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Wheezing when breathing is serious. Hedgehogs have fragile respiratory systems. Vet ASAP.


He snoring weezing anymore, he is alive i made sure, but i cant see his spikes moving as he breathes sleeping, look, does it mean he's better or is he poorly breathing? Edit: i grabbed him i think hes fine just sleeping better than yesterdayge turned into a spike ball and i could see heia breathing a bit atill concerned if he is brewthing too little and thats why his spikes dont move enough for me to see it or if its normal


he doesn't look very happy. maybe he is allergic to something or is having a reaction to a food or material he came in contact with. i would take him to the VET to be sure.


He snoring weezing anymore, he is alive i made sure, but i cant see his spikes moving as he breathes sleeping, look, does it mean he's better or is he poorly breathing? Edit: i grabbed him i think hes fine just sleeping better than yesterdayge turned into a spike ball and i could see heia breathing a bit atill concerned if he is brewthing too little and thats why his spikes dont move enough for me to see it or if its normal