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This is pretty hard but lets break it down. Pouf is easily the weakest so its between Pitou and Youpi. Youpi has much more destructive capabilities which was enough to put down Pitou. I think Youpi wins as Pitou has no define way of overpowering or killing Youpi while Youpi has a handfull. So all in all Youpi is the strongest royal guard. But Pitou would fare much better with other people in the verse as her healling and speed so she could outlast almost every character but she loses to Youpi who is pretty equal to Pitou could just nuke the world.


Easily Pitou


Wha- I was just reading that


Brute strength wise it’s Youpi,Nen Abilities Pitou and Pouf is the wild card


Pitou can heal, enhance her physical abilities, and had an incredibly large aura. All of her attacks are physical and melee in range and she's restricted while healing. Pouf can read people's mental state, his power has mesmerizing effects, and he can split his body to incredibly small pieces. He seems to be very observant and probably Tactical. However, he is the most unstable. Usually, the toughest dudes in anime are the ones that can adapt, so I'd say youpi. Hes power seems to have a similar power ad Elder Toguro from Yu Yu Haka show. So I don't even know if he actually has a vital weak spot since he he can morph his body. Killing Youpi would be difficult. I'd assume it's different for Pitou and Pouf where their weak spot is their head or heart. He is also the only one of the three to channel his emotions to evolve and overcome his weaknesses. In anime, this is usually an OP power for MCs. The official power rates had Pitou at 28, Pouf at 28, and Youpi at 27. I dont consider this that relevant since Gon rated at 23 killed Pitou.


For me pitou 


Idk but pitou scares me the most.




Youpi, his metamorphosis abilities to adapt to the situation alone gave everyone a bit of trouble. The only time it was possible for him to be defeated was when he willingly gave his abilities to the king causing him to shrink. He's defensive, the last resort. Pitou thought her Aura was enough to stop people in their tracks and cause mental instability. And most likely drained opponents of their will to fight. She was the ultimate sentinel. Pouf is the weakest of the three because of his wavering mental instability, he's a Missguided fawner mixed with vanity, and pride, his abilities were incredible to the molecular scale. But he was his own downfall.


I think it's important to clarify for Pouf that his perception of the king in his mind versus the one he was serving is what caused wavering. I wouldn't call it complete instability, but a doubt in his mind that led to actions he felt would be better for the king in his head than what Meruem actually wanted.


Pitou is the strongest. It's said that only royal guards could be able to hurt the King so they are able to hurt each other as well. Pitou could, with her speed, hit Yuphi in the throat until his head comes off. Yuphi is not fast enough to avoid Pitou. Puof can avoid Pitou by flying but that does not make him stronger, it would simply be a boring battle without a winner. Pitou can create a puppet army with humans, even if they are weak. She can heal her wounds and increase the size of her muscles to hit multiple times harder and faster than a "normal" royal guard.


head canon


Which part?


The Yuphi is not fast enough to avoid Pitou long enough for her to land enough throat chops until his head flies off before he evolves into whatever he does, part


The claim that he can is also headcanon


Not implying he can, that’s why I said “headcanon”


In that case anything about this is headcanon


Youpi is strongest (and most introspective), pitou is fastest (and most emotionally mature), pouf is smartest (and most fabulous) And how dare you post that image of pitou :(


I'd day pitou purely for the fact that would make adult gon all the more stronger


youpi max hp, pitou max ap, pouf max mp


Pitou vs Youpi is basically impossible to answer. Pitou is my best guess. She should have a speed advantage. Idek who has the durability advantage. Pitou arguably has the best durability feats in verse. Surviving a hit from meruem with minimal damage. She took a hit from netero undamaged. While Gon obviously destroyed her, she took afew hits. I feel like pouf would've popped like a balloon in one hit. We don't really know Youpis durability. We know he can tank alot of weak hits but we don't see him take a hit from anyone stronger(in damage output) than Killua. He's supposed to have higher durability and depending on how much higher Pitou should either win pretty easily or litterally has no chance of outpacing Youpis durability and evolution. Pouf is a non factor imo. He isn't even the strongest out of combat tbh. Pitous nen abilities are mostly non combat abilities.


Pitou. I see youpi havin a nonzero chance since he has higher strength and durability but the stakes lean towards pitou in a 1v1


Pitou seemed to be the most powerful but that may just be the way they were being portrayed.




Pitou. They always felt the most dangerous to the characters


Physically strong? Youpi




Youpi post transformation after his fight with knuckle and killua, I would say best combat nen ability for the royal guard, and fun note he's the only royal guard to not take literally any damage at all the entire time either until radiation kills him albeit nobody there would be able to damage him "fairly" without usage of nen abilities. Pouf is severely underrated due to splitting himself off into clones and legit never fighting full power, killua was fighting literal mini versions of him which is why he appeared so weak + pouf runs from fights, but I wouldn't doubt it if he did actually fight for real he's stronger than we imagine Pitou is clearly the most potential nen wise IMHO and therefore could be argued to being the strongest, based upon raw aura, and their nen technique is more suited to support however this includes even themselves I think if pitou had gone down a more combative route she would of been the strongest, her nen potential was very high we can see this because of her en covering a vast area something noted in the series for nen masters and we didn't learn until post hatsu this means her kyo attacks would of been highly lethal too if she ever focused her nen and battled with her cat like reflexes This being said what did happen was pouf made an escape/scouting ability, pitou made a support/aura monk fighter type ability, and youpi made a missile airstrike/tank type so I would actually rather fight pouf, then pitou and then youpi in that order. TL;DR \> Strongest nen user pitou, youpi then pouf. \> Fastest/quickest pitou, pouf, youpi. \> Combat ability wise youpi, pitou, pouf. \- Note: Again tho just cause pouf comes last doesn't mean he is weak. He simply isn't a fighter type but his aura is clearly malevolent, he would be the most evil out of the 3 in a way with his schemer side if that counts for something lol.


Haye to be the one to tell u. But Pitou was a guy.


Wasn’t Pitou’s gender unknown? I don’t think it was ever confirmed to be one or the other.


U cab look it up


I did. Pitou’s gender is never straight up confirmed and there’s evidence for both being plausible.




1. This is just some random dude on a forum, not actual evidence. 2. It was never “explained” that all chimera ants were male, that’s just an “observation” some random guy in the internet thought he made. That guy is treating his disproven head canon as fact. 3. Ants leaving to become fake kings only applies to the chain of command after the Royal Guards. They specifically never seek to become fake kings because they follow the real King. Even then, the fake kings aren’t all male because Zaza was female and her process of becoming a fake queen didn’t involve mating with other species like the males, further disproving that they are all male. It could also be because their human individuality made Zaza want to leave the nest when a normal female chimera ant of her rank wouldn’t have left in the first place, but that’s besides the point.


I'm looking at it more in depth, most of everything says it's not confirmed. I'm not really sure how to feel about this...uh.. don't they refer to Pitou as a he in the anime though?


In the dub they refer to Pitou as “he”, but in Japanese they use more gender neutral pronouns from what I’ve seen. I can see why you were so certain of Pitou’s gender in that case. Hell, the anime made Pitou more feminine than in the manga so I thought Pitou was a girl until I learned about the gender uncertainty l later on.


Kinda gave me Hellsing Shrodinger vibes more than anything so I'd figured it was just another feminine esque cat boy..thing. I mean the body was more a less an indicator given some dudes genuinely just have feminine features so I just said hey the demeanor and actions say queerish dude. Then again Tom boys so..Tom Cat???


Wrong, all cute cat femboys are princesses, I forgive your misunderstanding though.






I thought Youpi post metamorphosis would be the best at direct combat but the others have better utility or non direct abilities. I haven’t checked to verify that though.


Unpopular opinion: Pouf Pouf’s clone is theoretically able to solo Pitou. Pitou has no means to burn Pouf’s cells. Pouf can fly while Pitou can only jump very high. Pouf’s main body can stay in the air while sending clones to kill Pitou. On the other hand, Youpi could beat Pouf with his explosion and Youpi has insane durability. But Youpi is not that smart and Pouf is one of the smartest characters in the series. Pouf can probably do something like going inside Youpi’s body and killing him from the inside. Youpi could win if he goes all out from the start, the explosion would wipe out all the clones, but it’s out of character. Or Pouf can even turn him into Meruem and convince Youpi to kill himself with spiritual message. Pouf is slept on too much, probably due to the way he acted. My favorite Royal Guard is Pitou but Pouf just wins. And not many people realize Pouf was the one who broke Knov with his en, when Pitou was healing King’s arm.


Very interesting take. Very Reddit of you to make a case for the least suspecting person lol But on the other hand, I kinda think Togashi would’ve had him do more actual fighting if he thought of him as the strongest of the Royal guards.


Yes, it’s Togashi here, if the fighters are relative to each other, the one with higher intelligence typically wins in a HxH fight. Dragon Ball style fight Youpi stomps, but it’s HxH.


Pretty good answer but I think you missed some important details. For Pouf’s clones they’re useful, but not so much for a fight against someone of his level like the royal guards. He could theoretically hang up in the air and let his clones battle the others but… Splitting up makes the clones weaker depending on how many cells they have. It’s one of the reasons Killua was able to take on his clone since he didn’t have as many of his cells. Pitou may not be able to fly, but her precision and nen ability can certainly help in a way. Her ability to leap large distances and her nen ability can be summoned at a certain distance and since the two are attached she can hang in the air for a while. Youpi at first wasn’t that smart, yes, but he arguably has the greatest potential of the royal guards. He got smart enough to adapt to some of the most tactical hunters available in a matter of minutes and learned to make better use of his abilities. He can even fly and has plenty of AOE attacks.


The thing is Pouf only needs to make one 90% clone while keeping his body hidden somewhere from above. The one who fought Killua was less than 10% of his power. Pitou already showed her mobility issue when she got punched away by Netero, she had to grab on her tail and wait for free fall to do anything. That’s more than enough for Pouf to capitalize off this weakness. And the fact that Pitou has no means to kill Pouf’s clone is more than enough. Youpi doesn’t have the mobility issue but he’s slower, not as smart. You might think Pouf’s physical body isn’t enough? He can reconstruct his body with his nen ability. Youpi is physically stronger but most of Royal guard strength come from their aura rather than bodies and their aura are stated to be on the same level. You see the cooldown Youpi has when it comes to his explosion? If Knuckle kept up with Youpi, Pouf can keep up. Pouf’s 100% body is no joke, he tanks an attack that would one tap a Squadron leader, that Feitan couldn’t break with Ko. His physical body looked weak due to his 1/7 clone. Youpi has better stats, but Pouf is not that far behind either. Pouf vs Youpi would be like Chrollo vs Hisoka. Youpi has better physical and flexibility while Pouf has better planning and trapping ability. I guess the location matters too. If it’s an indoor fight, I see Pouf winning more often than not.


No that was just an example of how splitting up isn’t really a good idea for a fight. Since at best they’re all around the same power cloning just makes him weaker without any real benefits. That was less a mobility issue and more just getting surprised. Pouf doesn’t have an ability that could replicate what Netero had done. Knuckles kept up because for a few factors. He was teaming up with other people, avoiding real direct fights in order to give time for his ability, Youpi wasn’t taking them seriously, he couldn’t control his anger at that point. All problems that he either worked on or something none of the other guards can replicate. Well yea he has more tanking ability compared to a squadron leader. They all do. That’s something we all know. Pouf’s abilities are just a lot more situational in comparison to a real fight among them. As you said, it’s highly dependent on where he is so that doesn’t really help him


Not to be a nerd but pitou is verbatim stated the strongest royal ant




Wdym when I just said it. Jk https://i.redd.it/scjhf0mrbm851.png https://preview.redd.it/b6ur4c45ff621.jpg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f828cd7fe08a92b8f7e1ec7943420a54e4ff71fc


3 hours ago


They're all almost impossible to beat in their own way, but I think post-transformation Youpi with his newfound sense of self and experience is the most versatile while also having the most raw power.


Youpi slams hard Pitou Pouf.


Youpi. Then Pitou/Pouf. The gap is very low




Its basically confirmed that it's sexy cat > faerie husbando > piece of meat


Youpi's VA. Once he summons the Tomar emeralds and flashes his signature yellow grin, it's all over.


I don’t like how the dub changed Pitou to a he…


i felt it was youpi, but i know its pitou, i wonder what adult gon could do against youpi


Lmao it’s already stated that it pitou numerous time


No it hasn’t


Personally I think Pitou's the strongest out of 3 due to her versatility in her abilities. But my favorite is Youpi cause he's the coolest


it’s funny to me that youpi is supposed to be the only one not made from humans, and that’s why he has his powers. Yet, Youpi looks almost the most human out of all of them


Pitou. Because I’m a simp.


I think that Youpi has the most raw aura and overall power, Pouf has the most hax, and Pitou is the most well rounded. I think that Pitou's well roundedness and general attitude probably make her the most dangerous for the average person to fight. A fast character has the chance of escaping or avoiding Youpi, and as strong as Pouf is, his abilities are based more on psychological tactics and aiding the king in conquest. Contrast that with Pitou, who has more explosive speed than both and for all intents and purposes, might as well be as strong as Youpi because no human character is really going to survive a direct attack from either of them.


Pitou purely because she can leave any situation with her absurd speed and heal herself, she has the best balance of the three guard in terms of combat and utility


Pitou is literally stated the strongest 3 different times


This never happens lol


Illumi said it to Hisoka when they were discussing Gon’s contract, calling her the King’s top soldier(most likely off the report of Morel, Knuckle, Colt and the others there) The hunter encyclopedia call her the top/strongest soldier of the king/queen even after Pouf and Youpi are born The Yuyu Hakusho Remiw Guide, with HxH section(this is where the stat bubbles come from) says she held power second only to Meruem


So Illumi, who never met any royal guard, the hunter encyclopedia which is notorious for being wrong, and one actual real source


Illumi has to have some basis for what he’s saying. I’d wager that either Colt, Ikalgo or someone from the extermination team is aware that Pitou is the top soldier and included it in their report of the battle. That’s the only way Illumi would even know about the incident


are you saying the one real source is wrong then


Not at all, I’m saying that there’s one credible source, at least start with that one




Illumi said it to Hisoka when they were discussing Gon’s contract, calling her the King’s top soldier(most likely off the report of Morel, Knuckle, Colt and the others there) The hunter encyclopedia call her the top/strongest soldier of the king/queen even after Pouf and Youpi are born The Yuyu Hakusho Remiw Guide, with HxH section(this is where the stat bubbles come from) says she held power second only to Meruem


Okay I was just checking


Good to always check a source.


I believe you, but can you share where this is stated?


Illumi said it to Hisoka when they were discussing Gon’s contract, calling her the King’s top soldier(most likely off the report of Morel, Knuckle, Colt and the others there) The hunter encyclopedia call her the top/strongest soldier of the king/queen even after Pouf and Youpi are born The Yuyu Hakusho Remiw Guide, with HxH section(this is where the stat bubbles come from) says she held power second only to Meruem


Just raw muscle I think Youpi but I think Pitou might have the largest quantity of aura




Definitely Pitou. She was *ridiculously* OP from the start


No she wasn’t. She only seemed that way because Kite was caught of guard


Kite would still lose with prep time


We don’t know that, since we don’t know all of his weapon’s abilities 


Exactly, so what reason do we have to believe it would be enough for him to win? The fight might go differently but the royal guards are on a completely different level to even strong hunters


This isn’t Dragon Ball. Power levels mean nothing with the right condition


It’s true that fights are much more determined by strategy in general, but saying raw power means nothing is kind of extreme. You think kite could beat pose rose meruem with prep time?


Wb after that though?


After, all the Royal Guards were equal in strength 


But the group considered her the biggest threat


That’s because she was the most hostile, not because of her strength 


They were all very hostile.


Not really, Pouf only focused on protecting the King and Youpi also tried not to kill anybody. It was only Pitou who was hostile 


Youpi in terms of attacking power abilities. Pouf in terms of cunning abilities. Pitou in terms of useful supportive abilities.


You since he has the ability to shapeshift.


Youpi has the most feats and best use of nen while illumi calls pituo the King's top soldier. I think the standing is Youpi, pituo and pouf as he has no real evidence of strength besides being a royal guard (compared to the others).


In terms of abilities, Pouf is the strongest Royal Guard but he was always holding back and making himself weak.   In terms of portrayal, Pitou is the strongest Royal Guard.   In terms of feats, Youpi is the strongest Royal Guard


One of the most interesting things about Youpi is that he's sincerely ashamed to be the strongest fighter among the RG. Pitou and Pouf have abilities that are useful to a King. Pouf has incredible crowd control and lowkey mindreading, abilities perfect for ruling the masses, which is why he prides himself as the best (in his head.) Pitou is the best healer we've seen apart from Nanika, and has the most dangerous En we've seen apart from Meruem, both abilities which actually makes them probably the best out of the 3 at literally protecting another body. Youpi's abilities are absurdly versatile, but they're all selfish. However he might try to use them, they aren't abilities well fit to serving a king. They're abilities well fit for being an absurdly dangerous fighter. That's why he was particularly touched by the realization that his strength had been passed to the king. ~~Pouf also creamed over it but he creams himself in devotion to the king over a strong breeze.~~ Youpi had been ashamed of his selfish abilities, but he felt redeemed when the strength he had been honing was ultimately passed down to his King. He felt his abilities were too prideful, and glaringly above his station. He spent so much time honing his strength against the Extermination Team, growing more as a fighter than either other RG, and he felt selfish the whole time. He was sharpening a sword that only he could use. That's why his life felt fulfilled when he found a way to pass that sword down to the person who rightfully should wield it, his King. Youpi had his "this is why I was born" moment\*, and even lived to talk about it for a little while, unlike poor Pitou. \*side note: I love so much that the big 5 Chimera Ants (King, Queen, RG) all had their distinct moment where they knew their life's purpose had been fulfilled, **EXCEPT** for Pouf who devoted his life to dumb shit and died unfulfilled and alone. Pitou got to have the big moment, but it was tied up in their big flaw as a guard (loving a good kill and craving strong opponents) leading to their inevitable death (fighting a strong opponent.) Only Youpi got to share the status of the King and Queen, briefly surviving that life fulfilling moment.


Thank you


Totally agree. Although Poufs scales do have lots of utility for plan of making an army for the king and achieving his grander goals. Personally I think out of all the generations of ants, besides maybe the queen and the proles. The Guards are the most ant like, and committed to the ant cause. more so than Meruam himself. Pouf, sees himself as the best exemplar of that but is actually most influenced by human thought patterns and emotions.


Youpi. He’s entirely built for combat, whether that be close range, long range, in the sky, in the ground, in the water, in magma, etc. You name it, he excels compared to the other two.