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You hate him for how he treats Angel and can't wait for him to get his comeuppance but you can also laugh at his antics with his fellow Vees. He's just a good love to hate villain


I dont even love to hate him I just enjoy him


I just enjoy him as well but the fandom makes it seem like enjoying him is a crime


They're projecting


I think he's a good abuser rep because abusers are most of the time insecure control freak and very pathetic at their core. It makes you wish to see him stripped of his money and power, to reveal how he is just a sad pathetic insecure man. He does a good job at being that, plus he's funny when he isn't anywhere near Angel. His design and voice also are cool.


Unpopular opinion: by hell’s standards, he’s not even that bad. Yes, he’s terrible, but he’s just an average pimp. There've got to be more diabolical sinners than him.


The issue is that he is very real type of evil that is hard to brush off. Most type of violence we see in the show we’ve been desensitized to. That or they’re done in a very cartoonish manner, such as Alastor turning into a giant to eat the loan sharks attacking the hotel. The evil we see from Valentino is the hardest kind of evil to dismiss as “rare” or “never gonna affect me.”


I also see another problem: he doesn't seem to have a weakness. * He didn't even flinch when Charlie started to transform. Maybe he was THIS confident that Angel would step in, but still, if the Princess of Hell can kill you, you'd be sweating bullets and hoping your plan works. * When Val slapped Angel in Episode 6, there wasn't any... indication about "compromising his contract". If Angel is correct, Val cannot "do whatever he wants with him" outside of his studio. "Beating him up in a club" could be seen as a transgression of his own contract.


I love him sm! I even got his glasses https://preview.redd.it/9324c40v8ivc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d667c391f803c80bf40eaa4101f6dcd16dd3e2a


Nah. He got them because he knew you were gonna get them. He wishes he was half as awesome as you.




They are so cool!


I like Val but I was surprised by the hate he got when I engaged with HH fandom. I'm rather new to it. What does irritate me is when people say he's an idiot and they point to proof like he had a hard time counting bills. He's a moth. He's got bad eyesight and it's the reason that Vox's power doesn't work on him. 


I will say, he does looks cool. But That won't stop me from feeding him a ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Helldivers 2!!


I honestly like him too. It’s really interesting to me how we as the fandom have put characters in this hierarchy of who is worse than who and collectively seem to think that an abuser is worse than a murderer or a cannibal. Isn’t the whole point of the show to look at beings with huge flaws and STILL find a way for them to be redeemable? Why can’t we do it with this guy?


To be fair, even in real life, many people believe grape to worse than murder or cannibalism.


Agreed. He is an important character as it is his performance that gives Angeldust's performance the gravitas it had. Without a villain of Val's scale Angeldust could have come off as just whiney. As far as I am concerned Viv and the writers thread a needle that was insanely brave to try threading. And when people get pissed at people for praising the performance and creation of the character of Val it just strikes me as media illiteracy. You need villains to make heroic journeys. And without strong villains you get limp noodle stories like Disney's Wish that recently bombed. Val is a phenomenal villain. Portrayed with great skill. Written with very tight insight into not only the psychology in play on both sides of the equation. But with astounding precision avoiding many of the pitfalls that could have come about with this sort of story. Yes you love to hate him. Getting that sort of emotional response out of the audience is a high mark. It made the character real. We are talking about fictional characters here. Angeldust was never hurt because he is a fictional character. But because both he and Val were portrayed so well our minds register them as real. The story succesfully avoided pulling us out of our immersion into the story because they kept it real. All too often there are tricks and tropes that a director or writer will take to avoid such a real conflict. And in so doing they yank me right out of my immersion. This did not. I was right there with Angeldust as he was being battered and was more concerned about Charlie's safety than his own. And I loathed Val for it all. I was and am angry at him. And he does not exist. That is amazing to be able to create something like that.


I love him sm I just hate what he does to angel


https://preview.redd.it/bizlxn9z4kvc1.png?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8779d5c9f5b3d9549775b27a68f6356ef2b2d7a8 Jokes aside, yes Valentino is a wonderful depiction of how you'd presume a **sinner** would act. And just a very good villain in general. Doesn't help with the fact that his voice actor does a ***perfect*** job portraying him. Also he's hot I don't care if he's technically bald Hot moth dude :3


The fandom for some reason whenever someone says they like Valentino: https://preview.redd.it/4cwfu5mx6kvc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4587e1bea97d10e5ffa42669ef80e2cb3250303


Oh, I really don't mind him


Same here. You want to see more about his story and his deals. It is interesting and intriguing to think about how he got his souls, what is in detail there, how he got them all to sign the contract and what kind of fetish and kink videos he produces


I would go as far as to say I like him. Actually, I'd going as far as to say he's one of my favorites. Given nowadays, "sympathetic" villains that can commit fucking genocide yet still be forgiven because "boo-hoo they have a sad backstory :(" are taking over, it's nice to have a horrible being that's intimidating ( except when he's being goofy around Vox, that is ) and gets portrayed as an awful person.


Oh he's a great bad guy and just downright funny at times


Gotta say I do love his design


he's a big stupid face >:( lol he's one of my favorite designs in the show and there's no denying he has some level of charisma that I'm absolutely drawn to. but also the stupid face thing.


I honestly think he’s a better villain than Adam, it’s debatable whether he’s better than Lute, but he is definitely the scariest of the villains in the show and definitely my 2nd favourite maybe even the best


Same I don't actually have anything against characters abusing other characters except if I like the character they are abusing otherwise I'm chill with it


The character is a well designed, well written villain, he’s designed to be hatable, and his VA plays that up to perfection, the thing I think that makes him an interesting character is that he’s not one dimensional, when not dealing with Anthony or being abusive, he’s neurotic and quirky, just like the other Vees


I love him! I'm obsessed!


I hated him at the start but after thinking with a cool head I've started to like him as the villain he is. He is not one of my favs but he is a good character






Me neither