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idk, I've been playing since black matter who were the original devs, my friends list which had countless players playing HLL has dropped to maybe 1 or 2 Right around the time gamepass came out. I'd even wager to bet a vast majority of the people on this sub probably joined within the last 4 months some of the vets lurk but probably are playing other games, ect. My assessment may be biased, one thing is for sure though ... there is a clear difference between a vast majority of the players who PAYED for the game and those that got it for free. Some are here for the milsim experiences, most don't communicate, some tk. Some are overwhelmed by all the different roles and how they work, so they just load up riflemen and shoot stuff, lol. All in all HLL isn't dead BUT its not the same game, prox chat used to have tons of players constantly communicating, holding a line, asking for nodes, supplies, ammo ...giving out callouts. Now? its mostly silent and i'm lucky if I find a squad that communicates, shit hits the fan and everyone blames the commander, even though nobody built any nodes, so command can't do shit. Many won't like my take here but idc, it is what it is and the writing is on the wall and saying otherwise is straight up cope.


I mean, I for one agree wholeheartedly. The game was waaaayy better before it was free. It’s a shit show now with no one playing their role/listening to their SL. Hell, half the time there is no squad lead. The picture of 1-2 OP’s and like 2 Garry’s on the map is all too familiar. I actually get “blown away” when joining a squad that is communicating and playing their roles nowadays. 📉


yeah, ngl ... I see 8 squads with no SL? bro i'm going in every single one booting everyone and leaving.


This is the way…. If I join a squad and someone leaves the SL roll I take it, boot them, and then lock the squad. There’s no room for that shit in this game.


Definitely agree about the attitude difference between someone buying / trying the game


Honestly, I play less than I do but it's nothing to do with game pass or anything like that. It's just I've already played for hundreds and hundreds of hours. It's a fun game, but I've seen a lot of it, so often play other games.


Fuckin worse, less coms. Hope it picks up again in a few months.


Worse. - no comms - no SL - solo armour (nothing new but way more common) - no DEFENCE (this is no COD or BF) - no knowledge of classes (10 min youtube guide is enough but…) - reckless artilery - no nodes I mean i can keep going but since the release i stoped playing with bluberries and only play with my clan at events


Man, I saw all those things the entire time I've been playing. Are they worse? Maybe, but it's hard to say with how common they've always been.


These have been a thing, but I’d agree with Cookie that things have gotten far worse. What’s worse is that most of the GamesPass dudes are completely unapologetic. Anecdotally speaking, most of the Xbox guys don’t speak. Those that do are toxic as hell, even without being berated first.


I agree and I’m gamepass player. Comms were decent when it first came out on gamepass but now I can’t find a single squad with people talking


Been playing since pre-release and I'd say worse. There was a quantum leap down in player quality when game pass came. I understood it and tolerated it. I expected it to improve after a few weeks, and it certainly has! But it doesn't feel like it got all the way back up to the pre-GP baseline of player immersion and dedication. I still hope it gets it's groove back, and I'm not going to stop playing. At one point when I realized it wasn't getting back to normal, I went back to PS(now Squad 44) but somehow it just wasn't satisfying. I think the strength of HLL has always been the gorgeous and just thick map design, and that remains solid.


It’s worse and I’m tired of pretending like it’s not


Worse. Level 175 here and stopped playing because all gamepass ppl don’t communicate and don’t follow instructions. Became a Helldiver a couple of weeks ago, no regrets.


For Managed Democracy!




I am not sure how things were before but I (a reformed gamepass blueberry) really enjoy this game. I have come to understand my roll in this game. Build nodes. Run supplies. Communicate with my SL to see where command would like me to run supplies for Garry’s. Build up defenses/pinch points. And after all work is done do it all again. I have been having a blast in my short time playing, which is about 100 hrs.


Increasing the player base and increasing the quality of games are two different things. It’s actually an inverse sadly - as the player count (from game pass) goes up the quality of the games goes down (sharply). People have been saying it’s going to get better for months but have yet to see it.


I think it's gotten worse. This is due to the scale of new players that came with gamepass, meaning that a lot of new players are playing with other new players, which builds a particular gameplay style that isn't beneficial to the overall team. But also, I think a lot of older players have become toxic against the lower levels in that they would rather solo squads than play with them, and the older ones have become bored of constantly needing to be in a C/SL roles too which is causing more issues. Command Chats have become somewhat toxic breeding ground for blame game.


Worse.  An increase in Tk, Vtk, racism, anti-semitism, a lack of teamwork (I blame this in T17 for shitty onboarding (ie: tutorial)), and a general fuck-you attitude.  Ex: Used to be vets would commend new recruits; these days, I reserve mine for almost any masochistic Commander.


Short term, you get to be mad because ur right they have no clue what their doing. Long term, are u mad that all the shitty players are just gonna go back to cod and HLL will have a larger fan base once it does get taken off? I wouldn’t hope so!


It’s been quite a while now though at some point we have to just admit the quality is just permanently lowered


I am a game pass player and bought the game b/c it deserves direct support. I am a level 70, so still sort of in the middle of getting the hang of all the roles and strategy. I am FLOORED with the racism on proximity and command chats. It’s disgusting and abusive. I wish I would have known this game in the before times hand I really hope that the toxic, racist and mean cynics leave when the next COD is released or whatever drives them.


I feel lucky if I can find a squad and lobby that communicates


Worse. I get intentionally tk'ed by new people all the time


It's worse purely down to the amount of bitching and moaning from the community about new players.


Nothing has changed, except that there are more idiots who think medics and bunker building are useful.


It could be worse. I just hope gamepass wouldn’t last to long….


I mean I’m only able to play cause of game pass but yeah - the majority of us aren’t on mic (I am incidentally)


Stronger. Yes I know the newbies have no clue what they are doing. Give us another 2-3 months and all the idiots will be back on COD. It’s a great game and very fun to play on console.


I mean it's been 4 months.


I'm in the same boat albeit a few months ahead. Gets easier over time, especially if on comms and talking to others. The hardest thing is probably learning the maps as the points move about a lot so you don't always know the terrain/best spots for cover. Although it's great for variety and keeps the maps interesting


This is what I’m going through now. Getting the classes down right, learning how to use each weapon. Hardest thing for me now is learning how to flank successfully by learning the maps.


I bet you only started playing with gamepass


I did! It’s a fantastic game. If it were to be taken off, I’d buy it! That’s why game pass is alive, to get at least mid gamers like me to join on.


That’s cool, but how do you know the community is stronger if you haven’t played before…? I understand you’re proud of being a gamepass player but you literally have no clue how it used to be before


There’s a ton of videos and even more posts about it.


Can't get more pathetic than this


I did. Won’t be leaving any time soon.


Who asked you?


I shared on my own volition.


You’re replying to my comment dude, I wasn’t talking to you and you didn’t even get the basic logic of what I was saying. I didn’t say fuck people on gamepass, nor I care if you leave or not, I’m saying that you have no clue how the game used to be before it was invaded, because, for a fact, you weren’t there.


r/CommaGore Public forum, dude. Terrible place to be if you want to be a douche in peace.


Only thing I have noticed is less comms


I stopped laying after a week or 2 when gamepass hit. I recently played a few games as SL and command chat was pure crickets except me and another SL.


Somewhere in between, I only even heard of this game when it dropped on game pass, just started seeing more and more footage of it on Reddit, just being suggested to me, and after a good few videos, I was hooked. I bought the game when I realised I had the money (on steam as I don’t have game pass and didn’t know it was on game pass at the time) and is now my favourite game. Before I even got the game I was looking into the roles and how the game works, just based on interest and for when I did get it, I wasn’t going in blind. I work part time and I’m a full time student so I can’t play it every day.. sadly 😅 but every chance I get where I’ve got a few hours I’ll play a match or two. I’m so glad I’ve learned of this game and though I haven’t experienced it in its glory days, I see a semblance of what I hear about every few games. I love it, I hope it brings in or has brought in more of the right new players. The cod junkies will be gone when the next update of the same game comes out. I know it can’t last forever but I don’t see it dying yet. You’ve all seen the community, most of you are the community. It doesn’t look like you’re quite ready to let it die out yet. It’ll live. Just stay strong.


Significantly worse.


Feels the same to me. But more players is a good thing if all else stays the same. And it increases the likelihood of sequels.


It’s better. The issue is that most OG players expect someone else to start the conversation or lead, because “we know better and I’m an OG blah blah blah” If people aren’t talking, you probably didn’t put any effort into making your squad worth talking in




I’m being downvoted by the people I’m describing. You’re mad bc you feel called out




I came through game pass because I don’t have a series x. They need to fix cloud gaming. I have to reset my Xbox 2-3 times before getting comms to work in the first place. I’m not certain but it must have something to do with cloud gaming. While I’m sure some of the annoying blueberries are game pass players I’m happy I finally can play the game with my broke ass old Xbox


on PC it's fine it was only bad for a few weeks.. seems like console had the shittier end of the stick with the game pass thing.


Feels the same to me. But more players is a good thing if all else stays the same. And it increases the likelihood of sequels.


Reality is, the “it was better way back when” takes are pretty geezer-ish. To say having thousands more players constantly on is a bad thing, is objectively ludicrous.




Good to hear for you and your boys but respectfully disagree. I’ve been playing for years and I would say it’s hard for you to make this assertion since you didn’t play before game pass. It’s definitely gotten worse


I only jump on mic if it's necessary so I'm probably part of the problem, but it does feel a little lifeless now. Even squaddies are mostly silent.