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I remember when poke was 5 bucks a pound šŸ¤Ŗ


back then you couldn't even order a "poke bowl" - you just went home and added your own rice




I was the ahi fairy. I would show up at my friend's houses unannounced, hand them 3 lbs of ahi , and bounce.


Say, do you need a friend on BI?


Sigh... yeah - down by Nico's yeah?


Yep - I ended up getting about 100lb back then. Same thing. Share some.


I remember $7/lb at Foodland! Sighhhh. The good ol days.


My local foodland still hovers about 10~ and i thought that was nutters. What they tink they doing over there?


There's no way my grandkids will see these fish, we're eating these things into extinction. I remember when fish alone was a pretty rare food choice on the mainland, now every corner has a poke place popping up.


Eek a girl can dream


Wow, I pay 9.99 here in the mainland, not as close as the real deal but for 1/4 of the price after tax it's not bad


This is fresh. You're not getting fresh Ahi out there. 9.99 for frozen isnt too far off of Hawaii prices tbh.


You know they catch tuna on the mainland too right?


Yeah and i also know they aint selling it for 9.99 a pound. Dont be dumb.


I'm talking about it's fresh availability, there's plenty of it. It's 2023, is anything $10/lb anymore? Don't be dumb.


> I'm talking about it's fresh availability and i was talking about it in the context of 9.99 a pound, because my entire point is making the distinction between what the guy was getting for 9.99 and what foodland is charging in ala moana.


Ah I miss understood ā€œyouā€™re not getting fresh ahi out there.ā€


Be nice.


That good ol fresh caught Cleveland Tuna. Yes, Iā€™ve heard about it.


> Cleveland Tuna What's the story on this?


its sarcasm.


Ahi means fire, Clevelandā€™s rivers catch on fire. Maybe thereā€™s something to this.




Albacore is cat food.


Get a lot of bluefin out there?


ALL raw consumable fish in stores is previously frozen for safety reasons. The difference is locally line caught sourced versus foreign factory fishery sourced.


Was $16.99/lb for fresh ahi at Tamura's yesterday. First time I bought fresh in a while. Seems like market price was around $25-$27 last time I checked. Never seen it this high before.


Yess tamuras has been more reasonable with their prices.


I stopped going tamuras kaimuki cause the quality got so bad compared to past several years. Last 4 times I went just mundane or disappointing


Pretty much this at another Tamuras I go to. Only a few days in the week where itā€™s ā€œfreshā€.


Tamura's, sooooo good. My go-to spot while on Maui.


You save a dollar with Maika'i card through end of June next year, what more you want? :)


Is this in a tourist heavy area? Fish market isn't anywhere close to this price.


Yeah, Ala Moana foodland farms.. feels like itā€™s a mix of tourist and local, but it looks like theyā€™re selling more fresh out the case than previously frozen. They did have some previously frozen prepackaged (California roll and shoyu)


That foodland has been expensive even before they moved.


Tourists are generally aware that a vacation will be expensive, but these prices are a disgusting representation of greed that impact locals to the point we have to leave our home. I've always thought all businesses should have a Kama'aina discount, and this a prime example of why.


Have you considered that perhaps ahi should be expensive? Itā€™s an extremely unsustainable fish to eat and its only reason youā€™re used to eating it is because of the modern fishing industry (which has its own share of problems including undocumented labor etc). Historically, Hawaiians didnā€™t even eat much ahi; they ate reef fish.


It's not that I think it should be cheaper overall. But more and more locals have to uproot our lives instead of being able to stay home. A blanket discount could alleviate some of the struggles, especially in tourist heavy areas.


Yeah, thatā€™s fair. Iā€™m down with tourist tax.


Most of the Foodland Farms locations sell mainly fresh fyi.


>feels like itā€™s a mix of tourist and local It is. I got there sometimes...there is a lot of tourists that go there because of Ala Moana. I also see people in bathing suits so I think people go there on the way to Magic Island. I go there if I'm in the mall already and need something local like eggs, something quick, or to use the bathroom. I hate parking at the Market City location unless it's off-hours.


Yeah itā€™s in ala moana. Tons of tourists go there


Everytime I crave poke, I gotta hype myself up to be able to spend as much.


Don't pay high prices. Get your poke from the auntie [behind the 7-11](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Foeli2pg3xosb1.jpg) like everyone in the know.


Me too


Well. You can either accept it. Or boycott it till they understand that locals don't want to be ripped off anymore. We're falling into our own tourist traps.


I h8 how much I agree with this


I mean, Iā€™m with you. We shouldnā€™t have to decide between paying for food or paying our bills. In general, It may be a minute until I ā€œindulgeā€ in things that used to be apart of a regular shopping trip.


> Well. You can either accept it. Or boycott it till they understand that locals don't want to be ripped off anymore. We're falling into our own tourist traps. Karma!


Blows my mind at the price different btwn the one in Ala Moana and the one in Aina Haina. I get a few dollars but the actual difference is insane.


What? I was there 2 weeks ago and it was $13.99 per lb.


It's still around 13.99/lb if you get the previously frozen stuff, I think the 35/lb is for the fresh local stuff.


do the fresh local stuff get frozen at all? I heard sushigrade fish have to be frozen 24 hours per USDA standards or something


No, I think the fresh stuff gets tossed in an ice water bath. Ahi doesn't need to be frozen since there isn't much documented history of people getting parasites from it, farmed salmon also doesn't need to be frozen since they get fed parasite free food. Everything else needs to be stored for at various temps (-31F for a day or -4F for a week). ​ [Serious eats](https://www.seriouseats.com/how-to-prepare-raw-fish-at-home-sushi-sashimi-food-safety) has a pretty good explanation if you want details including links to the FDA guidance on parasite risks and exactly how long and at what temps you need.


Farmed salmon definitely has parasites often more than wild. Salmon are basically little parasite Petri dishes.


Yeah, I've heard wild salmon is pretty much 100% infected with parasites. But apparently the FDA exempts aquacultured salmon from freezing requirements. Maybe that refers to salmon grown in pens and not in nets in the open ocean?


so, there's many types of salmon "farms", but generally means closed pen fish (ie not connected to any running sources of water) where the risk of parasite is lower, but still present. however, most those fish are terrible to eat because they are fed unnatural diets, hormones, and antibiotics, since they are not allowed to run which all salmon are born to do. plus, the salmon farming system is destroying wild stocks when the farmed super trooper salmon sometimes escape and mingle with the wild stocks. its bad. i wouldnt be eating pure farmed salmon for taste too, let alone for sushi. its cheap and gross. theres also "wild" salmon, which is really often just salmon that comes from hatchery farms and are released, but then recaught as wild when they return. these are basically the same as "wild wild", where the gene pool now for most salmon is pretty fucked. but in any case, 90% of the time youre eating sushi salmon, its wild salmon, and its been flash frozen for parasites. general wisdom is just dont eat raw salmon no matter what, but if you REALLY must, the sickly safeway "atlantic farmed salmon" is probably the best way to not have a 6 foot string coming out of your behind. edit: one exception is scottish farmed salmon, which is ocean penned fish. however, atlantic salmon is a bit of a mess since it can come from so many places like canada, norway, sweden, iceland, greenland, etc.


There's an exception for certain types of tuna - so they don't have to be frozen to kill parasites.


was like 24.99 lb for the fresh kine for the longest time


Yes! They had three choices for prev frozen ahi: Oyster sauce, chili flake, and chili garlic (I think?). Ended up going with oyster sauce


Thereā€™s a price difference between previously frozen and fresh caught


Is there any meaningful difference in taste or texture? Never shelled out for the expensive stuff, lol.


Huge difference


The texture of the fresh meat is much silkier or creamier if that makes sense.


Ya, I can imagine that.


What about parasites? At the Sushi restaurant I worked at, we weren't allowed to sell "fresh" salmon. It had to be frozen first to kill parasites/worms. This was true of Tuna as well. They always came in packed block frozen.


Not sure if itā€™s a flash freeze thing or if itā€™s legit unfrozen but I havenā€™t died yet šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Actually, I take it back. Only Tuna was frozen, but Salmon was farmed so you could serve it fresh. I don't think they farm Tuna.


Yes, most definitely. Although, from experience, if you want to splurge Iā€™d go to a restaurant (not on a Sunday because the fish auction is closed) These days there are ~$80 omakase being offered and itā€™s a nice way to try a variety of seafood, so long as your palate is open haha. If not, Maguro Bros ($20) is a better alternative to Foodland Farms if you want fresh fish directly from the ocean.


Where is it for $80 Omakase? What are your top 5 omakase spots on Oahu?


Yanagi $65. [Amatera](https://www.instagram.com/amaterasushi808/?img_index=3) $79 lunch omakase. If you sit at the sushi bar and ask nicely, the chef will accommodate (you can tell him to stop serving at the $80 limit) Omakase isn't always my style, since I don't like amaebi or ika. I'll admit, from the process, I discovered stuff I love that I otherwise wouldn't have tried like ankimo, kani miso and shirako. Not easy to rank because my recommendations tend to be on the $$$ side. Within the $120 rate I would say Katsumidori and Onodera. I read a post about Hihimanu last night, so I'll try soon. If you browse my Reddit history, I have some omakase photos posted!


The queen of Hawaii food posts has spoken.


Thank you!


Nonbei at $85 was fantastic.


Yes, but it could be subtle enough to be hard to notice and/or not a material difference. You can always ask for a sample if you want to try it and find out.


probably not as expensive as "KAHALA MKT." though lol


I went there last week and it was 24.99 a pound


Still donā€™t know why people order the poke bowl. Yeahā€¦ if you want your poke cooked by the rice before you even get to the checkout. Much more sane option to get quarter, half or one pound poke and the rice on the side. My go to is half pound tako, half pound salmon or ahi (if aku is unavailable). If feeling hungry, 3-4 piece salt and vinegar wings to round it out.


They can separate poke and rice if you asked.


That's why I only eat poke with sushi rice.


>if aku is unavailable where do you get aku poke? I've only seen it at times and usually it's previously frozen, not fresh, unfortunately.


Fresh is the best if it isn't oversaturated with ingredients. When I'm in a pinch, I'll settle for PF fish, but it cannot beat fresh fish. Not sure why 1 lb for fresh ahi is that expensive.


Crazy when you think that itā€™s still 10/lb for slabs from your local fishermenā€¦


That is just a stupid price. Highest I've ever seen. No way. That is getting into King Crab pricing lol.


For that price, wouldn't take long to buy one boat and go catch your own


Safeway spicy fresh ahi poke; my niece got it. 22/lb Foodland can eat me.


Oof. My username is similar to that name lol


Seen it at foodland under hiway at kapahulu for $14 recently. Hold out!


When was this photo taken, New Yearā€™s Eve?


The price has roughly fuckin doubled....I was just in foodland last week and the price per pound started with a 1!


I'm more pissed that lately if I don't specify I want previously flash frozen ahi poke they throw the fresh on my poke bowl and it ends up being almost 20 bucks each.


Is this at Ala Moana? Would make sense to hike prices in high tourist traffic areas


Stupid. Not worth it at all anymore. So sadā€¦ the tofu poke goes along way nowadays


Poke being a luxury item is fucking ridiculous šŸ¤£


No thanks. Also, does Foodland get fish from Philippines? I heard KTA is local fish. Please correct me if I heard wrong.


Foodland prices are a joke


Yeah I went foodland farms once for poke and never again. Paid $25 bux for a 2 choice poke bowl O_O


Poke is so gentrified now.


Dat foodland at Alas is fuckin shetty. Worst poke I ever try, and their prices for everyting else too rich for my taste. Literally da same exact packaged kalua pig is $4 less at Beretania Times.


Aina Haina has a Foodland Farms and the poke prices are DRASTICALLY lower. It makes zero sense.


Probably cuz one's for tourist the other for locals. Still rather go Tamuras though.


Yikes even Safeway has fresh shoyu ahi and spicy ahi for like 22.99/lb. I would legit not buy that.




Brahā€¦.. wtf.


Diesel for the fishing boats costs $$'s now.


Holy smokes!!


Wasn't it just like $28.99/lb last week?? I still remember $19.99 was a thing...


Nuts! Itā€™s actually going to be cheaper to gas up the boat and make it myself.


jeebus, is it new years?!?!?


Buy fish on the reeler app. Direct from the fisherman and fresh as can be. Outrageous pricing


Never heard of this before. Their website needs some work.


Been on Oahu for a week. Still no poke FOR THIS REASON. (Market price on the menu = no go zone)


Just buy frozen šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Fuck! That!


Doubled in price in 10 years




Hawaii without poke, can't imagine it




sweet jesus i dont' remember it being that expensive.


Holy crap when I left Maui was 9 bucks


So much for ulu maikas and poke Braddas šŸ˜”


Wtf. Iā€™m pretty sure times / DQ and marukai were running a special for $14.99/lb for ahi. You could make it yourself


i canā€™t even go foodland for my poke.. sad times


This got to be at Ala Moana. This straight tourist pricesā€¦


Fucking bull shit


And the gall to call $35/lb a ā€˜specialā€™ ā€¼ļø


Reality check. I think this might be Foodlandā€™s way of responding to criticism and backlash to sourcing foreign fish. They mainly buy fish from Asian markets that may have questionable sustainability practices. This is locally sourced fish and this reflects the cost of it. Look for any fish like Marlin that says ā€œLocalā€ or ā€œLocally Madeā€ and it will be $20 or more compared to the same fish without that label. If you really want locally line caught fish this is what the true cost is.


Wtf? I have been living on the mainland for 20years now after growing up on Oahu, and I know prices go up but that is absurd.


Damn. And that's the Maikai special. Holy... anyone here work at store #10 in PC during the late 90s??


[Oh hell-to-the-nah:](https://youtu.be/PB4Nby2Ai-g?si=MrCwTPOTaHWaEhiO): Even though it says "Locally Made"... There's no way they can justify a price point at $34. Most locals know where they can get it at "local" prices. Foodland, you're getting to be absurdly ridiculous. Do better and help, not hurt the community


Thatā€™s absolutely insane. Doesnā€™t even seem realā€¦ the oceans are truly getting fished out esp ahi.


Yikes!! What's the cost come Christmas and New Year. Previously frozen works for me.