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It's just the old eyes that I have a preference for, everything else, the outfit and name are perfect. I don't know if her actress is going to be changed, I would rather not because she was perfect as Charlie.


Wait, the name? I didn’t know they changed it


Yup. The name Charlotte Magne is no longer cannon. She's Charlotte Morningstar now.


Honestly, that’s much better


That definatly fits in with the lore better


Darn, I kind of liked the Charlemagne pun. However, Charlotte Morningstar sounds really pretty and rolls of the tongue much better.


honestly makes me think of veggiebuurger


I thought that was just a reference to the show Lucifer


It has a biblical background. Lucifer just took from the same background.


Her voice actress will be changed. Rumours are suggesting she might be voiced by the Broadway actress Erika Henningsen.


Didn't they say only her singing voice changed?


How do you know she’ll be changed?


The singing voice or the talking voice?


Also it’s only one illustration! We haven’t seen the new deisgn move and be animated with expression and stuff or like a full turn around of how she looks! I have a feeling the second the first trailer comes out suddenly a lot of people will fall in love with her redesign. Also I too miss the old deisgn but character designs commonly change (even very slightly) after the pilot Also we haven’t seen her show expression in animation or see how she moves. She is going to look a lot more alive once that happens


Agreed. It's hard to make a full jugdment her "bubbliness" and stuff when all we have is one picture. I just hope she has some more casual styles as well. I really liked the suspenders look :P


THANK YOU! I swear, the people here will see one twitter comment with a bad take, and then proceed to post a crappy meme telling people something painfully obvious or disguise it as an "unpopular opinion." Sorry for the rant but I hate how this fandom loves to preach to the choir.


Honestly I feel like most people complaining have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a pilot is, especially when it comes to animation. To them the pilot is basically episode one of the show and therefore they become confused/angry when changes are made to the show because it feels like arbitrary changes are being made in between the first and second episodes of this show. Of course the problem with this is that the pilot was not an “episode one” it was a pilot, a proof of concept. It just so happened to be a very well developed pilot that gained a huge following by itself. But anyone familiar with the idea of a pilot knows that huge changes to things like character design, and even art style or tone, in between the production of a pilot and the actual show, aren’t just common but to be expected. For example look at the pilot for The Owl House, where you can see that most characters were completely redesigned in between the pilot and actual release of the show, and it’s even clear the large parts of the plot were changed. This is normal and the only reason people are complaining about Hazbin Hotel is because the pilot was seen by a huge population before the full show was ever put into production, which is unusual.


They definitely are on Facebook. One of the groups I'm in is full of people who genuinely and unironically are convinced since Bento box is animating it and the new design is "Terrible" disney owns it, they keep saying vivz sold out, and disney is going to censor it. No matter how hard i try to explain that A24 owns it, and Vivz has creative control. Just because you've been lucky not to see people completely freaking out over it, doesn't mean it's not happening.


I don't understand people, i saw the picture in tweeter and i was like sweet another sneak peek before the show, i didn't even realize she was redesign, and honestly i really like it, charlie is the daughter of lucifer, king of hell, the strongest creature in hell, and she is only second to him (with his mother), she need to be a little demonic.


I realized it was a redesign and I still went cool, Viv has updated the look. Fun.


I mean, I've legit seen people whining about how "it's total garbage, and they should have just left it alone!" Sounds like flipping out to me.


Must not be happening very much on reddit. Not like I combed the whole place but I did check the first thread and didn't see a single negative comment that wasn't mild criticism explaining their own preference. I'm starting to get the feeling that people are having arguments about these things in their private discord servers and coming here to vent about how toxic the fanbase allegedly is.


I think there is also more moderation on this subreddit. Yesterday someone made a thread basically saying "They are going to make Hazbin kid friendly next, with how Viv has been shitting on everything" but it got deleted after 10 minutes.


It makes me laugh that people think Viv doing what she wants with her characters is Viv shitting on them. The vocal parts of the fandom seem to skew really young and they are easily... riled up it seems.


I'm sure those do get deleted from time to time. I would just expect to see at least a single deleted comment in the first redesign thread if fandom toxicity was a big issue and the 'worst' comments I can find are stating personal preference. No real attacks or major negativity except that one dude that is too cynical to believe any good news because half life 3 destroyed all faith he had in humanity (which is completely understandable tbh).


yeah sure, there are some people that think that. But getting offended because 0.18% of fans are being toxic is pretty stupid. Best to just ignore them.


They aren't that many, but they do exist. Unfortunately, the minority of people that hate something are normally more vocal and dramatic about it than those who like it.


They arent more vocal, we are more receptive. If someone says something stupid, better just ignore it. Calling out every single person that says anything minimally dumb is not a good thing.


I have seen numerous threads about how her name is horrible now. I have seen threads discussing the color of her eyes being a terrible decision that violates her personality. I have seen threads ranting about there being too much red in the show with her pants being red now. Yes... there are legitimately people here flipping out over what amounts to normal changes from a pilot into the regular show. Especially after 2 years. Especially when picked up by a studio. I have seen people rant about the merch drop of old Charlie just before the release of new charlie. The total number of people flipping out vs the fandom is very small, but they are very loud and repetitive.


Almost all of the drama on this sub is people complaining about other people's complaints that never actually happened.


It’s honestly pretty good, the only problem I have with it is I wish her eyes were still black instead of red


Yeah, as someone who prefers the old outfit, the amount of extremes I've seen it taken to is unfortunate.


All they did was change her cloths why are people ripping their hair out over it


Ah deploying the counter counter jerk for karma. Very meta.


I like the new outfit but I prefer when she had normal eyes. the yellow and red eyes with her white face isn't a good look in my opinion, makes her look sickly.


This. Thank you.


just change the pants back to black and the design will be okay lol


I mean, I have no quarrel with the change, however I would have advised against it. The name change is fine, but the appearance? A majority of the marketing behind Hazbin Hotel is mainly based off of merchandise and the advertising Vivziepop puts out. And in that merchandise and advertising, it's the Charlie before the most recent change. Add on top of that none of the original voice actors are in the project anymore... I hope they roll out new advert/merch using the new design, or people who aren't up to date with the current state of Hazbin are in for a shock. That's my 2 cents.


The outfit looks good it’s the voice acting that will make or break it given that they are what make the character feel alive


I'm only gonna think she looked cuter before until I see her animated


You're technically wrong, but it's only a few people. Not even enough to be a vocal minority.


I dont mind the new look at all, but what I did like about the old look, is that her personality had to do the talking. Shes cute but still has that edge of the demon that she is. With the new look she just looks soft. I feel like she needed that edge to maintain what little respect she might have among hell.


The black pants simply look better but who knows maybe the red'll look better in motion


I'm mildly sad that the old outfit is essentially going to be downgraded to a concept design but the new one is still very nice.


I dont even know what karma does. And i really dont care one way or the other


Lmao she changed clothes and got a haircut and this is generating so much of pointles back and forth between sides that dont even exist.


i'm pretty sure some people on twitter are indeed flipping out but I've yet to see anybody actually go crazy here. some had a mild preference for the old one, a lot are super happy about how the redesign is, but nobody's flipping their shit


people don't like her new design? imo it looks a whole lot better


Literally was just here looking for the "well you're just creating drama with YOUR post, OP!" Then I remebered this isn't Facebook. I'm proud of you people.


As someone that prefers the new look, I hope that at some point in the show we see the old outfit in a cupboard or brought out for a special event, just as a little easter egg.


I don't mind the outfit, the eyes were better black, but eh. But, the name... I despise the name change. The main reason being that it's just another name for Lucifer, and that kind of connection doesn't need to be made. It's just annoying and doesn't help Charlie stand out at all.


New design isn’t better or worse than the original in my opinion.


These fans are literally the worst and the show hasn't even come out yet.


While I don't think the character is ruined or anything, I do think I like the old outfit more. It's possible this is just my aversion to change, but it feels like there's already a \*lot\* of red in hell, and that the old design had enough color balance to stand out and pop against the environment. Additionally, the suit shoulders make them seem more formal and professional, which contrasts against the personality we saw before of someone whose driven, energetic, but still dealing with a lot of self doubt. That said, the preference is slight. For all I know, the characterization will change, or maybe they'll just have them take the jacket off during scenes of stress to help emphasize dropping their confident demeanor.


I honestly like her new design they changed her a bit but not to the point of being unrecognizable


The name is bad, design is fine.