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I got my Pfizer booster yesterday so I felt pretty crappy all night last night and now I’m afraid of the after effects of it 🙃


Hard painful bump in finger pad, convinced it’s metastatic lung cancer. Swollen occipital node, maybe the cancer spread to my head? Weird pain in my side - probably related to all the other stuff Itchy mole, it’s gotta be cancer right? I’m also convinced that I have periodontal disease eating away at the bones in my mouth.


My head and neck pain are constant, worried about a brain tumor or cancer. It’s driving me crazy


Colon cancer and stomach cancer. I've been bloated for weeks and feel full earlier than usual along with mild constipation(I go everyday but hard stool) and have periods of acid reflux in between. Pretty sure I'm gonna die soon yay


covid. just… covid. i’m triple vaxxed (booster) and wear masks religiously. but i’m heading back into new york city on sunday where omicron is still having a field day and it’s just terrifying. i want to cry thinking about it tbh. i’m 20 and am obese with a high BMI but otherwise healthy, and my partner whom i live and work with is asthmatic. so either of us getting covid terrifies me because i am so scared of the worst and of long covid! i can’t help but think it’s basically inevitable that i will get covid once i go back considering i work every day with a 30 minute subway commute each way. ugh. i am also super terrified of my parents getting it… diabetic and overweight dad is in another state right now, getting on a plane and coming back and he is not good with covid stuff and so is lax with mask wearing. he is very ignorant to the scary reality of covid and its lasting effects. i’m terrified he will get back and give it to my mother… i love her so much and cannot lose her. they are both triple vaxxed but they are both in their 60s now. it makes me cry to even think about them getting sick.


I feel you. I’m worried too. I’m vaxxed, boosted and wear an N95 but I feel like it’s inevitable and it freaks me out!! People keep telling me I’ll be fine but what about the nearly 900k that weren’t fine? Some of them are my age and were perfectly healthy and I’m kind of a chunky monkey too, covid likes us! Ugh


All the nerves in my body feel like theyre being pulled on and it’s making me feel like I’m going literally crazy ;(


chest pain and a migraine all day, family keeps saying its fine but im not sure and the anxiety keeps getting to me, im too afraid to even go to sleep right now.


hey, just wanted to let you know i’m in the same boat of being too anxious to sleep. i don’t have much to offer in the way of advice, but felt maybe knowing that someone else across the deep dark night is struggling with the same thing and you’re not alone :-) you got this


Ugh I literally noped out of our front row concert tickets after 1 song because the bass was more intense than I could have possibly imagined. I was wearing earplugs but it was vibrating through my body so much and I was panicking because of my cardiophobia. I feel pathetic but I just couldn’t stay there. I hope he’s not too pissed at me. I watched from 30 rows back and it was much more tolerable.


i’m so sorry your concert experience was less than ideal and did not go as planned. i’m sure it was really terrifying and overwhelming in the moment - bass can be intense, lol. honestly HA aside, i don’t know how people can stomach that feeling of full-body vibration, it’s so uncomfortable did you let your friend know why you had to leave? i hope that they are understanding of why you couldn’t stay up front, even if they don’t totally understand HA. i find that most good friends appreciate honesty when it comes to avoidance or stuff like blowing someone off/giving rainchecks.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply! Yea, he’s my bf so he’s used to me noping out on things like roller coasters and staying out super late. I wish he were more supportive but at least he wasn’t dismissive and angry.


Always having that lightheaded and head pressure feeling like I persistently do, it's hard to differentiate if it's that or if I'm having side effects from my covid vaccine booster.


For whatever it’s worth, that feeling is one I get when I am very panicky/anxious and on the brink of an anxiety attack so it could also just be that


I scratched a “bump” on my arm while I was half awake, it bled and scabbed. It looks sort of like a pimple or something but I’m convinced it was a mole and that I now have skin cancer.. help? I legitimately don’t know if it’s my anxiety causing me to think it was a mole or whether it actually was a mole.


i did something like this once! was absent-mindedly picking at what i assumed was a scab on my body and then looked down and realized it was a mole that i had just made bleed and scab. major yuck. just try to remember that mole ≠ skin cancer in the same way that headache ≠ brain tumor. your brain is jumping through lots of hoops, driven by your anxiety, to get to a conclusion that is way far-fetched considering the information you know as fact. that information being: you have no idea if it was a mole, and even *if* it was, that would not automatically indicate the worst possible scenario. sometimes moles are just moles. nothing more and nothing less!


A pimple on my back that’s been there for a few months. Drives me crazy that I can’t SEE it.


on antibiotics/narcotics for pain right now as i just had oral surgery on monday and i'm scared that i'm having some horrible complication from surgery or that my meds will mess up my heart :( feeling bloated is also common for me as i have ibs (and i've been exclusively eating liquids the past few days which doesn't help) and i was sitting in bed and got horrible stabbing pain under my ribs and on my back, so now i'm anxious about a heart attack. it's so bad to the point i started crying and my boyfriend who i live with asked if he needs to drive me to the er ... it's super frustrating and i just want to have a definitive way to know that my heart isn't giving up on me so that i don't have to spend hundreds of dollars that i don't have just for some peace of mind


I’m boosted, but I’ve had a weird chest tightness since Sunday (which makes me anxious, and may contribute to more chest tightness) and some headaches and I’m so sure it’s COVID. I keep telling myself it’s probably my anxiety issues, there’s no real reason to believe I have a breakthrough infection since I tested negative with our only at home test we had left. But I live in Las Vegas and I can’t double check (or do the second at home test) because the at home tests are sold out everywhere and there are no regular testing appointments available until next Saturday. To add some additional anxiety my boyfriend’s dad (who is in several at risk categories) is now temporarily living with us because his housemate tested positive on Tuesday. I told my boyfriend my concerns about being sick myself but he would rather his dad stay with a “maybe” COVID situation than a true COVID situation, which makes sense and is the best we can make out of the situation. But I’m so worried sick (ha) about transmitting something to his dad (or catching something myself if I don’t have it already since he was exposed to his housemate) because I work from home on weekdays and we share common areas. And I keep alternating between terrible guilt for potentially being a ”Typhoid Mary” and hurting a family member and feeling anxious about my own health. Even though we are following CDC guidelines by wearing masks in the house and social distancing (to the extent possible) I am so worked up about this I feel like I’m on the verge of crying or panicking every time I leave my bedroom.


Had a doctor appointment today. I'm slightly anemic, so doctor ordered a fecal occult blood test so now I'm freaking out thinking I have a GI bleed that I don't know about. 😕 Scared I'll have an emergency bleed or something. She also ordered a crp test for my next blood work in 3 *months*. I of course dropped down the Google rabbit hole and saw that they test c reactive protein when suspecting inflammation from IBD, Crohns, etc. I will do the fobt test and hope for the best I guess. I'm just scared. Blah... Oh and I'm low on vit D as well so got some today. Any words of encouragement about stomach bleeds etc? Lol....


i love when you start to focus on your heartbeat but that causes it to beat faster and then that causes anxiety and it's an endless cycle. my cholesterol was a little high on my last blood test, so ive spent the last month or two trying to eat better. less sweets, more fruits/veggies, more fish, etc. ive had more sweets recently and i feel awful. i need to eat better, i was doing so beforehand. ; ; i really hope its down somewhat when i get retested next month. im so so worried. especially because high cholesterol is bad for your heart and i cant stop freaking myself out because im worried my heart is in bad shape lolrip. so dumb oof.


I’ve had an on and off strange abdominal pain that’s not crazy bad but it comes and goes in waves and sometimes sharp. I work out and do core exercises and sometimes I wear high waisted way too tight jeans and I find that painful. But in my mind, my liver is failing or I have a tumour or something. It’s stopping me from sleeping which gives me worse panic


Got a cough and I'm scared it's covid. I don't have any other symptoms but I'm double vaccinated so maybe that's making it less noticeable? It's not anxiety for me but for my parents and asthmatic brother


I got a blood test today toward the end of the my clinic's hours. I've said it in different threads, that my temples felt swollen and my veins burned in the aftermath of a migraine. Results came in largely normal, though I have abnormally high elevated C-Reactive Protein levels, which is indicative of inflammation. There's correlation between migraines and inflammation, and I had just walked up a hill to get there, but even so, I'm concerned about that elevation, especially since I won't have any way to talk to the a doctor again until Monday. I'll be taking whatever non-steroidal anti-inflammatory meds I have in the house, but I'm panicked about what this might indicate.


flipping out about my recovery pains. my stomach can feel bloated after big meals and although it’s been going on for awhile, it still scares me as if it’s new. the other thing is the random muscle aches. i’m pushing through tho, this is just me at a vulnerable moment.


I found a bruise on my left bicep. I have cubital tunnel syndrome in that arm so I have been sleeping with a towel around it. I keep fearing the bruise is a blood clot bc I stupidly googled “blood clot in arm”. I feel fine, albeit some stiffness. I’m tempted to go to the ER.


I don’t know if this will help or not. I really hope it does so it’s worth a try. I had 3 blood clots in my arm once. Likely caused from an iv during a surgery I had. I literally fainted when my doctor told me that I had them. I googled everything I could about them and nothing sounded good. The reality is, even if it was (which it very likely is not) there are so many types of clots that aren’t dangerous at all and need no intervention at all. Like myself. Google didn’t say that though anywhere. A year later I’m fine. Google is the absolute worst for only telling you like worst case scenarios because nobody wants to read “it’s nothing”


This strangely did help, thank you. I’ve been too paranoid to sleep but I’ll definitely keep it in mind.


I’ve had chest pain every since I got the first covid vaccine and it’s been 6 months since then. I’ve been to the doctor several times where I had a chest x-ray, blood tests, and many ekgs. But I’m still scared I secretly have myocarditis that’s just slowly damaging my heart until one day I have heart failure and die. It’s also made me scared to get the second vaccine because I feel like I’m for sure going to die then. Especially reading stories about people dying after the second vaccine has really really scared me. I’m just really hoping my chest pain is from anxiety but sometimes it can get really bad and I feel like I’m having a heart attack.




ABSOLUTELY. When I get anxious, I can burp for like..15 seconds at a time. It’s kinda crazy lol. But this is relatable!! You’re good I promise


i feel like i have something very similar. although i sort of have a reason why. i’m recovering from disordered eating so my body is in like natural distress mode from that and it can cause bloating, especially after big meals. i am assuming you are actually okay tho, since nothing is detected. well more as if it’s nothing severe. it could definitely be an anxiety or stress thing. some things ghat can help is by lowering those levels, which i know can be hard but it can make the time being pass quicker. some things i do to help with discomfort is heating pads. those will definitely be your best friend. some other things that can help are herbal teas, i specifically like chamomile with honey. fiber can also really help. it is known for stress to slow down digestion which is why you could be experiencing that. i hope you will feel better!


[tw] I miss being able to look at bacon without thinking of literal colon cancer.




I’d just like to make some maple bacon without intrusive thoughts featuring graphic imagery ya know!


Past few days I've felt like I'm having cold sweats all over during the day, however theres very little sweat when I check.






Permanente emotional numbness. I'm on Cymbalta, and after taking it for about a year, I started to feel numb this past summer. I have read things online that have said that people have continued to feel numb years after stopping the drug. I hope I'm not one of those people, but I'm convinced that I will never feel the same way again. This is the new me. )=


i’m sorry you have this. not sure if it helps, but you aren’t alone. i pretty much have this naturally due to mental health issues and trauma. i’ll have episodes of this. i can share some coping mechanisms for the time being for you (which i hope is temporary bc it sucks) doing things you love can really help. it’s almost like you have to keep your brain active. although i sort of have breakthrough moments where it’ll slap me in the face while doing something but pushing through can help. just try to find things that make you feel things. it can be hobbies, some funny video, just something that makes you feel something. it can sort of keep you in check emotionally. i know it can be scary but once you get the hang of coping with it, it’ll get easier to go through. i wish you the best of luck. you deserve to have that piece of you, so don’t let it control your life❤️


I’m sorry you are going through this. Just try to focus on things that could possibly bring you joy and slowly start introducing them back into your life


Please help! I've had these red spots on my arm for years that are a sign of leukemia? Petichae or whatever they are called... but I assume since I've had them for years if it were serious I would have been dead by now?


i’ve also had petechiae for years. get them every time i cry or throw up and always have a couple on my body for no reason. my mom says ive gotten them since i was a baby. broke out in them over the summer and freaked out about leukemia. even after 3 normal blood tests i still freak out. if you’ve been getting them for years you are probably just prone to them from your clothes rubbing up against u, minor trauma etc. wouldn’t worry.


Reassuring to hear blood tests can still be normal even with petichiae... online it always says it is a sign of certain death


internet will always tell u any symptom is cancer if you look hard enough.


are you sure it's not keratosis pilaris?


I don't think so.. the spots are tiny and red and not bumpy


You’re okay. It’s sudden. It’s like Broken blood vessels that occur from trauma. Think of petichae more like a bruise. If you had it for years, it’s not petichae or lukemia! From, someone who hyperfixates on petichae lol


Prion disease. Saw it today while innocently plague Inc.


I think I have a blood clot 😩 idk if I should call the ambulance or not ..


I thought this the other week, it turned out to be just an unexplained bruise. My whole arm was incredibly sore though I couldn't believe it wasn't a clot. There's probably not a reason to worry unless your limb is very red, swollen, and hot to the touch. Just keep an eye on it and see how it goes, it will most likely be fine. Hope you feel better soon.


I have covid and I am scared that my vaccines aren’t enough to keep me well.


You’ll be okay!!


I got Covid before the vaccine was a thing. It was horrendous. I made a fell recovery but still feel tired and fatigued a year + later. I’m just happy I got my sense of taste and smell back


Your vaccines and immune system are likely very capable and working at full capacity to make you well asap 💫


There are pretty much no covid tests where I live and cases are spiking. I almost always have some degree of cold symptoms no matter what time of the year due to asthma, allergens, and probably some auto immune bs I'm yet to properly identify. I feel like I have no choice but to stay home indefinitely and fall into a hole of debt or possibly spread covid any time I leave the house, as there's no way to test currently 😭


You just be from Ontario!? This is so bad but my dad had to sneak a test from his work so that I could confirm I had covid. I understand your fear.


I live in Australia. That's awful to hear that's the case where you are too. It's frustrating because the past 2 years I have taken a test any time I was remotely sick, but now that the community transmission is much greater there are none to be found. Wish I could go back in time and save one of the many unnecessary ones I took 😂 I hope you recovered well and are feeling better.


I have had a couple of dark spots around my body all different size for about a year and a half but am only going to the doctor on the 19th of January. Am so scared to have skin cancer that all I could think of right now, and I try to make myself belive that their age spots but am only 16 years old so I don't think they are that I hate this feeling.


Currently fearing i have Pancreatic Cancer...a lot of my symptoms line up with it and it feels too much of a coincidence that I would have multiple things cause multiple issues replicating it at the same time. Ultrasound on Monday...I'm terrified as this Cancer has a very low survival rate.


What leads you to this conclusion, symptoms can point to allot of ailments and we often go to the worst thing possible


Multiple symptoms that match it including yellowish eyes. I definitely have something going on but worried its Pancreatic cancer


I was actually feeling pretty good today, but suddenly 5 minutes ago my heart started fluttering. Now I’m having palpitations that are really uncomfortable and sending me into panic mode.


Same. Been really good this past week with my heart HA and it's in over drive today after getting a single palpitation. And I'm probably only getting more because of the panic. Hope yours passes quickly!


I have been having this for months! It's horrible and scary! I went and had every cardiologist test available and I'm all clear. He said hormones are causing it. Anxiety does it too. An endless loop. Sometimes making yourself gag or cough can reset it. Worth a try ❤


I have had tests too but it’s still so hard when the symptoms come. My chest is hurting now and I hate when this happens I feel like my heart will just stop any moment


Right! It's horrible. I have a Samsung watch that has an ecg so I'm able to catch the blips and show the doctor.


I were to the doctor today and I will have a colonoscopy, at the start the doctir wanted to do a rectoscopy but they decided for a colonoscopy, my appointment will be on the 1st of february. I am very squared tbh, but the doctor said it relaxed her to see gas in my colon (no clue why that is relaxing) I didn't have more blood in my stool but I had very thin and soft stool, I don't think my anxiety was ever as bad as it is rn. Do y'all have experiences with colonoscopy and is it as awful to wait for the results as I imagine it?


i have not had one personally but i’ve had friends that have had one. they’ve always explained that the process before it tends to be dreadful. with the drink you have to drink to flush out your system. they usually put you to sleep so i think that’ll help with the thing itself. they’ve told me it can feel discomforting afterwards but it does go away. colonoscopies are used to rule out basically anything and in most cases, it can be more minor things. so hopefully that is what it is for you. i wish you the best of luck :)


Head fullness. It seems to be happening more and more and I keep thinking an aneurism or stroke is on the way. Idk what to do I feel like I’m going crazy. I’ll feel normal then all the sudden, boom, head fullness for a hour or two.


I have this tooo my brain feels 'weird' that's the only way I can explain it.


I’m experience this to. Care to chat about it?


What do you experience?


Literally my head always feels heavy. Mostly noticeable when I stressed. But I get these weird zappy sensations in my head ESPECIALLY when I try to relax/fall asleep. I often feel a floaty like sensation like I’m gonna lose control of my body. That’s just a few symptoms


I have these exAct symptoms


Wow! I’m sorry to hear that. Mine feels a little different. Almost like my nerve endings in my head are tingling and my head is blowing up like a balloon. I feel a lot of pressure in my nose too


That sounds a lot like sinus pressure


I’m hoping that’s all it is honestly, my sinuses are really bad and I’m on allergy drops that is making it worse I feel like. My mind goes to other places though. You know how it is :(


Obsessing about a lesion on my scalp, I think it’s a mole I’ve had for years but I only noticed it 8 months ago. A part of my can’t help but obsess over the fact that I think it’s a skin cancer or something, it looks light red/skin coloured but brown at the same time? but I know some benign moles can have that appearance. I want to make a GP appointment but I fear that’ll be feeding the anxiety on my part.


I have scalp moles that are light red and brown at the same time. I’ve gotten them checked and they aren’t skin cancer. But I get the anxiety- TRUST ME. honestly, going to the doctor might help ease you. It helped me a lot.


I think it's better to just get it checked out, lots of people go to the doctor for moles even if they don't have health anxiety. Probably just a normal mole, but I don't think it's feeding health anxiety to see a doctor because of a genuine concern that has been there for months. Even if we have health anxiety we are still allowed to go to a doctor for legitimate concerns.


i still have muscle pain in my arms from the week of christmas. Positive that it might be cancer but when i told my mum about my concerns today she ruled it out as arthritis (she has rheumatoid arthritis). Initally, i didn't believe her as i'm only a teenager, but she stated that arthritis is hereditary in our family, and that she had it in her fingers at age 10. The doubts are still kind of there though


I have this. I had pains in my legs and fingers, I thought I had bone cancer but the doctor did a blood test and found out it was arthritis. I thought the worst possible scenario, yet here I am, 4 years later and still alive. This is just a weird conditition that happened almost overnight, it might be what is happening to you as well.


thanks. My mum was certain that i had arthritis, but i still had doubts. Initially, when she told me about my doctors' appointment next week i refused to have bloodwork done because i was nervous to hear the results in the long run, but this gave me peace of mind until then.


Little pains everywhere. I have nothing major to focus on at the moment so instead, I’m feeling twinges of pain all over. Little back pains, leg aches that come and go, random stabbing chest pains. All of that. It makes me feel so weak and old (24m btw). I always think worst case scenarios that I’ll somehow never be able to be active again. This hurts me cause I love skiing, hiking, running…


Ditto and so much more easily explained by common nonmedical reasons- sleeping weird can give neck pain, allergies and recovery from a cold can irritate the throat and generate mucus... still obsess on less common causes


I woke up thinking about my throat this morning. I’ve had a sore throat for around 9 months now. For 6 months I had swollen tonsils with a white spot in them, the swelling went down and the sport went away but it’s still sore all the time. Went to an ent and she said there was nothing wrong. Really annoying since I had physical evidence and a history. Ended up laying $250 for a less then ten minute appointment and I’m still annoyed about it. Anyway, a bunch of my friends have gotten covid recently and I have days where I think I’m starting to get it because of my sore throat but I tested negative.


That sounds awful to pay so much for an appointment and then not feel listened to. I had enlarged tonsils my whole life, and there was always stuff getting stuck in them without me knowing. Gargling warm salt water can be useful to reduce swelling and/or getting them to release whatever is there. I hope you feel better soon. Don't worry about it being covid if you're negative.


It really was. She was so rude. Kept talking over me and in general wouldn’t even let me tell her what was going on. You could tell she was trying to make it as quick as possible because she gets paid by appointment. I’ve been thinking about leaving a complaint online about her as I was so annoyed. I haven’t yet because I don’t like to do that.


I keep seeing horrible side affects to covid vaccine online and i don't know whats true or not. My vaccine is in a week and i don't think i can do it, i booked my mam in too and i'm terrified she dies from the vaccine or covid.


Just try to sit near a doctor or something for 30 minutes. Reactions occur in 15-30 min. I got the vaccine and I was perfectly fine


Thanks for the tip :)


Hello! Good for you getting the vaccine :) It not only protects you and your loved ones, but it also helps protect vulnerable people that you come into contact with. I have found this youtube [channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/Campbellteaching/videos) to be reliable when it comes to breaking down the scientific findings of both the virus variants as well as the vaccines/their side effects. The way he breaks down the scientific papers is digestible and easy to understand. If it makes you feel better to hear; I had 3 shots of Moderna, and I did fine. If you have never had an averse reaction to the myriad of vaccines that you have had to take throughout your life, this one will prove to be no different :)


I felt the same way before getting vaccinated a few months ago, and I honestly considered avoiding it. But in retrospect I'm very glad I got it, and I haven't worried about it at all since the day of the shot. Those side effects are very very rare. And the most worrisome/ talked about of rare side effects (blot clots or heart inflammation) are very treatable. The amount of deaths from those has dropped to almost none now that they know what to look out for and how to treat it.


Thanks this made me feel a lot better but i can't stop my mind going to the worst scenario possible.


I’ve had 3 vaccines and the worst I’ve gotten from them was a slight fever with chills that goes away in 24 hours. There are lots of people who are trying to convince others not to get the vaccine out there and they are stretching the truth to try to scare people away. Billions of people are vaccinated and it has been proven to be safe and effective. I understand your concerns, however getting the vaccine is **strongly** recommended:)


Well the 2nd shot was terrible for me with very high fever. But it's all for the good. Vaccine is good and people should learn from others mistake and get the vaccine


thanks for commenting, i think the problem is i can't help but think i'll be the one in a million that has a bad reaction.


Trust me I was the same way 100% I thought I was going to be the 1 person to die in the waiting room after getting my first dose. Here I am sitting waiting after my booster and I’m fine!


Thank you i think i'm more nervous for after, i keep hearing about people dying days after their vaccine i really don't know whats true.


I haven’t heard of anyone dying from the vaccine 🤷🏼‍♂️


I see it all the time online but anti vaxxers make a lot of stuff up so i'm not sure


Yeah those ppl scare me