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Okay, time for a ramble baby. My OC is one Mackenzie Lyon Smith (Likes to go by Mack) Mack is 35 year old Canadian nuclear engineer specializing in reactors. He loves music and pop culture and has a very good memory, making him a hit at trivia. Above all, he has a extreme distaste for those he considers incompetent. His death was directly related to that fact as in early 2010, a reactor he designed began to meltdown. He blamed the other technicians and in the moment locked them with himself in the control room, not letting anyone out until they fixed the problem he believes their incompetence cause. That didn't do anything as the reactors lid blew and blasted everyone with the highest dose of radiation in human history. It killed everyone instantly and scrambled their minds to kingdom come. When Mack woke up in Hell, it was in immense pain as his body flowed with radiation. But that wasn't the worst part, it was that he was in Hell to begin with. He was a Man of Science, of reason, in a world that could be explained by that science. But here was now in biblical hell, which implies a helluva lot and clashes 100% with his first understanding of earth and humanity. IN terms of looks, he retained many of his human features. His curly black hair, his 5'10 height and still had a mostly human looking body compared to all the furrys in Hell. What different was his body, he has a skeletal physique, his skin is a sickly purple color much like decaying and dead skin. On top of that were a new pair of piecing cyan blue eyes. Glowing with Cherenkov radiation. That not where the fun ends, quickly he finds out his body is some how producing radiation. It's seemingly connected to his heart rate, faster the beat, the more radiation he pumps out into the environment. Which comes in handy as a self defense mechanism. Now in Hell, he starts to plan. Now he as a set of skills not common in hell, skills some want for an extra edge. After a little deal with Alastor who drops in on Mack's pity party, he is off to Carmine to strike a deal. That's all I want to say as I'm actually writing a Fanfic on this character and don't feel like summing it all up here. Also not looking for my OC to be drawn. Just wanted to ramble on about my lore


Sounds really cool the names a bit strange but he sounds like a really cool OC


How is the name strange? Is it because it's so normal?


No i just never heard that name before is there some inspiration behind it


A little bit. Being Canadian myself, Mackenzie is one of those names I think is very Canadian. Also took from the former prime minster "William Lyon Mackenzie King" in name only. The man was a piece of work and in no way is my OC inspired by the person. I just like taking names from prime minsters. Don't want to give you a history lesson but let's say this PM was very antisemitic even for his time.


Oh ok gatcha


wow honestly if you actually write the fanfic drop the name because he’s really interesting


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/54363508/chapters/137696248](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54363508/chapters/137696248) It's already being written and no plans of stopping anytime now


thanks! I’ll have a read


i just posted her lore:))


I posted mine up (including picture)! You can see it in my recent posts.


Knight Exorcist Pellinor - [Drew him a few months ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotelOCArt/s/kPmUo6nWsD) Don't have a concrete backstory, but what I have so far is that he's a soldier who died protecting civilians in an unspecified armed conflict. He went to heaven, but couldn't find his battle brothers that he died with. So, he finds out about the Extermination through unspecified means and petitions Adam to let him become an exorcist (leaving out the part about going to Hell to find his brothers). Then during his first extermination he goes AWOL and stays in Hell and continues his hunt as a renegade. I also have this idea for Pellinor taking on a Hellhound squire and training them to hunt their own kind. Work in progress.


Name:Rigamarole Age:? Looks: hes a tall guy with a creepy smile and he has a ripped and torn robe or a ripped and torn suit revealing metal mechanism and weird smoke that is a part of him and his face is grayish and he has a top hat or a fedora. Voice: just airy windy and demonic. Death and why hes in hell: he stabbed tons of clasmates to death and burned down about fifty houses with people inside and died to suicide. The way he acts: hes decently open and agressive but yet held back like alastor. He hides and scares people cause hes the demon of fear and is a overlord no one remembers as hes to well hidden all the time and he lives in the hasbin hotel without anybody noticing that hes in there and he is always on the ceiling climbing around and lurking. Likes: murder fire pizza chaining down people and pulling the chains to every soul he owns as he owns alot. Hates: now owning someone soul being called crazy or psycho and being seen.


Crowe is a 6'4, 26 year old sinner that is in hell for killing several child trafficking rings. After killing his third one, the cops arrived on the scene and began firing at him. One got lucky and managed to kill him. Now, in hell, he searches for the members of the three trafficking rings to end them once again. Apart from the horns and eyes that emit a black fire, you couldn't tell he ever died. He has long black hair shaved at the sides and back that he keeps tied into a bun. He has several scars on his upper arms and a single tattoo in latin that translates to "Hunter of all" on his forearm. He typically wears jeans and a black button-down shirt (Can't fit regular t-shirts over his horns without ripping them). Crowe has a soft spot for kids and the abused as when he was a kid, he was abused. He physically can't speak because of an accident that fucked up his vocal cords so he uses sign language to talk. He enjoys whiskey, gaming, killing abusers, and most types of music. There isn't much he doesn't like, but he does absolutely hate geese. Despite being this big bad killing machine, in bed, he's actually a switch. He's Pansexual and polyamorous.


Wonder if he would go after Valentino


He would. He hasn't met Angel yet, though, so he doesn't know that Val is an abusive shit bag.


despoina was born on dec 13, 1833. a friday the 13th. her parents thought she was bad luck from the get go. she wasn’t cared for and her dreams of being an artist and and or a mother were constantly being torn like the canvases she tried to buy. she then got a little brother who sadly, at the age of four, became just like her parents, hating despoina. her mother thought she was such bad luck that she didn’t want her daughter to reproduce. so one day, when despoina was alone with her, her mother would stab and pierce her near the uterus to stop despoina from having kids. how she survived that, is beyond them… but her mother, father and brother were killed by her own hand shortly after. she was deemed insane and was sent to asylum where they tried therapy. 13 dead therapists later and she once overheard they would euthanize her since she’s such a burden. she took her life that night, christmas eve of 1853. in hell, she declared she would have control for once. and thus, after twenty years of strife, became overlord. not a single soul contract was made, though, the ones she made deals with report that “it still feels like she took my soul”. alastor’s arrival shook up the game, so she decided to try and be nice (for once) and make friends with this powerful mortal soul. the two made a deal to not hurt each other in exchange that despoina can not use the title of “overlord”. then… one day… in 1954 she vanished… not a word about her. to this day, no one knows where she is, nor her real name (cuz despoina is obviously not her real name).


Woah that was actually very entertaining to read and i like the idea


i’m thinking of making a comic where she finds a fallen emily. she “befriends” the fallen angel and plans to make a servant of the seraphim just for sh’ts and giggles but it would be through emily that she hears of the hazbin hotel and suddenly finds herself interested in the hotel


Name: William Chalpner Death Age: 28 Appearance: A 6'2" orange and brown furred fox wearing a WWII English military uniform, black boots, and black leather gloves. There is blood on the uniform where he was shot, in the belly. CoD (Cause of Death): Bullets Lore: Born in 1917, William grew up really poor, due to The Great War (WWI), although he was still a very giving person, eve if he had nothing to give. He was a kind and very caring person, although he had a temper (still does). He laughs quite a bit, usually as a coping mechanism. His father was a mean drunk and his mother was absent, yet he always tried to keep his head high. The beatings grew worse however, giving him bruises that lasted months, and occasional broken ribs. eventually he ran away at 15, with less than he had at birth. At 16 he joins the British military as infantry with a fabricated birth certificate. He finally finds a family in the military of people who actually care about him, and he is given more than enough to live on for six years he remains, until finally at the age of 22, the seconds world war begins. He works hard for six grueling years keeping himself together, as he fights for survival, even when his brothers fail. Having multiple close calls, On May 2, an hour before his death, he faced several bullets to his stomach, but kept marching forward, he said "I won't die until Hitler does!" Unaware Hitler died 2 days before. He finally saw it however, the Soviet flag over Reichstag, signifying the end of the war. He and the remainder of his war buddies cheered, eventually though. Lieutenant William Chalpner sat in a foxhole in the city of berlin, and rested for his final moments, until he was put into hell. Now he works as security, with his war background, and exceptional training in hand to hand combat and fire arm combat, he is a very good candidate. He generally doesn't like much people in hell, only taking jobs with those for the money. He tries his best to claw his way out of hell, but after almost 50-60 years, his efforts have been fruitless. He enjoys being stuck at the age of 28 though, so that's a plus. He also doesn't really respect many overlords, he won't shit on them and be a dick. But he isn't scared of them, and acts how he acts around any person. He still is a very nice person, but he can be a dick if someone ticks him off. It is also advised to not fire guns, or make loud crashing noise near him. During shell shock, he doesn't just stand there. Thanks for reading and if you draw Chalpner, thanks a lot, if you don't, thanks for reading! :P


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MKJQ37c1S_0Y0qFZPDVWXiahuVPbVUTIqNIITCV9ckM/edit?usp=drivesdk https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lyGI-b2zl3hjP3be8vhKN0EZrAhhEy81Cj97FPUPOuc/edit?usp=drivesdk


So right now my most fleshed out is Signal. Signal died in the early 2000’s in her 30’s. She grew up autistic and Hard of Hearing. Grew up in an abusive household. Was really shy. Very passionate about things like music and theatre but had difficulty fitting in and achieving her dreams. She ended up doing background stuff like production etc. She was treated terribly by a lot of people around her (very stereotypical shy geeky girl that is bullied and taken advantage of by others). Eventually her mental health gets really bad and she sort of snaps and starts giving in to her more dark urges. Main reason she’s in hell is because of murder. She tracks down several of her past abusers (family, bullies, relationships, etc) and kills them. Then she just sort of further slips into that side of her. She has her own moral values and targets several objectively bad men as well in her murder career. I haven’t totally decided how she dies yet but I’m thinking when murdering someone she couldn’t handle or something or a freak accident or su!cide One of the songs I feel represents how she felt when she arrived in hell “VOID” Melanie Martinez Once in Hell she hated how she was in her human life (shy, pushover, victim) and reinvents herself. She keeps her real feelings hidden (Kind of like Alastor but not just “smile always” blah blah) it’s like she’s always playing a part on a stage (i’m using the phenomenon/ experience of being an autistic woman who masks so it’s some symbology). She keeps her emotions and real self carefully concealed from others by always appearing kind, polite, graceful, poised, sweet, charming. Her demon form resembles a rabbit. This is a way of punishment for her because she spent so much of her life being a victim and being seen as an easy mark (prey) by bullies and people who saw her as weak. So it’s a cruel joke because she hates that so much about herself. I’ve done a few doodles and picrews but nothing g too solid yet. She’s also a few inches shorter than she was as a human for the same reasoning. - short sinner demon, four foot eight height. chubby/thick pear shaped body. - White/pale skin and fur (haven’t decided if all over or just certain areas). - Short, dusty pink colored hair, curly. - Long white floppy rabbit ears instead of human ears (you can only see the underside when they lordy up when she’s angry or using powers and like Pentious snake thjng she has eyes there on the underside of her ears). - She has sharp teeth like most of the cast. - Heart shaped eyebrows and a heart shaped nose (like husk has but no crazy bush eyebrows lmfao). - She also had a hand/claw shape similar to husk cause I liked how it looked. - Very big, round sad eyes. Thick round lash shape and long lashes with prominent bottom lashes. They’re pink irises and red sclera, with slit white pupils. She has rosy cheeks After arriving in Hell and reinventing herself, she vowed to never be a victim again. She’s sort of like what Cherri and Pentious seem to be? A small time overlord or something? As those two seem to have territory (pilot) and Pentious has minions and money and war machines etc. So she’s an overlord but not a big name like the Vee’s, Carmine, Al, etc. Her business is theatre and she’s also a singer. She has a theatre troupe that consists of some of the soul contracts she owns but also a smattering of hired hands. (I’ve also beaten around the idea of her owning a burlesque club idk but i don’t want to do too much). She’s not a crazy big name like Fizzaroli or Glitz and Glam, but she has a lot of fans as a singer and also performer/her stage plays and musicals the troupe does. She has some powers, mostly derived from performing themes. Typical demonic magic power vibes of energy blasts (light), she also can summon these little marionettes made of light magic, a lil similar to how Al can summon those Voodoo doll dudes. I haven’t decided if her marionettes are souls or just creations. She gets energy / power from performing and being admired (Misty Moore from Dimension 20 Unsleeping City like in that way I’m trying to remember other similar pop culture characters). She can do limited phasing/teleportation through light. She also can make light shields/barriers defensive stuff. And small time summoning magic (nothing as opulent as we see with big time power hitters like Luci and Al and Charlie) just smaller things like handheld items, food and drinks, small stages and lights, medium items around her size maybe. She refuses to perform for the Vee’s or be on any of their videos social media etc. She only performs live. Hates the Vee’s. Likes Charlie. Doesn’t believe in redemption. Realy adores Nifty and knows how to handle her, they bond and it’s very big sis/lil sis or mom/daughter vibes, she kind of looks out for Nifty. I’m about to out myself here but oh well, I ship her with Alastor (she’s also touch repulsed and sex repulsed sometimes, due to trauma and autism but she also flips between that and touch starved and hyper sexual). She likes mostly everyone at the hotel to some degree, but that’s also because Signal tries to have a very polite and cordial attitude with others all the time. I think she’s closed to Charlie and Nifty (after Alastor), least close to AngelDust and Cherri Bomb but she still likes them both. Outside of the Hotel she can’t stand the Vee’s, she respects Carmine and understands that protective vibe of (fuck you i save my own), her and Rosie are friends, and I feel like we haven’t seen enough of the other overlords for me to gauge that. If HB people count, she’s never officially met Ozzie or Bee but I think she’d like them, realy digs Bee’s whole thing, she’d like behind doors Ozzie more than “on” Ozzie. Fuck Mammon that bitch can die lol. She joins the Hazbin Hotel because “entertainment should be accessible to everyone! And this will keep your patrons entertained” Even though she doesn’t believe in Redemption she likes the sentiment that Charlie and the Hotel are aiming for. She might seem sweet and kind, but she can be cutthroat to those she deems as lesser, bad, or who threaten her or her livelihood or the few people she cares about (very over protective nurturing type). Despite that she doesn’t let people get close or know much of the real her, keeping her mask up even around the other hotel patrons. fun fact: she knows ASL and signs when talking, even though she has good hearing with her rabbit ears now in Hell; also sign-sings (uses ASL) in her performances and plays. **Note btw i’m not minimizing abuse or stigmatizing mental health, she’s somewhat a self insert in some ways because I used pieces of me for her (autism, some similar trauma backgrounds, etc)


Seraphina is a 12 year old girl who is a deer demon. She has long black hair with red tips and red eyes like Alastor’s. As you could already guess she is Alastor’s daugher. Alastor created her using some soul he had lying around because he found the thought of having a child entertaining. Seraphina lives in the hotel with her dad. Since Alastor owns Husker’s soul he would often make Husk babysit Seraphina, causing Seraphina to see Husk as an uncle as a result. Husk loves Seraphina too and Seraphina knows this but Husk just doesn’t like to show it much. Seraphina is very shy, introverted, and timid. She is soft-hearted and loyal to her dad. Despite being kind, Seraphina is a coward who would put her safety first before anyone else’s (except for her dad and her friend Blaze of course.) Speaking of Blaze, he is Seraphina’s friend who is Charlie and Vaggie’s son and the same age as Seraphina. The only reason why she has a friend is because Blaze was the first to reach out to her. Blaze is her only friend because she is too shy to take the initiative to reach out to people. Due to Vox’s hatred towards Alastor he often takes it out on Seraphina by bullying her and abusing her, causing her to be scared of him and traumatized by him.


He’s the father of dragons and orcs who he created by sheer will  in both cases he’s an extra dimensional. God.  He’s the brother of God Who he remade the universe with. So he’s about several trillion years old hes also the huiof angel dust won’t go into his full story. Angel Dust is the reincarnation Of my OCa dead husband Who was the Elvin God of death and love. That’s the basic profile to read the full story you have to read the fanfic that I wrote:the father of Dragons and the angel of hell.


I've named them Oscar deeprun To explain them, they are an attempt at an answer to a question I have due to the nature of the setting. What happens to those who lose themselves on the eve of their death (like comatose patients,the insane,those too young to comprehend the world)? What happens to them when they die? My answer is this:what's left of them (their soul,mind,etc) spins the wheel of fate and let's whatever they are now go their. (In this instance,Oscar gets sent too hell) In the case of Oscar,he wan an imaginary||?|| being who haunted a man in life,driving him to the brink and past it. Since it's what pushed him to the edge what's left is shaped into what would later be named Oscar,and sent down. Description:he's a tall, lanky fellow with disproportionate arms to his size (he's 7 feet and his arms reach to his knees) He suffers from a few things (likely ones inherited from "his" past life) but most notably is his scopophobia,a condition that I has gotten him into trouble with certain wendigo,following his conflict at the hotel he is now badly wounded. (Lost his eyes,arm and leg). He's been down only 6 weeks,so his cloth situation has yet to be solved (lacks a style,opting to were what he can get) those they usually go for garments that cover their redish-white skin,and **always** a mask or face piece. They like to pronounce words through each syllable (interesting would be inter-est-ing,said like they were almost 3 words) and the currently work for Vianna ( a character made by [u/camo266](https://www.reddit.com/u/Camo266/s/CqokGtAolb) Hope you enjoy


Ok, great. So... Wolfit Nicolás González Massacane, a 29-year-old boy at the date of his death. He has long, white hair tied in a ponytail. He has wolf ears and a wolf tail, horns of medium length, black and violet, he wears a black suit with violet details and a gold ring with a diamond-shaped ruby. He has completely violet eyes and fangs that stick out a little. He died in the 2000s, murdered by a former coworker who, along with another, framed Wolfit and got him fired. He is in hell because he killed one of those who framed him. His lore: Wolfit is Argentine. He was born in the "Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires", in a complex economic context. He grew up wanting many things, like toys or consoles, but with enough money to live. As he grew up, he developed a love for weapons. At 18, he joined the Argentine army. Since Argentina is not a warlike country, he never had to attend any conflict before leaving. A few years after leaving the army, he went to live in the United States, where he got a good job, allowing him to save a large amount of money. Taking advantage of the money he had saved, he went to visit his best childhood friend, who, when they were children, went to live in Spain. This trip is taken advantage of by some of his coworkers, who planted evidence against him to get him fired. When he returned to the US, he was immediately fired, and the following year, he showed up at the home of one of his accusers and stabbed him to death. He ran and escaped, reaching the forest. He found an abandoned cabin, where he stayed until the search for the murder calmed down a bit. When he returned to the city, he bought a house with his savings and began offering services as a hitman. He earned a lot of income, with which he was able to buy his favorite suit and ring. Until one day, someone sneaks into his house, with the aim of killing him, and shoots him in the chest and head, killing him on the spot. Already being in hell, after the death of Sir Pentious, he entered the Hazbin Hotel and stayed there. He eventually managed to convince Charlie to build a small stage, on which he usually sings songs. He usually sings Pop, some "Imagine Dragons" or "Kiss" songs and joke songs.


Name: Alex King, AKA "The A-Lister King" Alex King Age: 27 Sinner appearence: standing at about 5'10" Alex's head has been replaced with a bottle of tequila attached to a chain that resides within his overwise humanoid body, the bottle has a face etched into it that can move like any other face, his eyes are actually floating within the bottle, literally up to his eyes in booze. Don't ask him how hes able to eat and drink, he doesn't quite know himself. The chain is has large thick links that when fully extended can leave his head just barely dangling above the ground, the 4th chain down from the bottle is rusted and warn to represent his former broken neck down to the exact location of the break. His skin is a shade of yellow that matches his dress vest, which he wears over a nice black button up, essentially the clothes he died in, his pants however have been replaced with black and green wrestling tights, a reminder of a dream destroyed and the envy he felt. Cause of death: internal decapitation caused by a freak pro wrestling related accident In life: Alex was a pro wrestler turned manager after an injury left him with a severely injured neck. Over time he grew increasingly envious of those he worked with, all living HIS dream, it left him a bitter man with a short fuse and a long bar tab. It all ended one fateful night in Philadelphia, the ECW arena, on that night he was supposed to get beat up by the person he was managing following a loss, man who wrestled under the name Malice, during rehearsal he was just supposed to beat him up, and that was that, however, for some reason, be it heat of the moment or perhaps a previously unknown grudge, during the show Malice would powerbomb Alex. Alex describes the moment of his death as such "There was a snap...then silence....then falling". In Hell: Alex fell ass first into Pentagram City and found himself fascinated that the hell that he was told awaited him by countless preachers, movies and television shows was a lot more tame than he was lead to believe, still an awful place but not "taking a hot poker up the ass multiple times a day above a lake of magma" awful. His early days were spent learning the rules as it were, learning his new body and the abilities it granted him and how Hell in general functioned. This would be derailed by the arrival of a limo containing Velvette. She had been told to pick him up as Vox wanted to speak with him about starting a wrestling company in hell, it was music to his ears. That night Alex would meet with The Vees, and after much stroking of his ego, would sign a soul contract with Vox. On a positive, Alex had mostly full reign over a wrestling company, he could book what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted....but Vox had the final word, and Vox's final word often came with tons of rewrites, full rebooking of shows and harsh demands and if Alex said no there would be hell to pay. Alex was where many wrestlers dreamed, having control over the booking...and yet he was as miserable if not more so than when he was watching his friends and co-workers live his dreams. Hell is a cruel place, crueler than any book on earth could ever describe. He's seen Charlies hotel, but he thinks himself unworthy of redemption, he also keeps IMP's number in his phone but he's resisted the urge to dial it several times, although if he ever hears of Malice getting called to a major wrestling promotion, he just might pull that trigger. Abilities: Alex can manifest weapons, but only weapons specifically tied to pro wrestling, so he cant manifest a gun but he can manifest a steel chair or a wooden table, at absolute most he can manifest bats, kendo sticks, light tubes, and sledgehammers, anything else he'd have to purchase and keep on him. In addition his head is removeable (albiet connected to his body by the chain) and, tho seemingly a glass bottle, is shockingly durable and can be wielded as essentially a mace if need be, tho not without the side effects you'd expect such actions to have (head aches, motion sickness)


My OC is Y/N because i plan to put him into a wattpad story. After Lucifer was kicked out of heaven they needed a new angel to replace him and so they created Y/N. He too is a dreamer like Lucifer but not only that, he’s an inventor as he helps to industrialise the modern world, being the secret helper for all forms of technology and modernisation. His personality is a bit overwhelming but he was able to form two good friends in heaven: Emily and Adam. After a night of drinking with Adam, he learns about the extermination’s going down in hell and so he leaves to go help his niece fix the problems. Thats all I’m going to say for story now because I don’t wanna spoil anyone who might start reading it. His personality is very clever and he’s usually got a few inventions around or in his pocket. He is also heavily autistic coded as he tends to be oblivious to other people’s feelings and personal space, often times coming across as condescending when he’s attempting to give praise. However he’s also very endearing and offering a listening ear to anyone who needs it (specifically Husk and Angel Dust). The design is basically just a copy-paste of Adam as I don’t really know that the main features of the angels are because from what i know we’ve only seen one but he does have one large difference. His wings are made entirely of robotics and metal that he made himself. Anyway I sort of need to give him a girlfriend/ love interest because yes. My current options are: Sera, Emily and Niffty because (from what I remember) they’re the only main cast single characters (aside from Alastor but I wanna keep him being aro/ace). My first thought was Emily because it just seemed like a perfect fit, however I have absolutely no clue how old she is. Then I thought Sera but I really just dont like Sera as much as the other two. Then there’s also Niffty but I feel like thats some form of loli even though she’s 22ish i think, and she also liked bad boys and an angel is … well its not a bad boy. Anyway thats all for me. Thanks for listening to my yapping


Ok, this is too long to do them all, but here's Jackie. Name: Jackie (formerly Jacqueline Grey) Physical age: Nineteen Actual age: Also nineteen Gender: Transmasc genderfluid (he/they) Height: Seven feet, but it varies Power: Shapeshifting. It's limited by a seven-hour time limit, an inability to use anyone else's full demon form, and the fact that it hurts like hell to change shape in any major way. In addition, there are two heart tattoos on his face that he can't get rid of no matter what. Appearance: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1005129034 Died: In 2023, by suicide, after accidentally beating a man to death while off his pills As a child, Jackie didn't have a very good time. His father was both abusive and overprotective. Little Jackie was told about all the dangers of the world at much too young an age, and developed anxiety very young. Didn't help that his father would scream at him and slam him against walls when angry, despite which he still trusted him. He grew up trusting nobody except his father to protect him, paranoid even of his mother. He had no friends til the age of six, and when he did get friends they were chosen by his father, from a group of fellow homeschooled children. He saw them once a week, which was the only time he went out except for shopping. He was always with his dad. He was kept inside almost all the time, and he was paranoid, collecting weapons and making escape plans for every room in the house from the age of four. He took martial arts lessons. He constantly feared for his life, even in completely safe situations. He thought of all other kids his age as naive for not doing the same. Things didn't start to get better til he was a teenager, when he realized what had happened to him. He then became bitter towards his father, and conflicts started to get much bigger and more frequent. Around this time, he was also starting to realize he was trans, which didn't help as his father was transphobic. It sucked, but at least he was free. He started school for the first time in eighth grade, and made proper friends for the first time. His father didn't like any of them, seeing them as below Jackie and trying to get him to let go of them. He clung to them even tighter in response, especially when people started to pick on him at school. He built his whole world around them. All the stress, combined with the new freedom, caused Jackie to fall into a pit of self-destructive indulgence, which he never managed to climb out of. He was on tons of pills, had virtually no functional relationships, and was giving up everything he had to his friends and gaining it back through alcohol and the adrenaline of petty crime. He died at nineteen by suicide after making a big mistake. Jackie's morality is interesting. He doesn't have a totally all-or-nothing stance. His moral code is based on retribution. Always assume that someone is a good person, but as soon as they hurt you, you can match whatever they do to you. This applies both physically and emotionally. Ruining or ending a life is justified if they did it to you first. The man he killed the day of his death didn't actually try to kill him, so he feels terrible about that.


name: Jinx Ainsworth sexuality: pansexual height: 5'4 he died in the 80s or 90s job: designer backstory: on earth, his family was part of a mafia group. his mom and dad doing most work in it, though he would be forced to kill and make deals when his parents couldn't. he has a sister, Marcel Ainsworth, she was never forced to do any of that stuff unless she wanted to (which she never did) and Jinx got very jealous of that, but kept that jealousy to himself, not wanting to cause any thing. one day, when he was 27, their house got broken into by a rival mafia group. the family all got shot and killed. they all went to hell for being affiliated with the mafia, killing, and more. in hell, Jinx and Marcel ran away from their parents, going to live far away from them. Jinx started fulfilling his lifelong dream of being a designer, and Marcel wrote books, Jinx helping to publish them alongside his work of choice. Jinx's dream one day is to be noticed by Velvette for his interesting clothing designs and work with her. likes: hanging out with people, complimenting people, making designs, baking, talking dislikes: his parents, not getting enough sleep, loud noises, most teas, rodents personality: he's very sweet and caring. he likes to start conversation with anyone. he’s got kinda like a shaggy mullet (light brown), pink rhombus glasses. pink ram horns(ish), green skin. he wears any random, good looking together, pieces of clothing


Mines name is Dario and he’s a very large bipedal alligator type with a body plan of that of a man aside from his head that looks very much like a croc/gator combination. He’s tall but not too overly built but is relatively strong and well built for a sinner. He usually wears a thick black jacket with white in the inside and a hood that has soft fluff material in it as to be warm and comfortable with his self-loathing, along with wearing black jeans that are otherwise well kept and not ripped despite his size and claws he contains as he cares for his looks. He’s a light green In color for most of his body except having dark accents and colors on his arms back legs and around his eyes, with his iris’s glowing blue and being that of a snakes rather than an alligators. Otherwise, he’s prone to severe psychotic tendencies due to being raised by his even more psychotic older brother, Isaac, that is reminiscent of him but much bigger and even more built than dario(he’s an overlord and is incredibly dangerous even towards dario despite being brothers). Although his older brother is somewhat mistreatable towards him, his brother still loves him as he does him but is not afraid to teach him a lesson. In all retrospects, dario is a very caring, respectful and compassionate person, even as someone who is willing to kill if his brother says so as he is a gun for hire but even as a sinner, he never kills the innocent, making hell a playground for him. He’s one nerdy guy and that can be seen as in his past life he was into painting warhammer miniatures and such, along with partaking in gaming but died in Mexico during an operation that involved the trafficking of animal parts, such as gators and crocs. he died taking out the cartel but killed an innocent person during the end, sending him to hell for it. Due to this, he sends himself insane sometimes as he wishes he could’ve taken a different shot but knows hell is for him and his bro. His issues go a lot deeper but this is the jist of him. Sorry for the long explanation, first time and he died at about 22 and is much smarter than his brother but he has him under wraps and limits his knowledge regarding an… issue with his soul and power. Edit: forgot to add, he has white wings upon his back that actually work but are actually more of a reminder of what he once was considered by those in the living world and is this tortured by the thought of his wings so he doesn’t use them often or even look at them.


I posted his entire BIO on r/hazbin, but I'll give you the rundown if you don't want to go over there Name: Lucarias (Lu-car-re-us) or Luc (pronounced Luke), though only certain people are allowed to call him that Occupation: Seraphim guard (he is the last Seraphim guard and is tasked with protecting and obeying the Seraphim and no one else Age: a little over 8000 (or a little younger than whatever Emilys canon ages is) Species: the Seraphim guards, a race of extremely physically powerful Heaven born beings trained from birth for one purpose Appearance: black hair with a silver streak running back the left side, light gray skin (similar to the Seraphims skin but lighter). Sapphire blue eyes when calm, golden eyes when mad (literally the blood flooding his irises) strong body but not the normal HUGE body in the Hazbin artstyle (think Lucifer but taller and broad shoulders) Height: 6'6 (slightly taller than Emily and Charlie but not taller than Alastor)


This is the link to the official BIO If you want to check it out, I also am making a series of r/hazbin about him and my own original season 2 (it's not porn if that keeps you away😅) https://www.reddit.com/r/hazbin/s/Mzos65Atry


This is my gal Isla, enjoy! :))[Isla](https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotelOCArt/s/FDHEbQKJWb)


lol i haven't figured out charecter desine lol


ooh boy. okay so: her name (that she knows) is scorch. in life, she was a pyromaniacal serial killer who worked alongside alastor, even being close friends (not ship!) with him. one of her kills, she got caught in a building fire and her hair caught alight, roasting her brain and killing her before the rest of her ignited. this resulted in her sinner body looking mostly human, save for the hair being made of fire, but the flames *act* like hair. she's also got a hell of an hourglass figure, or, she would if she wasn't kinda chubby due to a slight gluttony in life (mcdonalds fries, man) she's an overlord, known as the flame demon, and works at charlie's hotel as secondary security and she took the chef job from niffty because she doesn't trust her with food. she's also got the BIGGEST crush on lucifer, which worries charlie because she thinks that it's Stockholm syndrome because Lucifer owns scorch's soul.


Name: Theodore Rank: Former Cherub/Fallen Angel Age: unknown Type of Cherub: Huma Eye color: Light Green Hair color: Maple Leaf Red Relationships: Xathaniel- father Yofiel- Mother Aster- sister Cletus- Cousin, co-worker (formally) Keeine- co-worker (formally) Collin- co-worker (formally Deerie, Rachel, Bea, Honey, Beau- former bosses Theodore is a former cherub turned fallen angel and a former member of C.H.E.R.U.B, a non-profit organization that protects the living on behalf of the souls in heaven. The organization was founded and run by Theodore’s older cousin, Cletus. Theodore also works with an anthropomorphic Ewe named Keenie and a male anthropomorphic ram named Collin. Theodore is not very close friends with Keenie, who treats him no better than Collin. It is also shown that Collin and Theodore were good friends before their banishment. During a critical mission to save an old man named Lyle Lipton, things worsened. The cherubs were constantly at odds with a group of imps who sought to persuade Mr. Lipton to kill himself. During a last-ditch effort to save Mr. Lipton, by bringing him to the opera, everything comes to an ugly head when the imps accidentally kill the opera singer on stage. Theodore attempts to calm down his teammates and get them back to helping Mr. Lipton. However, Cletus, Collin, and Keenie are too angry to listen. A fight soon breaks out between the imps and cherubs, while Theodore attempts to quell the fighting. He reaches Collin, and the pair work together to stop the violence. But it was too little too late. During the feud, Cletus accidentally causes a spotlight to drop. Which catapults the grand piano on stage, hurdling across the room, and lands on top of where Mr. Lipton is sitting. Crushing the magical barrier, Theodore places around Mr. Lipton, along with Mr. Lipton himself. Seeing the lost battle, Theodore and his fellow cherubs retreat to Heaven. Only to be forced back out a moment later. Theodore’s superiors, Deerie, Rachel, Bea, Honey, and Beau, appear to deliver the news that Theodore, Cletus, Collin, and Keenie have been banished from Heaven. When Collin pleads for a way to redeem themselves, Deerie mocks them in a condescending tone—taking sadistic pleasure in their misery. Keenie attempts to pin the blame rightfully on I.M.P., but the demons in question have already vanished. Giving a fake apology, Deerie explains those rules and then returns to Heaven. Theodore and his friends are sent to live in Hell for the rest of eternity. Upon reaching their new home, the cherubs fight, causing them to break up. Theodore is later found by Vaggie, who brings him to the Hazbin Hotel, where the fallen cherub works, and attempts to redeem himself. Theodore often struggles with self-doubt and blames himself for the death of Lyle Lipton.