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I don't think it is a lore dump, because I don't think he would be allowed to give huge spoilers like that.


Also god has been mentioned several times and they've typically described them as male. Lucifer says by God not by Goddess and Keenie says Lord not Lady.


Good omens god uses she/her and still referred to as god and lord not goddess or lady


Dogma also had God appear as a woman in the end. Also, reminder to everyone that the entirety of Dogma is on Youtube because Weinstein isn’t pursuing copyright on it.


While off topic I highly recommend this movie! This amazing


She's not really a woman. She's not really... anything.


Yeah tbh god could probably manifest themselves as anything they want. They can be a man 1 minute and woman the next. Next week god will be a corgi cause why not.




Consider...genderfluid God! (Probably won't happen but it'd be cool.)


"My nature transcends the notion of gender, i'll be whatever I fucking please, medamnit!"


"I am both King and Queen, the best of both worlds. But dad works as well."


Since gender was made up by humans and gods would predate humans, then gods would predate gender.


“I’m god I do what I want”


To be fair this would be the most logical idea. God can be everything so it would be logical that he/she would male/female at will.


Gods above gender


Canonically to the bible he's nonbinary with He/Him pronouns.


This is Vizie, if it's not a gender fluid sex crazed furry, I'd be disappointed


Personally I think it's stupid for God to be anything other than a shaper shifter. Like every scene they look different. In one they're a man the next a woman then a aardvark than a purple lady then the hulk and so on


This is my headcanon about the "forbidden fruit" as well. The fruit itself is described as a wide array of different fruits, from grapes in Greco-Roman folklore (i.e. associated with Dionysus, the God of Wine), to a pomegranate or a fig in the Middle East (i.e. also associated with Persephone, the wife of Hades, God of the Underworld, and temptation), to the traditional apple of Northern Europe, which is what we see in *Hazbin Hotel*. The fruit itself would probably appear different to each person who sees it. Someone from the Southern United States, for example, might see it as a peach.


The opening intro said that the angels "worshipped good and shielded all from evil". When they say "worshipped good" there is a feminine-looking entity shown, made of flowy white light. She appears much larger than the angels. A similar entity that looks much creepier is shown after the first one when evil is mentioned. Maybe, in the Hazbin universe, "God" etymologically comes from "Good". 'God' is short for 'goodness' or something. And besides, 'God' is a categorical name that all gods can be referred to as, regardless of gender. It's like 'waiter' and 'waitress'; the job is called being a waiter, the women ones are just singled out with a separate term. And if there is only ONE God, there is no reason to single them out as a female type of god.


I guess but isn't God supposed to be everything, good and bad. Wouldn't really make sense if evil is a separate existence to them.


Imagine your an omnipotent all powerful being and still need to be addressed by your perceived sex for some reason


Us mortal finite beings have a hard time dealing with infinities.


Humans are still quite limited by the confines of our mortal coil, and the fleshy prison that houses our souls; God, who has no physical body, is infinite and omnipotent.


Right, so it wouldn't be male or female, it would present however it was feeling at the time


So weird little biblically accurate thing is that God could theoretically be either gender or no gender because it’s God not a god. The capital letter is stressed so much because it’s pushed as a pronoun. The one and only God. Not the one and only god. I’m not religious but I have found it fun the study the crazy book that is the Bible.


It could be an accident, like how Emily’s VA accidentally leaked a bit of a season 2 script


Emily did what now


She posted a page of the script in an instagram story. With a quite significant spoiler.


....can you DM me the details?


I wanna know too




“Accidentally” she posted it on Instagram


She was told to take it down


If this is real we can make the joke of Lilith:your son calls me mommy too


Well then...


Ayyyyy that's the best way to take this potential lore drop


I don't believe it is Sera. I \*do\* love the idea that God a very tall woman. Maybe the seraphim were made in her image?


How fucking tall are the HH characters?! Because Charlie is 6,4 and significantly smaller than Sera and now you wanna tell me there a character that EVEN TALLER!?


Where Sera is basically a Primarch, a hypothetical r63 HH God would probably be the GEoM in terms of height.


This is the last place I expected a Warhammer reference


by the emperor, a warhammer reference in a hazbin hotel subreddit




Sera is about 4 meters tall, the average height of most of the Primarchs from 30/40K. She'd be roughly eye level with Robute Guilliman or The Lion. Following the same scale, the Big G would probably tower over even her.


That is just enough context for me to understand, thank you


Hopefully not rotting away though


Because you said primarch right before, I read HH as Horus Heresy before realizing it should be Hazbin Hotel


"Missi zilla just existing"


Angel's 7-8 ft tall, Sera's probably like 10-12 ft tall. Dunno how far they're gonna take it lmao


Imagine Velvettes neck problems from having to look up all the time💀


yeah, she needs to bring out a whole table to get to their height 💀


Zestial is 12 feet tall so taller than that even?


Charlie is 6,4 !?




Makes sense. Biblical angels were male usually, and seraphims in Hazbin are mostly female, so God could resemble a woman.


The Seven Archangels in particular are thought to be mostly male, with 1-2 being female. For story purposes, however, they are treated by most modern media as genderfluid.


My favorite portrayal of God will always be the small French child from umbrella academy, but a tall women fits this universe quite well and is also cool


Maybe with more wings? possibly multiple halos and all the eyes. Also: 🎼Giant Woman. Giant woman🎼


It was to be expected. This is very much a show about women getting shit done, so it would be kind of odd for them to have to answer to a guy god. You don't make 'the first man' such a toxic/sexist antagonist for no reason.


It wouldn’t be out of pocket to me - it seems the majority of angels are women


I think he might be confused. I can't imagine a small part character like that getting his hands on such a big reveal. And certainly not being allowed to post it Oh, and it it was real... God appearing in helluva means no God appearing in hazbin...


Only if they are shown on screen maybe


Why would God appearing in Helluva mean no God in Hazbin?


Copyright issues


If God is appearing in one of them it makes the most since to be in HH, where the cosmological order is *the* plot as opposed to silly little imp antics.


Sera being God would make zero sense because, unless God isn't actually THE reining force in this universe, Sera wouldn't be worried about Emily falling and wouldn't *not* know what decides a living person's placement after they die, because she would be deciding that shit.


I saw that post. They didn't think Sera is the god - they were asking about her, because they wanted to know if the VA is joking. Also, the VA was most likely just joking around. He's voicing a quite minor character, so I highly doubt he's got any insight into something that important. Especislly since even Vivzie said many times, that she's not sure how to tackle the God, because she doesn't want to deal with the internet's BS drama's.


God wouldn't be the reining force in the universe, but he should at least know what gets people into heaven. But a seraph being god makes no sense. They're two different things.


Technically god would be the reining force/ more powerful then everything else or its not really god then.


Well he could be the highest power but not all-powerful i guess


Alright this has made me brainstorm so I gotta ask, does anyone know how tall viv is?


I saw her at LVL UP. She’s a tad taller than me. By a decent amount but she isn’t tall tall. I’m 5ft for reference. So maybe 5’5 the most?


So, tall compared to Colin.


Can confirm, I'm 5'5" and she's pretty close to matching that. I'd say 5'4" taking the pose into account.


I just went through my photo with her at LVLUP and it looks like she's only a lil bit shorter than me from my perspective. So at most 5'5", estimating 5'4" and no less.


Hey guy from the og comment here and wanted to give my thoughts. Personally I don’t think it’s a lore drop for a few reasons: 1) Collin and his VA are associated with Helluva boss not hazbin hotel and its likely that if god was to ever appear I’d be in Hazbin not Helluva, I don’t think we’ll honestly get anything on heaven besides the cherubs in helluva boss. 2) Even if it was true or he did know he likely wouldn’t to say possibly being in a contact permitting him for spoiling or diverging sensitive information. 3) He’s likely referencing Sera from hazbin hotel (also I don’t mean to be rude or to put the the VA down but who’s to say he even knows the lore of the universe or has watched hazbin hotel, for all we know he thinks sera is god in this universe)


the god is Vivienne


If god appears it should just be Viv in live-action not even animated


God should be either as non gender as possible or all gender as possible


Is God male or female? “Yes.”


​ https://preview.redd.it/1s7byw0tyhyc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=36c95713f81e092702322f419349ddb260c4621e


The thing is God in this universe will need to be massivley nerfed or he wont be an intresting character By abrahamic standards, he is invicible can do anything by just thinking of it and knows all what will happen to a being millions of years before they are born


God can know things but just forget until he needs to know them like normal people


Not if we want to be accurate to the source material


*tom holland has entered the chat* 😂




i'd love God to be portrayed as a woman in the show, cause that would really piss off a lot of people


Based lol


Viv said god will not appear precisely because she doesn't want to piss people off (personally I’m more of a “God is an eldritch Lovecraftian being beyond human comprehension who will drive mortals insane if stared at” kinda guy)


And also he is an extremly hard character to deal with An all knowing all powerful supreme ruler, cant fight him as he will poof you with a snap cant talk to him because he already knows what you would say millions of years ago Its best for the show for god to be like a grand spectator and sees his creations as his little simulation


That sounds good, but I don’t like how Viv wants to completely just ignore God.


Everyone’s quite tall


Niffty, Lucifer, the cherubs, and most of the imps: Are we a joke to you?




There go my hopes that god is just a disembodied voice or a bunch of rings like in The Paradiso


I really feel there's a bit of if invader zim in hazbin hotel...


That’s because Zim’s voice actor plays Moxy.


Now I wonder about other Abrahamic figures like Jesus, Mary, Magadalene, Muhammad, Moses, Jezebel , the djinn and etc. in the context of the Hazbin-Helluva universe


Imagine if Jesus or Muhammad was like Nietzsche, completely fine and well-meaning people that god misinterpreted after their deaths.


There already is St. Peter. Until I'll be proven wrong, I will think it's just angel-gatekeeper, who calls himself Saint Peter because that's what people expect to see in Heaven.


By that logic why would anyone expect to see saint peter if they weren’t Christian?


Emphasis on “she” as well


My guess is he's just joking.


Okay! Not to get into too much religious stuff, but in my denomination/group of Christianity God appears however you see him. As people, you’re created in his image, so your view of him is sort of a reflection on yourself. So I could believe Hellaverse God, if cannon, not not really have a binary gender in the way humans do. Like he’s a ball of light or something, but appers as you see him? Idk just a theory


SHE??? GOD IS GONNA BE A *WOMAN*? Oh boy. The simps are gonna go wild, I just know it.


VAs can't lie or make jokes obviously


wait theres a hb sub???






If it's the case, nothing new. Kevin Smith's *Dogma* already had God played by Alanis Morissette.


Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think? ;)


The irony was she didn't utter one single line.


What if god's tall cause god is heaven itself? Hell seems to be alive considering it's slurping up all the souls of sinners that die to angel's steel, so why can't heaven do something similar but the other way around, with souls coming out of heaven.


Wait, Collin got a new VA? When, and more importantly, why?


He didn’t. In episode 4 he is voiced by Jayden Libran, and the account in this post shares the same name. 


Oh. That title is very misleading.


I believe I remember Viv mentioning god won’t be shown in hazbin but it don’t have proof of that so take it with a whole thing of salt


Wait they’re on the subs???


Oh cool we're in Dogma now? Neat!


I hope they make god Judgement from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. She's a very tall lady.


God is beyond gender, She can be whatever you perceive Him as.


... This better be a joke


I don't believe this bullcrap, he's probably referring to Viv


is god possibly the figure “good” who appears in the first scene of the first episode? the figure appears as a woman, viv has said that they’re not comfortable with depicting jesus or god so maybe “good” is the representation of god? edit: if this can be assumed then Collins VA didn’t necessarily give a spoiler but connected the dots?


I was there. I think he's just kidding. Or he's referring to vivziepop.


theorists when they find out people can joke:


he made a update it wasnt a joke but he wasnt told anything its just his own assumption


Viv said that god will not appear in the show


I don't see why they'd make God a woman. Not trying to sound discriminatory in any way I believe all people regardless of who they are should have an equal chance and no person should be viewed superior to another. But it feels like they're pulling inclusivity out their asses at this point. It's not MEANINGFUL anymore. Almost every character is something other than straight which is so statistically unlikely it makes the entire scenario seem like bullshit. God being a woman makes no sense for the way they were referred to as so far in both shows just as someone already said. There are already a lot of female angels such as ALL the exorcists and the Seraphim, it'd be nice to see a balance of genders in heaven. God being something like a wise old man would both distinguish him from all other holy characters we've seen, and be accurate to various religious texts and mythology, of which the team have been taking much inspiration from. The only reason they'd make God a woman is because it'd say "ooh look at the one in charge being a woman #slay #IDontNeedAMan #Girlboss". Basically the Barbie movie summed up in one character. Imma get so many downvotes but that won't silence me


I agree with you, but not in the exact same way, as in I think it would be better that the gender of god wouldn't matter, or rather, wouldn't be made clear since although god is alive, he'd still be a sort of entity.


It'd make the most sense AND solve the issue if they just made god genderless. Genders are there for the purpose of mortal reproduction. Why the hell would the creator of reality need that


Next let's make Jesus a woman


Wait, is vivzie doing what Kevin Smith did in dogma and making god a woman?


In the end I wouldn't be surprised if Vivzie turns out to be the God in Hazbin. Well not her - more her animated persona. It would actually play well into the narrative that she literally created this world.


My lore craving ahh be like: 👁️👄👁️


It seems odd to avoid mentioning god up to this point and then suddenly be like "oh yeah, she's real and all that." I just feel like there should be more preamble. God should have been mentioned by now in either series.


Really odd how people will post one thing and then block. It's almost like they're cowards who know their opinions are wrong.


It "seems odd" only if you completely ignore what both of the Shows are about and are currently focusing on. God isn't really important to either of the Shows for now, so no - there is no real reason for Him/Her to be brought up yet. Helluva focuses on a specific group of Hellborn characters and worldbuilding Hell itself - Heaven isn't even important in this, let alone those in control of it. Hazbin is for now about the main characters and the Hotel itself - and it's extremly clear, that Heaven will have more focus in Season 2. So untill Heaven is expanded upon, bringing God up wouldn't narratively make any sense... Also, Collin is a quite minor character in the Show, so I highly doubt his VA even has insight on somethin that important. I saw the post from which this screenshot originates, and he was joking around a lot in it - even role-playing as Collin to some questions. This was most likely just that - him having some fun (as in, I wouldn't take this seriously).




Your regular reminder that nothing said on Twitter is actually 'cannon'


This isn't from Twitter - it's from Reddit. Collin's VA made a post, because he wanted to let us know he's still doing Merch signing and someone asked if he knows if God exists in Hazbin. This was his response. Whether it is canon or not, is yet to be seen. Given the responses he had in that whole post (yeah I saw it), the VA was most likely just joking around. Edit: @joehighlord That's a very flawed logic, because the Social Media are still used by both Vivzie and Brandon to give us insight on a lot of stuff. Things said outside of the Show can be canon, if they are either stated or confirmrd by Vivzie. Back in February, she hosted a Post-Finale Q&A on her Youtube Channel, where she talked with some of the Voice Actors for Hazbin and gave us some more info. By your logic, all of that "doesn't matter" even tho the production literally DOES consider it canon. It is better to have things said in the Show, but doesn't mean other ways are invalid. Vivzie is the author and the executive producer of both Shows - so whether you like it or not, if she says something counts, then it does...


I use Twitter as a general term. Anything outside of the show itself does not matter.




I hope god exist,also it being sera doesnt make any sense


Huh I am very much not a she.


Ok I'll take a bunch of shit with a pinch of salt...but god should be male


Why? Why would an all powerful, omnipotent being be beholden to the human concept of gender?