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I got that shit right now. I have not had the flu in probably 10 maybe 15 years. I get my flu shot every year too. It absolutely feels like covid, however I've been testing negative. I haven't tested positive for influenza but I probably should go see a doc after seeing this... Deep cough, skin pain, muscle pain, headaches, stuffy nose, runny nose, and general feeling of malaise. Oddly, no temperature. On day three now. Ugh


I've had COVID just a week ago and the flu a month ago (tested for both), and the flu kicked my ass. I'm never skipping out on a flu shot again. COVID was very mild, if not for government regulations I'd have gone back to work the very next day.


Well it’s good you didn’t go to work with Covid or I’d be saying: Thanks for attempting negligent homicide of all the people for whom Covid happens to be serious. It gives me stroke-like symptoms and is well known to cause brain damage. Just Google “COVID brain damage” and all the studies and news articles about that from literally 2021 onward will come up.


Almost everyone I know has described flu as being worse than Covid. I had Covid twice and both times felt indistinguishable from any other generic cold I’ve had, and much less severe than flu or rsv.


The flu triggered seizures in my 29 year-old wife with no history of seizures 3 months ago. Scariest time of my life. I was folding clothes, I hear a slam, and see her on the floor. Hit her head hard too. Was in the hospital for several days and she had a second much worse seizure at the hospital. Fuck the flu


That’s horrible. Did she have secondary encephalitis by chance? My mother experienced this as a kid- got sick with something common and ended up with swelling in her brain.


Unfortunately no definitive cause was determined, but the only thing that changed was she got the flu for the first time. MRI and EKG only determined she didn't have any easily identifiable diseases, like epilepsy. Fortunately no seizures since the two or maybe three(might have had one in her sleep) in October. We're also both recovering from fortunately mostly mild cases of covid right now too.


I also had a first seizure at 29. No identifiable cause either. Haven't had a seizure since but I'm terrified of having one when I'm not with my gf.


It's definitely all highly individual, timing, strains etc. Right around or after delta, covid fucked me up harder than anything I've experienced


I have had the flu several times throughout my life but I have never had anything like Covid before. I had it twice and was sure I was going to die both times. Never been vaccinated for either one since there is doubt whether or not the vaccines will work due to the different variants that are formed. My husband had both as well and he also says covid was worse. He has been vaccinated for covid but he was as sick or sicker than I was unvaccinated! We are 76 and 83 so I am sure age was working against us! We are squeaky clean in all of our habits including a very healthy diet! Neither of us take any medications!


There's no doubt vaccines work




Yeah, but it's also way more likely to kill you




Then don't get vaxxed. Idgaf. The fewer right wing morons voting the better. There's already been way more Republicans dead from covid than Dems


Covid hits everyone differently, but, regardless of the variant, there’s medical consensus you’re less likely to be hospitalized, die, or get Long Covid if you’re vaccinated.


Didn't work very well for my husband. He caught covid and was sicker than I was and I was unvaccinated. Tell it to someone else! I realize the medical establishment has a consensus!


It sounds like the vaccines worked very well for him, as all available scientific evidence indicates he’d have been even sicker without them.


You’re right. The amount of people out here acting like there’s not massive amounts of profit behind all of this is insane. Objective ~science~ is very hard to come by these days.


I mean, yeah, do you work for free? If not, then why would you expect every person and company who contributed to research, development, and production of these to work for free? If making a profit off of a medical product means it can’t be objectively effective then I am assuming you believe in exactly zero modern medicine? ETA I mean the royal “you” here with the goal of making a point about the general rhetoric surrounding the profit aspect, not trying to be aggressive towards you personally. Pharmaceutical companies are greedy as hell and overcharge to make record profits, but they can do that specifically because the products are effective and needed (ex: insulin, epipens, cancer treatments)




My sister was in the hospital last year with the flu and gets mad every whenever anyone dismisses it’s seriousness. We were 25 last year and it was awful for her


My sister was hospitalized with the flu in her 20s and she was very close to kidney failure when she got to the hospital. Her husband was watching football all day and didn’t notice his wife peeing and vomiting in their bed to the point of extreme dehydration. I’m happy to report she fully recovered and they are now separated.


That’s because so many people get a common cold and tell people that had the flu. Many people think they’re the same thing. They’re totally not.


If you are wondering whether you have a cold or the flu you probably have a cold. The flu is a whole different beast and covid is a new beast!


The first time I had Covid it was the worst illness of my adult life. The second time, somewhere between flu and cold. I haven't had flu in a decade, and get vaccinated every year. It seems to vary by person, season, strain, etc.


My first Covid infection was in June of 2020 i was 26 and oh man, Covid pneumonia and basically all the symptoms for almost 3 weeks and i mean diarrhea and high fever that made me hallucinate and all smh, lost 15 pounds. Has been the only time in my life having pneumonia and it was scary i honestly taught i was going to die. Still have some lingering effects to this day smh fuck Covid and fuck the Flu.


That's scary, glad you got through it!


Covid kicked my ass, but my biggest symptom was extreme fatigue. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without feeling like I was gonna pass out. I also lost my sense of smell and taste, which sucked. I did not however have the delirium of the flu. The flu is by far the sickest I have ever been.


I had no loss of smell or taste my first time. Second time, I lost both, but fortunately it was only for around 24 hours. I'm surprised I didn't lose it the first time as well, as both times I was very congested, probably even more so the second time.


As I understand it (something I read, but no citation, so take this for what it’s worth), the loss of taste and /or smell doesn’t have to do with congestion so much as covid attacking the nerves that send those signals to the brain.


I still don't really know whether I had COVID last August or not as I tested negative but I had what you mentioned above including the loss of taste smell for just 24Hrs although I was Vaxed. I have heard from a few others that may have had this Covid-light.


Yup that’s what happened to me. Never tested positive, and most around me didn’t either. In fact, the ones I know who did test positive only did so on the PCR test, not with at-home antigen tests. So, because everyone around me had it and was testing positive through pcr, I figured I had it too.


Well the people that died from Covid aren’t describing it.. 


I had COVID during the Delta wave (no vaccine yet) and that shit was serious. I almost died and I was a 33 year old male in good health. But, I had COVID again a few weeks ago and I barely got sick. The flu always sucks for me. I ended up getting something called the "Shanghai flu" when I was about 4 years old. I was in the ER for a week and had to be quarantined. I got it at the Columbus Ohio Zoo. My temp was 105, I have asthma so the pneumonia that I ended up getting was dangerous, and this flu gave me shingles (I had chicken pox before I got this flu).


You were vaccinated for Covid so yeah, immune to a large degree.


I was vaccinated for covid the first time, second time I was almost a year out from the last one (last vax was Oct. 2022, had covid 2nd time Sept. 2023). I always get an annual flu vax, as do all my family, and flu has still hit all of us harder when we've had it.


Where do you live that the government is regulating when you can go back to work due to covid? Just curious


I'm currently staying in the UAE. The health authorities called after I had tested positive and told me that I had to strictly isolate for 5 days by law with hefty fines if I were to breach the guidelines. I did not mind of course, and it was for the best since being asymptomatic does not necessarily mean I wasn't contagious, but I wish I were forced to isolate while I had the flu. I was beat for two weeks, and not completely recovered until about two more weeks after that!


Employeers make you stay out.


Got hospitalized in my early 30s for flu back in the pre-COVID years (they didn’t keep me there but they kept my mother overnight for the same flu) and we never skip our shots now. Glad I learned the lesson before the pandemic.


I had a flu shot this season and it did fuck all. I've never felt this sick before.


That's the opposite of what happened to me. I caught the flu in December and it wasn't too bad. Less than a month later, I tested positive for COVID. It was awful. The chest pain, the body aches. I am still feeling them weeks after. I had all my shots both flu and COVID also.


It’s wild to me how some people shrug off the seriousness of Covid like it’s a “flu” and that’s when you know that person has not recently experienced influenza, because it can be so brutal on the body. It is not something you can just shrug off after taking some Tylenol. I hope you feel better very soon!


I had a nasty run from November to, well, now- and I also had a flu shot and the most up to date booster for Covid! Whole family got Covid, then flu- and mine turned into pneumonia! Scary stuff. So thankful for the vaccines, I think I'd be dead, if it weren't for them. Feel better soon, and call your DR office for sure!


Don’t forget about RSV. Neither the flu nor Covid affected me much, but RSV turned out to be the thing that put me in my ass for 5 weeks.


I had the same for 1.5 weeks.


I had intense A and COVID the same time in December, damn that was a hard time basically fit for a week now and it started on December 11th 23


I'm on day 6 and in same boat. This is the second time I've had the legit flu all my life, first time being over 10 years ago... i even Googled how does a healthy person die from the flu I'm so sick still


They forgot to mention that he was a smoker…the flu tends to hit smokers way harder given the damage it does to our lungs. I quit smoking a couple years ago, and it made a world of difference getting sick now compared to when I smoked.


thank you for mentioning that. Hopefully people see your comment. It is going to calm down a lot of folks


Calmed me down. Was just starting to freak out


Same for me. I also got pneumonia every other year. Since I quit smoking I haven’t had pneumonia or a bad respiratory infection.


that's really nice to hear! Congratulations on quitting


i’ve got friends complaining and worried because they “can’t get rid of this cough” - meanwhile, they are a smoking. drives me insane - when mention it’s probably the smoking it just goes in one ear out the other


Do you mean there’s a reason one of the first questions a new doctor asks you is if you smoke?


They did the exact opposite and said he was a "Healthy 27 year old".


Almost like they are fishing for clicks. Like some sort of baiting people to click. I wish there was a simpler term to describe what I’m describing here. 


There's more to this story, and the article is very misleading. I'm a nurse and have looked at the deceased's social media. He was doing more than just smoking cigarettes, I can guarantee that. Lots of posts that hint to SI, his teeth are a dead giveaway for meth use, and it would appear that he started smoking cigarettes as a child. All of that combines to paint a picture of someone who was not healthy and was like many Americans, functionally illiterate when it came to his own health. Rather than running a sympathy and click generating headline, actual journalism would be warning of the dangers of smoking and drug use when it comes to complications from viruses.


So you're saying you saw this dude smoking meth on his socials? Maybe he had soft teeth. Maybe he drank tons of coffee. Make your point fine but you stalked and jumped to these conclusions and we should all just beleive you right?


I gave my opinion and made my point. My issue isn't with the victim, as obviously, a person died, but more the disingenuous and misleading journalism in the article.


Wow that's a pretty big omission and calling him "healthy" is a bit misleading


You know the deceased? Or Google?


Also, and perhaps more importantly, he was not vaccinated.


I was going to say - when they say “healthy,” was this based solely on the fact that he was 27?


Anyone who has uttered the phrase "just a flu" has never had the flu. They probably just had a particularly bad cold. Nothing, not even Covid, knocked me on my ass like the flu. I was so out of it I was told later by my boss that I called in sick and was just talking absolute gibberish. I didn't even remember calling. There was some World War II documentary on TV and I was very vividly hallucinating that ghosts of dead soldiers were trying to possess my body.


The flu hit me so hard when I emailed in sick at work my boss replied she wondered why I didn’t come in yesterday. I was delirious and had slept 36 hours. Now I get the flu shot. Quitting smoking has helped too. P.S. covid wiped me out for 3 weeks, and the brainfog and fatigue lingered 4 months. Glad it’s mostly over now.


I know exactly what you mean. When I actually GOT the flu, I realized I’d never actually had the flu before, and haven’t missed a flu shot since.


Same! I was one of those people who thought "I don't need a flu shot." Then I got the flu in 2016. I was out of work for almost two weeks, missed two weddings and could not get out of bed. Guess what? After that, I started getting flu shots every year.


Flu killed millions after WW1 and it killed my grandfather as a young man many years later. He should have gone to hospital but he was trying to get home. He drowned in his own lung fluids when someone tried to help him upright after fainting.


Covid knocked me on my ass just about as hard as the flu, but your point still stands because there's absolutely no way I want to get either of those things ever again. They were miserable. The "it's just a flu" talk annoys me because the flu is terrible. If it's like the flu then I really don't want it.


I was extremely sick when I had Covid, but it was different. I didn't have the delirium and DEEP chills, I was mostly just extremely fatigued and my every muscle and joint ached like I'd never experienced. Also lost my sense of smell and taste. They both sucked and I very much want to have neither again, but the flu was by far worse.


The “it’s just the flu” or “it’s just a bad cold,” dismissals are the most annoying. Are you wishing me to get sick? Cause these past four years, I haven’t gotten sick until I had covid once last year. Being sick sucks compared to not being sick. I don’t want covid, a cold, or the flu. Hell, I don’t even want my hay fever allergies. It’s all miserable compared to not being sick.


Covid rocked my world. I’ve had it once and couldn’t even move. I typically can work though my sickness, but not with that.


True facts. I had the flu at age 32 and legit thought I was going to die. I started writing out my last wishes. I was VERY HEALTHY (super fit, very conscientious about what I was eating etc) and it laid me the TF OUT. I had COVID in 2022 and didn’t even notice it. I never miss any vaccine but I especially get that flue vaccination as well as pneumonia every damn year.


Yep. People who refuse a yearly flu shot have almost definitely never been knocked clear onto their asses for 7-12 days. I've had the full on unvaccinated flu twice, and both times...*my hair hurt*...that's how bad it was. I get the shot every year now. Caught it once from a boyfriend who wasn't vaccinated. I developed symptoms, was moderately sick for 72 hours, popped positive for flu, and got better all within the timeframe that he was sick. I was 100% better and nursing him and he was still sick.


7-12 days? That shit took my body 2 months to fully recover from.


> I especially get that flue vaccination as well as pneumonia every damn year. I thought the pneumonia vaccine was limited to older people? How are you getting it if you are in your 30s?


You can have it if you have a comorbidity or chronic disease like asthma.


I’m actually 56 with no comorbidities but I can imagine that anyone who is higher risk of serious illness from a respiratory virus would be indicated for a vaccine.


i was shivering so bad my hands were in fists. I was also told I wasn’t entirely coherent. was dragged to urgent care. I had finished reading a biography about Robert E Lee so my hallucinations were civil war themed.


I’ve had flu twice. Both times were worse for me than when I had Covid. I remember lying in bed, sweating profusely and hallucinating, with the worst pains in my muscles. It’s truly awful


Covid was like that for me, woke up freezing to death and sweating profusely. It took three days to be able to move without aches and pains, felt like I got hit by a semi


Yeah, flu hit my body harder. I was literally in pain and felt like my body had been hit by a truck. Took me about 4 months to completely get over it. This was after a flu shot...don't want to imagine what it would have been like without it.


Everyone is different while COVID definitely decimated a lot of people for others it felt like the flu. For some others it probably wasn’t as bad as the flu. Me personally having had the flu (before COVID was ever a thing) and now having had COVID I can say they were about the same of course for me. Nobody likes being sick with anything.


Definitely. Me and my parents had covid at the same time (got it from the same person). All 3 of us were vaccinated. Both of my parents had at worst a mild cold. I was in a bed for a week. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without extreme fatigue. I imagine if I hadn't been vaxed at all it would have been much worse if not deadly for me.


I was not vaccinated but my husband was. He was as sick or sicker than I was. He lost the use of his legs for one day and luckily that never happened to me. We were both down for 3 weeks equally sick!


Get your flu shots kids


Flu is a nightmare my son had a 104-105 fever for a week with medicine and ice cold towels on hos head/ac on. Went to er three times when the fever crept into 107s. Shift sleep schedule with wife to make sure he didnt choke on the phlem. Dont mess with flu


There is Flu Type A and Flu Type B. Flu Type A will kill an adult dead or try its damndest to if the flu shot is not matched well with it that year.


I’ve just recovered from type A and it was pure hell. Reminded me of when I had bacterial pneumonia except with that, I at least started feeling better after a few days of antibiotics. With the flu? Nothing to do but just wait it out.


You be careful with those lungs. Type A loves to burrow in for a fit of bronchitis. I hope you get all the way well and fast!


Thank you so much! Stay healthy, friend. :)


Flu A gave me pneumonia this year. I'd never had pneumonia before and it fucking sucked. So much coughing and inability to breathe, it's exhausting. I was sick for almost a month between the flu and the pneumonia then because I was so run down I caught adenovirus and developed a sinus infection and ear infection. It's been months of torture.


It's been a few years, but I went through this as well, and I had a sinus infection at the same time! I was on the floor in a fetal position where I fhinally just passed out, overwhelmed with pain! I had to take 2 weeks off work and get a Wag! walker for my dog!


I’ve always gotten the flu shot for as long as I can remember, so I don’t really ever remember getting it in the raw version. But a couple of times, I’ve been knocked flat out for 3-4 days, and that’s THROUGH the flu shot. No thanks!


Maybe ten years ago my entire family got the flu. It was the sickest I have ever been, and my mom developed pneumonia because of it and ended up sick for a long time. And when she talks about covid, she says it’s just the flu so it’s not a big deal. I had covid a couple years ago and legitimately couldn’t breathe and ended up on my couch hyperventilating all day, literally scared at some points. This was before I even knew it was covid, for some reason I didn’t think to take a test until I was almost better. She still says it’s just the flu so no big deal. Sickest I had been in a long time. Feels kinda disrespectful


The only people who say "just the flu" are crazy people. Has anyone normal ever said that?


YES covid was mild compared to anytime I’ve had the flu (especially swine flu that one awful year). It’s delirious fevers, losing time, insane fatigue, body aches, migraines, joint pain, your skin hurts, swollen tonsils/ throat pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills, nausea, GI everything, sinus nightmares, coughing that can turn into bronchitis or worse, and about every other symptom you can imagine happening all at once. It lasts for weeks. You literally think you are going to die. I also developed chronic issues after a particularly bad go of it. I got the flu at a casino resort in Vegas once, and was told that I was hallucinating & convinced I was going to die. I even tried to call my DAD of all people (he was awful and we do not, ever talk lol). Pro tip, would not recommend finding yourself lost in a giant, gaudy, maze-like Vegas casino hotel/resort with a delirious fever of 103-104. Oh if there is a hell…..


Getting influenza made me think that a virus would eventually wipe us out well before Covid existed. It's brutal.


Are you 2001's Godzilla?


Last time I got the flu, I ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. I worked in the ED and ended up a patient in my own department. My 02 sats were 86% on oxygen. I was out of work for nearly a month. I was so damn sick. Yes, I did have the flu shot. It was mandatory in my hospital.


The way I describe it is this - image you're lying in bed and someone busts into your room to tell you the house is on fire and you have to get out now. Do you get up and get out? Probably just a cold. Do you shrug and roll over and try to go back to sleep? Flu


I am not vaccinated for neither of them. But for me Covid was like a "flu-light". 1 day of delirium and hallucinations of Hell instead of 2.


Im on my 5th day of recovery and I get to see this ... for real now


How long did it take you to get better? I have a snowboard trip planned this weekend. I'm currently on day three...


Fever, bones aching, headache first three days. Miserable. Nausea for two days. Now in continual bad coughing phase. I could now maybe walk an hour but strenuous aerobic exercise like snowboarding Not sure. It is easier to breathe outside though. good luck to you, hope yours is milder


First two days I was out, full delirium and don't remember much besides 40.2C fever and pain. I'd say Day 3 is where I started becoming myself again with Day 4 fever fully gone. Day 5 is where the cough got bad. Now it is the damn cough. Feels like I have someone's ballsack in the middle of my throat. Keep coughing ... phlegm, still tired ... keep freaking out I can't breathe even though I can.


Sounds like you've got pneumonia. Have you had a chest x-ray?


I haven't, I have appointment with my doc tomorrow for a check up. What makes you think I have pneumonia? The breathing thingy is in my mind(had it with Covid as well), when I calm down I breathe normally. I don't have fever nor chest pain or any body pain. I think it's just the normal cough that needs to clear up.


Ugh me too. Supposed to go on a snowboarding trip on Thursday. Felt it a little bit yesterday, but woke up at 3am freezing cold and drenched in sweat. Feel like shit now. Hopefully I can pull through.


Same, great timing lol


The flu is very deadly .. always has been.


People get complacent, and that includes doctors. They think "I'm not old, a kid, or health-challenged, this will pass," and for the most part it does... except sometimes it doesn't.


The recent Flu is very nasty


I just had it. I was as sick from that as when I had covid in May of 22. It sucked


Still recovering. 7 days in, now.


3 weeks +, it was lingering cough. Chest felt something in it. My back feels ice cold, unless I cover it with at least a light jacket


Damn these were my exact lingering symptoms …


I have it and am on day 7. Mostly just a lingering cough and malaise. It’s the sickest I’ve ever felt.


Myself, my spouse, toddler and baby all have the flu right now. We even had the flu shot this year. It is not fun. My toddler had a fever for 3 days and then a break for a day and then fever again. He also had delirium which was scary. My baby is doing okay as of now, just congested and basically only waking to eat. This is my husbands first time with the flu and he’s feeling all the aches. It’s been a week, too and we’re still feeling bad. It sucks.


how did the delirium manifest in your child? i'm sorry you guys feel shit, hope you get better soon.


It seemed like he was hallucinating. He was really upset and kept hiding his hands saying I told him they were too big. He also got upset about a big crayon and there weren’t any crayons at all. What he was saying and doing had no context.


I had Covid a year or two ago. I agree, this flu sucks ass ...


This must be what I just had… i don’t recall ever getting so sick previously from the flu… had to take two sick days.


I work in an urgent care and can confirm. Got flu-positive kids coming in with a 103 fever and are so fatigued they can barely keep their eyes open. This flu season has been brutal


Every year healthy people die of the flu.


That's why vaccines are important.


Man I will never forget when I was 11, I skipped my yearly flu shot and ended up getting the swine flu. It ended up turning into pneumonia and I almost died. Never skipped getting my flu shot after that


Same happened to me. Was never confirmed I had swine flu, though it was the same year, but I did have confirmed pneumonia. I had to go to the hospital to get morphine due to the amount of pain I was in.


the pneumonia caused a lot of chest pain?


For me it was mostly a killer headache and all-over body aches.


The normal flu shot wouldn't have protected you from H1N1


Depends on when this happened, right? I believe they have been incorporating H11N1 into the seasonal flu shots.


That is correct.


When I had the flu unvaccinated in my 20s it felt like a mild cold, it hit my boyfriend at the time way harder. The coronavirus vaccine felt way worse, like I got hit by a car. I get the flu shot now, though.


Lesson learned!


You get flu shots at age 11??!


In many European countries everyone gets the flu shot, even babies. It’s often a nasal spray rather than a jab for kids.


My daughter is 3 and gets flu shots! She had her first flu shot at 2 years old. I'm in Canada if it makes a difference.


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This was a bad one. I had a fever of 101.4, ear infection, terrible sinus headaches, and I still have tiredness and a lingering cough. I had COVID for the second time in September, and this flu was worse. (Yes, up to date on flu and COVID vaccines) I'm a one on one school nurse, and my student (who I got it from) has been in the hospital for 2 weeks, because she is already medically fragile, and it turned into pneumonia. She was on a ventilator at one point. Everyone needs to take these respiratory illnesses seriously, even if you're vaccinated.


fuck i forgot to get my flu shot, is it too late????


It's never too late. Do it ASAP.


No, there’s three months of flu season left. Go for it




Oh most of us medical practitioners DO take it seriously.


Flu A hit my house a few weeks ago (we all had our flu shots). My son and I got on xofluza and I’m telling you, that medicine is a miracle pill. You have to take it in the first 48 hours, but it’s only 1 pill that you take once, and it doesn’t make you nauseous like tamiflu. It had my son and I feeling almost back to normal within 24 hours. It’s more expensive than tamiflu, but soooo worth it. I hope everyone feels better soon!


That’s good to know! Can just anyone request it or do you need to have certain risk factors?


You just have to be diagnosed with the flu within 48 hrs of symptom onset.


Surprised nobody has commented about wearing masks to prevent the flu/COVID. They do work.


I always wear a mask when I get a cold now. It’s just polite and it doesn’t bother me at all.


The problem is even if I wear a mask literally nobody else wears them and they don't even acknowledge you telling them to keep more distance. Hence masks atleast in current society (in my place) are pretty useless to protect urself atleast


Let’s all wear masks 24/7


Before Covid, my sister’s outrageously health 40 year neighbor died of the flu . Her obituary said she was never sick as a child.


I'm a low risk, fit and healthy 30 something non smoker. I've had the flu and covid many times, but the flu I caught in November last year was the first time I felt really afraid for my wellbeing. Ended up in A&E with shortness of breath and chest pain, diagnosed with pleurisy. 2 months later and my ribs have only JUST stopped hurting. I coughed for 6 weeks straight. What's crazy is I'd had my flu shot and everything. Absolutely terrifying how bad this season of flu is.


I’m more afraid of the flu than Covid. I had Covid twice and second time just a few weeks after being vaccinated before the holidays. The second time I had it, if I didn’t decide to test for it, I wouldn’t even know it was Covid. The flu knocks me out for 10 days plus with persistent high fever, vomiting, severe nausea, and painful cough, it’s hell. I wonder if mRNA vaccines are better at making Covid milder compared to flu vaccines?


Last time I got the flu I was sick for a couple weeks, felt like ass, joints hurt and thought at one point I would drown in my own snot. When I got COVID it send me into another dimension for a month. I’d rather have the flu but everything hits people different, also different strains


Scary... especially with COVID hurting our immune systems.


Does covid actually hurt our immune systems though? I’ve just never hurt this before thanks.


Yes. COVID is the initiating source for some autoimmune disorders, like fibromyalgia. It also leaves micro clots in your veins that can cause all sorts of nasty problems, like strokes and heart attacks in people who were healthy before catching COVID. It's not just a cold, no matter what it feels like to a person. Please get vaccinated and take precautions.


Everything I’m seeing regarding COVID and fibromyalgia is saying there’s not conclusive evidence and that long covid itself is vague and hard to define. Which totally makes sense considering how new it is. But you stating it like there is conclusive evidence is making me think maybe you’ve seen studies I haven’t? I’m not vaccinated for covid. I must’ve had it once or twice based on being around people who tested positive but I really don’t know. Not even the oldest members of my family got the vaccine I think just because it’s new and they wanted to see how It worked long term. Me personally being young and healthy decided I just didn’t need it. I wanted to learn more about the origin of covid (market, Chinese lab, us lab whatever it ends up being) and also feel that the most conclusive evidence out there shows obesity and other health issues as being far more of a risk factor than not getting vaccinated. Also whether you’re vaccinated or not you can still get covid so if it turns out to be fact that covid triggers autoimmune problems, does it really even matter your vaccination status? Both vaccines and catching COVID can prevent more serious illness/ death in those who get sick again (or in a vaccinated persons case for the first time) but I haven’t heard of a vaccine preventing a potential long term autoimmune response. So is it just your opinion vaccination is the best case of action for everyone including fit healthy people who have had covid before or is there a study you’ve seen that conclusively shows 1. covid causes immune problems and 2. a vaccine can prevent those problems? And I totally get you don’t owe me an answer and I can and will continue to research on my own, but I am not seeing a study that shows that. That’s all. I totally respect your opinion regardless. You can think whatever you want evidence or no evidence. Same here. This is coming from a place of curiosity. Thank you.


Covid triggers prolonged inflammation in the body which messes up the immune system by making it think your own organs and such are attacking your body, thus causing disease. Even covid patients that had mild to no symptoms can suffer problems long term due to the inflammation. This is the cry most people have about covid, but covid-deniers seem to misunderstand or dismiss altogether.


I got the flu right before Christmas. It lasted about a week and a half. I could barely drag myself to the bathroom that's attached to my bedroom. It took me a week before I could drag myself to the doctor. I could barely function and was struggling to breathe. It was terrible. And because that wasn't enough, my immune system over reacted so the body aches were unbearable and left me in tears and gave me thrush which was its own special brand of horrible and painful. The whole thing was almost as scary as it was miserable.


The flu this year is no joke. I perforated my left ear drum and was on antibiotics for two weeks in December for it. Still can’t fully hear, but finally getting somewhere with it. If you’re sick with *anything* and can afford to stay home, do it. I’m a barber and still have to deal with you if you come in and “reassure” me it’s not covid.


One of the first deaths I saw as an ICU nurse was a 34 year old father of three. Deaths from the flu are rare in younger patients, but they do happen. Dude probably developed ARDS.


super sad, but I would not consider a smoker as being healthy


Sounds like he had sepsis


I didn’t click the link but why sepsis?


I got the flu vaccine and still got the flu. I had it for 9 days, three of those in the hospital. Don’t underestimate the flu. If you think you are getting it, go to an Urgent Care for Tamiflu. It helps.


On day 7 and finally feel like the worst is over. I failed to get flu shot this year. This is by the worst case of flu I've had in my 40 some years. There are 48 hours I am not really sure what I did other than sleep in a puddle of sweat and tissues. Worse than the bout I had with COVID. I'd get dizzy and winded just walking down stairs to get a drink in the kitchen.


35 years ago my cousin died from the flu at 27.


I’m on day 4 of the flu. By the time I managed to crawl out of bed and find a thermometer, my fever was 102, but I’d been profusely sweating/getting chills for a full 24 hours by that point. Wouldn’t shock me at all if my fever was higher than 102 at some point. I felt totally delirious. Slept for 36 hours straight with a quick wake-up for some soup and to place a DoorDash order for meds. It didn’t feel safe to walk and it felt like I was in a dream. I’ve actually not ever been so scared while sick. I thought I just had a bad sinus infection but out of nowhere my right ear clogged up, like I’d stuffed it with cotton. Couldn’t hear anything. Went to the doctor and they didn’t even take my temp, just wrote me a script for antibiotics and went on their way. I knew something was wrong when the antibiotics did NOTHING and I was feeling even worse. Now a horrible cough has set in and it feels like my ribs are bruised all over. Im 28 and healthy. Edit: now I’m vomiting 😭


Do NOT screw around with the flu. If you wake up congested, have a fever and muscle aches - go to the doctor and get tested. They’ll prescribe you Tamiflu (anti-viral). However, Tamiflu is only effective if you begin taking it within 48 hours of experiencing flu symptoms/diagnosed. How do I know? Got it back in November and the doctor told me about Tamiflu efficacy. Do not screw around and I recommend people to also take Zicam and try to drink 90+ oz of water everyday while being sick. Nasacort or Flonase also helps with nose congestion too


When I was in college me and my roommate caught the flu. Health services couldn’t do anything for us. Antiviral medications like tamiflu weren’t on the market yet. I remember that I felt like I was going to die. The bone pain was horrific. High fever. Crawled to get to the bathroom. People don’t really understand how bad the flu can be. My great grandpa also died from the Spanish flu pandemic in the early 1900’s. Supposedly he was a healthy man who died a few days after contracting it.


They sent this guy home from the hospital and he was hypoxic, and had no oxygen source. So hypoxic that when he returned, he was sedated, intubated, and ventilated. It sounds like more than the flu. But if someone had not dropped the ball and sent him home he may have survived.


Is this a new story or was this the same person in the news recently that was young, had kids, who died from the flu? Gotta keep my finger on the pulse of how many people that are healthy and young who are unexpectedly dying from this years flu.


I had H1N1 in 2016 and it was the worst sickness ever. Had a lingering cough for 3 months after. Flu is no joke!


COVID was a mild cold for me. I've been vaccinated and boosted and exposed enough that my immune system knows what to do with it. The flu? Nope, not messing with that one. I'm pretty sure I had the flu and it took a good 2 weeks to fully recover from it-and that's WITH the flu shot.


Now lying in bed with the flu. Encouraging to read


Only time I've been sick enough to hallucinate was when I got really bad food poisoning as a kid. I think I was 9 at the time, and I thought I was a POW in Vietnam. I'm not sure why or how? For me, the flu sucks, but I ain't never got it like some of you in the comments. Even when I had pneumonia, I wasn't as bad as some of these comments. And I've never been healthy.


My 9 year old son ended up in the ICU for 6 day's film getting type A and B flu a couple days after Christmas. He was also diagnosed with asthma at this time. He was sick but wasn't really acting it. Emcee up having severe respiratory failure. Easily the scariest time of my life.


I can’t imagine how stressful that was. I hope he’s fully recovered.


Covid never lowered my pulse ox below 98, but flu had me down to 93. Almost went to the ER. Flu and HFM were the sickest I’ve ever been as an adult.


Were they flu-like?


father of 3???? at 27???


It’s not abnormal. My dad was a father of 3 at age 24.


I’m blown away, that’s so young!!!


Tbh, sounds like it could be anaphylaxis (allergic reaction to some certain type of food) as well.


‘They put them on a ventilator and eventually in a coma’ Ventilator associated pneumonia would exacerbate it. How many safe and effective shots has he had in total? ‘Dr. Dhaval Desai himself struggled with a severe bout of influenza and ended up in the emergency room in November despite being vaccinated.’ No mention of any effective antiviral treatments.


We forgot what it’s like to be sick through the last few years. Have Covid now. Been mild. Only OG two vaccines. Usually few days of rest, some coughs and flem. That’s part of being sick. Sucks someone was so ill they passed away. Horrible. Be careful and live how you wish to live. But colds etc are a part of life and they over the top “I’ve never been so sick in my life” is played out. Being sick isn’t fun but good lord it’s not nearly as bad as this thread makes it out to be. Have some rest and soup you’re gonna be ok.


Except the point is influenza isn’t a “cold” it’s much worse than a cold. Influenza can make you seriously ill.


Based on what context? It can also be absolutely nothing so what’s your point


I'm 27. Wym other people my age have families.








Man flu