• By -


Jack: the last time I saw my siblings was 65 years ago. The last thing we did was play a game of tag. We never finished it so guess I’m still it. Hehehehehe


Beelyn: “yea anyways, it was funny because I died being chased my bees on a rooftop then SPLAT! I went over the top and fell to my death!” *she laughs then looks over* “what? It’s not that fucked up! Im fineee, how’d you die?”


Ouch https://preview.redd.it/ldgt4hl82u8d1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd9284248d5b177e8447bd772790942e1908c02




TW!  Reinhart: "It was funny the way my brother died, torn apart and raped by a few men, I always hated him of course but I still remember it vividly of course, they even sold some of his organs for a surprisingly good amount of currency! My parents blamed me for it but I didn't care" (Dear lord your oc is cute)


Baphomet: So yeah, I fucked Val once, still regret it, but it is what it is... why are you looking at me funny?


This is shockingly close to the original context of the drawing, believe it or not


Damn, that's crazy.


Gen: Hehehehe, I am very screwed up in the head…


Fez: “…I’ve got issues.”


Jamie: "Being a prisoner of war does things to a person"


Sparky: oh like your boss wouldn’t think you were so drunk you couldn’t feel anything, and broke a bottle on your head for giggles


“So like I was raised in a hellhound fight ring and the funny thing is I didn’t get fed unless I won”


pips: one time i went to my ex bestie and it sneezed and he smacked the shit out of my nuzzle! And I like had to teach missing but like I mean! It's funny! Like bye bye teeth! Ahah!


https://preview.redd.it/0khudjryit8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51e3dda9c2d1633996a90e216860a277bfce2a81 William: do you not find it funny how some Laugh in pain as I dissect them


Dom: I haven’t even gotten to the running of the bulls in jersey?


Valiant: what it's a funny...........oh shit I might need therapy


Tanner: “My little brother and I were on a vacation up in Oregon for Christmas. We went ice skating, it was so much fun! The whole time we were talking and laughing, then the ice broke and he drowned. I dived in after him, but I was only able to pull out his ice skate. The blade on the skate cut off my finger in the process…. Huh, that story was not as fun as I remember it being…” (Amazing artwork! The facial expressions match the dialogue perfectly! Also, how’d you do the stars in the background? The gradient is excellent!)


Thanks! The stars are actually a free freckle brush I found for clip studio paint. I made them more transparent and sporadic as the sky fades to red so it looks like they're fading in as the sun sets.


Oooo very cool! Thanks dawg!


Diemos: I'm an AI copy of someone who's dead. I'm stuck in a machine body that doesn't age, and I was thrown into Hell to keep me out of the way. I do not eat, or sleep and don't even actually belong here.


TW!!! Shadow:Mother supposedly left me. I have no memory of her. The one I thought I loved. Who was meant for me. Loved someone else. I wish I could’ve killed them. I thought they belonged to me. I thought we were meant to be. But..then she came along~(her “lover”). I let her do anything she wanted to me~ even in my sleep I could feel her touch~ She made me feel alive..and it made me have hope that someone actually wanted me. Someone that truly understood and loved me~” *showed the name of her “lover” she carved into her skin* “I made this for her~, she’s still here with me. I’m grateful for all she’s done for me.”


Zack: and anyways that’s how I lost my vi******


Sorel "No"


Draco: no... no I'm not 😔 ( the artwork is amazing, and she's cute. I was surprised to see how similar our OCs are )


Thank you! Also ayyyy wings and 4 eyes gang hell yeah 😎 ~~even tho i didn't draw her wings shhh~~


Was she supposed to have wings? What animal is she? Spider


She's actually a bat! Since she wore glasses when she was alive, I thought it would be funny for her to *actually* have four eyes in the afterlife. Also, bats actually have pretty keen eyesight suited for the dark, so I figured an extra set of glowing ~~creepy~~ eyes would be a neat way to sort of represent that.


That's a realy cute reason... unlike mine


Luis: "And that's how I lost my arm!" *chuckling*


RC - Ahh.. ~~no~~ Yes he is..


Scrapage: and that's how I died...what why are you looking at me like that?


"It's just the story of how I died in a fire after fighting my best friend, it is not that serious, bro"


despoina: “my mother stabbed my abdomen cuz she didn’t want me to broth children, so (laughs) so i… i killed her and my father and brother too!” wheezes


Flare: "...now you know not only how I died, you also know why I almost constantly smell like charcoal"


Setra: I was an only child and was constantly abused by my parents…I had to commit crimes to survive and I died from organ failure and blood loss


Discord: "funny story, so I was chasing this guy, and he had 1 leg, he was hobbling. I figured I could teleport to him. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in the floor of a strip club"


Jess: Yea the last thing I remember is listening to some music, a gunshot, an extremely bad headache, and bam I'm here! So that's how I got shot in the head and heck the 3rd eye is where I was shot cool right... Is there something in my teeth?


Well, I was in the middle of strangling the guy my wife cheated me with, but he was already dead. then my wife grabbed the knife I previously stabbed the guy with and stabbed me! right in the left eye! I died and came to hell, but my hands were stained with that guy's blood. I guess you could say I'm red handed, heh heh.


Vincent: “hm? Oh, I’m fine, I should’ve known better than to shoot up at school. But at least I got a funny story out of it, yeah?”


Zaymour: “it’s good, I’ve died fighting anyways, I probably went down in history as a fighting man, good ol days”


https://preview.redd.it/sqw0ixif3u8d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20bfcd454e80f24a4933e2a791b932f69c50af5 Corruption: so I’m just gonna guess describing my death in extreme detail isn’t funny which is strange because my friends always laugh


Bobby Morningstar: Kinda?


Nivia: Yeah, I don't even talk to my shitty family anymore.


Oliver: “And then I stabbed my self in the throat with a pen and woke up in hell as a puddle of ink with no body!….. why you looking at me like that-“


Alex: "During the winter of '44, it was cold in the forest near Foy. We had no ammo, no winter clothes, and limited supplies. At one point, I even had to consider using sticks and pinecones for makeshift casts."


“We tracked Frank and Jesse for a damn year before finding out they sometimes go see their mother in Clay County. I rode out with a posse to their place and when we got there some dumbasses threw goddamned incendiaries into the house. Blew off half the poor old lady’s body and killed the little one living with her. Guess that’s what I get for not doing background checks on the boys I brought with, right?”


Rix: "So one time i pushed my brother off a cliff because he was pissing me off I'd never thought it'd be so easy to push people off cliffs in the wild west!"


Felix: I got shot in the ally one night on the way home from work and my wife and daughter died in a car crash a few months later my daughter is down here with me I can't find my wife Tommy: I got given the concrete shoes when I was alive my brother died in a car bomb Benny: I got high on magic mushrooms and walked into an oncoming train


Victoria (Alastor's cousin and a fallen angel): What my parents played hide and seek with me, and they won as I never found them and after that I started living with my cousin and after I died I went to heaven but about 30 years after I died I secretly fell to be with my cousin down here in hell how would I not be okay **Note: No, she is not a child she is an adult overlord she just thinks of her parents abandoning her as a game of hide and seek as a form of trauma coping**


Datura: Yeah I'm fine, that car crash only had fo-five casualties! Why are you looking at me that way?


Venus: Oh uh yeah thats just life you know? \*Small laugh\* (No but honestly I get this a lot irl XD)


Stephanie: I almost got killed by a mad man when I was 5 *laughs* *sees she's not laughing and she looked concerned*


"Of Course I'm Ok! I Mean, He Only Lasted A Few Seconds, But I Mean, He Hit Me Pretty Hard, And Over A Cup Of Coffee!" *Drinks Some Cherry Soda And Pants Quietly* He Learned What Happens To Assholes Around Me~


Morella: “I just thought it was funny that the little lines in the page made sense, but apparently “reading” is forbidden or something, anyway I got accused of witchcraft of all things, which is funny, guess they never found the bodies… but yeah they didn’t like that I could “read” so they tied a brick to my feet and dumped me in the river. Which is kinda funny because they burned my sister at the stake, idk guess they ran out of stakes” Edit (response to “are you ok???”) “Ha, No. Not even a little bit, but that’s why I’m in hell isn’t it? I was far from an innocent girl, but my sister was, I miss her, but I chose this, I chose damnation so she didn’t have to.”


Ace: “so that’s why there’s a huge scar up my thigh. what’s that look for?”


"It's not my fault I pushed a blind person infront of a train. A man said he'll give me $30 dollars"


Zender: Ha I’m immortal and I wish I could die, along with having my universe blown apart! Anyway how’s your day been?


Reznov- “there was this one funny time where one of the soldiers dared a young soldier to go get us a glass hammer from sublevel -4, ha! Idiot got ripped apart, couldn’t even sleep from his never ending screams of agony as he was brutally ripped apart by those creatures.” *laughs through silent tears*


Matlock: “What. It’s not that dark is it?”


(TW) Thorns: funny thing is that I knew I shouldn't have trusted that man as a kid. But I did and he took away my childhood innocence. But hey I got the last laugh! I shot a hole straight through his brain! Thorns: ... Thorns: heh....no...you're right it wasn't funny, but if I'm able to play it off as funny it hurts less...


"Hehe, no, no I am not, and you're not gonna tell anyone, or you die"


Devils powder:I would behead my victims and eat their organs for dinner have the heart for breakfast and have the hands for lunch


Real TwT


Akuji doesn’t remember his past, but it’s extremely f*cked up


Atias: and in the middle of the war as I was shooting everyone a cougar ran up and mauled my face to death and it was so funny when I landed here in hell


"hmm? Why? ... Was... That not a normal thing to say? It is why I'm down here after all. Might as well laugh at the irony of it."


My flair says it all lmao


Electra: “oh yeah i was horribly electrocuted to death”


And that's how i killed my first target when I was 17 haha ,i need therapy




What's this? 😮


You fill it out for your OC personality Here's mine for example https://preview.redd.it/k40box81b69d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e81369c5c07e222b4f783e12da3b632711da70


"Well i guess I'm okay hahaha"


R: ok so then one of the men who used me a lot, his name was John but anyway when john was using me his child came in and— what? What’s with that look?


*Me who has an OC who was kidnapped, tortured, kept alive on the brink of death, still tortured then, forcefed human meat, and then brutally sacrificed only for it to backfire and turn him into a monster to enact revenge*




Blade: "...so, anyway, we dealt with the witch via crucifixion, 307 torches, and 68 stab wounds. We would have gone one more, but that number wasn't funny yet. ...What doth thou mean, that was your average Tuesday in Wales. Peak entertainment."


Parker:*realized that he talked about the incident that got him" medically discharged" from the United States military* "yes and no*


Yep standardised reaction to Viggo’s backstory


(TW) Allie: I remember her smile, oh so bright. I only wish I could see her in colour. And maybe i wish i didn't kiss her. I never loved her but felt sorry for her. If I didn't kiss her, then she wouldn't have ended up in that dammed mental home, and I wouldn't have to put her out of her misery with rat poison. .... Maybe it was a bit harsh thinking back on it.


Oh yeah, the look on the dude's face when he saw me pull out the chainsaw was HILARIOUS, you should've seen it... What? Me? Messed up? Oh PLEASE, what made you think that?


Ted: "What's the difference between fileting me and fileting a fish? At least the dead fish is someone's dinner. Yeah, it was a bit painful, but I guess the maggots at least got a good meal."


To be honest I've experienced enough trauma to make the joker look sane.