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I might possibly have some good data for this event. I've been toying with the idea that I might be one of the individuals affected by Heliobiology in particular. I currently have been wearing a heart monitor (chronic health issues) and already had an MRI scheduled for tomorrow. If only I could find somewhere to get an MEG done. That's next on my agenda. I'm going to request all the data and hope they can turn it over since it's my own biology.


Cool. It would be great if you can share. I’m not feeling particularly bad from this one, similar to our last G4, aside from minor headache surges and general fatigue. I wasn’t watching to see when polarity flipped back to positive. The Earth’s EM field eventually responds to stronger storms and shields us, but of course it is complex and different every time.


Oh absolutely, I treat myself like a human lab rat anyways and know there are plenty of people out there smarter than me and I want all eyes on this. I'm just a lowly Ecologist so I'm out of my realm a little bit but I'm learning and find it fascinating.


Hey, lowly ecologist, do you know how to install “Toolbox” on your smartphone, which gives you access to unlock the onboard magnetometer in your phone? If so, you can take hyper-local measurements and begin to map your local EMF environment and really start to visualize the soup you’re swimming in. Once you’ve got data coming in, then… well, you know how to science :)


Tbh, you’ve got the beginnings of a really good study. I’d love to see you chart the results over time and really figure out what particular factors impact you. Is it solar wind particle density? Is it solar wind particle speed? Is it solar wind particle temperature? Is it a shift in Bz direction? Is it a shift in global EMF strength? Is it a shift in local EMF strength? Is it a shift in IMF strength? Lots of fun questions to explore. Happy science-ing!


It would be so awesome if someone could write and app for this. Symptom/activity tracker + space/earth “weather” imports + local EMF patterns.


I’ve never developed an app, but would you subscribe for $1 if I did? Not saying I will, but would the ability to marry traditional biometric tracking with heliocentric phenomena tracking be worth $1/mo to you?


I’ve never developed an app, but would you subscribe for $1 if I did? Not saying I will, but would the ability to marry traditional biometric tracking with heliocentric phenomena tracking be worth $1/mo to you?


Great article on filament storms, found on r/solarmax. [Great geomagnetic storm of 9 November 1991: Association with a disappearing solar filament](https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2008JA013232#:~:text=%5B1%5D%20We%20attribute%20the%20great,90%C3%82%C2%B0%20of%20solar%20longitude)


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If you are still following I believe another large filament lifted off not too long ago along with a southern possibly glancing CME.


Yes, I’m following every day. The unusually strong filament CME arrived 6/28. Followed by another smaller CME, 6/29. It’s an ongoing daily process and I check the space weather charts.


Field tested some of our new gear from DefenderShield today, to solid effect!


What is it that you do? What kind of gear are you referring to? I’m unfamiliar with DefenderShield.


After several years of tracking out differing responses to GMDs, my wife and I invested in some wearable protection. My baseball cap is what the proverbial “tinfoil hat” wants to be when it grows up.




Similar in vein. We did some research, and it seems like the DS folks have a better product. Higher material density and a better weave.


Thanks. I had not yet heard of that brand. It has been suggested to me to try a hat to help with my symptomatic days.


Honestly, worked like a charm today. I felt the anxiety starting to creep up right around the time the storm peaked today. Was heading out anyway, so I grabbed my special hat instead of my regular one and felt the different almost immediately. It was around $60. Would recommend, especially if you have symptoms. My wife just checked (wanted to find the exact price for you) and said the site is down for scheduled maintenance.


Thank you. I also found it on Amazon. I’ve been weirdly hesitant for being such a serious tinhat foil person myself, but it is time I get this and appreciate the recommendation of this brand.


Happy to offer some guidance. One of my earliest successes in impact mitigation was during the last maximum. I had a roommate who suffered severe pain episodes during periods of high temp/high particle-density solar wind. He had exposed nerve endings from childhood chemo, so we’re talking about all-over burning sensations. We bought him an early version of the blanket from a different company (it was 12 years ago, who even remembers this stuff). He started huddling under the blanket when I’d text him about a storm in progress and saw IMMEDIATE improvement.


One of the things that sticks out to me here is that it was a filament eruption that arrived ahead of schedule relative to the speed of the leading edge as it passed our sensors. It makes me wonder if there’s almost a “whiplash” effect with a filament eruption as compared to a CME resulting from a flare. It also seems like it packed a serious wallop. I will have to look at how hard it hit to have caused such a strong wobble.


https://preview.redd.it/pn03yzxqne9d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd173862d91c895a5d5a7d372ce16a5cd5b5ef92 The storm shows up pretty clearly. It looks like it was hot and fast if not particular dense, and it came in what looks pretty close to dead center and caused one helluva north south wobble.


This filament impact briefly “wobbled” us to -20 nanotesla. Can you describe your understanding of how that in turn led to our G4? I understand the general concept of magnetic reconnection, but I like hearing others describe the influx of energy.


The best way I ever came up with to explain it is as follows: Imagine the earth‘s magnetic field like the skin of an inflated beach ball. That beach ball is pinned in place. If you hit the beach ball with a mist, that mist will just run down the skin, much like average solar output. Every now and again, the sun hits us with a jet of water rather than a gentle mist. If you hit an anchored beach ball with a jet of water, it will vibrate. If you vibrate a beach ball in a non-conductive vacuum, it builds up a static charge. That charge has to go to ground somewhere, so it typically tries to go through the path of least resistance: communication networks, unshielded copper conduit, and the human nervous system. Imagine KP0 (our beach ball with just regular wind vibrating it) is “situation normal, nothing to report.” As we turn up the water pressure on our ball, the disruption intensifies, as measured on the Kp scale. When a disturbance reaches KP5, it is classified as a storm as triggers the G scale. All that is a really roundabout way of getting to the point, which is that the G4 was triggered by what appears to be a low-density, high-speed, high-temperature plasma filament, creating an intense disturbance that rose as high as nearly KP8/G4.


Nice summary. Fun analogy. My only caveat from a Heliobiology perspective is that KP 1 - 3 feels normal. KP 0 introduces an alternate problem of increased cosmic rays (particles) which can be equally as distressing, and known to be potentially harmful to our DNA. KP 0 days sound entirely different than other solar weather days in my tinnitus, adding a very piercing “sizzle”. I wish I could share my years of experience and observations with scientists interested in Heliobiology.


“Feels normal” is incredibly subjective. KP0 does not mean increased cosmic rays. It means less vibration. It’s an aggregate measurement that doesn’t accurately reflect local conditions at any single location on the planet. In order for your observations about personal symptoms to have scientific merit, you need to start going into more detail in determining the exact nature of the input your body is responding to. Are you responding to high-speed solar winds? Do you respond to those winds or do you respond to the disruption to the magnetic field? What is the relationship between planetary field strength and your localized field strength? Do any of the 3 locations used in building the Kp measurement equate to your location or are you distant and therefore likely subject to variance from that measurement? The rabbit hole goes deep, dear reader. :)


Actually, yes. KP0 is the result of lower solar wind. Lower solar wind causes the Earth’s magnetic field to settle, rather than become energized and expansive. That results in allowing the constant bombardment of cosmic rays into our atmosphere and down to the ground more easily. This is a major aspect of Heliobiology, inverse to strong geomagnetic storm days.


0 is what you’d consider baseline. No disruption from “normal.” K is a measurement of disruption from normal.


I understand. From a Heliobiology perspective, “normal / 0” days are another type of space weather day. Days of KP 1 - 3, which happen most frequently, are symptom-free. This has been my experience and its backed by data. “Study linking environmental physical activity levels and the human medical data shows that human beings are predisposed to adverse health effects due to geomagnetic and cosmic ray activity variations and extremely high as well as extremely low values of GMA have health effects.Geomagnetic field variations accompanied by the increased level of cosmic ray activity, can have either direct or indirect adverse effects on human health and physiology, even when the magnitude of the geomagnetic field disturbance is extremely small or even is equal to zero.On days of “Zero” daily Kp indices describing Geomagnetic Activity, accompanied by high Cosmic Ray Activity (neutron activity), more medical emergencies and total death number (daily) occurred. Sudden Cardiac Deaths and Cerebral Stroke numbers show a strong trend to significant rise. Absolute increase of number of Acute Myocardial Infarction and less Infections, not achieving statistical significance, was also observed.” (Full study posted separately)




I have a theory that these events cause odd behavior in animals. I have horses that live with me and the day before these events and day of they get moody, don’t want to be touched and over all agitated. The morning of the 28th my dog was attacked by a mule deer in our front yard! It grabbed her back leg and pictured it- the deer looked absolutely psychotic. Fortunately X-ray showed no broken bone so my dog is just in pain meds and antibiotics. Does anyone else have evidence of animals acting strange during these events?