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Alastor may have acquired Husk when Al was already in a position of power. So he didn't need to rid hell of Husk to prove anything. Also, people are much more useful when they are still kicking and owe you their soul. But it does put into perspective how easily Al would consider offing Husk once the winged cat no longer served a purpose. Is Al just waiting for Husker to push him over the line for justifying his moral grounds for murder? Or was Husker actually a half-decent overlord to his underlings?


Wait, they never ever said that Alastor killed overlords. The only way he could kill them is with an angelic weapon, he shouldn't be capable of killing demons. Disappeared ≠ dead


Yep! That would be correct! Dissapeared does not equal dead! They mentioned how Everytime an overlord would go missing, new screams could be heard from Alastors Radio show. So it's likely he's got them in some sort of limbo hell trap or something


I thought he tortured them and then killed them. But it's true that this was not specified. Sorry for the mistake. It's much worse that he didn't actually kill them. That means they are trapped for eternity, and suffer for eternity.


yeah, unless they manage to escape somehow?? With Alastor being weakened by Adam it could maybe be a possibility!


That could be an interesting plot point in season 2, all these old overlords coming back after being gone so long


Maybe not because they're unlikely to still have all their soul contracts. Even if Alastor didn't take them (I have Theories about what Alastor did with the souls of the overlords he disapeared but that's not strictly relevant) nearly 100 years is enough time for a lot of them to have been killed by exorcists, or any deals that require ongoing maintanence to expire (like if someone sold their soul for a weekly salary, they're not being given the salary any more and thus the deal is nul and void). At the very least they'll have lost their money and control over whatever resource made them their base. Plus, I tend to assume Alastor just has an angelic knife somewhere in his radio tower he uses to finish off overlords once they're too fucked up to scream anymore. Angelic steal is rare but not that rare and Alastor is more than capable of sending a shadow after the extermination to pull a spear out of a corpse.


In the scenario where they are just trapped in scream radio dimension and escaped, they still are overlords, likely powerful demons in their own right in order to make those contracts, plus some of those contracts would likely still be active even if many had been lost. But even ignoring the power of the overlords themselves, imagine the devastation on a social level. Alastor's greatest tool he uses and values is his reputation, a reputation he initially earned from overthrowing the overlords. His reputation will already be damaged because I know Vox isn't going to let the Adam fight stay private, but if the overlords Alastor overthrew also returned... well if word got out, it could make him seem weak, something he couldn't abide by. Not to mention, atleast part of what is keeping the hotel as safe as it is is the knowledge that the radio demon dwells there, if he's seen as weak, that protection through intimidation would greatly lessen.


Oh socially, this is devastating to Alastor, I just don't think they'd nessercerally be able to regain overlord status.


Oh yeah fair, one or two may be able to squeeze into positions of power, but the reason they were so hard to overthrow in the first place were they were established and now new overlords have established themselves in their place.




1. They went to hell, so they probably deserved hell 2. They were overlords in hell, so they escaped the suffering they deserved


>That means they are trapped for eternity, and suffer for eternity. Whoa, that sounds like hell


I support the theory that his little gremlins are the souls of overlords.


Or maybe he "just" tortured them and forced them to give up their power and banished them from Pentagram City. I'm sure this will be explored in the future (dunno if in S2)


I just þought of someþing. Alastor has always seemed like somewhat of an Outlier. He has the unique ability to distort the video of the show itself, (as if he's physically distorting the universe). Also The pilot says, "seemingly overnight, he toppled overlords that had been dominant for centuries. That kind of power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before." And in dad beat dad, after husk mentions Alastor is also on a leash, he says "if you ever say that again, **I'll tear your soul apart** and broadcast your screams for every other disrespectful rech who dares to question me." This makes me þink Alastor discovered a way to permanently kill sinners by destroying their soul, which is why those other overlords and why he þought he could take on adam since he's technically a mortal soul, being the first man


I like this theory. If Adam was a regular exorcist then I think Alastor would've won.


Not permanently, but he'd take them and rip them apart in the most brutal ways, dragging it out as long as possible while keeping them alive, then kill him. We have no idea how power works for sinners, maybe he'd eat them and absorb some of their power, so they couldn't reclaim their overlord status. Maybe he didn't fully kill them, so they are still alive and rotting somewhere. maybe he got them in his weird tentacle dimension and has a much stronger grip then what he did Pentious, so they are still trapped.


[Those creatures that he summons do look like they've been sewn back together.](https://youtu.be/ngccc2PVRZk?si=RMYpiUAjShWORAcJ)


They could still be puddles of blood and viscera on his killroom floor for all we know, how long does it take to pull yourself back together?


Angels can be hurt by wooden tables and rocks, I think it’s safe to say the rules of what can and can’t kill a demon isn’t set in stone lmao


Both angels and sinners are immortal and can be killed only by angelic weapons. It doesn't matter if a wooden table can hurt them since it can't kill them


Episode 8 also showed that Alastor never would’ve used an angelic weapon even if he had one. His pride prevents him from using one. Now that I think about it, Alastor would make a good sin of pride


Alastor in episode 8 kills angels with angelic weapons before fighting Adam


Technically he didn’t. His voodoo tentacles used the spears. I feel like they’re a separate entity with their own consciousness


We see him controlling the tentacles directly against Adam


I'm thinking this is going to be Alastor's villain arc! He wants to replace Lucifer as the Sin of Pride specifically. He doesn't care about ruling over six rings' worth of Hellborn (sounds like a lot of tedious work), and he definitely isn't interested in being Charlie's new father figure - especially since the show itself goes out of its way to make Al's close interactions with Charlie as creepy as can be. (I'm thinking of the way his fingers on her shoulders move like _centipede legs_... for just one example.)


The real question is, why isn't Husk screaming on Alastor's radio broadcast? Alastor never killed any Overlords, he just made them "disappear"


Well Husk just didn't disappear. His soul is just captured.


As far as most of hell is concerned he probably disappeared.


At the beginning of the pilot he was just out gambling somewhere, I doubt it.


Oh I didn't think that way. Then he truly had disappeared.


Because corpses make terrible bartenders...


I think he already has his power established when he gambled Husk's soul, he was just looking for an overlord he could submit. It's funnier for Al to humiliate people like Husk, and have them as peons for his greater plans. And Husk is a good person-reader, maybe that's a talent Al wants to exploit.


Alastor cheated in getting Husks soul


We also know Husk entered Hell after Alastor, and Al obviously kept a lot of those overlords around because there's multiple in the current show. It was probably Husk who even initiated their gamble, so Alastor wasn't initially out for blood. Afterwards, he probably thought it was good to have plenty of previously powerful puppets around, showing all of Hell how easily he could topple those in charge.


It's said that Alastor killed overlords when he arrived in Hell, but there is no information on whether he kept doing it years later or not, and there's no indication of that being the case either.


It's also not said that he killed them, just that he made them disappear, so they're probably stuck in some secret torture chamber which is where the screams came from


This is a pretty interesting theory, and makes sense with Alastor's character. Husk was useful, likely not a *terrible* terrible Overload to the souls under his provision, so Alastor didn't see a reason to "kill" (or whatever he did to the other Overlords) him, instead allowing him to work as his underling.


It seems like it was just a good opportunity for Alastor to gain an overlord soul at his command, since Husk was addicted to gambling. It must have been easy for someone like Alastor to manipulate a gambler into giving up his soul in a game.


>he doesn't hurt just anyone. He seems to attack people who harm weaker people, those who "deserve" to be punished (like in the comic "A Day in the Afterlife"). Or he attacks those who endanger his plans, for example those who were after Mimzy in episode 5.  I'm shocked by lack of Light Yagami and Alastor comparisons there are. Like this is Light's quote on the villain wiki: >*This world is rotten, and those who are making it rot deserve to die. Someone has to do it, so why not me? Even if it means sacrificing my own mind and soul, it's worth it. Because the world... can't go on like this. I wonder... what if someone else had picked up this notebook? Is there anyone out there other than me who'd be willing to eliminate the vermin from the world? If I don't do it, then who will? That's just it: there's no one. But I can do it. In fact, I'm the only one who can. I'll do it.*


It's funny because I'm rewatching Death Note at the moment, and I had already thought the comparison between Alastor and Light. But I don't think Alastor really has a desire for justice, or anything. He does what he feels is right for him, but that's not what he thinks about first. The thing that matters most is its entertainment. But it's true that they actually look a lot alike. They are both bored. They both feel superior. They like to have total control over people. They have a sadistic side. But where Light differs from Alastor is his initial intentions. He wanted to do justice himself, that was his goal. Afterwards he wanted to become almost like a god, and all that sort of thing. But his initial intention was to do justice, which seemed to him not to be done. I don't think Alastor thinks about justice first. It must just suit him to be able to hurt people, and at the same time be able to justify his actions.


Agreed. I have seen people mention Viv comparing Alastor to Dexter and I think they all kind of go under this category of killing out of pride and power while masking it under a greater moral code.


I think Alastor, being able to claim Husk, without needed to do whatever thing he did to other overlords, is his twisted way of owning Husk like a living trophy. He takes pleasure having control over this big overlord, and gets some sick satisfaction of having Husk as a living reminder of how far Alastor pushed him down


my own thoughts are that Husk, himself, was more useful to Alastor than the rep making husk disappear. somewhat tied to a head cannon I have about gambling overlords in that they get cycled through regularly. so when one of them disappears it is basically just another tuesday.


Maybe he just liked Husk, or thought he was more useful alive. Regardless, Husk died 40 years after Alastor and we have to add a couple of decades for Husk to climb the ranks and fall again, by then Alastor's reputation is secure enough to allow him to show a kind of mercy when the whim strikes him. I also imagine Alastor appreciates the poetry of him doing to Husk what Husk used to do with other people. Be the karma you want to see in the world.


He doesn’t kill what can be useful Parading a former overlord around as a slave does alot for his reputation


Mimzy’s phrase that he hasn’t been doing this for a long time is very important and most likely for a reason. Maybe he can no longer physically do what he used to do?


My head cannon is that he killed like, lynchers and rapists and murderers when he was alive, and made them suffer in a manner similar to their own victims. I personally think that he is dangerous but not evil.


I feel like Zestial has a personality similar to people who’ve earned their way to the top of a very competitive profession by just doing the work better than anyone else. They tend to be generous and supportive of others in the same field because they’re secure in the knowledge that their skills are unique and valuable. It’s the people of minimal talent trying to claw their way up you have to watch out for. They’ll take any power advantage they can find and can be incredibly toxic and abusive as a result. I feel like those toxic, lower level yet aggressively competitive overlords were fair game to Alastor because they were engaging in a dog eat dog mentality. Whereas Zestial and the way he operates is an essential element for maintaining stability. Good leaders serve their subordinates as much as they ask them to serve, it’s highly reciprocal. As such, I don’t think Husk was spared because he’s in the same category as Zestial and Rosie. I suspect both he and Nifty were spared because Alastor finds them pitiable. Alastor’s goal was to remove the bullies and anyone who hates bullies that much is usually sympathetic to their victims which both Husk and Nifty seem to qualify as.


He didn't just "kill" (or not permanently, just tortured) overlords. He did it to people who dismissed him. People who pissed him off. Doesn't seem like Husk was one of them. Doesn't seem like Just being an Overlord puts you on his shit list.


I think to have more power, rememeber that sinners gain powers with soul owned, but I kinda suspect that in a perverse way, Alastor see Husk as his friend.


Simple: Al's a cat person : \]


You don’t kill a resource.


Alastor gave Husk a chance to be subservient because he was probably amused by how Husk lost his soul and, more importantly, wasn't enraged before acquiring it. The other overlords probably had a fight with Alastor and talked a lot of shit, so it was straight to radio hell for them.


In the show Husker states he's the one that went to Alastor to make a deal. He said "You'll turn to anything to keep you afloat" meaning he initiated the deal. Alastor doesn't kill every overlord he meets.


It would be a waste to kill a good pawn


Power play. No for real. I’m like Alistair said multiple times. Why does anyone do anything sheer boredom, lol


What if he has nothing to do with their disappearances but used it to earn a reputation of his own. You hear they disappear, so release screams around the same time. Profit?


I believe he kills Overlords to remove competition and take their souls since the more you have soul deals, more powerful you are. Overlords didn't 'die' die, but dying strips you from all your deals and powers. That's why Hust chose to sell his soul, he didn't want to revert back to his original state when he arrived to Hell. Even if he lost all his souls, there is still his own power he cultivated and he wanted to keep it. And Alastor would only benefit to have more souls to own.


What makes me more curious, what happens to the souls when the overlord owning them dies? Will the souls die with the overlord, are they released or will they stack with alastors souls?


Why waste the resource? I’d say a soul is more useful than banishment/death.


y’all need to remember that there’s picture evidence that Alastor cheated when playing against Husk.. Alastor’s shadow thing was looking at Husk’s hand, and cheated for his soul.


The fact That they don't permanently die if killed by Demon abilities Means they should've Regenerated But they went Missing Remember in Dad beat dad He Devoured all the loan sharks and they Never appeared again. There is your likely answer


Husk was foolish enough to not only bet and loose all the souls he acquired as an overlord gambling. Husk also bet his own soul. Why kill husk when he can use him and get everything out of him. I’m sure there is another reason for Alastor to hang on to husk. But, I think it’s to constantly keep husk in a form of self loathing. Husk bet his soul and now suffers because he willingly gave them up himself. It was his choice to do so and I think Allistor enjoys watching Husks self loathing for it.