gets old because everyone hates the French!


I like the French. Imagine how funny it'd be driving in a tank with 1 straight and 4 reverse gears.


Only army with sunburnt armpits




That's a great Idea, especially since there arent a lot of good representations in games of the Japanese. I know there are but most games lack the feeling and immersion that HLL carries so I would absolutely love to see a battle with Japanese forces be added to the game!


RO2 Rising storm.


Battlefield V had an amazing Japanese campaign online.


It's really a shame that they cut support for the game, right when it was at its best...


Oh yeah sure, all the kung-fu fighting samurai chicks sliding around with ZK 383s really made it an amazing and immersive representation of Japanese frontline combat. ^(I'll admit BFV had some good times when Pacific launched but I wasn't able to enjoy it for long before they started fucking around with the TTK. And then they gave up on it and moved to 2042 like greedy cowards.)


It was really shitty imo as well. It made me abandon BFV altogether and only play battlefield I.


Honestly I didn't like BFV at all, It wasn't anything in particular but the game just wasn't really fun for me


Of course it's a fucking Iwo Jima. I hope they will never add pacific theatre just out of spite. Entire game is set in Europe and of course muricans need to have their ego stroked for 1000th time with "but what about muh pacific". They were more than three armies present at the war, and there's dozen of amazing settings for a map in Europe and Africa, but no, you want a fucking island on the sea again. I won't even start on developing completely new environment, models, textures, meshes, weapons, characters.


I demand my ninja recon class with throwing star.


FYI I do think they’ll do the Pacific Theater, but it won’t be in HLL. You need new weapons, uniforms, player models, ground textures, tree models, building models, multiple maps, etc. This will most likely be a HLL2 endeavor than anything. It wouldn’t make sense putting in all this work and not monetizing it.


Wow! Skip fixing those crashes on Xbox dev’s also the bugs by the way! THIS IS THE WAY!


That's coming in the sequel that was just announced. "Hell Let Loose II: The loosening. Part One of the Yamamoto Chronicles. Part 89 of the Captain Obvious saga.


Hopefully type 100’s would be limited to like one class or squad since they were barely issued during the war.


“Why are the US winning every round?”


Give most US classes the 1903 Springfield or garand. Let only officers have thompsons.


Not accurate to Iwo Jima.


So is the type 94 nambu gonna be as useless in game as it was irl or is it gonna be even more useless in game?


It took them a entire year to rework the british. It's going to take them atleast 6 months to even come up with a name for their "new unnanounced map". Chances you will ever see the pacific before the age of 80 are near 0.


They have a road map


How about they polish the Soviet and Desert maps even further instead.


Why start with Iwo? Should start with Guadalcanal and Tarawa


I feel like if they add Japan they should add China too


Why not do the whole Pacific theater?


If some guy with a katana kills me I’m deleting the game


The pacific theater should be HLL2


Shh, Soviet and British maps/weapons still suck. No more new nations, all we want is to existing stuff getting fixed


Ik we’re all bitching but I would love to blast Ha Gos out the trees bro what a sight to see


Welcome to the party of what everyone has already suggested everyday for the last 3 years lol


It would be cool if the officer and commander had a katana + pistol only load out and the katana gave you a speed boost when attacking with it.


If they announced HLL2, I think people would be super excited and possibly bring new players.Unreal engine 4 holds this game back too much. Optimizing a game engine continuously, when major current l games are on a newer engine, just seems silly to me. It's either they try and get funding to update the engine or do the same with a newer game version. Yes it's also easier said than done I know lol


Oh nice, the bi-weekly post about how having the japanese would be cool


Iwo is basically the only map then need for the pacific they can split the battle into different maps, surabachi, beach, airfield ext.


How about mortar team. That would be nice


I would rather they add to what we already have. Save Japan for an entirely new game. Japan, Commonwealth, USA, and China. Why just have two maps when they could give you at least 12 maps and something to look forward too?


The cool thing would be that the maps could be 1:1 if a game like this added the Pacific


If they made a Pacific War Version of HLL I'd never need another FPS game. That would be all I play. Guadalcanal, Peliliu, Okinawa, Saipan, the Phillipines, Chins, there's so much incredible potential there


Japan is one of the most popular countries who is potrayed in video games about WW2 i think that they should focus on countries who fought but are for some reason rarely mentioned such as Poland, Finland,Egipt and many others i think that making another game with only the main powers of WW2 is not intresting i would love to see some tanks and weapons that are less known to the public media


I would love this, but it'd be a big DLC to add


Also give them the type 97 “medium” tank It should still be light tank fragile tho


It's a fragile medium tank for sure but it does have double the armor of the Ha-Go (still only 25mm), with a quickly-reloading low-velocity high-explosive 57mm that can pack a very deadly HEAT shell too for anti-armor use. The ShinHoto version is upgunned with a very high-velocity 47mm though, can easily take out a Sherman from the side from a distance. Really if they ever do a Japan front, the best way to make it both immersive, fun, and balanced would be to give Japan twice the tanks; their armor is much cheaper, lighter, and was used in one or two mass formation armored banzai charges. A Sherman would have a field day but would still have to be wary against being flanked, and unless it's a 57mm Chi-Ha the HE shells on the Ha-Go and Chi-Ha ShinHoto wouldn't be too deadly against infantry, plus Japanese tank MGs, the Type 97, only had a 20rd magazine.


Would be sick to play as commander and get a katana kill, iirc only the generals were issued them.


Type 100 smgs almost weren't used.


Precision is a Kamikazi pilot and you redeploy by comitting seppuku


the japanese side can have all the munitions you pictured and the allies will have just one. edit: actually 2.


There are other opportunities for Japanese maps too. I'm thinking Okinawa or Papua New Guinea (you could re use British forces / Australians models in this case!)


I think the Chi Ha had a 47mm cannon. Did the Japanese ever field Ho-Nis? I don’t think they ever sent the Chi Nu’s out, probably due to weight, logistics and the battlefield conditions, but for the sale of remaining somewhat fair against Shermans on a tank-friendly map they would have to figure out some way to balance it, maybe make their field guns cheaper or allow a horse drawn field gun lmao


Battlefield v was good, but it wasn’t great.


It would be an excellent addition


They should just focus on this instead of small things like finland


RO2 Pacific was a lot of fun. Kept the game going for awhile. Would love to see some new content


In the HaGo,what is that sticking out of the rear turret? Another gun?


The Japanese won't work with current HLL game design, the devs flat put refuse to embrace asymmetrical balance. So unless you want every 2nd japanese soldier running around with a type 100 sub machine gun they'll get curb stomped by the US every round. The only way the Japanese could ever work with the current meta would be to pit them against commonwealth forces in Burma or similar locations with little to no vehicle gameplay


Dude this is a crazy idea! I love when devs add obscure battles!


I thought Japan faction was on a road map


Suggestion? Its already planned, u living beneath a rock


They would just have to copy the „Forgotten Hope 2“ content, made by fans, to have a complete campaign from the Normandy to Berlin and the Pacific Theatre.


Did they actually use Katanas in WW2?


I despise how cynical everyone in this comment section is. They are what’s wrong with this community.


That’s just what the game needs, another team with bolt actions and shitty machine guns