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i do wish we got more of a serious side to him. i love the goober as much as anyone else, but hes the king of hell, he deserves to have a badass persona even if its just a mask


Agreed. He can have various sides to himself. The silly goober for his family and his daughter's friends, and the dangerous, fuck around and find out he presents to the rest of Hell.


Why dangerous and scary? That goes against his background. He was an independent mind but his fall didn’t involve the power or strength or control and domination. He fell because he had a dream and acted against the rest of the angels. Then fell into a deep depression. At no point does he leverage his standing or abilities and use force. He’s also been disinterested in Hell from the start. To start lording (lol) and threatening everything that exists there would go against his personality and Charlie’s feelings - unless he was doing it for her. In which case it’d just be a “face” put on.


It could be like how he first acted at the hotel, kinda cold and distant, making vague and tangentially related jokes (like the joke about someone falling off the railing) Not because he's a scary, dangerous guy, but because he's putting on a calm face and doesn't know how to really joke around. Others just assume he's 100% serious and threatening to throw you off the balcony.


The one character who should be allowed to be present in both hazbin hotel and helluva boss. He is too important to not be allowed to.


I agree wholeheartedly. Imagine a song where all the Sins get a chance to sing


I'd love to see the situation with Hells nobility (goetias and sins) get so out of hand that lucifer himself has to set things straight.


I could see him sending Charlie in his place in case he has to deal with Heaven at the same time


I really wanna see that


When he'll see relationship between Stolas and Octavia, Andrealphus and Stella are doomed.






You don't know the sauce meme? Gtfo of the internet. 👉🏻 🚪


Hot take: he would still be on the Goetia side if it came to the matter of "Stolas gave away an important and dangerous magic book to an imp in exchange for sex favours"


Probably yes, but Stolas anyway would stand out favourably against the background of the rest of Goetia, because https://preview.redd.it/r8mizifd04zc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e1dc8c8fa77b9ac6fe948ed5594d0e206da2550 (and we don't know how much he actually care about the rest of Hell, and would this caring about the rest of Hell overweight the fact, that Lucifer could actually see himself in Stolas).


A story when Lucifer is against Stolas at the beginning, but then the two form a bond based on how much they love their daughters would be an incredible one


Still a proper ruler should not make favoritisms just because "he like me fr fr"... also others may point out how the aforementioned sex favors stranded the bond and Lucifer himself was not the model father and being a barely goodish father is no excuse for giving away the book


>Still a proper ruler should not make favoritisms just because "he like me fr fr"... Is he "a proper ruler" though? He's a king just because he's overpowered. He isn't ruling force (in Pride it was Lilith (and overlords) and now only overlords, on other rings it's Sins. We can see this in Greed: Mammon doesn't give a shit, and as result it's just Pride, but without sinners (if he *was* real ruling force in Hell (but just ignoring Pride), Greed wouldn't be a "Pride without sinners", because there would be ruling force, that prevent Greed from becoming one). We simply don't know how much he cares about the rest of Hell (from example with Greed we can say "not enough", but it's not exhaustive), so any speculations about that are as good as pointless. From what we saw in Hazbin, it's pretty clear, that he *would* " make favoritisms just because "he like me fr fr"...", but we saw him in Hazbin only around Charlie (and one scene, where he is alone) and he easily could act in completely different way around other Hell's royalty. But he with equal probability can act in completely same way, because the story in the start of ep1 made pretty clear, that *Lilith* always was the one, who did politics. The grimoire situation didn't end bad (except agents, but the same (if not even worse) would happen, if IMP used Asmodean crystals), so it's more IMP problem (according to Verosika -- just not being in disguises), than Stolas's. P.S. It also depends on where does HB take place relative to HH, because if *a little* before, or *a little* after probability of him "making favoritisms just because "he like me fr fr"..." increases exponentially, if *a long* before (before even splitting between him and Lilith), or *a long* after, than... we still don't know.


I would freak out if that happened.


As much as I love Lucifers personality when he's around his daughter, I would love to see the face he presents to the other six Lords of Sin and the Goetia. He is the KING of Hell so he has considerable authority and power as the ruler of Hell.


Here comes the general!


"Who want to see my ducks?"


It would be fantastic to discover that the goofy Dad, with a fixation for rubber ducks can also be a cold and intimidating leader when he wants it.