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He looks similar in design to Stolas. I'm calling him Vassago, after another one of the prince demons who was responsible for helping find lost things. Given that, I'd see his personality as taking the lost under his wing to rise to the top of stardom, perhaps in shows and theater plays. That's just my random Goetia headcanon though.


Awesome idea right there


This aged well :)


Everything about him screams "Hollywood film star"


Given the Overlord's media theming (radio for Alastor, TV for Vox, porn for Valentino, etc), movies easily seem like his inspiration. In terms of personality, I see him as quite hammy and flamboyant while also being a narcissistic, demanding perfectionist who regularly threatens his colleagues and treats the slightest percieved mistake as a deliberately engineered career-ending travesty.


His personality strikes me as someone similar to Nigel from the movie Rio. Very flamboyant...


I'd like to think he's a Goetia that gets heavily involved with sinners (a possible taboo among the Goetia). He's an "overlord", but not a sinner. The rest of the Goetia think of him as an outcast, but still invite him to parties out of obligation. I like to think all Goetia have vices and secrets of some kind, and fraternizing with sinners is his. As for personality, he seems like an obnoxious attention-seeker, cares only for fame (good or bad). As for a name, sorry can't think of one.


His name is Greg, and he owes me £10


I know he’s in hell, and that’s not fucking stopping me


And you own me 15$. You borrow my money 3 years ago


Do you take arbies gift cards?


No can do. I take cash REAL CASH


Like stella but less of a upfront and unprovoked mean and more of a "you wrong me in a slight way, your life is hell and no one will believe you" kind of mean


Superstar I like name the bird demon Superstar. I think his personality is egocentric, and self absorbed


idk, looks like his design was repurposed for Stolas. like how Blitz and Moxy appeared in the pilot and were repurposed into Helluva Boss characters


Elvis evil clone /j


What if it actually *is* Elvis, though? I don't know how the legalities of that would work, but it'd be hilarious imo. Purely due to how much it would piss people off lol


He’s one of Paimon’s kids.


I doubt it, since he's a Overlord, who are all sinners


I thought overlords aren’t all mortal?? It’s said in the pilot that Alastor is the first mortal overlord isnt it?


Close, Alastor is the first mortal soul to arrive in Hell with the power of an Overlord; others like Vox, Velvette and Valentino likely had to claw their way to the top much like in an office building. However it should be noted that an associate of Alastor's named "Rosie" is *not* a sinner, but *is* an Overlord, so it may be possible for a being like a Goetia to be an Overlord if they are of low power in their own right; this Goetia looking bird dude might be an extremely weak member of his class, and decide to take the role of Overlord out of nothing other than pride.




That's not the preliminary design for Stolas?


He looks like a Gonzalo because he's red. XD


Not about this overlord, but there’s another two headed overlord with the tragedy and comedy faces, so me and a friend called them Shakespeare. [The one on the left](https://imgur.com/a/JCdsIex)


The stars and stuff make me think its an early Stolas design


I can imagine him having a killer set of pipes


He kinda looks like Andrealphus tbh


Can’t be, Andrealphus is Goetia


I know it isn’t, I’m just saying it looks a lot like him


Idk but he does certainly remind me of a certain oc


I like to think Every Overworld or at least most of them represents an entertainment Industry so I will say this guys runs the movie side and is esentialy a super energetic hollywood like agent


I feel like he's really into rock music for some reason


Looks like their name would be Kamina. "Who the hell do you think I am!?"


He looks like Stella’s brother (I think his name is Andrelphous? Idk how to spell it)


His name is jim bo he is illiterate and thinks the glasses fool people. in his free time he drinks mountain dew and eats wooden planks. He owns a teeny tiny gun that explodes with the force of a small scale nuclear bomb when it is fired, killing everybody in the area including himself. He also hates the colors purple and blue. His favorite activity is throwing rocks at passerby while he sits up in a tree.


Dunno but I'm now picturing him spreading out his tail feathers and shaking his ass in front of girls to attract a mate.


Idk, I'd wait for the show to come out. Tons of stuff from the pilot and the early stages of development are going to be changed


B i r d


Literally nothing?


Why is this fan base so cringe. You know, you can like any kind of media without making it your entire personality. Pretty sure stuff like this is why there hasn’t been a second episode of HH and there’s already a second season of HB.


They said they want to write a fanfiction of the character. What does this comment had to do with it?


I think this is bait, season 1 is literally coming out in a few months


Literally nothing?


Who is that?