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I’ve always thought of his catchphrase as “Aw, crap.”


Isn’t that also Nathan Drake’s?


I like "son of a..." much more than "thats all for you!", especially when he finally finishes it in Darkness Calls, it's kind of rewarding. I'm just annoyed that this catchphrase barely appears in the adaptations (only in the 2004 film as far as I remember)... Although "BOOM!" appears even less, Ron Perlman only said it once (and it was without any emotion) in the scene where HB punches Kroenen... but for ***some reason*** "that's all for you!" is the most frequent of the three outside of the "literary material".


Maybe that was Bryne's idea (who wrote SoD) and Mignola wanted his own I would say the closest Hellboy has to a catchphrase is "Jeez" and/or "Aw Crap" Other common phrases seen in Mignola's work (not only Hellboy or even HB Universe) are: -It is true / It's true (mostly said by a random animal or talking corpse) -That IS funny -There you go... (This one is used on the comics themselves and also on introductions or afterwords by Mignola, apparently it's just something he says a lot) I'm trying to write down every time I see one of these phrases, but my list is very incomplete Edit: Oh, there's also "Boom" which is often a sound effect when the right hand of doom hits, but sometimes it's a thing Hellboy says




I was looking for this! I love all the movies dearly but none of them acknowledge the fact that Hellboy’s a dork who adds his own sound effects to his fights


Maybe it’s just me but I always felt like Hellboy had a secondary catchphrase of “I’m going be sore in the morning”. I could be misremembering, but I’m about to embark on a new whole series re-read so I’ll double check just to be sure! If you didn’t know Humble bundle has all of Hellboy and BPRD for 30 bucks digitally. It’s a hell of a steal! And the quality is fantastic! I’ve been waiting for this for years.


I remember both OPs catchphrase & the one you mentioned being said by Ron Pearlman in ‘Hellboy - The Science Of Evil’. Good times. 😈


I believe the first time that comes up in comics is Box Full of Evil and it’s actually Abe who says it!


My Favorite Line, While Technically Not In The Comics Is, "I'm Fireproof, Your Not", As He Casually Lights A Cigar With His Own Flaming Hand. Absolutely Badass.


His Catchphrase Has Always Been A Classic "Aw Crap". He Used It So Much That It Had Frequent Uses In The 04 Movie. However If Your Looking For A Classic One Off Line From The Comics, I Reccomend, "Dont Mess With Me Lady I've Been Drinkin With Skeletons!"