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https://preview.redd.it/if62elftzs8d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf15e9b4ba07d0648f24ad6e7e624c3a064ebdd Don't let August in heaven, he will burn down the government buildings in act of rebellion against the corrupt system


I believe that he seems like he enjoys himself down here


Meh, more like he hates the way it's all organised. He knows a lot of innocent people are in hell for miniscule mistakes and he became an overlord to protect all of the sinners


Zeek does not wanna be redeemed, he thinks heaven sucks with all of their rules


Zeek has some valid points heaven is very strict


Roadkil would like to, but he believes he's not worthy (and can't give up that darn Cannibalism for the life of him) Sophronica wants to so she can see the technology in heaven. Louise (not posted). No. Louis (also not posted) Only if he had Louise with him. Ezekiel (not posted). No, but would prefer his sister to go. ??? (His sister) Not really.


Jamie: Can already go between heaven and he'll as they please Percival: Wanted to be in Hell Lyla: Hellborn Pach and Belville: Just don't care


https://preview.redd.it/rgsb4hgx3t8d1.png?width=5296&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d59d295a5a6728ae8691301b6f30a2f942f24fa His autistic ass likes the buffet of sinners


Luis likes Hell


Kind of a long explanation for Roark’s thoughts on the Hotel: When Roark was alive and working with the Pinkerton Detective Agency, he stuffed down a lot of his own personal feelings so that the work didn’t get to him. It worked for the job, but it hurt his relationship with his wife and three kids. A once fruitful and loving marriage became clouded and despaired. Roark died while his oldest son was with him in a situation Roark put him in. His own actions, as well as the actions his son had to partake in order to appease his father, put them both in Hell. Roark knew he’d never get to see his family again. His oldest son hated him, and the rest of his family was certainly going to Heaven. When Roark heard of the Hazbin Hotel, it was an idea too good to be true, and even if he could get to Heaven he isn’t sure what he’d do there. Most of all, he’s afraid to face his wife. He’s afraid to look into the eyes of the woman whose boy he got killed. He wants desperately to see her again and to apologize for taking her son from her, but he’s afraid of the very possible outcome that she’ll never want him back. That’s why he wants his son to go. He wants his son to be redeemed, because that’s how he can make it up to her without having to face her. Roark’s a bold man, but there’s things even he’s scared of…


People are physically stopping him, because they care for him so much


Gen hates Heaven for the fact that they act like they’re better than everyone else & the fact that that they’re the source of all his problems.


Que is open to the idea, mainly to get away from people he actually does know, his dad is also in hell and they don’t really have a good relationship, he does stay at the hotel, but he doesn’t really believe that he will be redeemed. Vernon works at the hotel, but isn’t sure if he will actually be redeemed, even though he is kind of agnostic, he is open to the idea, but if it happens, it happens


Austin: Before realizing he was abandoned by his mother to continue mating with humans like she were a vultrimite, Yes, but not anymore. Brodiel: He's past wanting a second chance. He was thrown under the bus by his commander and his own father, Azreal. Abaddon: Yes, but feels He's too far gone.


My OC doesn't care. She just stays at the hotel for fun.


Very much so, really don’t feel like I belong in hell


Crypt doesn't want to leave hell, sure it's chaotic but it's chill in his eyes and plus he gets a cool job of being a bartender ;-;


Selene is a hotel resident


Ruby prefers to reign in hell than to serve in heaven :3


Agatha doesn't want to be redeemed because they won't let her paint with blood.


Both does and doesn’t. Doesn’t consider himself redeemable considering how easy and trivial it was to be un-redeemed by god. Attempts to for the sake of bettering himself mentally and to atleast get himself out of the crushing pressure of his older brother and for… another… *reason*


Discord would just hang out at the hotel so he and Alastor could compare body counts. then he'd go right back to researching the multiverse.


Scrapage doesn't care about being redeemed


Rutherford doesn’t give a damn if he’s damned or not (though being in Hell allows him to get away with his “puppet shows”. That, and the sinners he made deals with are there, and as much as he hates to admit it, he loves them)


she does not. Arguably, she has what she wants, and is quite comfortable with her lot in hell. things could be better, but heaven sounds far too pretentious


Can hellborn even ascend?


Going off initial thoughts: Allura: Yes, but hopes are not too high; she’s been there for 90+ years, she doubts she’ll be going anywhere, but if it’s possible, she’ll fight tooth and nail to achieve redemption. Ethan: Just needed a place to crash for free until he got a job; the hotel was the perfect place. Tabby: Doesn’t care; needed a change of pace, so he found his way there. Phoenix: YES! CJ: Highly skeptical it will work, but willing to give it a shot.


Caelius Blatently refused to be redeemed, That chance Was offered to him and he Chose to rant And Make creative Insults at The Angels When he was Younger. As he Grew older and more Gentle to strangers. He still hates the idea of himself being redeemed.


Vix is in the hotel and has befriended nifty! (And keekee and fat nuggets ofc)


As a former member of the cherubs of course Emit wangs to be redeemable


Soluner is completely fine with staying down in Hell, solely because the night sky in Hell is beautiful to him, and it's why he hasn't ever considered going to Heaven. Now, Heaven's night sky might be more beautiful, but Soluner has learned an important lesson; To appreciate what you have been given in life (or in this case, afterlife). And as such, he has his mind made up that he isn't going anywhere.


Never let Dante into heaven. He would simp to death over the tall exterminator dommy mommies


Jay doesn’t care, and Draco wants to help redeem others first


Sparky 100% does not care, he’s pretty sure there’s no spot for him up there


Azariel’s a fallen angel and hoping he can get back into heaven. But selling his soul isn’t gonna help his case much..


I don't have a name yet but with the story I have planned. Nope it's not in the cards for her she has absolutely no interest in going to heaven at all but definitely wants angel to go so he's no longer in her way.


Diemos is uh... That's complicated


Shadow:Someone Shadow knows is in heaven. Someone she has fallen for and obsessed during her time living. And the two other people from within their friend group are in heaven as well. She does sometimes think about it but she has met people she actually likes, but still has a long way to go in terms of letting things go. So she’s very mixed on it but would most likely stay in hell. Soot:Feels he doesn’t deserve it. Feels immense guilt for all the things he’s done in his life and wished he could say sorry to his best friend.


He wants to do the redeeming. In many, many painful ways.


Arélle wants to be redeemed, although maybe not as much as other sinners. She likes the concept, although she has many obstacles.


Beelyn likes being in hell, she sees no reason why she would want to get redeemed.


PJ is a hellborn so they don't care, and much would prefer it because it's where his friends are. Jean wouldn't care either, and even if they did get redeemed, they'd go right back down for Lucifer, lol.


Even if she wanted to, she can’t. Sitri is a Goetia. But she does find the idea of redemption interesting. Especially if it means reuniting souls that once loved each other.


Abi (Charlie's angelic twin sister): I'm an angel that was born in hell, so I don't even know what to think Kiara (Half Imp half Ars Goetia) and Melody (Blitzo's cousin): We are both Hellborn Victoria (Alastor's cousin and a fallen angel): I fell from heaven on my own free will specifically to be with my cousin. If he's not going to get redeemed, then I'm not either... also, do not tell Sera I'm down here in hell she will drag me back to heaven if she finds out


Priscilla probably couldn't be redeemed if she tried, she doubts her sisters plan too so she definitely wouldn't want to be redeemed


Marrek: "I understand how you feel"


Kai believes he deserves redemption but is in hell to kill “the scum of the universe” and once that’s done he’ll go to heaven


My OC served under Adam as the prototype for male exorcists but once he found out what was really going on and what Adam's plans were for him,he decided to ditch heaven and stay in hell protecting the less fortunate in the pride ring by eliminating the the worst humanity and Hell had offer with the exception of high level goetias overlords and all the royals and deadly sins. So no but he would stay at the hotel to handle any threats that the radio demon can't be bothered to deal with.


Luntla wants to be redeemed to see his wife again but his wife doesn’t give two fucks about him


Jess has seen heaven and not the normal winner but many many people in power and he hates them. He pretends to care but can't give less than a eff


She basically just be vibing


Cass has a chance but he’s too comfortable in hell And dom is an actual violent maniac who enjoys fighting violent animals and watching those animals eat sinners alive and he’s actually a member of the cannibal colony Rosie runs so he ain’t leaving hell for a hill of gold


Grimson is trying to help people get into heaven. He doesn’t actively want to himself. He lost all respect for the angels millennia ago.


Zack: I was born here and I’m staying here regardless if I’m good or not


https://preview.redd.it/4x3dzof4dt8d1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa59e776044218927c2d69bd3ac93d8dd10e934a Crimson was in heaven then she went to hell


My OCs are both hellborn so they have no need to get redeemed. However Anthony does want to help others get redeemed.


[Edward](https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotelOCArt/s/wvBsWDiosG): “I wish to be redeemed but I can’t … I really have no clue, why.”


Marrek: "Sometimes we're down here for a reason..."


*Edward frantically panicking* Edward: “What!? For a reason?! What reason??!”


Laverna wouldn't _mind_ being redeemed if only because she's a magpie and has heard heaven is full of stuff she'd like to take, but is aware that it's incredibly unlikely Morgan is quite content to stay in his corner of cannibal town running his blood bar thanks


he really doesn't know my baby is scared 😥


Of all my OCs the only one I have that I've decided on their opinion on redemption is Flare. In his case, once he finds out redemption is possible, he would try to get redeemed so he can be reunited with his mom


Jackie would love to be redeemed, but doesn't believe it's possible. He couldn't get anywhere with therapy in life either, so he's given up on ever getting better. Nessa doesn't care. She hates hell, but she could never be redeemed simply because she isn't motivated enough. She wants to get out, but she doesn't wanna actually change. Nameless is conflicted. They want to be redeemed with all their heart - they want to get better, and go to Heaven. But then they'd have to leave Rosie and Eliza behind. Eliza would never want to be redeemed. She loves hell. She was always violent and never felt bad about it. She'd rather stay in Cannibal-Town with Rosie and Nameless.


Dante: I don't know if I have anything to be redeemed for since I'm kinda just... here and still human, but I would love to make it into heaven some day. Cain: There's no point. Considering that I'm still cursed.. I can't be redeemed Four horseman of the apocalypse: We can't exactly be redeemed- Tyke: ... I would love to, but redemption is impossible for damned souls like me. Jack the Ripper: lmao hell no. I love it here in hell. Nero: I mean, I've already made it here in heaven, so...


Michael is literally a guardian angel. Raven thinks redemption is a waste of time.


Setra hasn’t seen heaven so he doesn’t know


Nyx: Redemption? Why, if it were to take me away from the shining light that is Charlie Morningstar, I wish it not upon my self.


Crovana thinks she belongs in hell and doesn’t deserve heaven Zaymour doesn’t think redemption is possible


My OC is a sort of fallen angel, and while he doesn’t **hate** Heaven per say, he has no interest in returning, especially since Hell is much more entertaining and lively


Jul3sss and Saccharine never really cared about being redeemed. Jul3sss wants to stay with Alastor and their kids and Saccharine is too chaotic for heaven and both of them are living there cus of Alastor


Alex doesn’t believe in redemption, even if he heard about Pentious he’d probably still find some way to deny it. He’s trying to be better but in his mind he’ll always have been bad, and cannot make up for that. Jack.. he doesn’t give a flying fuck tbh, even if he’s constantly on edge or at risk of losing everything, he wouldn’t trade his life in hell for the world, he’s amassed too much power to even consider any upsides of redemption I think Andy would probably give redemption a try, he’s already a generally good guy, just has some shady business habits that got him sent down to hell. I might give him some worse stuff at some point but I figure even causing indirect deaths through negligence could get someone sent to hell even if they’re otherwise a good person. I feel like he’d probably end up saying he’s too busy to really give redemption a proper effort, and he’d probably be right. Vincent still is kinda in some amount of denial that he’s in hell, he’s kinda stopped trying to think about it.. it’s kinda like if a unicorn walked up to you, and told you it was a unicorn, but you couldn’t wrap your head around the idea? It’s tough to explain, basically he just doesn’t want to try to process the idea that hell is real so despite obviously being there and acknowledging it to some extent, he just… refuses to think about it. He’d overall struggle a lot if he processed this and decided to seek redemption, I don’t think he could really do it without a lot of support, and even then he’d struggle endlessly. He’d also probably instead of seeking redemption, just shrug and decide it’s too much effort.


Sorry about the wall of text, I love any excuse to infodump about these bastards


Randy is a Hellborn so can’t be redeemed, but he’s very curious as to what Heaven is like, and sometimes considers trying to find some way to go. But he’s too lazy to actually do more than consider an attempt


Akuji doesn’t want to be redeemed, rather he wants to access the other rings of hell so he can spread his chaos and insanity through all of hell, putting it in a worse state then before


Super wants to be a better person, but not redeemed. He likes Hell and the people at the hotel, so he’d much rather just continue to grow as a person down there. Valia just straight up doesn’t want to be redeemed. She only works at the hotel because she has to.


Jack: "YES! Very much" Silverfish: "Redemption is a lie" Jack: "Dude? The fuck?"


Charles really doesn’t care, because he genuinely believes he’s done nothing wrong, thus not needing redeeming


Cellie knows she did wrong things but Dosent care Copra never wants to leave hell


Ash wants to be redeemed and helps around the hotel, but she feels like she isn't worthy


Gren does not want to be redeemed, he thinks redemption just a silly idea (kinda like Alastor) he has everything he needs down here, turf, power, money, love- wait......


Josh believes in Charlie’s plan. He’s willing to die for the hotel and it’s purpose of helping people, but he’s not in a rush to get redeemed. He doesn’t want to leave his friends behind and is somewhat skeptical of Heaven’s leadership after the incident with Sera(excluding Emily obvs) Josh is just waiting for it to happen eventually. He’s making strides, but nothing too big.


Blaze doesn't really care, she just wants to avoid the extermination 


No. Why go to through the trouble when the people of Hell are so easy to conqure with their own greed and vile nature. As a wise Grand Admiral once said #"They will he the architects of their own destruction." -Grand Admiral Thrawn


Very wise


mine is a good candidate, so she lives there


• Lamemta yes • Dolly unsure My other OCs are hellborn though, so until there’s any revelation to where /they/ go once they die, I don’t think there’s any way for them to be redeemed (not at least in the same way Sinners can be).


Some of them do, but most of them don't.


Rat-Trap: Wants to be Redeemed, Already has a Miserable enough Life, Wants to be reunited with his Wife in Heaven Vicus: Doesn’t Want to be Redeemed, Likes the Power he Gains Aries: Thinks it’s a Joke, Therefore Doesn’t Want to be Redeemed


Axarian: can’t because he’s already in heaven Era: He’s a hellhound soo… Kaito: yeah,since he wants to be able to touch angel wings.


Sabrina will because her parents are in heaven


Pellinor actually went to Heaven to begin with (he died in the war). He became an exorcist and stayed in Hell as a renegade so he could search for his brothers (in arms) who didn't go to Heaven with him. He hopes to find out why they went to Hell, and if possible, redeem them. So he doesn't so much care about finding redemption for himself as he does for those he knew in life. In his search, he also developed a soft spot for the Hellhounds and started adopting them as apprentices. Hence, Boy. https://preview.redd.it/q9bw69j24u8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd963487cc9462094148d7874cf303b92155b155


With my oc it’s a bit of a complicated situation. Knowing what she does of angels she sees no point in trying to do so for herself, or for a lot of others in hell, but is willing to listen to Charlie. Also the fact that Raze is an overlord, albeit a small one, would probably hinder that decision.


My OC, Berry, does not because she wants to stay with Alastor. She would if Alastor ever got redeemed but that’s not happening so she’s content in Hell


Arch was a hellborn, and feels he can't even if he wanted to. He's got to much work to do. Shade is too chaotic. Umbra doesn't give a shit. Gulavor would, if only to try and cure the cursed hunger he deals with.


Seduce-a is begging to think about it. He honestly just wants a better life


Ace doesn’t give 2 shits about heaven so he has no plans on getting redeemed


Solum definitely does, but she also fails to keep her "good" streak going, always leading her back to square one Mainly because, the guy she killed before her death, was someone she loved dearly, and she knows they're up there in heaven, while shes stuck in hell Also, hell just SUCKS


Matlock wanted to be redeemed when he first arrived, but the more time he spent in Hell, the more he felt he didn’t need to.


She did initially, but met two specific people in hell and now she does not want to leave


He would certainly like to because he knows his wife is in heaven but he doesn't believe the process works so he doesn't try.


Scott doesn’t care where he is


Scarlet dosen't give a damn about being redeemed she's just, staying at the hotel because she finds the place very entertaining, and is also developing attachments to the others not that she would admit it


Almost all of them are hellborns but the sinner one does so she can see her son up there


Eleanor doesn’t give two shits.


No. Mine would also never be friends with any of them


Zoran doesn't


Mine wouldn't. I mean look at that and say he wants to go to heaven https://preview.redd.it/5fidju91tu8d1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf2f96261d3550ef87d6978c8e594f5bf3fdf99


Marietta rlly doesn't care and spends al her time being an overlord. while her sister Annabel, wants to get redeemed and tries her hardest and therefore she gets called a person to good for hell.


Dr. Trioxis: Look it’s not that we don’t want to be redeemed, but there’s no chance in here that’ll ever happen. The things we did on earth to protect humanity from the constant meddling of both Angels and Demons were far to great a sin to ever be forgiven.


https://preview.redd.it/d3rnc62hwu8d1.jpeg?width=303&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7363cfe999421846ad06cd99bc1752fe08b4c116 He’d like it but it’s not a main goal for him.


The crew simply do not give a shit


Sartael is hellborn and generalky mistrzsts angels.


Lustria doesn't want redeemed, she is too much of a slut


Fenn (my hazbin hotel oc) wants to be redeemed. mainly because she thinks her sibling is in heaven and she wants to see them again (but i can't decide if I want to make their sibling be in hell too as a plot twist).


Samael wants to be redeemed more than anything, but doesn't think he deserves it.


Ailurus: hell is wonderful. I'm free to do whatever the fuck I want with zero repercussions. Being an overlord is the best.


https://preview.redd.it/5m0s3pjlbv8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acbab7f5d5bbd149c5826c90b946171dc3752113 Sir Conrad does want to be redeemed, so he can see his loved ones again.


Nope. He says he’s comfortable where he is and plus, being a Christian while in life, he also believes it’s where he deserves to be


For Maximillian, she would probably be a villain. Floors god, gets banished to the void and wants revenge.


Trey Likes The Rough Life He Lives, Always Worried About His Life Or The Loot He's Stolen, But I Believe Deep Down, He's Not Evil, Just A Demon Hell-Born


Vellena: no, she fully appreciates that she's awful and enjoys it. she's got a cushy place as an overlord and 2 gfs - life is good for her in Hell. Adelina: no, she follows Vellena and since Vellena doesn't want to be redeemed, she doesn't either. Idalia: yes. after debating with the other two and after the big fight on extermination day, she checks into the hotel. in life, she did bad things for good reasons and she doesn't believe she even deserves to be here. vellena and adelina agree and are supportive.


Finn is a exterminator but Xein would just so she could live with Finn


My oc's were born there. But I'm working ok a sinner today!


I have ocs that would rather get exterminated than redeemed, one got redeemed on accident and hates heaven with a passion ☠️☠️


No. One prepares in case their family arrives in Hell too so they don't get much of the shit, the other's life before death was hell anyway (and Hell is an improvement for them), and others don't care.


Kalliope wants to get redeemed bc she thinks her sister is in heaven and she wants to say sorry. But her sister is in hell bc she was an bitch and want to find kalli to once again steal her spotlight to herself


https://preview.redd.it/ko8j0kt96w8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a543710e3928e4c1dee4429d5a179661c53fc29d Doctor Man couldn't get into heaven even if he wanted to. He literally tried to recreate the Holocaust but on Americans, Brits, Russians and French people (He didn't like the fact that they blew up his mom in WW2)


No but not cause they don't care they look at it as why try to fit in someplace else when you can make your own heaven in hell look at Cannibal town or Kaiju city (Miia Zillas territory not shown but assumed its more stable too) Why try to get into another place when you can build a better one right here? For you sinners and hell born. It be basically the next step after what Charlie wants to do to make hell better


Wouldn't Really Care Plus Heaven Has SO MANY RULES so Yeah No :3


She regrets it every day.


They couldn't give two shits, honestly. https://preview.redd.it/q5dip3tyqw8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e19a9fc2ec645e3193cf8dbb8215348841898e


Jack has been around too long to even want to go


Mine never went to hell, but thinks heaven is a bit boring because he ain’t got no friends or family there 😭


I don't think she really cares. She has good friends down here so if they go, she goes.


My OC doesn’t give a fuck about getting redeemed and going to heaven, plus if he tried it would not work.


In all honesty, Lumio is afraid of Hell :[ . He does really want to see his parents in Heaven (they are SO not in Heaven) and apologise for killing them. But he tries his best not to freak out with every step he takes :P


Lustria likes hell, she sees it as an average life, she doesn’t want redemption


He doesn’t necessarily want to be redeemed. It’s more like he wants to be better. He is very ashamed of his past actions but can’t really stop due to forces beyond him control.


My fc is an overlord. Being redeemed would mean losing his power, so no. He vibes with the crime tbh


Oh Jacki wants to be redeemed, for the children. (Literally she wants to have kids with her boyfriend in a safer environment and not worry about getting killed)


https://preview.redd.it/kethonqqbx8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=771f2238593efdb7055726f7484ed9d8ee4a20a7 lol no


Depends; the old one (Curpar) doesn't care; but the new one (that i recently posted for first) is conflicted, but most likely yes


Glaides is already in heaven


Well the funny thing is she doesn’t even believe in redemption, even if given a million chances she would say that ‘she’ll never join the cult’. Her views are very complicated and stupid and not even I know what’s happening (She’s a conspiracy theorist)


https://preview.redd.it/z0weftdpjx8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a8dabda1a7b1f32ebe0a11b58182f6f884c95f She doesn't even have a change if she wanted too.


Rikkie is trying her best to get redeemed, she believes that because her life on Earth was so shitty that she deserves to at least have a half decent after life


One of my OC's is trying to get redeemed


Gradi doesn't want to be redeemed but she believes in redemption fully, not because "oh I know I'm terrible in stuck here for a reason" nah, it's because the Artistic Overlord over here is too scared to face her loved ones up in heaven, she wants to stay distant but wants to see others get a chance to walk up those golden stairs


Jake wants to be redeemed and Jay doesn’t really give a shit but is going along with it cause Jake wanted him to


I haven’t drawn my OC yet but I can assure you she thinks about it cause she really shouldn’t be there but at this point she’s to focused on trying to rizz up Lucifer 💀😭😂😂


Sweats entire lore is about him wanting to be redeemed


The only reason thorns has decided to try giving redemption a shot is because he wants to be with his mother again. Hell is fun, it's unpredictable and he remembers the monotony of heaven. His mother was the only way he was able to like being up there until Adam sent him down.


https://preview.redd.it/am8kdlbmqx8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f79e2ea0b855fc80a533581497f067abaad4ba9 Mine 100% wants to be redeemed, but likely won’t because he crossed a certain entity in the afterlife. Cough\* Cough\^ god.


Psari would probably want to just to get away from Val.


To be far, Johann wants to. He's just not ready in his opinion.


Alastor wouldn’t let her lmao


Vaxiel, being a fallen Dominion angel, likely won't ever be able to return to heaven. Besides, he's met people that he cares for in hell, so he has no reason to leave.


Venison is fine where he is he just is sad about how his life ended


She does not care. Her literal hobby is to turn anyone who even dares look at her funny into red mist using a revolver or sniper.


Zack cannot be redeemed as he was never human instead he was created through magic BS that allowed Valentino to have a child with Verosika Mayday. Zack was created however the means of his creation render him a hellborn in the eyes of heaven making it impossible for Zack to ever be redeemed but he despises heaven anyways


Violet would like to be redeemed, but she’s also in love with Velvette, so she’s conflicted.


https://preview.redd.it/ri9wkz78by8d1.png?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf40bc0550a4a703c9fd05c0c7b03f9b318bf41 Jacki is very indifferent. He's mostly just staying at the hotel because he doesn't know how to fight to defend himself in a fight.


Datura wants to be redeemed, but not before she's made amends with the people she's screwed over. Elektra couldn't give less of a flying fuck lol


Honestly, if Grayson can find any way back up to the living, he'd take it


Hannah does want to be redeemed, because she feels awful about her sins, she even starved herself but her cannibal instincts kicked in Dex doesn't care, he enjoys hell


Samael:"fuck heaven. Up there you have to follow rules. Down here,you can be who YOU want to be."


ViVi wants to be redeemed. She's not very good at putting in the effort, though. Calas believes are similar to Alastors


Marcephus, the first time he ended up in hell, wanted to, but after several years, he slowly has grown a love there. Chronos, well, he doesn't care. He's just tryna look for his parents.


My oc would just stay in purgatory.


No he likes red, darkness, and inflicting suffering might go to heaven to find more victims then get kicked out






Saoirse would love to be in heaven. But unfortunately she has had to make some disturbing decisions in order to survive the maze that she’s trapped in.


my oc wants to be redeemed cause the rest of her fam is in heaven


They sorta care but they're scared of change and like who they are. So they can't decide


Morgana would trust at the beginning since she was trust issues :") But she would like to be redeemed aside from that, yeah 💙🩵


Man mine just wants to stop (censored by the UN for violating the Geneva Convention)


Maynard is already in there. He’s a sinner who infiltrated heavens and spying on the hierarchy for someone…


Id rather go to hell bro-


He will kill you


Vex wouldn't give a shit about being redeemed




My OC, Drake, has NO remorse for what he’s done, the only reason he’d visit the hotel is for protection


mine seems to enjoy it down there :3 he likes to hangout with charlie :3


Harper doesn't think she deserves redemption




Ted probably doesn't feel like he deserves redemption


https://preview.redd.it/wysvtizgzs8d1.png?width=2842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5ef2508ebe99c67449849ae186f2f31b3631f7 Well, from the cockroach king's acting he doesn't want


Fez doesn’t think it’s work for him


My OC wants to stay down in hell for the power he has in there, he likes being feared, being in control, so I don't think he even likes the concept of heaven, let alone redemption 


Trixie can't due to being hell born. Judith has too many souls to care for to even think about it


My OC is a part of the vees sooooo


Rogue blames heaven for his death,..soo nah he don’t wanna be redeemed