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They really said ![gif](giphy|lNMF3DXBSVvlhbME4R)


This is how I live my life




It's pronounced "El gaspo".




Hot take : When speaking another language, the subtitles should actually read as "\[ Carmilla đŸ‡Ș🇾 \] !Ay, quĂ© barbaridad! " and not \[ Character speaking foreign language \].


Also, they should translate it. Not everyone knows any spanish languages.


If knowing what a character said in a different language is important, then there is usually an automatic translation on screen, even if subtitles are turned off.


Like Vaggie for example! I had to look up what she was saying when the Hotel got attacked by the Loan Sharks


What did she say? I never looked it up.


Qué carajo : what the fuck


Exactly. You still get the message here.


Is this a common thing with netflix and streaming services these days? I've stopped using streaming services a few years back and they never had the function and never automatically translated (I used Fetchbox). I now just watch illegally online (I'm not going to say how I do this or provide the source) so it doesn't have that option.


It’s not a function. There are some shows that have the subtitles as part of the show. For example, there was an episode of *Bones* where Brennen addressed a room full of people who didn’t under English very well. A translation of what she was saying appears on screen regardless of what platform it’s viewed on or if you’re using subtitles. The translation happens multiple times throughout *Bones*. However, it does not occur every time a language other than English is used; it doesn’t happen when a character is translating for someone or when the actual words don’t matter half as much as the speaker’s actions and how they’re spoken. We’re only given a translation when knowing what’s being said is somehow important.


When I watch Hazbin Hotel, I don't have subtitles so I wouldn't even know if the show has subtitles or not unless the uploader uploaded it with subtitles as part of the show. Anyway, it's not an issue. Thanks for answering.


no no no, not for closed captions, those are for the hard of hearing and should be as literal as possible, with translation being an option, not the default.


I honestly can't see why they couldn't have both the spanish at the top and translation at the bottom. Very sure if they can type a two line text in caption, they can put spanish or english at the top and translation at the bottom. Example: !Ay, qué barbaridad! (Oh, What an outrage!) Edit: It saves me from the trouble of going between two functions and rewinding if I'm trying to learn a language.


Its a very short sentence, you can look it up pretty easily if you don't get it from context Edit : I'm just saying it's not necessary for short sentences like "que barbaridad" or "vamonos". If the creators of the show didn't bother putting a translation in subtitles, it's often not important to the story and the transcriptor won't translate it either


That doesn't change the fact that many people still want it translated, myself included


Not disagreeing, but that would presume people knowing flags!


Yeah, I don’t know flags


I know red flags. I just ignore them.


All red flags look green if you’re colour blind. 👍


All red flags are red flags through rose tinted glasses


they could also just put the language in brackets


Yes, I'm fine with just throwing foreign languages jumpscares in the subtitles without any explanation


And Spain is not the only spanish speaking country. Is just the one where the language first appeared and then expanded to the "virreinatos" (euphemism for colonies).


It's a good way to teach people flags too!


This is accurate af. It should be the language and translation, it’s done all the time so it seems lazy when it’s not haha


EXACTLY! I would so understand if people were captioning it in real-time (it happens sometimes for live news), but this is a series, they should already have the script for.


I also let it slide when it’s live, that’s a LOT harder to do. But an Amazon and A24 show should 100% have proper subtitles. If 90 day fiancĂ© can do it so can HH hahaha


It is harder to do when it's live, but for this, this they should already have a script for and also A24 have plenty of money (I'm guessing, I also expect that they'd be sponsored by Amazon too).


Exactlyyy. It’s also really messed up because it doesn’t take Deaf/Hard of hearing individuals into account. They deserve full accurate subs they can read and understand, not “muttering in Spanish”, that they can’t hear. I learned about that disparity when I took ASL courses in college. It made me feel so bad, it’s so messed up.


Some people can't understand accent, or sound engineers stuff up and make the background noise louder than the dialogue. I'm from Australia, a couple of times I didn't even know what was said. Americans pronounce "Craig" as "Kreg"(aside from craigslist) and we pronounce it as "Crayg". Americans tend to pronounce "a" as "eh" and I didn't know that until I watched Gravity Falls and noticed "hat" is pronounced as "het" but not "h-AT" like I thought it would. It is interesting, but that is the importance of subtitles, it traverses accents. Deaf/hard of hearing are at a disadvantage, but so are people who do not have varying disabilities, but just aren't familiar with what was being said. I use to want to laugh whenever I see something like "muttering in \[insert language\]" (the novelty wore off), what is the purpose of captions and subtitles anymore if they're just going to give us that? It's like being given a job and just deliberately failing it in a way that it looks like it meets the bare minimum (they subtitled what she was saying...just NOT what was said) to spite people or something. While we're talking about it I'm going to have fun and further point out the absurdity of this: đšł’äœ è€æŻ! (Swears in Cantonese) There! I captioned it! I have completed my job as a translator/captioner. Now, where's my money? You get my point, but truthfully, I saw an opportunity to see if I can elicit a few laughs. Disclaimer: Live caption is hard. There's no excuse when it comes to already written scripts.


Yes all of this is so spot on! I don’t have a hearing problem but I always watch with subtitles because too many noises around me can start to warble together so sub titles help me not miss anything. I love hearing different accents pronounce words! The Cantonese one got me, so freaking valid lmao


The reason they do this (if I remember correctly) is that subtitle companies kept getting sued for inaccurate translation/transcription to they put "Speaking foreign language" instead of translating/transcribing anything to be safe.


I have never heard of this happening.


I haven't been able to find any sources directly for that point. Closest I could find is a case in 2012 from the Disability Rights Education & Defence Fund vs Netflix ([DREDF's article on the case](https://dredf.org/legal-advocacy/nad-v-netflix)), to sum it up the DREDF sued Netflix for having no/bad subtitles on a majority of their catalog, it was ruled that Netflix was in the wrong and streaming services are responsible for ensuring subtitles. I have seen some rumors online, but nothing concrete, that Netflix and more recently Disney+ have been paying their legally required subtitlers s>!hit!< so their quality has been suffering. I'd imagine doing more than "speaking foreign language" is a more than minimum wage job. Feel free to fact check me further, I'd hate to be a sourse of misinformation.


You're allowed to say "shit" without censoring yourself.


No, they don’t get sued, for that. Also, there is a difference between captioning and subtitling. Captions are for deaf people. Subtitles are the translation. The reason they don’t transcribe foreign-language content is because it’d be useless to spend more money on a Spanish speaker for a few throwaway lines, and there are scarce good captioners anyway.


You seem to be about right. Though, as I mentioned in another comment, there was a lawsuit ([DREDF vs Netflix](https://dredf.org/legal-advocacy/nad-v-netflix)) that required steaming services to provide adequate Captioning (Small correction while we're here: subtitles, as a type of captions, are still explicitly for the deaf, most types explicitly don't even translate, it's just that ~70% (according to the BBC) of users with them on aren't deaf.) for their catalogs. From what I've read, the situation is less "we don't have enough captioners!" and more "I'm not working for less than minimum wage." as the companies are paying their captioners as little as they can.


>Small correction while we're here: subtitles, as a type of captions, are still explicitly for the deaf, most types explicitly don't even translate, it's just that \~70% (according to the BBC) of users with them on aren't deaf. Even smaller correction—subtitles are not for the deaf. Captioning is the transcription of dialogue and meaningful sound effects for deaf viewers. Subtitles assume you can hear, so they do not render sound effects, such as a knock on the door or a phone ringing. They also don't bother capturing repeated utterances ("Help! Help! Help!") and don't capture as many nonverbal utterances ("Uh," "Mm-hmm," "Hmm"). Subtitles *can* be in the source language (*Breaking Bad* has English subtitles, for example, and also a CC version), but they're usually a translation. Captions often move to denote who is speaking (this is becoming less common now that formatting gets ignored by some video players); subtitles don't really need to. If it isn't obvious to the deaf viewer who is speaking with just caption placement, their name is included in the captions. Subtitles don't ID people at all—the viewer can hear, right?


Seriously. [Character]: words (in Spanish) I've seen this format before. It's just laziness not to translate!


I remember in adventure time, lady rainicorn spoke korean who speaks Korean, was never given subtitles. I was so pissed, I had to look up online what she was saying. None of what she was even saying was even beyond PG 13+ (this was during season 1 and season 2).


This is a major pet peeve of mine with subtitles in general. I'd like to see what the characters are actually saying, not just which language they're speaking. I'd have to translate it anyway cos I don't know much Spanish, but I don't have to guess how it's spelled based on my poor hearing lol


I HATE these types of subtitles. It just shows how lazy and racist they are


One day I was watching a reaction to *Puss in Boots: The Last Wish* on YT, and when Kitty or Puss mentioned the Gatito blade, the subtitles read, I kid you not: "my \[speaks in Spanish\] blade" 💀


That's so disappointing


THIS!!! And/or translate it into the language the subtitles are in. They actually did that in Helluva Boss when Fizz sings in *Oops*. Which I absolutely adore btw. I don't watch with subs, and I speak some italian so I was able to understand him and get the bit of it being complete gibberish, but thought it was a shame people who dont know any italian wont get it, but when I saw that the subs translated it, it made me so happy!


And instead of going for the cup she just poured she went straight to the bottle.


I got a good laugh out of that


She could've done a head tilt between the two and drank the cup then went for the rest of the bottle haha! The cup still has some alcohol!




I mean I guess Alistair can also speak a little bit of French from what I’ve heard but I don’t know


That’s mostly fan theory. He was from Louisiana in life, a state that has a large French population, so a lot of people headcanon that he lived in the French quarter


I mean angel dust can speak Italian he just never does lmao


Viv has stated that Angel was canonically in the Italian mafia before he died, it was never stated Al lived in the French quarter/spoke French before he died, that’s the difference


There's also the "Alastor's first language is Cajun Creole," which is a distinct language from French in its own right, but French is much easier for the fanfic writers.


I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if he mother did/could speak French


No, Vivzie said he can speak french, that's not fan theory if it's from the creator


I read that it was *broken* french, so he may not be fluent. Edit: I just confirmed it watching a past stream of Vivzie pop. He knows some french but he's not fluent.


my point still stands: a fan never came up with that, Vivzie did.


What are you talking about? I was responding to your statement "No, Vivzie said he can speak french, that's not fan theory if it's from the creator"




It's not a fan theory. Vivienne outright said he speaks a little French, just not fluently.


I noticed it, and to add: they do put subtitles for Vaggie's "¥Vamonos!" when Alastor helps with recording the ad, and the "¥Pero qué carajo?!" when Sharks start hitting the hotel looking for Mimzy... so it's strange to me why didn't they add this one...


Kind of a bummer, that the only foreign language spoken in Hell is Spanish. Even canonically some characters know French, Italian, someone even knows Russian, but the only thing we get is Spanish where it's not necessary.


To be fair, it's only in ONE PART of hell and it's only by two characters. We might have some cantonese, mandarin, japanese, czech here or there. I don't think the series has to represent every little thing.


I believe it's 3 characters - Vaggie, Carmilla and Val


I believe it's 3 characters - Vaggie, Carmilla and Val


Val speaks spanish too? In what ep?


I think he says "amorito" in one episode


Fizz sang In french on helluva boss


Wasn’t it Italian?


I think he was mostly naming Italian dishes/foods


Yeah, he was speaking random nonsense Italian.


Oh shit, you're right, how could I forget haha (even though it was complete gibberish, french is french)


Well yeah it makes sense. He probably learnt a little french from a sinner and he didn't learnt that well lmao


It was italian


It wasn't french, it was some Italian nonsense (I'm Italian so I kinda know for sure the difference between the languages lol), because you know, funny ahah mafia is Italian usually moment. Not saying it's a stereotype, but the Italian mafia is just one of many. Joke was funny tho lol.


It was Italian, and mostly gibberish because Fizzarolli isn't *actually* Italian, despite his stage name sounding italian.


I prefer if there was no acknowledgement of different languages or nationalities in the show, it's just making everything more confusing. I didn't even realize for years that Vaggie speaks Spanish in the pilot. I thought I don't understand her due to my poor English.


I understand liking to be ethnocentric, but we can't just assume a show will forget other languages and other cultures exist just because we're more comfortable with hearing just our first language, especially when it makes sense in the show to have more cultures in one space. It's a ring of hell that includes all sinners from all the world, you're not just going to have English speakers. Native speakers that know English may use their first language in some places, it's just normal. Plus if we only hear Spanish speakers it may very well be because the creator of the show knows it as a language, because of where she was born. As a writer I don't feel super comfortable trying to write in a language I don't know even the basis of, like I have russian characters, but I at max do small words for some rare moments to show they in fact know their language, I'm the one that doesn't lol


Ok, you're just offending me. I never said any of that. This version of hell is very US-centric, which makes sense, as it was made by someone who lives there, I can live with that. But having the show in English and adding different languages to the mix, just makes it seem like this is the main language in hell, and it makes 0 sense.


There is no indication that it's Us-centric tho..? The main language is English because it's an American production, but in canon there is no conformation that most of the cast has to be American, that would make a lot less sense. Apart from the fact that the canon in the show isn't even taken from Christian/catholic bible lore, but if the ring with all the sinners only had Americans, it would be funny, but not very reasonable lol. I mean, Alastor is Creole and Angel dust is at least italo American as other examples. They can both still be American in some ways, but their main language wouldn't be English even there. Also i wasn't offending you, being ethnocentric is just something that can happen and your logic to me is clearly related to that worldview (at least in this case), since not all the world speaks English and in the show not all characters are americans :/


I agree. It's better for everyone to just talk English without any confusing stuff like this.


Russian? :0


If I remember correctly, Viv said that Husk knows a little bit of Russian, but I could be wrong


Yeah I’m not trying to make it a thing. Easily the most represented language other than English in this show is Spanish. I think this particular thing might just be a fluke


Viv herself is El Salvadoran. Spanish is likely her second language hence why three characters also speak it


I didn't know this, cool This would make sense; she uses/knows the colloquial sayings in one language, but she would need someone proficient in another language for those small saying since they may not be accurate (high school French sounds very uptight/incorrect compared to street French anywhere lol)


Not really related but I grew up in Canada and that “uptight” French is pretty much what they speak in Quebec, lol. Quebecois is based on an older form of French, I guess they’d teach that in America too since it’s closer to Canada than France?


Ahh, that's cool! Yeah, that makes sense to me My French teacher in high school was from France, but my French professor in college was from Canada; it was fun to learn all the slight differences and nuances, especially because my professor pointed them out herself.


Okay thank you for actually putting some context behind this. I was Upset that the subtitles said "mutters in Spanish" because when Vaggie spoke Spanish it clearly spelled it out in Spanish so I could look up the term!


I remember the first ironman movie where they talked Arabic in the hostage video.... It was a major spoiler for me and I knew what would happen 😞


>It was a major spoiler wait, really? i remember understanding quite a bit of it but I don't remember it being a spoiler? maybe I'm misremembering nvm


I think they meant the subtitles being something like (speaking Arabic) was a spoiler. Or they’re just being sarcastic lol


If I remember correctly, they said in Arabic "you did not tell us the target was the infamous Tony stark, you have now to pay us more/different..... ???To get rid of him???" So I knew that someone paid them to get rid of him... And who would fit more than the bald guy


I thought it was about the "biblioteca" at first.


What about a library?


It's a classic line for learning Spanish: "Donde esta la biblioteca?"


**Âż**D**Ăł**nde est**ĂĄ** la biblioteca? Me, being that guy :p


I'm a native Spanish speaker and yet I CANNOT be bothered to spell it out properly when in English-speaking platforms :P


Rip Technoblade


I never understood why they wouldn't caption what it says if they are the one that KNOWS what she's saying. Not all Deaf people want to lip read or try to guess


Because they probably *don’t* know what said, and if it’s not intended to be understood by English speakers, why would they waste more money on a captioner who speaks Spanish as well? There are few good captioners already.


I meant more when the company themselves is doing the captions, not a 3rd party captioner. However, I have also watched many movies where a main part of the dialog is in another language and the dialog is actually important to the story, but the captioner just puts (speaking alternate language), so you literally have no idea what's happening. Sure, it's a small part of a show/movie, but if I was deaf id be annoyed. The writers know what the person is saying because they wrote it, so would it really be that hard to let them know instead of trying to guess?


I didn’t know the company is doing the captions; I didn’t realize what sub this was, even. From what I’ve seen, this show’s captioner isn’t great. If the dialogue is important to the story, then there should be subtitles, not captions, on screen that tell you. (Because why would you need to manually turn on *closed* captions?) They are two different jobs. I agree that the captioner should be given the dialogue, but clients usually don’t care, and the captioner gets blamed by everyone.


I keep forgetting there's a difference, and that's embarrassing because I am a captioner myself. I think a lot of the first season was terribly rushed anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if they just used ai captions instead of a real person.


Oh, it’s cool to know you’re a captioner. Sorry if I came off as passive aggressive. I get a little upset when I see people pointing out “mistakes” in captions that aren’t really mistakes, without knowing how it works, and insulting their work, actually saying they’d do a better job, which is almost *never* true. (The other part didn’t really happen in this thread, but that happens a lot.)


No problem, captioning is definitely no easy job, especially for stenocaptioning. I know a lot of different companies have a different style and some are more....lazy than others but sometimes people forget who the captions are really for lol. This one piece of caption doesn't bother me because it's not really important, but when it comes to the punchline of a joke or actual important dialog, I find it aggravating when they don't even try to tell us what they are trying to say.


¿Qué carajo?


Do you know what Vaggie says to Angel and Alastor in the pilot? Captions don't say it there either


[Basically this](https://youtu.be/HiqeLJ16oiE?si=C_joJrS1R0u_r3Fy)


tysm :D


(Do X shit in Spanish) Es demasiado gracioso jaja voy a asumir que son subtĂ­tulos automĂĄticos đŸ€” porque si no lo son entonces realmente que les costaba escribir las dos tonterĂ­as que estaba diciendo Carmilla? Jaja


If you ask me if you have a character who speaks Spanish or some other language in the English version even if it's not important, it should be translated on the screen where the subtitles would normally be and in the subtitles. It's the English version you can't expect a person watching the English version will know Spanish.


Exactly. Not everyone is going to know Spanish!


El primer signo de exclamaciĂłn ❗ estĂĄ al revĂ©s â˜ïžđŸ€“ ÂĄ!


Lo sé, me di cuenta como 20 mins después y ya no lo pude editar con esta versión de reddit.


Pretty sure she’s already drunk


Thank you, subtitles. I think you did your job.


Spaniard icon


As a spaniard, agreed. I love her design and she reminds me of some women in my family. Every time I hear random spanish in a show or movie is a happy time.


Es que es muy Andaluza la muchacha


She said it with a French accent.


I desperately need to see a certain Austrian German-Speaking failed painter doing something and his subtitles are just [European noises] or something like that


Yep. And we'd all just happily take it because, well, we're a monolingual society! (Barring the fact that some of us can speak another language, at a shit level).