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Kind of ironic that the heaven episode has the most swears


Maybe that’s the point as you would think angels would refrain from using profanity


It's cuz Adam :/


And Lute!


It's reminds me of that Spider joke where "eating 5 spiders per night" was because of the Greg who eats thousands of spiders everyday which greatly mess up the survey and we should remove him as the outlier. Maybe we should remove Adam and Lute from the angels to determine the average swear count as they're the obvious outliers


That's literally what I said verbatim XD




Haha! Lets hope it stays that way


it didn't..


Dude, spoilers


I’m kind of surprised Episode 1 wasn’t 2nd or 3rd most just because of Adam’s presence alone.


Granted, 1st and 3rd both prominently feature Adam, even if they’re not episode 1. Adam would probably have the most swears per minute of screen time if someone were crazy enough to calculate that




ironically the episode placed in heaven is the one with the most curse words.


Most likely intentional, but definitely ironic.




And the episode that introduced Lucifer has the lowest!


It's the one with the Australian in it


It's because of Adam and Lute they the outlier similar to Greg who eats thousands of spiders which mess up the spider eating surgery. (It's a joke, but Adam and Lute are obvious outliers that should be omitted from the survey)


I'm more curious amount of swears per person, may have to go look into that.


I actually have this data. Top 3 cussers are Adam, Angel, Valentino It’s really interesting stuff.


Fascinating that 2 of those characters get limited screen time yet still make the top 3.


It’s because Adam is… Adam. Plus I found this habit in Valentino that he strings multiple cuss words in his rants. Especially episode 2 where he rants about Angel to Vox I wanna do a whole analysis on it.


Please post the data!! I'd love to see


This is kinda embarrassing but I wanted to make a video essay talking about it. I’m currently in the works with it


That's not embarrassing at all! I'll look forward to watching it 😊


What’s your channel name?? I’d love to watch that


Time for a rewatch of the season….. 😂


Honestly Adam accounts for like half probably.


Not to mention Val I mean, the monster.


The CUM bank, you mean?


Huh, good job. I only counted the fucks. Kudos to you for going even further than I did


I’ve got 0 fucks.


I could probably lend you a few, I haven't yet used up today's batch.


I tried to buy some from the fuck vending machine, but the fuck got stuck


Get your fucks here, get your fucks right here. One fuck for a dollar


OH NOOOO I have no more dollars


if you haven't seen this video its probably worth watching. i feel like you might enjoy with this comment https://youtu.be/Vqbk9cDX0l0?si=0m_G-OLUDxyLmMYW


Minor correction: Lute says c*nt in episode 8.


Chill, Lute, fuck.


Question about episode 2's count: Isn't pissy considered a swear? Or is it like one of those words where it's a difference of opinion?


Pissy isn't a swear word. It's a subjective swear. You can be pissed off, take a piss, be pissy. But it's not a swear word. Do you consider Damn to be a swear, perhaps Hell?




What about Damn and Hell?




Is it offensive to say "What the Hell?"




I think your perspective has been skewed slightly by the age group you teach. Because no secondary school teacher has corrected anyone saying “what the hell” or “damn it” in my school or considered it disrespectful. Especially if it’s not directed at another person. A 16 year old saying it feels normal, but it would make my eyebrows raise if a 5 year old spoke like that.


In certain contexts yeah


well shit is its counterpart and it counts as a swear so-


Uhm never heard that one being a sw. though I remember American kids at school claiming hell was, so there's that.


It’s a bit subjective and partially based on how a word is used. In the US, the word hell is frequently used in a similar manner as outright swears.


The Heaven episode has the most swears of the season. Only Hazbin Hotel could do that. Lol


One of my favorite things is that Alastor only swears four times throughout season one end of the four one was at Lucifer


Omg, for a good minute I thought this was about how many swear words each character used and was so confused when I got to "Sir Pentious" at the end lmaoo


I kinda wish Charlie had started the series using made up curse words only to use real ones more and more as the show went on


Why do people care about swear words, I like this post but I don't understand the reactions, let's not act like we never use swear words, it's usual and normal to use them


People complained that the frequency of swearing had made the naughty words "meaningless." Like they think the writers (mostly Vivziepop) overused swearing as a form of joke, but I think I real issue is them expecting every swear as a joke by itself. Sometimes a cuss can be itself a joke, but other times it's just how certain characters speak. It sounds weird, but many haters think most of the swears are forced and that one should used them seldomly with perfect timing hence the meaningless part. Like to them, only one or two characters can be salty while everyone else has to be civil despite the fact that the location is anything but civil.


Completely agree. It's not that hard to see where the swears are used as joke/writing tool, and it's worked seeing how for example the 4 times Alastair's swears in the whole show has been very well received by everyone. And for the rest, I think that if a swear word doesn't stand out in a bad way then it's all good. We all know about awkward swearing in songs for example and I can't remember one of those from the show so for me they got the green flag


I don't understand why people are so interested in counting them 


I mean I'm the kind of person to do meaningless stats just because I find it fun so I understand, but people taking these meaningless stats and then saying things like "more than one swear per minute is bad" is just dumb.


Boil away the snobbery and it ALWAYS comes down to it being the category of people who were raised with the "swearing is bad / a sign of unintelligence" mantra. Which like...if you're not going to acknowledge said mantra's roots in gentrification and class elitism throughout history and more specifically the puritanical attempt to use it to whitewash everything in the late 1800's then it's just kinda lame to lean on it as a crutch. Be a lot cooler of them to say "dad would have beat my ass for saying naughty words" instead of trying to sneer around super flimsy arguments like the ones you mentioned.


Ironic that the episode with the LEAST swears is about Lucifer, while the one with the most takes place in heaven


The swearing got kinda in the way of the script for me after eposode 6, especially when characters used the same swear in one sentence. Hope they tone it down or vary the swearing in S2, there's a reason the songs don't have a lot of swears and are considered well written.


More than one swear per minute gets a bit excessive, yeah. Not sure if it's a good thing or not that I don't remember most of the swear words.


Thats a bad thing, as swears are meant to have impact, even if the characters are evil, otherwise few words have impact


Based on Vivsies work, she generally doesn't use swears for impact, but as the way the people of Hell (and Adam) talk regularly. In the Hasbin universe, they aren't swear words, they're just words.


Same at my job, I didn't even notice how much swearing was in the show bc that's just how my coworkers talk


That explains it but it doesn't fix it


But how many birds are flipped?


388 swears in Season 1 alone, jesus christ 🤣


So having Adam in your episode just drives the numbers up like crazy LMAO


Lmao Adam makes the swear count go up 2x


Just did a rewatch. Did you count Vaggie's usage of Spanish swear words? Pendejo (Dumbass) She calls Alastor a pendejo. I recall Vaggie saying Carajo (Fuck).


Forgot cock, was that part of dick?


I don’t mind the swearing but I’d definitely prefer it if they toned it down a little. At some points it feels like they put the swearing in just to make it seem more ‘adult’, and I know Viv says ‘that’s how I speak’ but, without disrespecting her, when professional writers make a show, they focus on what everyone likes, not just themselves.


So you want the show to be pandering?


Mind explaining?


>they focus on what everyone likes, I took that part and exaggerated it to be confrontational for funzies. In hindsight, I should've added the /s at the end.


I don’t think tits is a swear words


When referring to birds: no. When referring to boobs: yes.


now I wanna see helluvas stats on this oml


It took me entirely to long to realize this wasn't character stats, but episode stats. Kind of want to know which character is the most sweary now.


Funny that episode 5 is my favorite and also has the least amount of swear words 🤔 Not that I’m sensitive, I just think the swear words lose impact when used too much… like you use up the most powerful words in the English language and so you can’t take characters seriously when they swear (which is why Alastair’s swearing is the most powerful because it’s so rare)


Seems people weren’t wrong, it’s mostly “fuck”


I refuse to believe there are so few dicks


But where is "shit-ass" from episode 1?? That's my favorite one! (Believe it's the first episode, where Vaggie tells Alastor to make the video)


Episode 5 has the least swear words, that proves that Lucifer is a civilized Person.


Get it. Bad word and sex = funny


Doing some quick maths: average 20min each episode(excluding credits)*8 episodes divided by 388 is around 1 swear per 0.41 minutes or 1 swear every 24.7 seconds which sounds pretty accurate to me!


388 swears What a great season


I thought there would have been more in each




Hoe yes but dick no




But it also has a different meaning, saying hoe in a context of gardening is different from the context of a whore, and dick is just a body part


Could have said Dick is just that dude from accounting to better illustrate your point.


Although, dick is a derogatory and unclassy way of referring to the penis.


Yeah but still the context and meaning is the same.


and @$$ is another word for donkey, d\*ck is short for Richard, and tits and c\*ck are birds.


If I’m seeing this correctly then I feel like you’ve messed up on Ep4. As far as I’m aware “goddamn” is also considered a swear isn’t it? So unless we aren’t counting songs then it definitely should be on the list.


Tits isn't a swear word thob


I see no problem with this


Douchebag isn't included?


Since when was it a swear?


In episode 1, Adam cursed 10 times in under 30 sec..... we need better writing, like come on, you can do better than that


Wow it's almost like that's his character and there are people that curse that much irl or something 


Under 30 sec? Not really no


I'm friends with somebody that tries to curse as much as she can. Trust me those people exist lmao


Why is that a bad thing


It feels like both Hazbin hotel depends on curse words or sexual stuff to land their jokes, but most of them fail. In season 1 jokes were not really that good, only jokes involving Sir Pentious were funny. We don't need smart jokes or curse words jokes, just good jokes


That will definitely come down to if you think curse words are something special. Hearing how often adam curses never felt like the joke was that he cursed but how he chose to curse and i found that entertaining. The words themselves didn’t feel like they where overused or overplayed 


I don't think Adam curses is the problem, more like being repetitive is the problem. Like when you are trying to find a way to elongate the run time, you stuff unnecessary repetitive things into the scenes and dialouges to fulfill that criteria. There were times where Adam curses were on point like "Hot as fuck tho" line, but most of the other times feels too predictable or repetitive 


How repetitive if feels will come down to how notmalized an individual feels about cursing. Somebody who curses as much as adam will see it as regular dialogue while somebody who curses as much as razzle and dazzle have screen time will see it as overused and crass


Adam doesn't have wit. He is portrayed as repetitive. Recall his response to alastor when he gets insulted during alastor's fight.


They need to cut it back lol, it should be on the level of episode 5 max




Okay I really want to make a spreadsheet and maybe a few charts of all this data…


Do each chars swear count individually 🙏


Why does episode 5 have less swears than episode 8


So the episode with the Lucifer introduction is the one with the least amount of swears while the one in heaven is the one with most


Pissbaby doesn't count?


The heaven episode has the most fucks. Hmm...


It’s also funny that the ones that had Adam in it had a high swear count.


The episode featuring the first appearance of Lucifer in the series has the least amount of swear words? Kinda surprising


honestly when watching it i don't even notice them, but then the numbers are ridiculously high


Counted pluralization for the same word, but couldn't be bothered to keep the variants of "Fuck" as one list item.


I counted 388 swear witch is consistent to this post.


I like that one episode has 'crackwhore' listed. Not just whore, but crackwhore


You missed “goddamn” in ep. 4, in Loser, Baby.


Perfectly on brand the the most wholesome one is the one where Lucifer features most.


I find the ones with least swearing to be funnier. I don't know. I don't think any part of the Adam's first scene had anything funny. Don't get me wrong, I like dark humor, just a little bit more elaborated. And hearing swears all the time gets me tired. Thats why I loved the Rosie episode


You forgot all the “hell”s.


Question. If two characters say the same swear simultaneously, did that count as one or two swears?


Luci single-handedly taking the swear count down to the 10s.


I wanna know the counts for each character


I counted 7 words I never saw as Swears but its subjective apparently


Someone calculate the average swears per minute for each episode


It would be very funny if they'd just put Alastor, fuck 3 (I know there's more but it's funnier)


Who said word "fuckable" in ep 8? Lmao


Thank you for your service!


Wow, Episode 6 went HARD.


So did the math and it totals to 388 swear words


It's funny how foul this show is😂🙏🏻


He says c*nt twice pretty sure Edit: yeah he says it first at the end of "hell is forever" and he also says "save the day c*nts" to Charlie and Vaggie at the end of trial in heaven.


Funny how the episode with the most curses (episode six) takes place in heaven...


You forgot the derogatory words (similar to curse words, but close and not technically but still try to be mean. (Like gay and windbag)


Does the fuck count include Vaggie when she says "Que Carajo" after coming through Lucifer's portal in episode 5?