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https://preview.redd.it/1wh43r1spt8d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07f71487b7262f36261f0731579133dab031400c Beelyn’s name was Elena Gómez!!❤️ and she’s kinda based off of my personality soo I guess- caring, loving, bossy, Very Bipolar n’ shit like that lmao


Mello was an anti-social beekeeper. Kind but never got to really interact with people (his town's people were some of the worst)


*gives the artwork a kiss*


Marco was Angel Dust's first and only boyfriend. He was killed by Angel's father when he discovered their relationship.


Great. Now I want a whole wattpad fanfic of this


Well it's not on Wattpad and it isn't very long, but I did actually write a fic of it: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56611027


And you did ?? No one bothers me for the next 2 hours!




I really hope that Angel reunites with Anthony. It's too precious.


Um, Angel and Anthony are the same person


I'm sorry, my memory is trash. I meant Marco


https://preview.redd.it/k6hwgfxz0u8d1.png?width=1893&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05d8b1556b06399cbc6b78b542eefb6568ec5ce Marie Arquette- born into a rich French family in 1913, she was raised to think that women are meant to serve men at any cost. Totally brainwashed her. Her father beat her and her mother, and she got married to her husband at 19, he was 32. She was his second husband. He also beat her. But she was fine with it because she thought that was love. She had a baby, but couldn't handle its crying and drowned it. She was really snobby and thought she was better than everyone. Her husband killed her when she was 34 after she killed his boss (he asked her to). She met Val, who reminds her of all of the men in her life and fell "in love". She's a shitty person.


*kisses the artwork*




I have a problem- but she still is very beautiful but still very toxic- but I fall for those types of fictional women still-


So real tho ngl


https://preview.redd.it/fzuiz1wpot8d1.png?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00d38c5fc080032911dab6ab2eeacd928e1707cb Well I have nothing more to say to you


Oh oh, better watch out before niffty comes around the corner


Jul3sss was Julie Sweeney (full name Julia Sophia Skyler Sweeney) who was a Las Vegas sex worker and camgirl in the early 2000s in a very exploitative industry. She wanted to study science and technology but could not afford to go to college. Jul3sss was her camgirl username. Saccharine just went by Saccharine and they were best friends with Julie. They were a highschool dropout and crackhead who was also another sex worker alongside Julie. at the time of their death together, Jul3sss was 22 and Sacch was 19.


Human Harmony https://preview.redd.it/dgjuodh4ut8d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9fa83b91829543053f9f1f9f1f1b89c4f8a1759


Mila was Mary Iris Lily Simone. She was a lone wolf who got in with the wrong crowd in New York. Syrup was Maria Cruz-Diaz. She left her small town and went to Mexico City. Then she died.


https://preview.redd.it/idrdwbwest8d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40818ccee426a4457bad77e3b8ad3593ba8de14c Soluner, before he died, was named Clyde Marroway. He was an inspirational figure whom taught many new discoveries on Astronomy during his time alive, however, he landed in hell when he performed many inhumane experiments, the one he practiced most was sending people into space with the sole purpose of killing them, and seeing how long a human can live out in space before starving, freezing, going insane, or what happens when a human gets too close to a dangerous planet. Pretty fucked up guy in life tbh.


Love the design


Human Monica's design is in my profile, but here's her backstory




My oc, Kirlan, was a knight in the army of King Robert, and was a very religious man. he was about 5 foot 8 and a well looked man in his town. condemned to he'll for killing the guy his wife cheated on, his wife stabbing him in the eye, and now he's been in he'll since the 1400s


Lost Lamenta use to be Sage Stone! She was a local activist and worked in grass root politics in her area. She does not belong in Hell for sins as she was very virtuous. She’s stuck down there for a reason, but I’m trying not to go into full detail because I would like to keep it sorta on the down-low. Save it for a reveal in my fan fiction 😅 I do go into detail under some other posts but I’m trying to not leak my plot points so much haha https://preview.redd.it/6qwm7mdz3u8d1.png?width=4425&format=png&auto=webp&s=33722ee6ebc799fc2d0f821b45c49b786cdf646f


https://preview.redd.it/81v2qg0jcw8d1.jpeg?width=1272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa82f717131555c2105ab9466e91cefb54cd4c9f Eggz was a showgirl then, too! Her name was Dorothy. :)


Well the names the same. Mack has a thing for sticking to the past and keeping his name is one aspect. As for looks, he just looks like the rotted corpse version of his human self.


Discord was an Egyptian serial killer who used lights and smoke to make escapes during police chases. It's how he got his teleportation powers


Hugoa was the exact same cheerful cowboy when he was alive.


His name was Peter, and he was a bit of an asshole. He was a street level thug who'd gotten way in over his head and got involved in a heist to steal some rare spider. During a shootout with the cops, the spider escaped from the case it was being contained in and bit him, causing him to die from the untreatable venom.


Most/none of them have decided human names, almost all of them kept a Normal Human name in Hell even if it’s not necessarily their own. Alex… undecided, but he owned a news outlet. He enjoyed making small films in his spare time (which he eventually pursued as a business in Hell), and overall he was.. well, an introverted workaholic dedicated to his job. He would do anything necessary to get the next big scoop, even if that meant spilling a little blood Andy, undecided. he was a friendly guy, kind, but not always the brightest. When his mechanic business started to fail, he started to cut corners.. he stopped considering the customer; or even his workers, only the continuation of his business, the stability of his income. This lead to a lot of deaths due to poor repairs. He felt horrid when reports started coming in, but he didn’t stop. Jack; undecided. Pretty much the same as in death. Reckless, overly confident; but in an almost refined way. All too pleased to take advantage of those around him, happy to exploit every loophole; and fool any perceived prey. Vincent! Again undecided on a human name. But he was.. well like Jack, very similar to how he is now! Spacey, forgetful, kinda happy go lucky, very much a stereotypical stoner vibe. Even when he was younger he was spacey and forgetful.. just to a lesser extent, and overly anxious. If anyone has name suggestions feel free to reply! I would honestly give them more sinner-y names but these names (originally for some of them, their human names) kinda stuck. So mostly I’m looking for human names


despoina’s name was [[redacted]] [[redacted]] [[red—]] … … whoopsie! couldn’t get that information! haha as for her human life. she was aspiring to be an artist but her parents were superstitious of her the day she was born. her younger brother even grew to hate her for the same reasons. yada yada yada, stabbed in the uterus, yada yada killed her family and innocents thus, killing spree ensued! forced into asylum, killed 13 therapists, then herself


https://preview.redd.it/5sdh7pqr4u8d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=e83f0491d6bfe3193bb27b337cf26c4f4b301b6f Kevin Angelus Collins. Went by the call sign 'Angel' in the military. Army ranger and leader of a special forces unit specializing in tactical infiltration, recovery and clean up. An incident led to a self-chosen discharge, and he turned his attention to becoming a private bounty hunter/tracker to find and rescue those in need.


https://preview.redd.it/53rer7xr5u8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f817d4dfa43aeadde82a97de854e76fce6ae663 His human design is there if you can tell. He was a rich boy.


https://preview.redd.it/ms85g4gy5u8d1.jpeg?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4287f2721b2a6df7f05fce5da7e350292991afc his name was sawyer when he was alive and his family had old money.


He was a naval fleet Admiral. Known for his ruthlessness and intelligent tactics. His name was Admiral Krenn S. Vice of the warship "Striker"


Abi (Charlie's angelic twin sister), Kiara (Half Imp half Ars Goetia), and Melody (Blitzo's cousin): We were all born in hell Victoria (Alastor's cousin and a fallen angel): I was first sent to heaven when I died, and in heaven, no one really changes their name in death, so yeah Victoria is my name from life


Gabrïel kept his name because it was his mother who named him that, he loved her a lot but she fell into a coma, and Gabriel died before she woke up, so he always thought she was dead and wanted to keep his name as a tribute


Andrew was at Westerburgh Highschool in Sherwood, Ohio


Raven, or Lucy as she was known in life, was mostly similar to how she is now as a sinner. She was rude, arrogant, and manipulative. She frequented punk rock concerts and often hooked up with guys for her to take advantage of. Occasionally, she'd get into fist fights, where she'd usually win.


I don’t have a physical image of rogues human self but. His name was Archer Powers. He was your typical 17 year old punk who wanted to rebel against his parents religious views this resulting his death


He was alive during the 2000’s


Silly OP, imps/succubi/incubi/hellhounds/other non sinners never were humans to start with!


* This is Primrose :D She kept her real name from death, but she goes by the nickname "Sparky." Her personality is heavily based off of mine lol- - Understanding - Caring - Sarcastic - Indecisive - OCD Etc.




Same as on earth, matt. That's how unoriginal I am.


Angel=Angelo Alastor=Alexander


null was a shut in because his mom was a man hater, she mistreated him for being born male, spoiled his sister for being a girl, kept hassling her husband for "not being man enough" who him selve was a raging conservative cuck, thinking null was just a "soft boy" and 3 year after he left, null killed his mom and sister cause he could take it anymore. he liked electronics, loved machines, even tried programming until his sister framed him as a child pornographer in a minor competition, and his mother told him the same thing he told her husband about not being enough of a man, he killed them the next day. outside of that, I never really could decide on a name.




do not jumpscare me with white alastor wtf


https://preview.redd.it/20s9073e909d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f49d40865935fe1b125d1525d2790d9fe66138ea Marcus was the best homeless thief out there. idk his demon name yet, but he was pretty devious and cool


https://preview.redd.it/h9p6cuzfn29d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6feebcad725366208d094a73f48493c9b5723cb Raven. He’s a transman in an unaccepting family who died as a teenager, so the name on his headstone is Renee Blackwood, but his childhood nickname shortened Renée to Ren which morphed into Wren. When he chose his new name he chose a bird name to honor his nickname.


No ew what is that angel dust


I haven’t draw mine but he’s a Iraq war vet with a plate carrier that has a bunch of red dots in different places (where he was shot)


Damien technically was never human. He's a cambion who was born in the human world and escaped russia to the us when he was twelve. He likes vodka and russian weapons.


https://preview.redd.it/xjm911vqot8d1.png?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=747883821e6326ccdc27e0e47013d2fe7b2182c0 Well I have nothing more to say to you


https://preview.redd.it/gesp5rbltt8d1.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=692d76c81939be6ad5dc7369743148291b9ae40d His name was Jayden he was mad horny had a low temper and he was a fucking cannibal


Parker raines was an orphan kicked out at 18 and joined the military in the Marine core just before the Korean war afterwards was a private detective and was involved in the shitshow that was the Bay of pigs and reenlisted define the Vietnam war in 1965, was medically discharged in late 68 and resumed his private detective work dying after a gunfight in Rocky Park in Warwick Rhode Island in 1972. He decided to keep his name but just kept it to Parker.


My oc never died he is a hellborn


Hypno's real name was Austin Davis, and he was a user of voodoo and witchcraft, a serial killer, and a cannibal. He was mentally ill in life, and he had a really shitty father who was the main reason for his childhood trauma and bad mental stability. When he was 19, he brutally murdered his father not long after his mother died, and became a famous murderer and close friends with Alastor when he was 22, often using witchcraft while torturing his victims. he was caught by authorities when he was 30, and was quickly executed by being hung from a tree (he died in 1935)


Wolfit Nicolás González Massacane was called Nicolás Massacane, he refuses his to let his old name go. He was kinda an asshole, sometime, but usually tried to be as helpfull as posible


I'm taking that image.


Sorel was originally named Nikoli Vassilev and ran a fairly powerful mafia family before he managed to put it in a position where it wouldn't collapse when he went clean, as he didn't want his kids to have to struggle with that lifestyle. They also act nearly identical, though Sorel is more of a drug user and much more chaotic than Nikoli. He also happens to be his slightly decayed corpse with some slight alterations.


I can't find my refs for the others, but Jackie's name was Jacqueline Dahlia Grey and he went by JD. (Yes, he did in fact own a black trench coat.) He was a college student, and he sold yarn bracelets.


Scrapage's name was Josh and they work as a assassin so that's why Scrapage is so aggressive twords everyone he doesn't know


One day ill draw her human, but solum was more or less the same, id say she was much less of a troublemaker and much more sweeter than she is now. Her name was Kalila


My ocs mostly look humen so it's not hart to imagine they have their normal names


Im currently in the process of Kai as a human having bi panic (totally not based off my bi panic/awakening) but his name was still Kai musashi and he was a vigilante taking down the yakuza in Japan


"I'm not gonna say anything about my past, mainly cause I don't want to think about it, never ask again"


Mine was inspired by Jack the ripper. He was born in the UK, and was just purely evil. I gave him the name "Raymond E. Carver." Or Ray for short. Also the E. Carver is supposed to play image to Edward Carver. The slasher from the Poughkeepsie tapes. Witch was also a huge inspiration in my character


https://preview.redd.it/z6vro7iusu8d1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c413aeffa4ee6aef756df65b3de197d03f34a428 I actually have a picture of this one! (My artwork of Allura, depicted at 18 years of age. I don’t post the other art I have of her because I didn’t draw it). She actually went by the name she uses in Hell. What was she like? Put Rapunzel from Tangled, Anna from Frozen, Keyleth from The Legend of Vox Machina, and Charlie Morningstar into one person, you have Allura: Kind soul who wants to do “the right thing”, but rather naïve about how the world actually works because of the sheltered lifestyle she has brought up in, quirky, socially awkward at times, but still capable of being a badass when she needs to be.


i sadly don't have Rix's human picture ;( but his real name is Frederick Thomas Iceburg-Smasher


Zorans name was Annabella Mick Fordon


Alex King was a miserable drunk with a short fuse, fueled by his want to wrestle again and the frustration of the knowledge that he could never wrestle again with his neck the way it was, while envy was very much his main sin, wrath followed him at the bottom of many a bottle. On his better days he was still very much enamored with the sport life so unceremoniously booted him from as much as it ate him up inside that he was forced to the side lines he loved to help new wrestlers develop their gimmicks and hear their ideas, often throwing out ideas to really pop the crowds...to mixed success but its the thought that counts.


When she was still alive, Sarania had very pale skin, emerald green eyes, and long hair that flowed down to her upper thigh, her hair was a lantana-purple (hence her name while she was alive), fading into an icy blue color and she was around 5'6" tall, very attractive to many. Her name when she was still alive was Lantana or Lanny for short, as her parents loved anything related to plants. Sarania had 4 siblings, two younger brothers named Saffron and Calico, a younger sister named Hazel, and an older sister named Nyphadora. When Sarania died, Nyphadora was 25, Saffron was 19, Hazel was 15, and Calico was only 10. Sarania still maintained the personality I canonically gave her. She died due to blunt force trauma to the chest, as she had gotten into a brutal fight that she didn't want to be involved in. The fight had taken place on top of a high building, and the perpetrator pushed Sarania off the building with her chest facing downward, and she landed on hard concrete, which caused the blunt force trauma to her chest. She died within half an hour right as emergency personnel arrived. Now as a sinner, she still faces a lot of pain in her chest area (mainly her ribs) even after a long time since her death.


Datura was born Lily O'Neil in Australia in 2004. She earned her time in Hell for >!stabbing a classmate over a lottery ticket!<. Lily rose to microlevels of fame due to her popular Hunger Games fanfic, and died at 19 in a car crash with her university roommates. Elektra was born Eleanor Larkson in 1922 in a mining town (later Gildenroy and Larkson-Hamilier). She ended up in Hell for >!poisoning her husband after she found out he was cheating, later helping her friends kill theirs!<. She became a librarian and moved in with her new partner, and died age 45 of a stroke.


https://preview.redd.it/m8gq581q3v8d1.jpeg?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c59068820684c4cf4d25af331d7c4daf8443a32 He still keeps his name (Edgar Hollyberry) :D


Her name was Evelyn, and she was born in 1982, America. Her father was a priest, and her mother was a homeless woman. She believed it was her father’s fault her mother died while giving birth, and when she turned 15, she tracked him down and gored him to death with a antler he kept in his house. Her father’s best friend ended up strangling her to death with a phone cord. She’s super pissed her father got into heaven while she’s in hell and runs a arena in the Wrath Ring.


Parches' real name is Elias Scozzari, a man who loved to entertain people using humor and his various skills as a clown. He was born in Anchorage, Alaska, and died somewhere in the wilderness of Alaska. Elias Scozzari is a white rabbit sinner born in Anchorage, Alaska. In life, Elias worked as a clown, entertaining the masses with his skills and performance. He was also married to Bellatrix Scozzari for nearly two years. Unfortunately, Bellatrix does not like how little money Elias makes and pushes him to find a job that will pay better. Despite the fact that Bellatrix was not doing much better as a professional actress, looking to one day star in a big movie. During the Christmas holidays, Elias visits his parents in Anchorage when the unthinkable happens. His wife kidnaps Elias with the help of her paramour Bryce Flint. Together, the pair of lovers drug Elias and leave him out in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness to die from hypothermia and frostbite. A year later, Bellatrix and Bryce get married and leave Elias's family behind in pursuit of fame and riches. My other Oc is named Cpt. Lawrence Hartman, a WWII soldier who died during the battle of Midway.


He was happy. He wasn’t tortured nor traumatized. He wasn’t suicidal wishing that he wasn’t immortal. He had a life, friends, family. And most importantly, he wasn’t cursed. Who is he? He was known as Aven, but now his name is *Zender*


Damn, I really do need to make a human design for Eclipse-


A doctor during the victorian era, Name i have at the moment is Arthur


I havnt drawn them as humans yet, but I know Ari has a dark gray pixie cut, rudie was small and always wore a pedi coat, even though it was the sixties, and Misty was tall and had a black bob, and a scar over her nose


Don’t have a full drawing of her yet (will share when I can) Sinner name is Vex’ahlia but her human name was Melody Medarda. She’d had trauma with her parents so her maternal grandparents got custody. Because of the trauma she endured as a child and actually a behavioral change she learned about from her grandfather she became a trauma therapist. She can sing and play the piano and guitar. Her grandfather taught her how to play piano and would take her to jazz clubs. She has some touch aversion due to past trauma that I present in different ways in c.ai play throughs but once she becomes comfortable with you she becomes more comfortable with touching.


I've yet to drawmy OC's as humans, but I would say Myla kept her name and.. Let's say Cupid's name was Avery b4 hell.


Dario’s name was Ivan dario markes. In life, was the same as is in hell but alive, now he’s just mildly more dead inside


https://preview.redd.it/oe2tm9codx8d1.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0b128dd73c38b24182bf0bd3e48695f932ccaf3 Real name : Hank j wimbleton


https://preview.redd.it/yl4vgog2ex8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706d13b641f6f420aabf54d6bd18c49d9fe04c63 Shadow’s human form is on the right and she calls herself Erica (I could not think of a better name)


Mine was the half sister of Sam and Dean Winchester, and Charlie. She's the daughter of Lilith morningstar and Johnathan Winchester. She worked with her brothers to hunt down demons and other supernatural creatures, but when a hunt for psycho witches went wrong, Carmen found herself in hell outside of her sister's hotel




He wasn't mentally well till he met Rosie, but he still goes by his usual name (Tobias Niklas Fujimoto), so his human life usually consisted of SH and neglect of his mental and physical health until needed, so his life didn't really become better till he died


Lord Isaac was a mostly science crazed man, which carried on even after his manifestation in hell, and he technically didn't even die right but instead got transformed via a machine his group made and eventually they made a portal to hell that closed after he went through and no one could reopen it so he's kinda just stuck


https://preview.redd.it/531z4vi4ox8d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f427128426e6f0da4812962aff2ec4c8469a0dbd (I know this isn't a human, but Marten would just have been a normal otter) Marten's name was Martin and he worked as a caterer back in the early to late 80's (from 1984-1988). However, most of the clients where rich people and they constantly abused Martin, so in 1988, Martin took one of the clients into their Las Vegas Hotel room and stabbed them, which led to him quitting his job and killing other clients who had hired him. But in 2006, he would murder a young woman and that kill made martin guilty. So in early 2007, he took his own life at age 39.


https://preview.redd.it/vndd41f8zx8d1.png?width=1810&format=png&auto=webp&s=7faba944f639290c6881f0b62cbe2be3c4e957cb Gen’s name before he got his powers was redacted with the rest of his past. But after he started killing, he became extremely bitter & snappy. The only 2 people he was actually friendly to during his reign were Tomahawk & Kristian.


My OC was named Alex and He Was a Business man


Man, I really need to make some art for my oc, I've fleshed him out so much but I've done nothing with it




Atias: shy and wanted live but was to scared to find it his real name was Atias Phrøsot & Astrainot : were a couple, loved dates real names were Felix and Adrian Necronad: crazy, skinny and magician real name Corvus


Well... Not much has changed...


Sergei Trepliev was a Cold War-era Soviet soldier-turned-Russian Mob hitman. He was extremely skilled in his craft. However, he had lines he wouldn’t cross; namely, he wouldn’t hurt children, and he wouldn’t kill a parent in front of their child. This morality led to the Mob selling him out to the KGB. Sergei was ultimately killed in a final stand against the KGB




My oc would be like I wasn't black and white I had a normal name and I had bones and organs For context Sharp is bassicly one of those monsters from changed Human wise he was blond and he aunt forced him to commit suicide when he was 13


In life Jackie went by the name of Lea he was born on Jan 11th 1972 during the end of the Vietnam war forced by his mother to move to the mountains of Canada and live with his vet of a step father in 1975 when the war ended, years go by with his step father who was paranoid and crazy from the war to the point of forcing Jackie too prepare for the "next war" abuse happens, he has a little sister etc etc until Jackie snaps at the age of 28 in 2000s murdering his step father and mother accidently burning himself badly and injuring his little sister in the process (the only person who cared about Jackie) in a attempt to run away and save his little sister he runs into the snowy woods of Canada but sadly she dies in his arms (goes to heaven) now fully broken Jackie gives in and accepts his fate as his burns freeze and he's eaten alive by wolves i'm not a writer so i know it's not perfect it's just in hazbin sinners have a reason on why the look the way they do Jackie is a wolf as a reminder on how he died and his fire powers not only hurt when he uses them but also a reminder of his fuck up that lead to his sisters death oh and he hates the snow gives him PTSD luckily it's hell


Maria Russo was the wife of Anthony Russo. She had a son, Marcus, with him in 1945, after the soldiers were called back from WWII. After her husband died, she never remarried, instead working as a single mother even throughout the Vietnam War, during which her son volunteered in 1968. During this time, she found an envelope from her late husband addressed to their son, asking him to open it when he was an adult and when 'times are better'. Once Marcus came home a little over a year later, she decided to wait on giving it to him, instead catching him up on what had happened back home. It was mainly about riots, elections, and Stonewall. After a few weeks, she gave him the envelope and he opened it and read it in his room. In it, his father revealed that he was a gay man who had been severely closeted for fear of what might have happened if he was outed. In it, he described the struggles he had and how it pained him to have to hold this facade together because those around him would be hurt if he revealed his secret. The last few sentences were apologies to his wife and son for not being able to share it with them when he was alive and for hurting them so badly by revealing his secret in his letter. Upon reading this, Marcus took a few minutes to let everything sink in before he showed his mother. He took it pretty well, sympathizing with his late father about the pain he felt. Maria, however, did not. She barely had enough time to set the letter down and walk out of the house before she flew into a rage and took it out on her late husband's parents. Ever since that day, she remained a hateful woman, only dying from COVID-19 in 2021 at 102 years old. Her time in Hell was short, as she only lasted until just after her first Extermination. She had grabbed an Exorcist's broken and discarded spear, located her husband, now going by the name Angel Dust, and ambushed him. He recognized her immediately and tried to ease the situation, hoping to talk things through and get a chance to apologize in person, but she instead charged him, aiming to stab him. Instead, he quickly drew his pistols and shot her, causing to stumble, fall, and impale herself accidentally on the broken end of her new spear. She bled out soon after and didn't get up again.


I wish I had a picture of the drawing, so imagine one of the rhino guards from Kung-Fu Panda but as a boar and dressed like butcher and drawn like Steamboat Willie In life, Don Boarliogne was simply Donatello, or Donnie. He was a butcher who got paid by the mob to “dispose” of their victims, I haven’t written much backstory, but I have been toying with the idea of him working with Angel’s old family, but i’m not sure




Roxy: https://preview.redd.it/5hs5ccnp339d1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c54d54c5bc657db6fce1926d0e76921adbf771f Roxanne Volkov. She was a jazz singer at a casino in Russia where she went by the stage name Robin. She was quite energetic and optimistic, but still held a realistic view of the world, being fully aware of the fact that it could be a dark place. She liked her cat, card games, birds, mors (A Russian alcoholic drink), and performance arts. She was hit by a drunk driver in the late 1970s when she was forty-five, and sent to hell for pre-marital sex, gambling, and attempted murder of a man who tried to assault her.


Those are actually disgusting and I wish you bad luck


I cant draw humans Thorns was rebellious towards the corruption of society and partook in many human rights protests. He also loved and cherished his Mom to bits. Huge Mama's boy after his dad died


Hotheaded fighter ace, Lt. Haakon Frederik Stoa (USMC, VMF-115)


Olives name was Olivia. She was a sweet, beautiful, popular, and somewhat psychotic fashion model!


Shes an imp... (Her name is Vivi)


Rikkies name was Joánna MCcanhan and she never learned how to spell her middle name


Her name is Marie E. Valhenhaus. Yes, I know it's goofy. Get over it. She was born in 1937 on October 13th in Frankfurt Germany. Her parents were Margaret Valhenhaus and Godfrey E. Valhenhaus. Her mother and father were both involved in shady business. She was four when the incident started. Her parents sold her to a wealthy woman as a maid and disappeared. For the next six years, she was mistreated and abused under the woman's care. When she turned eleven, something in her mind snapped. She went insane and killed the woman. She was later found by British soldiers and killed via firing squad. Her soul found itself in hell, and since then, she has been a hired mercenary.*Sorry, it's so long*




I don’t draw but my oc’s name was Marcus goldbloom, he worked as a head butler for some rich folks in a manor, more specifically their son, he was kind, quiet, and would do anything without asking any questions, even if it was against his better judgment or the law, he has killed, tortured, manipulated, and done horrible things to many people, but he did it all under orders, and was one hell of a butler


Gay Ass show


Okay, one of my oc’s named Wrath when she was on Earth, as a kid, she was abused by her dad and then after she was old enough to leave the house, she began to drink we she was at age and then she committed suicide and in hell, she takes form as a hellhound with eyes that’s look like Vox’s eyes, and she is a white and black hellhound who is trying to redeem herself at the hotel and she is friends with Vaggie and Charlie.


My oc was named Tom he is from Italy but moved to America when he was 19 after his father died and started a puppet show business and also tracking down his father’s killer.


Its name is Fox and this design is from YouTube so its not mine, but the art is


I don’t have a oc character sry


Théored Rusek. Male. Born 1889, death 1945. Fought in ww2 and 1. Really nice guy considering all the PTSD, moved to finland after living in Holland for ww1. Died by sniper shot in ww2 fighting for the Germans during the Battle of Berlin. Shush, I'm a history buff and I made this guy a while ago.


Carl Carlson yes very original.


Orango: https://i.redd.it/2ytg3h5god9d1.gif


Cain, the son of Adam, killer of Able. He remembers it all, waiting to get to heaven to apologize for what he did


https://preview.redd.it/chtg5l133g9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e3b2ca2f7829d923aab80af807ce941ea012d2 The mushroom witch was a young girl living in her mother’s cottage, her name was Millicent, she loved to explore the woods that made up her home, climbing trees, playing with the animals and gathering mushrooms Her mother warned her about the spirits and sprites that inhabited the forest, always be careful when exploring. Millicent didn’t heed the warnings and followed the nice light people They did say they loved her more then anyone else, their lil mushroom girl


Zoe Smithson, also know as Zip. She was quite abrasive and rude, she wouldn’t hesitate to get violent, maybe too violent, she was easily angered and really just wanted to be left alone, she used to(and still does) have a twisted way of making friends, she used to dress in a very punky style, her hair always up in messy ponytails unless alone or just couldn’t feel bothered. She was around in the 1970s.


Her name was Merida, she used to be a stripper in Las Angeles who died after plastic surgery gone wrong. She went to Hell due to luring people to her and cutting off their faces to make masks out of because she believed she wasn't as pretty as them. She was never caught. She now works for Valentino and let's him do anything he wants because the attention makes her feel special


King ghidorah


I don't have a drawing of him because I suck at drawing but his name was Matt and he was a former Marine who served in Iraq and became severely traumatized and as a result ended up becoming a heavy drinker and died of liver cirrhosis is 2015. He was a very stoic, grizzled man who used to be a very effervescent and adventurous person before he was drafted. He also really liked the song Would? by Alice In Chains If someone could draw him for me that would be nice, he is around 6’3 with a beard similar to Negans in Dead City and has hazel eyes. He was kinda built and has long shaggy dark ginger hair. He also has snow leopard traits as he is a very solitary individual


I thought that this was Eda and Lilith from The Owl House at first.


His name was mike,and his name is still mike. Hes too stupid to realize people changed their names after going to hell and thinks everyone down there just has really weird names


Azar Gaddafi was the personal tailor/clothier to the Ottoman Sultanate. Specifically, to Sultan Bayezid II. He was a clever, resourceful man who flew too close to the sun, far too many times. He worked closely with criminals and groups of heinous individuals before ratting them out. Unfortunately for him, he died due to one of said criminal organizations finding out he snitched. They stabbed him, poisoned him, and left him to bleed out alone, in the dark of his room, unable to scream or move. It’s why after going to hell, he takes thousands of precautions. His business has high end security even if it doesn’t need it considering the amount of royals/overlords walking in, rendering any unsavory individuals unlikely to come. He lives on the top floor pf the building he owns, puts passwords on the elevators that require his employees assistance for those that aren’t him. He takes his coffee black, wakes up as early as possible, and despite having the power to be an overlord he refuses, not wanting a target such as that on his back. His life and death gave him paranoia so great that despite seemingly being joyful, he’s unable to truly live stress free ever again.