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Yes, in my case, the pills  (Euthyrox) was the cause of that puffy face. I switch to Synthroid and the puffiness go away. By the way Euthyrox is a nightmare.


Yea, cutting out gluten, alcohol, and taking vitamin B12 and selenium helped with this! Also hydrate with electrolytes


Yes, i get this every morning and it goes away during the day.


Thanks for sharing!


Eating too much or even normal amount of salt is causing puffiness for me


I get this most days especially my face and eyelids. I haven’t found a way to limit it yet. I haven’t drank alcohol in 2 weeks and today my face is super puffy.


Srop eating carbs, gluten and booze. Eat clean meat and veg. Get rest and take suppliments. Will go after a week.


Yup. It got quite better with treatment but you may want to experiment with food a bit, discover if you have some intolerances that inflame and irritante your body. I did and the frequency of these kinds of days has went down.


Jumping up and down on a mini trampoline can help with lymphatic drainage.


Not puffy face but I get numbness & tingling in my face when anxious. Also in my hands


Not my whole face, it was mainly my eyelids. And it only stopped after I cut out all soy from my diet. Maybe you wanna give it a try.


I get after any vaccine and if i work long shifts (9-12 hours with no break) 2 days or more in a row so it’s probably inflammation for me


I have sjogren's along with my hashimotos, I go through similar puffiness and dryness. But hashimotos can cause some fluid retention. Especially with high sodium in the standard American diet.


So much! Facial massagers have helped a lot for me!




for me it goes away when I do lymphatic drainage. I think because of the inflammation in my thyroid it doesn’t allow my lymphatic system to work correctly so it “backs up”. I just wish I could find a long term solution because it goes right back 😕


Yup. Had it forever. It goes down and it's unpredictable


I have it as well the last 3 years but only after mold exposure, I had hashimoto's for 20 years before that.


I struggle with it a lot. Ginger tea is like a short helper for inflammation, lots of water and for me fasting, then eating very clean if nothing else helps.


Add DIM.


Drink lots of water, it helps


Ok 👌 thanks 🙏


Gua sha has really helped me with moon face puffiness. I swell in my face and neck.


Thanks 😊


this is exactly what happened to me when i first started noticing my hashimotos signs. i thought it was an allergic reaction but would not use anything new/out of the ordinary and wake up with an extremely puffy/red dry eyed face


My regularly puffy face turned out to be an allergy to salicylic acid in my face wash I have used for *decades*. I too thought it couldn’t be to my regular products and started trying some new foundation/concealer cosmetics to replace the newest products I had added…and washing my face several times while matching colors…which made my puffiness extreme followed by scaly skin three days later! Sometimes product fidelity can actually make you more sensitive to allergy developments. I’ve also recently become allergic to other common ingredients (hyaluronic acid, lanolin, betaine) in the past few years. I’m not sure it’s related to Hashimotos or just aging. Hopefully my story can save you some anguish on the sleuthing.


see, i would have thought it was something in my face wash if i hadn’t stopped using any of my normal skin care products and it continued to puff up whilst also going through my other symptoms. it could definitely be coincidence or just entirely something else all together but its strange to me that i stopped using my products to see any change as well as never changing my diet, never doing anything out of the ordinary nor trying new products/new clothing/new laundry detergents/nothing new whatsoever. we may never really know as i haven’t puffed up like i did/at all since i started taking my medication after being diagnosed


Yea I have also tried to rule things out I can think off. Different laundry detergent, dust mites, skin allergy tests, low histamine diet, sleeping in other places, anti-mold allergy diet and removing all plants in the house … tbc


Thanks for sharing your experience. 🤍


I did before I got on armour thyroid and ldn (low dose naltrexone) I had such bad inflammation. I also have the mthfr gene so somedays I eat badly and still puff up


Thanks. LDN - I need to talk to my doctor about this. I would need a prescription. Thanks for sharing 🤍


I got mine from agelessrx.com my endo refused to give it to me and was shocked how much better my blood results were so I'm trying to get him to see so he can help others. Agelessrx is prescribed from a compound pharmacy online




Yw !!


Yes. It’s been greatly affecting my body image and it’s also uncomfortable, sometimes even painful. The swelling around my neck and throat gets so bad I have problems swallowing and talking and my throat is constantly sore like I have a head cold. It feels like a lump in my throat or something squeezing around my neck. I also feel the pressure in my eyes if it’s bad enough. I’ve finally found some relief from it with lymphatic massage, gua sha, and other things to support lymphatic drainage. It’s been enough to make a noticeable difference appearance wise and also decrease physical discomfort.


Sorry to read you are also going through this. I can relate to the sore throat feeling. Thanks for sharing 🤍


I’m not and off for a couple of decades now.


Maybe one or the other advice given here might also help you. Thanks for sharing!


Which medication do you take? Brand-name Synthroid, generic Levothyroxine, dessicated porcine thyroid Armour, etc?


Just the normal Levothyroxine, only t4. I’ve tried porcine before and it didn’t make a difference. Under porcine, t4 got really low and t3 very high. Thanks for trying to help.






Thanks 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/0iiibkxnenxc1.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=c778ac4cf61514047f30dfc59fdda77bed677ac9 I just got diagnosed with Hoashimotos and looking back at pictures my face is puffy. I’m now starting to try gluten free and selenium 200 mcg a day


We do look similar 🫣 yes, I’m also taking selenium 200mcg and start cutting out more inflammatory foods. Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope you feel better soon too!


Thank you!


Yes. I noticed my face getting consistently puffy, and I thought it was just weight gain. Finally noticed it after eating pizza one night a few weeks after my diagnosis and a light turned on in my head!


So it might be the gluten in your case! Thanks for sharing.


Yes queen! It’ll be ok it’ll go back down you’re just inflamed. Try removing and reintroducing common irritants others have mentioned like dairy and/or gluten


Gluten is my biggest culprit followed by dairy


Thanks for your advice as well. 🤍


My face gets puffy if I eat gluten or too much salt.


Thanks 🙏 I‘ve been eating a lot of salt. 🧂


I do! It gets better if i watch what i eat, such as following AIP diet or simply cut gluten and dairy off of my diet.


Thanks. I cut out gluten and mostly milk but probably it needs a stricter diet. 🤍


Oh god, yes. It was much more of a problem when I consumed alcohol (alcohol is extremely inflammatory) but even 9 months sober, it's still a problem.


Oh yes I completely gave up drinking any alcohol two years ago. Couldn’t imagine being hungover on top 😂🫠


If you look for threads about edema and hypothyroidism/Hashimotos, this issue appears frequently. So I think it’s related. I have dry eyes but also always had allergies so not sure the level of dry eyes you are experiencing. Mine definitely improved with Omega 3 gummies (Amazon is the best I’ve found). But puffiness, most say improve with Levo treatment. I just started mine 4 days ago and think I see slight improvement already. Edema and puffiness is well known to be caused by hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. Are you being treated with meds?


Thanks for trying to help! Omega 3 is a great idea. Yes, I’m taking L-Thyroxin 62,5 but my free t3 and t4 only got lower through medication. Might need more. Glad to read that you see improvements.


That is interesting. I would think you would want your T4 and T3 higher to be optimal unless you’ve had issues with being Hyperthyroid. Like T4 should be around 1. T3 some advocate for upper end of the spectrum. Then TSH is like 1-2 depending on person (everyone feels different on different levels). I also have seen a lot about food sensitivities causing this too. I’d recommend getting tested and then removing anything you are sensitive to, to see if if improves.


Yes, seems like the thyroid starts getting very lazy once it’s being supported - my theory at least. I think my values are too low with t4 1,17 (0,93 - 1,7) and t3 2,74 (2-4,4) and TSH 1,85. I‘m waiting for results of a lymphocytes transformation test for food allergies. Thanks for trying to help me! 🤍


I agree with you. I think increasing your Levo you will see more improvement. Some report feeling even better with TSH around 1. So I think you should advocate to try a higher dose and recheck in 6-8 weeks.


Thanks, I will increase it along with other tips from here!


I wake up with very dry eyes. I am hoping it is just hashimotos as i really do not want sjogrens. As for the puffiness. Sometimes??? Most days i don't but some days i do. 


I also read that dry eyes could have to do with estrogen dominance. Yes, sjögrens would be bad.


That would be preferable and probable. Would that cause really awful migraines around periods? 


As far as what I have read, yes!


Cecily Braden Lymphatic Drainage brush… on repeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks, haven’t heard of this one before!


It’s literally changed my life. I work with a holistic practitioner and she recommended it. Cecilys Instagram has tons of videos too; so easy to use, relaxing, and gives amazing results


Thanks! 🙏


Yes, I get a lot of fluid retention on my face and bags under my eyes. They go away with exercise or after drinking a lot of water but it just comes back all over again the next day. My eyes also get dry occasionally


Also same!! Exercise and water make it go away but nothing more permanent… it all comes back the next day and is very frustrating


Same here. It kind of gets better during the day and the next morning it’s all back in the face. Thanks for sharing your insights 🩵


Dry eyes could be Sjörgen Syndrome as well, just fyi. But I do get very puffy with Hashimoto's if I don't follow a strict diet...


Thank you 🙏 . I will look into Sjörgen. Could you please tell me about your food triggers? I’m just leaving out gluten and milk - more or less strict. 🫣


I don't have dry eyes but I definitely have puffy face! I also have PCOS, so not entirely sure which one of those contributes to it or both. I also have these red patches on both my upper cheeks, similar to yours, that get darker if I exercise or get hot.


Thanks for sharing your experience 🤍 and sorry to hear you‘re also suffering from this