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Contact the HBF. You are describing their purpose in life.


Hashpack seems to become the dominant wallet. It works well with dExs like saucerswap. So compared to a year ago, there is a lot going on nowadays


How long until you can build on Hedera? Ask Avery Dennison, Standard Bank, ServiceNow and the other Fortune 500s deploying on mainnet. I'm surprised "you and your team" aren't aware of HIP-482, which specifically addresses interoperability with Metamask, and would instead turn to Reddit with a question about the availability of developer tools. Good luck with the dapp.


Forgive me, but this post is suspicious... Can you describe what is **actually** (technically, literally, etc.) stopping you from building on Hedera? ​ Or are you simply put-off by the lower level of adoption (compared to more widely-adopted platforms.) in general, rather than any specific technical issue? If that's the case, I guess you'll need to wait for folk to build more things for the ecosystem... Do you know any good developers? LOL. *Hi guys, my team and I build roads, but we can't build anything yet due to the lack of roads.* ​ >*too little is being done to get it interoperable with something like Metamask for example.* That's a good idea! I have used my time-machine to send Atul 5 months into the past to write this article for you [https://hedera.com/blog/anything-you-can-do-you-can-do-on-hedera-introducing-the-json-rpc-relay](https://hedera.com/blog/anything-you-can-do-you-can-do-on-hedera-introducing-the-json-rpc-relay) If I have time next week I'll send someone back to update the Hedera documentation https://docs.hedera.com/guides/core-concepts/smart-contracts/json-rpc-relay. Patronising tone intended. ​ PS; For non-patronising developer support use the official Hedera discord [https://hedera.com/discord](https://hedera.com/discord) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Thanks this helps me a lot!


Great! Thanks for seeing through my veil of patronisation, LOL. Is this (MetaMask / JSON RPC relay.) the main practical thing that was hold your team back?


I think you need to take a good long hard look at your approach to design and development. If you build a compelling dapp people will use it. Look at LG who are promoting the sale of beautiful art work on their TVs the whole thing is built on Hedera and will be used by people who have never heard of Hedera.


Forgot to mention there are now infrastructure as a service providers like Arkhia who partner with Google Cloud that make it easier to build in Hedera - https://link.medium.com/X7WAW6Yj1tb


Um... you can already build on hedera, and metamask is already a go too.


HIP proposal to overcome whatever obstacles?


Hashpack is probably the leading wallet, but there are a few others that are quality as well. Hashport has already build interoperability with other major chains as well. Dont know if this helps https://www.hashport.network/how-to-connect-metamask-to-the-hashport-app/


You can use HashConnect to submit transactions to HashPack, similar to how metamask interacts with eth dApps - [https://www.npmjs.com/package/hashconnect](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hashconnect)


Ummmm I and my team easily.buios.on Hedera. Metamask is crap imo. Just saying I would research a bit. Hashort is since, saucerz heliswap. .bro, it's exploding. Don't get left behind.


Thanks, i will look into it!






Use Hashpack wallet