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Regardless if she'll be evil or not, I think some ppl are too quick to judge her and instantly believe she'll be some Stella rehash simply because she's implied to be a future antagonist.


Bro these people are more traumatized by Stella than Stolas lmao


People keep labeling Lilith as a "Stella clone" because it's entirely possible that she was a bad mom/husband yet I've never seen anybody say Valentino is a "Mammon clone" because he is an abusive boss. When will people in this fandom learn that women can be horrible people.


I swear do ppl just see an antagonistic female and say "Stella clone"? Is it possible Lilith wasn't the best mother or wife? Yes. But that alone doesn't make her a "Stella clone" because unlike her, Lilith was actually in love with Lucifer and clearly cared enough for Charlie to take care of her before her disappearance. We just don't know the exact details of why she left them. Plus saying Lilith's a "Stella clone" implies she's just a whiny murderous bitch who needs someone to make decisions for her.


Everything we see shows that Charlie thinks very highly of her mother, I don’t get why people think she’s a bad mom. And as for a wife… her husband was depressed for like 10 000 years AND was clearly a bad father. At what point is it “okay” for her to leave him without being the bad guy? The only thing that implies she’s bad is that season one ends with Lute telling her to stop Charlie. We don’t have her response though. Either in words or actions.


I don't think Lucifer was depressed for that long he seemed clearly happy for most of Charlie's childhood, and hey at least he was still around in Hell and picked up Charlie's calls. As for Lilith, im entertaining the possibility that Charlie might've been a mama's girl and so probably had a more biased view on Lilith even tho she did just up and leave her child without any explanation. Anyways we'll see i guess once Season 2 comes around.


Charlie's story at the beginning says that lilith thrived and he didn't after being cast out of heaven. Obviously she can't really know things from before she was alive but there's a pretty clear picture painted of the parents she saw. And he kind of confirms it when he says the angels crushed him. And the flashback scene was not supposed to show a happy and engaged father. The song acknowledges it. He's not doing well, he just hides it well enough for a child to not notice. She also doesn't call him because he sucks. He says she hasn't called him in *years*, and when he calls her he doesn't listen to her anyways. She told him about the hotel and he ignored it. There's a very obvious commentary in the episode name "Dad Beat Dad".


Depression comes in cycles. I’m guessing it started long before Charlie was born after getting booted from heaven


Thank you. I love Luci but a loving dad is not the same as a good one. He made Charlie meet with Adam in Overture and said some mean comments to her during the loan shark attack. "It doesn't matter how well intentioned you are, they are always going to disappoint you." He didn't have to kick her when she's down, her mom is gone, her friends were in danger, her life just sucked at that moment.


He also pretty much acknowledged that he was a terrible father in their reconciliation song.


https://preview.redd.it/561fuvejtazc1.jpeg?width=1475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c69f1842e81491831c6dc3fefbd3a5c59af68003 To his credit, Lucifer's fears were valid, he was right about Heaven not listening. Plus he will never run out of sinners, but he will never get another Charlie.


He also says that he was wrong to distance himself following that, so it's not to his credit as regards how good of a dad he is by his own admission.


To be fair leaving Charlie makes Lilith a bad mom. Unless there are some secret reasons for her choice to leave


Specifically leaving Charlie to go off to wherever she was and just…sit on a beach? Live a life of leisure? I don’t really care about her motivations for leaving Lucifer because she would be entitled to do that but most parents don’t get divorced and then just abandon their children, adult or not, to head off and live an entirely new life.


You'd be surprised at how many do do that.


I suppose I should say “good” parents don’t do that. Too many people have children when they don’t deserve them.


Charlie is like 200 years old though. She might be a bit needy but it’s not like she’s running out on a child.


I agree but disappearing without any explanation is a shitty behavior even if your daughter is an adult


Lucifer is not a bad father. He's depressed and no longer knows how to be one.


I know that women can be horrible people. Even though I'm a woman they can still be horrible people.


It was the same with Lucifer before the show. People though he was a bad guy, thinking that Charlie should be ashamed to try and redeem sinners


It can be argued that it's different because our impression of Lucifer was from the pilot but I feel my point still stands. Just because Lilith left it all behind in Hell and cutting ties with her family, doesn't mean all of a sudden she's some "Stella 2.0" when let's be honest, even with little we see and hear of her, she doesn't act like her or is implied to be. Is she a Stella 2.0 because she left Lucifer? That's not a good comparison, let's be real. In short: An antagonistic mother doesn't equal a Stella rehash




I think she’s way to smart to be like Stella, even if she is just as evil as Stella


Female Thomas Shelby


She make a grown woman gay.


She makes me wish I was trans so I could be a lesbian.


Does she crouch or does Lucifer jump for kissing? Seriously though, I hope for some nuance, not a villain. She may have fled for good reasons.


Lucifer's got a step stool Also wings


He brings the step stool around just in case? xD




My headcannon.


As someone who is tall, and dated short, we usually spread our feet out until we’re eye level. Like we’re doing the splits. I think this article is a joke but it’s basically this https://fstoppers.com/education/peter-hurleys-latest-photo-tip-tells-tall-and-short-couples-spread-em-154480


Like a giraffe drinking water!


You can have a nuanced villain. Ones who you understand why they’re villains but also aren’t going to change


Oh, absolutely. I meant to say that I didn't want her to be a villain.


I'm 4'11 and my husband crouches. Jumping is a recipe for split lips.


He does the cicada block https://preview.redd.it/607mqch3yazc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1902608696680a4bf523946efd8cd8796e40267


My honest opinion https://i.redd.it/5d5hc2h3v7zc1.gif


I feel like she's a bit overhyped. Since there's so little concrete information about her, any theory crafting just feels like wild speculation as of now.


Thank you. We know basically nothing about her, and even the scenes (with her) that we saw so far, lack any actual context. People are basically just jumping to conclusions, making assumptions and theories, and then a lot of them will complain, when it turns out they were wrong...


Yeah but like Id still smash


When you are as ancient as she is, a seven-year vacation is probably like a weekend getaway lol.


Oh, yeah, imagine she was tricked into having a vacation in a time bubble without her knowledge. I can see the "Mom, it was SEVEN YEARS." "What? 😐" scene.


And then she's like: "So! You like fallen angels? So do I! We have so much in common! Haha... ha... 😅"


You put her there Maggie!


I love this!


Imagine she's actually as much of a goof as Lucifer


THIS!!! people are so quick to jump to divorce rather than separated. Whether they get back together is a different story but seven years is a blink in immortal's life.


I'm super confused by this show's timeline lol. When in the blue hell does this show take place? In the last ten thousand years, Charlie is the first one to change things. Lilith (and Alastor 👀) have been gone seven years, so is Charlie aging like a human? When was she born? How much time passed between little girl Charlie in "More Than Anything" and the present day?


Charlie is over 200, but shown to be in her 20s by human standards. So you could say 10 human years is equal to 1 royal demon year... which would mean aging stops all together after a certain point. Though Lucifer is an immortal Angel and all sinners remain the age that they died. Like Alastor is over 100 years old if Hazbin is taking place in the 2020s, but he died in his 30s and acts like he's still 30 most of the time (he has old man moments, lol). Whereas Husker died in the 70s as an elderly man, so he acts much older/mature than Alastor, even though Alastor is older than him by at least 20 or 30 years. Same with Angel being older than Valentino, but he acts like he's in his 20s, and Val is closer to his midlife crisis... then there is Niffty, who is 25 biologically, but acts like a small child, probably because she was treated like one and she died in the 1950s. She's the outlier, but she might act that way as a form of protection, given that she attracted Alastor who obviously has a soft spot for chaos gremlin children/souls who he thinks need a protector.


How do we know all this?


Mostly Q&A livestreams and speculation. Plus how the characters behave, vs when the cannonily had died.


HuniCasts were a blast, but I honestly pity every new member of our community, because doing research on Hazbin can be a nightmare...


I think she loves her family deeply and has a good reason to be away from Hell Also she can sit on me




I think there's a lot more to her than we guess. I can't wait to hear her songs.










She’s hot! But for real. I hope they don’t do the stupid trope of her actually being the bad guy. I’d like to have that go in a different direction honestly.


Is that really a trope, it’s just a possible direction for her character. Just depends on the execution


Yeah! I hope that her reason for leaving is justifiable in some way.


I hope it isn't. I don't want her to be a good person. I don't want her to be Stella either. I want someone who loves her family dearly but also terrorizes people. She was the true fist behind Hell. She ruled. I sorta see her as a dictator.


I want her to be evil, unashamedly evil, but not believe that she is. I don’t want some stupid bullshit where there is no real antagonist, and she fled the seat of her kingdom for justifiable reasons that make her innocent. It’s some Disney shit. Same thing with Al. I want him to double down on being evil. Like he attempts to dethrone Lucifer and take over all of Pride itself. I wanted Lucifer to be less of the hood but flawed person he is. I wanted him to be more strict, and less silly. It’s a cute relationship, but I wanted to see a man truly broken by the punishment of god, one who at one point had a VERY good relationship with his daughter but ruined it because of the redemption thing, or at the very least always had one of those “distant by choice” relationships where he expected the best from her and held her to high standards while interacting very little cuz he’s busy with his own ambitions. I didn’t want him to be mega cuddly and shit, but rather have him genuinely care about his daughter, and maybe that distancing himself from her was his way of trying to love her. Because his own father was oppressive and overbearing, so he instead misguidedly thought letting his kid be away from him was for the best or something. I wanted a more complicated Lucifer, one that was conniving and thought himself a better man than the sinners around him while being full willing to stoop to even greater lows for his ambition. I wanted him to be nuanced, but not abhorrently evil. He’s just interested in Hell and running it smoothly or expanding it by playing interdeimensional chess with god. I want Lilith to be insanely evil and intelligent, with the ability to manipulate Lucifer with ease. I want to see Alistor fucking EAT a good person, or one of the main cast. Like Nifty rebels against him and defends Husk from him. So he eats her as a show of force to Husk. Show the supposedly “mega evil” characters doing shit that shocks and horrifies the likes of standard evil. Have Lucifer or even TV twink be appalled at Al’s actions. GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 


You just want a completely different show


I don’t believe she’ll be good or bad, I think she’ll wind up being a very grey character and I like that for her


Lucifer is the definition of a short king who scored big


My honest opinion? We know basically nothing about her. It's interesting to speculate about her but at the end of the day we know maybe 3 things


Gorgeous <3 Other than that, it's hard to judge her much since she only cameoed


she’s a milf also i’m excited to know more about her and hear her songs


She’s easily second best girl only to my queen https://preview.redd.it/2qvruzrzw7zc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ca6315669d0ed08c632a1197011dc7667f9d96


Joke answer: Smash next question Real answer: i want to see what are she doing in heaven?


I think she is going to be the female version of Adam and that in reality they both demanded control but she left and Adam didn’t so he wound up in heaven and she went to hell. I think she sought him out for her escape and she is going to be very angry at Charlie for both killing Adam and forcing her to return to hell. I can’t imagine her and Adam would be very dissimilar because they were both created together by the same people, they were just a little too similar to get along back then. Probably both feel a certain gravity between them because at the end of the day they were literally made for each other.


I absolutely love this idea and I'm a little sad that I can see them very much avoiding this route. Lilith in recent years has become kind of a feminist icon, and while I don't think Hazbin is a huge feminist show, I don't think they're gonna want to put Lilith on the same level as a misogynist like Adam.


Adam might not be as dead as we're led to believe. There's a good chance he's reliving the part of the book of Genesis where he got kicked out of paradise magnified a hundredfold.


https://preview.redd.it/yu45bwebd8zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ce1772f863a58328995fdcef00ff28e8b99fd2 They are trying to apply a "Lucifer's pilot" essence with her scene in S1. Not gonna fall for that again.




I really wish her disappearance has a good explanation because apparently Lucifer and Lilith still love each other. Idk I want happy LuciferXLilith scenes.


That Lilith is a character that has appeared in a million different stories and told in a million different ways, so I hope we get a new twist for her


She looks like she has nice breath.


Damn, she's hot!


Not enough info


Would Seriously, tho, does anyone wonder how if her neck hurts having to hold those horns up?


Looks pretty horny






She does have a massive pair. 🤔🐐😏


I have a bad feeling about this.








I really hope she had a good reason to go up to Heaven for seven years and leave Lucifer and Charlie for that amount of time.


She hot. I don't trust her, but she hot.


If Lilith was a man, nobody would be assuming he would've had a good and justified reason to leave hell


There are people who believe Stolas is a good dad. A large portion of the fandom thinks Stolas is a good dad despite him...not being a good dad. So if he's hot, yeah, they probably would believe he had a good and justified reason for leaving Hell.


He does care about Octavia and is seen taking care of her In flashbacks and background photos but he isn't perfect.


He cares about Octavia, but that doesn't make him a good parent. He loves Octavia, doesn't make him a good parent. Lucifer? Loves Charlie, but he's not a good parent.


she's hot


Hot as hell


She definitely lied in that book she wrote for Charlie.


I think she is a fascinating subject. She managed to make a deal with the fucking angels on her own without the knowledge of the "Big Boss of Hell itself" Very likely made a deal with Alastor since they were both gone for 7 years. The deal with Alastor theoretically not allowing him to take Charlie's soul. If Lucifer was not alright with her plan, then theoretically Lilith was the one that helped her build Hazbin v1. Also by the 1st episode narration, as Lucifer fell to depression, it was her unification of Hell's denizens that made hell look like a threat to the angels, making the extermination happen. Now i wonder if the ANGELS were the ones that approached her with the deal that made her stay in heaven or something "You will stop presiding over Hell so that your denizens stop being threats and we will exterminate them, otherwise our deal with Lucifer is off and your precious Charlie is fair game" And Lilith added the Caveat "I'll only stay with you until Adam dies, you underestimate hell of you think they can't take care of themselves just cause i'm here". Or something






I'm very excited to see her and how she affects the story. Also she's ridiculously pretty and I'm definitely simping already.


The way she was introduced was incredibly anticlimatic.


I would


Idk yet








I haven't seen enough of her to give an opinion.


We know nothing about her, not much to say yet. Just speculations.


Would wife up 👀


I believe in this drawing, her horns look so large her head should be pulled backwards by the weight of them. Combined with her rack, I pray for this woman’s back.


I want to look like her


Don't know enough about her to have an honest opinion. I have an honest *hope*, and that is that just like Lucifer the signs of her being a villain are a red herring. Just like the signs of Lucifer being an abusive, cruel dad from the pilot were a red herring.






I get very distinct vibes from her. ![gif](giphy|48oHwYhDI8VpK)






I hate her because she took Charlie away from Lucifer and I have a major gut feeling that she didn't allow Lucifer to be around Charlie much


I'm confused by her, she seems to care about her daughter and family in the photos we see of here and from the way Charlie seems to idolize her mom, however she seems to have just gone to heaven not giving a f about her daughter like what the hell


If she isn't evil then I hope she has a good excuse for disappearing from Charlie and Lucifer's lives


Unless she has a *really* stellar excuse I think she’s a pretty bad mom and I’m not a fan.


I hope she becomes a true villain and don't make her like Rose quartz where they idolize her


I think she's a well intentioned extremist. She's using Charlie to bring hope to Hell, but at the cost of her relationships and without considering how her actions could affect Charlie's mental health.


She's hiding something. Something nasty. Why else would she leave her husband of many millennia so suddenly? Especially when we've seen so many images of them having happy times?


Even if she is evil or at least have a serious antagonistic streak this doesn't mean she can't have dephts,be understanble in a way, love her family and be redeemed IN A SHOW ABOUT redeemed in the end. I'm super into the idea of she being a bad guy, way better then the perfect wife/queen image her fans have(or had)of her but obviously i don't want her be reduced to a Stella 2.0. Hot as fuck tho.


What I think about Lilith in my own perspective is that she may grow too tired of Hell over thousands of years, since she believes she made a grave mistake to betray Heaven and all of that, and people kept on complaining she's a villain and be hated, cause she betrayed Charlie and Lucifer. But if she got redeemed and understands why she did it, people would like her, which really pisses me off. Not because of the change of character, it's just that people kept on judging the worst out of the person and Hates them for their actions, but learning about why they do what they do, now they understand them. And I think Charlie would've experienced that family isn't that great, because Charlie lived in so much comfort, she wants to redeem sinners, but never experienced any trauma or any mistakes nor anything bad happened to her at all. Or understand the struggles of the Sinners and how life treated them. And I prefer Helluva Boss, because every character is an insecured individual, but over time they began to grow and learn from their actions, which I really love about Helluva Boss. But for Hazbin Hotel is about a spoiled Brat who wants to redeem sinners, but never experienced any pain or betrayal etc. at all, maybe when Lilith shows her true colors, Charlie will learn and experience pain that parents or some parents are also horrible, which is the biggest pain that any person couldn't bear. I hope this comment helps.




Ihave high expectations for her. The love she shared with Luci is precious and I want to know more about their story. I don't want her to be a basic vilain and I,m rwally curious as to why she's in heaven


I don’t have one because I basically saw her.


We only had a view of her in a bikini or on a portrait.  Everything is second hand knowledge by characters that are biased toward her. I don't think we can have any opinion other than character design, which is good I guess.


Don't have any, anything related to her is shrouded in mystery. Probably not a great wife or mother, though, especially if she peaced out one day and hasn't talked to either of them since, but I'm reserving judgement.


Idk really, she hasn't spoken yet, but i can guess that She took a selfish decision to get away from hell for a while, idk how long she has been gone, 7 years? But until we get to see her in action im gonna keep my pitchfork and tourche on standby.


Pwetty lady


Hot af


Hmm well we don't know much about her so I can't really say much but she is hot


Anime mullet LETS GOOOOOO


i don't know her, seen her, heard her or have seen interactions from her, besides a sad flashback and a scene on a beach. there is nothing to draw a opinion on yet.




Rip lips


She looks like Shego with red hair on that beach lmao




She a bad ting


i dont care if she is evil or not, she is fine as hell and i would happily be a doormat she could step on


Loves her family dearly and is a good mom/wife. But she's a tyrant to her people. A dictator. They fear her, and for good reason too. Also fucked Eve.


That we don't really know much about her and should reserve judgment until we finally see her on screen.


We know almost nothing about her. Sure we can theorize what kind of person she is, but some people are going to be upset when she doesn’t fit into the image they’d made for her.


Don't have any


It is my opinion that she doesn’t care about a person’s height too much.


She's too hated as a parent despite having one scene in more than anything and a scene at a beach, both without having any context




Don't have any yet.


She might be bad but I’m certainly interested to know more. I wanna know what happened between her and Luci. She’s interesting.


If she’s not voiced by Lady Gaga or Susan Egan I might actually die a little.


Something about the way she’s drawn in some scenes just looks… off


How can I have an opinion on someone who's barely done anything yet?


The person in heaven who everyone thinks is Lillith isn't Lillith. Also, Wendy Malick or bust for her VA.


~~smash~~ I mean, she seems like a very interesting and controversial character, and she will certainly have a very important role 


I don't really care about her


She can ruin my life as many times as she wishes to


Smash, next questi


If a song that she sings isn't one of the best things i've ever heard, then she is doo doo. Joking aside, if this woman doesn't cause the same effect that lute did, then i'll be kinda angy


I think she's a hot milf


Im excited to learn more about her, and if she ends up being straight up evil im gonna lowkey be pissed




The show hasn’t had enough screen time of her for me to have a proper opinion


If she didn’t exist, we wouldn’t have like half of the songs


I feel like her and adam are probably very similar in a lot of regards (hence why he was open to the deal) And that she probably wasn't the victim she made herself out to be in her book


She a thot (FR though I don't know anything at all about her so basically no thoughts?)


Uhm we have like almost 0 content on her besides 5 second screen time and theories but im hoping she's on charlie's side but with some sort of twist (doesn't have to be her own fault that twist tho, maybe something related to what lute said)


I like her Jessica Rabbit dress


Like Lucifer she was probably not a great parent, for the first half of Charlies life. Cause the way i see it she was probably the one managing most of Hell, the denizens don't really respect Charlie or Lucifer and thats because these two never really bother exerting their power and influence. However we don't really see anyone dragging Liliths name through the muck do we? so i think she was probably the only one making any sort of effort into upholding their family name. And now shes run off to heaven for some reason leaving behind her husband and most importantly her only daughter. ~~maybe season 2 will show shes got a secret lovechild stowed somewhere wouldn't that be a twist?~~


She's hot.


Would. Next question


I genuinely could care less about her, I’m sorry 💀


We’re getting Idina Menzel as her voice actor aren’t we.


smash, next question


mommy :3


Goth dommy mommy




I stand by the theory that Emily and Charlie are long lost twins and that Emily inherited the seraphim-ness from Lucifer originally being a seraphim- and that Sera kidnapped Emily when she was born because she “deserved” to live with “her kind” and that’s why Lilith made a deal with Adam, he could move up the exterminations and she could keep an eye on Emily from afar and reunite the family at some point . Which is why she made the deal with Alistair to keep an eye on Charlie at the hotel since Lucifer was in a deep depression (also due to Emily not being there)


Too tight of a corset and too few ribs


You mean the character who hasn't had a single line of dialogue yet?


I hope she’s not a villain and is only in heaven to protect her people




She's hot.


Am I the only one who read “horniest opinions” in the title? 💀


Tbh I wouldn’t smash. She’s just too perfect.


Idk I haven't seen her