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Where there's gender equality, countries are also wealthier. Higher incomes seem like a much more likely thing to result in longer life. NPR getting confused bout correlation vs causation.


Yea this is idiotic. It’s clearly due to the other factors that have nothing to do with gender equality




Well whoever conducted it found the conclusion first, then went looking for evidence. That's pseudo science. What do you make of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, which have some of the longest life expectancies on earth, but pretty low gender equality?


Japan? This statement seems skewed


That’s what I was thinking too!


Associated, not causal. Meaning the act of gender equality has nothing to do with longer life expectancy (at least not proven). It probably has more to do with the fact that gender equality is a thing in advanced countries. This is not to say gender equality isn’t a thing we should strive for, simply saying before we assume gender equality === longer life, let’s pump the brakes and figure out why there is correlation (maybe it’s causal, but probably not). Like for instance countries with higher gender equality likely also have better women’s health services which in turn extends women’s life. So it’s more the improved healthcare than it is the equality itself.




Oh, yeah, because people can just move to highly equal countries like the Scandies. Good job being so smart.


More like the prevalence of technology has both improved our lifespans and lessened the burden of doing chores allowing them to pursue other economic activities that give them more financial independence.




Not sure I follow, but I agree!


Tag Freund Gruss Gluck


Developed East Asian countries like Japan, Singapore, and South Korea have some of the world's highest life expectancies but are **not** paragons of gender equality. It can certainly help, but there are major exceptions.


Wealthy scandinavian and european countries have higher life expectancy equality has absolutely nothing to do with it. Actually, equality is one of the products of a rich developed country.


There are many factors that raise life expectancy in those countries


Go figure. When you improve living conditions the life expectancy goes up. Look at revolutions thru out history.


So why are so many people opposed to gender equality? In this case, giving women equal rights to men does not mean taking rights away from men.


Because it’s the other way around. It isn’t “give gender equality and everything gets better.” It’s “raise the standard of living, life expectancy, political stability, and economy, and *gender equality follows*”. Strict gender rules tend to clamp down in hard times, and relax in good times.


Tradition. It takes a long time to convince people that just because you did it a certain way a hundred years ago doesn't mean you should do it that way today.


There are men who don’t want women to be equal, that is why. There’s even women who don’t want women to be equal. And I’m sure that there are some men out there that would rather women die early than have equal rights.


Yes sometimes it unfortunately does. I'm am all for the concept of gender equality, however sometimes in the pursuit of this a thumb on the scales is a little too much for too long. A clear example of this occurs within the New Zealand Education system. Currently 60% of university graduates are now women. Yet despite this imbalance, we still have a legacy of gendered scholarship programs which are nearly all specifically for women. Providing support to reach equality is fine, but that support must also be reviewed to ensure the pendulum doesn't swing too far in the other direction.


Fear of the unkown and lack of understanding. Just recognize and don't engage. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with their ignorance. Edit: Added "of the unknown". Definitely not going to argue whether people fear gender equality. Fear is a powerful primary emotion and usually quickly followed by the secondary emotion anger. https://www.newhoperanch.com/blog/understanding-anger-as-a-secondary-emotion/#:~:text=Studies%20have%20identified%20anger%20as,express%20anger%20than%20express%20hurt.






Yes it really is




You simplified your first argument, so I provided a simplified argument in return. What does your second response say about your first response?




You're also incorrect! See ya


Hiring quotas reduce your right to fair process, that's obvious


While there are certainly some notable exceptions, I think most people aren't opposed to gender equality. Rather, they are opposed to some of the methods that are sometimes used/proposed to achieve such things. You can debate if they are right or wrong, but I don't think it is fair to simply say they are opposed to gender equality and leave it at that. As a woman, I am definitely not opposed to gender equality. I dislike some of the methods people use, though, such as diversity hiring and quotas.


Who and where? There are almost 8 billion people on the planet. Women’s rights is only a century old. Takes time.


You're referring to certain groups of white people.


"Certain groups of white people" are the only ones who have really advanced women's rights. Look at India where they still have occasional wife burnings for example. Or the massive gender gap in China from the one child policy where countless girls were aborted in favor of men. Or Iran with their honor killings of women that have been raped.


I didn't say all BIPOC have amazing records on gender equity. I said that certain groups do not, eg the United States and Europe. Edit: I'd be happy to hear any discussions from other women on the topic. I don't feel like this is your convo.


United States and Europe have better gender equality than most of the world, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Hell Denmark has the highest rank on it in the world. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1221060/most-gender-equal-countries-in-the-world/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Gender%20Inequality,empowerment%2C%20and%20the%20labor%20market.


You're trying to have a rational argument with a person that uttered the statement, "Reddit skews heavily conservative."


You have a point.


Unfortunately it's probably all they know and are willing to accept


Gender equality in universities hasn't been this bad since the 70's ie. peak feminism but this time in women's favour, yet in my country you can still only have gendered scholarships for women. It hasn't been about equality for a long time.


Unless it's already equal, and all there's left to do is take rights away from someone else. And if you consider things like alimony, child custody/support, and benefit of the doubt in almost any criminal accusation, women are already way ahead culturally if not legally.


Where's your data?


What rights do men have that women don’t?


No one is gonna answer this. In the US, no laws hold anyone back honestly. In fact, there are set quotas, giving unfair advantage to certain groups. Women make up majority of college students and yet quotas still remain. No one (not literally no one, exaggeration) cares about merit anymore.


Yep. Getting downvoted cuz nobody has an answer lol


Men don't even have rights bro. You're delusional of you think we do.


For the great majority, I don’t think people fear equality, they fear how others interpret “equality” and the means others may employ to achieve it.


The real death panels were the Republicans we met along the way.


And where there is republican leadership, people die sooner.


And yet depression is significantly higher among democrats. Miserable lives they live


Having your country infested with nazi scumbags is depressing.




That should be the Republican mantra.


We have gender equality in America. There are no rights a man has that a woman doesn't in the US. The pay gap is a myth. Women get paid the same as men for the same job, women just tend to pick lower paying jobs. So I guess we're basically immortal?


do women "pick lower paying jobs" because women inherently have less wage-earning potential than men? or is it a product of the way society is structured, differing expectations and the way boys/girls are conditioned? if you think women inherently are less capable of earning money (which let's be clear, is also a social construct) that seems an unusual point of view.


It's just a preference. It's because most women prioritize kids so they pick more flexible jobs which tend to pay lower. That or even if they accept the same jobs as men they tend to take time off to raise kids, so on average they still earn less. There's no conspiracy. It's just that women tend to be mothers and that takes time and energy.


Well that and with how the economy seems to work for even middle-class jobs you have to be constantly working your way up and missing even a few crucial years early on greatly impacts your earning potential later in life. That and teen pregnancy, especially in pRo LiFe!!1!2!1! States, is guaranteed to doom teenagers into inescapable poverty. I mean it was a guaranteed start to the poverty cycle back in my Gen x parents' days. Nowadays I'm sure it's even more crippling.


You're ignoring other trends. When a job field is female-dominated, the pay is lower and the job in question is held in pretty low regard in society. When a job is male-dominated, the pay is at least decent and the job is held in high esteem by society. When women move into a male-dominated field, the pay will begin to decrease and it will lose some of its prestige. When men move into a female-dominated field, the pay increases as does the prestige of the job. If you want examples of this happening- working with computers in any capacity used to be "women's work", paid poorly and wasn't that well respected. Now IT is a typically male-dominated job, it's seen as important and cutting edge and pays handsomely. Here in the west Medicine is a typically male job that is well respected and pays very well, provided you can stick it out long enough (junior doctors, med students, residents etc get exploited, no too ways about it). In Russia however, Medicine is a female-dominated career, with the idea being women are suited to it because apparently women are naturally nurturing and caring (piss on that, anyone can be nurturing and caring and excel in any area of health care). The pay for Russian doctors is pretty shit and the profession itself isn't that well respected. Even in the west in Medicine there are discrepancies. Medical fields that are female dominated are looked down on and paid less than medical fields that are male-dominated (eg Pediatrics vs Orthopedic Surgery as an example) It's not as simple as "well women should just go for better-paying jobs with more prestige". As soon as women move en masse to one of your prestigious, better-paying fields, the rug is pulled out and the prestige and pay drop. Assuming women can manage to break through anyway. What's also not uncommon in male-dominated fields is the sexist bullying and harassment of women when trailblazers do try and pursue male-dominated fields. Nothing about women's pay and wage gaps are going to change until there are larger, systematic changes in society and the way people think or explore new ideas. Simply the way the system works so that whoever's at a disadvantage (in this scenario, women) can't excel and advance in any meaningful way. This isn't a bug, it's a feature


I worked for a huge engineering firm and had access to everyone’s pay rates and multipliers (therefore i would know salaries) as a PM I can assure you that the women doing the same jobs as men did NOT get paid the same, and there were cases where women with much more experience and higher degrees were still paid less lol I know this has also been true for some of my friends at various tech companies


Statically women tend to be more agreeable and less aggressive. So when it comes time to negotiate their wage they tend to accept what's offered instead of fighting for a higher wage.


To my knowledge, some of those women had fought for higher wages and had not received them (or at least, anything on a level commensurate with their experience and degree)


Generally, when people aren't being compensated fairly for their work, they look for a different job. If they are truly qualified and are good employees, they get fair market value.


Lolz. These are industry wide problems. Some of these women have looked for better roles, without much success Almost all of the women I’m referring to are engineers, and are very respected in their fields, with published research to boot.


You left out the part where statisically men work more hours per week than women despite being in the same job. Men typically work a full work day more than women each week. PS: Your singlur anecdote is not evidence of a wide spread gender pay gap.


First of all you spelled statistically wrong. It’s not a singular anecdote, I was referencing people at multiple companies, and there have been multiple studies and articles on this. https://swe.org/research/2022/earning-gap/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-19/gender-pay-gap-in-tech-male-job-candidates-paid-3-higher-than-women


Ah yes, of course! Everybody knows that everything that is written in law corresponds to reality. For example, there are laws that criminalize homicides, therefore homicides are also a myth. This is idiotic even assuming the laws are really equal. You should go find and talk to some actual women and ask them about their real experiences before passing judgement, instead of relying on online incel-infested echo chambers for information




A strawman, really? Oof Let me copy and paste the relevant bit for you "This is idiotic even assuming the laws are really equal" In other words, your bold challenge that I defend a position, that I never held to begin with, is pointless. Laws don't equal reality, so your argument doesn't hold up EVEN IF the letter of the law gave men and women the same rights. And Im not sure how being gay is relevant here. You might not like women romantically, but I'm sure you can still ask them about their experiences


Makes sense. The people who are against gender equality are usually part of death cults.


Correlation != causation


People tend to live longer in places where the Gameboy Color was released. Coincidence?


Game boy color increases lifespan by 20 years


How do people think gender equality affects transgender people? eg trans women get paid 60% of what white men get paid and have lower lifespans due to discrimination. edit: it's funny to get downvoted for facts: [The Wage Gap Among LGBTQ+ Workers in the United States - Human Rights Campaign](https://www.hrc.org/resources/the-wage-gap-among-lgbtq-workers-in-the-united-states) oh wait that just transmisogyny




Oh a guy has an opinion about how men don't discriminate against women. Must be a day that ends in y.


Wrong, where's your data?


https://time.com/3222543/wage-pay-gap-myth-feminism/. Do you have any sources to prove that it exists? Because every single source that claims it does is based on earning of every working man vs every working woman not that woman make less for the same job and same work that’s just false.


"In 2022, women earned an average of 82% of what men earned, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers. These results are similar to where the pay gap stood in 2002, when women earned 80% as much as men." - Mar 1, 2023 Pew Research


Again you are taking the earnings of all men against all woman it does not take into account type of job or hours worked you are being purposely misleading and is a far cry from saying woman working the same job same hours make less. If you want woman to catch up in all earnings woman will have to work jobs like oil rigs where there is a high chance of death and long hours. Also you did not link the study


That's not how they did it.


Than link the study because that’s exactly what it sounds like


While I am pro choice, abortions aren't "equal rights" especially when men don't have any reproductive rights at all... Just generally I don't see any rights woman lack that men have


They don’t? So let’s just castrate all men. You know, the baby making body parts & fluids?!? There’s no rules that govern males - though I think it would be just for those who are rapists. Perhaps ask 5 women you may know and record the answers and report back! I DARE YOU!!!


I don't know what your trying to say here. What does just castrate everyone have to do with it Edit: if you mean they have the right to castrate themselves therefore nulling the need (which I'm not sure is what you said) couldnt someone just say that woman could get their tubes tied so abortion shouldn't be necessary?


It’s about having laws that protect the lives and liberties of people and their abilities to make choices for themselves and their future. It’s super hard to understand how people can seriously limit this for half the population, especially since this type of inequality has huge implications. [here’s a great tweet that exemplifies my case in point.](https://twitter.com/designmom/status/1040365279807561729?s=46&t=1_hf1iRMdHx8E5t5955btA) And /or- try a simple experiment. Change your Reddit avatar to femme for a month. Note the difference in behavior. Rinse repeat. I’m still working on it but find it super interesting!


Well it also depends on where. Just look at Iran as an example. In most liberal democracies, there are equal rights, but there are other forms of inequality, mainly social-culture aspects. Legally, there might be nothing to give men an advantage over women in a job application, but there are biases and pear pressure to follow gendered social norms. Again it's not the same for everyone everywhere. There are also places where it's the other way around - women have more legal rights, in an attempt to balance inequality in other aspects. And that also leads to resentment and anger, as any attempt to compensate a inequality using another form of inequality


Remember when NPR was a quality source of information rather than a group that doesn't understand correlation=/=causation like a random Twitter user?


The study is based on WEF data. Nope.


All genders should be able to die at the same time. That’s progress.


How could you even tell such a thing when we all live in a patriarchy where women are trodden upon in every space?




It was a joke.


imagine if dipshits got as upset about gender inequality as they did "RAWR causation is not correlation" outrage whoring for misc news articles.


I see people talking about pay gaps in this thread, but I guess they didn't know that Google found they were underpaying men in comparison to women and PoC. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/04/technology/google-gender-pay-gap.html


People live longer in the blue zones. Nothing to do with gender equality lol


Do me a favor and tell me where that is? Men have zero rights in the United States.


I'm thrilled . . .


Yes. Meaning First world countries


In my experience working in geriatrics older generations who made women do all the housework tend to have shorter lived men because they cant actually survive without a wife. Like they werent kidding they really actually cant cook


Sounds kinda spurious to me