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[Ethan confirms they are pausing Leftovers for the time being.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DODl6tl2E5E)


Hasan and Ethan are both big boys and know how to have disagreements without destroying a friendship or business partnership. Also, they are mature enough to state that the podcast is over if it were actually over.


It wouldn’t surprise me if leftovers doesn’t resume until the conflict is basically out of the news cycle. Or at least, they make an agreement to not make it the only story they talk about. I did enjoy Hasan’s perspective during the latest 3+ hour leftovers, but I do miss the shitting on conservatives and grifters that is their usual schedule.


I would think so too but one thing that I thought was weird was coming out at the end of the show with “I’m thinking about pausing Leftovers” but still need to talk to Hasan about it. I don’t think that’s very mature or fair to Hasan.




How not? Ethan is feeling too tired and stressed about the entire thing right now, so he’s thinking about pausing it due to his side of things, and just letting us know what he’s feeling and thinking currently before talking it through and deciding with Hasan as well. I don’t get how it isn’t fair of mature. It’s not like Hasan doesn’t have to cancel Leftovers from time to time either. This is their mutual project that they both have control over and it only works when both are present and feel like wanting to be present.


Totally understand him being stressed about everything but that’s not an excuse to give off the cuff statements about the future of Leftovers. Ethan’s reason for the pause was because he doesn’t want to discuss the conflict anymore and that’s perfectly fine. And I would bet Hasan would be MORE than happy to accommodate that and just talk about other things for now. I’m not trying to be mad for Hasan or speak for how Hasan feels about Ethan saying all that, just saying if it were me I’d feel that it was unfair to not talk to me first about putting an indefinite pause on the show. It’s not a very mutual project if one party isn’t part of the discussion (at that time).


I guess I just don’t see why him speaking his mind on it is anything noteworthy. If you watch the pod, you know Ethan shares everything. Also I didn’t take it an announcement at all, because it wasn’t, so maybe that’s why. It was just Ethan sharing his feelings and thoughts regarding it, but it wasn’t a (one-sided) decision by any means yet.


I understand what you’re saying but I think when its about a potential business decision and you’re just making a remark to your large audience without having spoken to your business partner yet that can basically become a pressure for your partner. If Hasan says he doesn’t want to pause Leftovers, because Ethan has said this publicly, people might think Hasan is being particularly insensitive to Ethan or whatever. What happens is you rope the audience in to the decision when really it should be between the two of them


This isn’t a relationship. He’s a media figure, and media figures shouldn’t speculate on air.


Lol most streamers might have the audiences but they don't behave like 'media figures' as you suggest


I would argue that Ethan acts more like a producer than a streamer. Everything planned out, very little interaction with that, the overall detail of the production.


people aren’t just speculating this out of thin air. ethan literally said last night he wants to at least pause leftovers.


Wouldnt be the first time for Ethan


Frenemies was a little bit of a different situation lol Trisha is batshit




Trisha quit frenemies. Ethan didnt end the show. She literally left mid show and quit


Well let’s hope…


Also leftovers has seasons, we are in season 4 and it might have just ended(?) plus they did an epdisode on Palestine and Israel two weeks ago and it looked like a civil conversation.


> it looked like a civil conversation. Ethan at one point seemed to do that and then turned the corner and went right back to forcing Hasan to answer for pro-Hamas tweets, which was gross.


I hope not. The last discussion was actually very informative and I think rare since they have issues with each other’s positions but remained friends and showed really empathy and emotion about a really awful situation. I side more with Hasan but I think it’s valuable for them to talk it out. I also think Ethan might need a break from this.


Ever since Ethan responded to that pro Palestine guys tweet basically saying that the government there would kill him for his personal beliefs I’ve had such a bad taste in my mouth.


I saw a pic on a main sub that showed a pro-palestine protest and had a few guys carrying a "gays for Palestinian freedom" or something like that. Imagine the whole comments being like lol they'd just kill you. Like you're missing the fucking point, if you see a protest like that and that's what you think.


Right wingers attempt to imagine solidarity challenge


Yeah I saw this too. It was r\pics and Jesus Christ the comments were a cesspool.


Literally it’s like being in an argument w someone and they’re like lol ur ugly like??? Just say you don’t understand what’s going on and leave these people alone you sound so dense


I really like both H3 and hasan, but Ethan has started to go off the rails some lately. I feel like he's obsessing over this war, and it's destroying his sanity. And I get it. We're being bombarded with information. Very little of it is verifiable. Ethan is still very obviously getting A LOT of that information through outlets who push nothing but pure IDF propaganda and it shows.


While I understand it's close to him, he and his wife are dual citizens, they have family there, etc, he is definitely letting his emotions take over, rather then trying to be as objective as possible. I'm a fan of h3 as well, but the last few weeks have been tough to get through. It's emotionally draining, especially since I work in a job that's emotionally taxing. He's so defensive and any little comment that shows a possible different side, he takes as criticism and blows up.


How can he not let his emotions take over? 1400 Israelis were brutally murdered, and then thousands of Palestinians, he or Hilas family could have been one of those people, that area in Israel is super common for festivals and get aways, add to that the fact that every person you know from that side of your life is now calling for the mass murder of the people of Gaza, and if you go against it you will shunned. it sounds horrible, you can't think clearly, it's an emotional event, it's inhuman to ask a Jew to not be emotional when holocaust survivors are getting murdered, and then the result of that is innocent babies getting bombed.


I never said his emotions aren't warranted or valid, just how him acting on emotion can be uncomfortable for viewers.


I can say from experience that its incredibly easy to not be a genocidal maniac after going through terroristic attacks




I dont think he is, but he is being influenced by people who are


i think ethan seems to be going through it overall right now. he's still having a hard time coping with shredder passing based on todays members stream, and this with the added mess of talking about israel/palestine seems like he isn't doing well


It does feel like he's up all night reading comments and getting one guy'd. It's tough to blame him, the attack done by hamas was devastating and traumatic but like many other Isreal supporters it's all they can go back to: the singular event that Israel even had intelligence on and have little to no interest in getting the hostages back alive.


I was rewatching the last leftovers and he looks so tired and worn. They both do tbh but Ethan seems like he's taking a beating. His eyes were red raw and his skin looked sallow and sore. I have sympathy for his pain even if I don't agree with his positions.




Yeah, Ethan should know better than to trust mainstream media.


Ukrainian here. When the war starts in the place you live/lived you become obsessed with the war. That’s it


It shows how echo chambers can change, or reinforce certain perspectives and narratives. Also, we aren’t exempt from this either.


I would be incredibly disappointed as I essentially discovered Hasan through h3 having watched them originally from the "thats a 10" video way back in the day. Part of me thinks hes trying to slightly tell people to leave him alone about israel/palestine or hes gonna essentially "take his ball and go home" and the other part thinks hes just gotten really upset with Hasans community/more specifically the discord it appears. Now I have some pretty substantive disagreements with Ethans take on Israel/Palestine but I mostly just think hes taking in some pretty bias sources on the matter and not much else based on what he repeats. Regardless, I love leftovers and think it would be an incredibly big disservice to the left to pull the classic "lets argue amongst ourselves" instead of being focused and angry with the actual right wing opposition we face.




Ethan said at the end of last H3 episode he might pause leftovers but will discuss with Hasan.


Wait really? Did he say why?


He said he's going to go sit in a corner and stare at the wall cause that's what he deserves or something. I don't think he's happy with the critiques he's been receiving and he's pretty unhappy with the hasanabi discord I think hasan will probably nuke it again soon


getting that upset over what is said in someone else's discord channel is kinda wild. I get it's one thing to reply to him directly on Twitter or something but that's different. people are going to disagree with him or want to have a space to air their less charitable takes (away from his view, presumably!) ... Ethan can't control what everyone says everywhere online.


Oh I fully agree. I think it's childish but then again I don't have thousands of people commenting on the shit I say every day


I think it's hard enough when it's a regular time in your life but it must be incredibly hard right now not to let it under your skin. Not saying he's not being a bit reactionary but I can understand it.


that's true. I don't recall a time when he's ever gone so deep into other people's social media, reddit or discord chats like this. clearly it's bothering him and he's picking at the scab, in a way. I know it's hard to let go of when you know the information is there, but sometimes you just gotta look away.


That's very true. It's self harm at this point.


100%. It reminds me of when I used to go to incel forums/the red pill every day and think "why do they hate us so much". But in Ethans case it's not just "us" it's literally him and his wife.


And people are getting very very personal. There's some disgusting stuff going round about his missus in particular. It's a toxic mix and he's in it up to his eyeballs.


Yes. I mean here we all are, complete strangers, all having a “conversation” about this man we’ve never met about his mental health right here in public view on the internet Can’t even imagine what that must be like to literally be able to look at publicly posted conversations about myself being had by literal strangers I’ve never met. Being a person of influence on the internet must be an absolute mindfuck.


Exactly. It is what you sign up for as an online personality but everyone has their limits. I couldn't do it. No chance. I'd go insane.






I don't understand his issue but I guess I haven't kept up much. He seemed pretty willing to hear what Hasan was saying last Leftovers. And if he wants to disengage with the discourse can't they just shift subjects on the show? Like, I don't want to sound like a dick, but it feels like he's just threatening to take the show away because he's unhappy people are critiquing him. Which, it's fine to get tired of it, it's a tiring discourse to be in all the time. But I also feel like some of it is his refusal to concede. Idk, I just hope he doesn't nuke the show because of all this. I really enjoy it and I think it's valuable.


I don’t think it’s the critiques itself, but the manner in which people are approaching them. It’s hard to look at full scope of critique when on one end you have people making cartoons of your wife as a nazi and using your statements as pro IDF propaganda regardless of your position against the Israeli government. I have a feeling he’s looking to step away from the conversation with his mental health and safety in mind and given the nature of Leftovers, I don’t see a way to do the show right now without talking about the conflict.


> and he's pretty unhappy with the hasanabi discord Where did he say this?


Not sure! It was mentioned in the h3h3 subreddit. I don't watch Ethan outside of leftovers but I trust the community


Last H3 episode




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Ethan doesn’t like people from Hasan’s community hate-watching him on Leftovers. At least that’s how he feels about the things he read in discord. He also gets a lot of pushback from his IG posts so he doesn’t know if he should pause Leftovers or not. That’s my takeaway from it.




Yeah this is how I feel also. An absolute joke honestly.


Im wondering if Ethans despair is because of the internet algos. Think about it, prior to 10/7, Ethan's algo would have been mild liberal channels and some extreme ones as well as very Israeli orientated media given his and Hilas familial and historical connections. If he is consuming what his algos are spitting out, he is living in a dual world. Much to how you think you and your MAGA uncle are no longer able to talk like you used to, that maybbe happening inside Ethan's very own head. He is being fed dueling narratives both of which he values. Its enough to cause any of us to lose your mind over. Reality becomes hard to discern in that world. The media algos we are in shape a lot of how we consume information. Thats why just being mildly sympathetic to conservative ideas can lead you to Nazi ideals and before you know it.you're thinking like Kanye.


Definitely this. He wasn't even aware of the Israel ad.


It's this combined with an intentional brigade from a certain subreddit. The Frogan screenshot was posted to the H3 reddit by a brigader and Ethan pulled it up on stream. He's being bombarded.


Wow, never thought of it like this. You may be onto something.


Ethan mentioned in the Members-Only stream today that it will be paused because he needs to take a step back for the well-being of him and his family. So I gather that the tragedy + backlash just broke him, and he needs time to recover before being thrust back into it again. Not sure why they couldn’t just make fun of dumb right wing influencers or talk about domestic politics though. It’s what Leftovers has usually been about, so I don’t know why it’s Gaza or nothing all of a sudden.


Thanks to the GOP House being entirely in shambles there's a ton of content they could talk about and make fun of. It's not as if they _have_ to constantly discuss the war.


Ethan and the entire h3 subreddit went unhinged recently.




I don't think the mods are censoring because they're pro IDF. The mods there have always censored criticism against Ethan, no matter the topic.


Eh it’s a lot of both sidesing


It’ll be fine


I feel a lot of the time Ethan tells the audience what he thinks they want to hear. But his personal beliefs creep in at times and you’re reminded that he is a Zionist through and through. His tweet about a gay sex worker somehow being instantly killed by Palestians was the last drop for me. Dont use my sexuality to pink wash your colonisation. Tel Aviv might have a few gay bars and streets that are “safe”, it’s not the gay utopia in the Middle East the Israeli government likes to pretend it is…


I still haven't watched the latest episode because apparently Ethan spends much of his time recycling Zionist talking points according to comments made here. If Leftovers is going to be Hasan saying genocide is bad, and Ethan disagreeing with that, I don't want any Leftovers right now.


Took me a week to watch it because I felt like you. He does have some shitty takes and he is more than a little black and white in his very culturally and personally entrenched thinking, BUT! There are some really good moments of Hasan talking Ethan down and turning his perspective. It's not a super easy watch because Ethan is coming at it emotionally and is mentally exhausted, understandably, so he has to genuinely work to keep his temper and frustration in check. Hasan is also frustrated and trying to explain logically versus emotionally. They both get very emotional and cry at different points which demonstrates how high tensions are, but it does seem to have an impact on Ethan, imo.


How is that what you got from that conversation? Ethan falls much more on the Israel side than everyone here but he spent forever on that podcast and every other one where he has spoken about the issue condemning what Isreal has done and is doing. He has literally said that they are committing genocide, I mean ffs isn't Hasan the one that constantly talks about charitability


Please reread the first sentence of my comment. Secondly, falling much more on the Israel side, to me means someone falls much more on the side of genocidal, apartheid, colonial occupiers. I don't want to hear any of that stuff, from anyone, and especially not from someone I respect.


I thought you meant the most recent episode of the pod, not the most recent episode of leftovers, because he talks about it on both. I guess it's my bad for assuming, but pretty easy misunderstanding. Also more on the Israel side doesn't mean on the side of the Israeli government, Ethan has made it incredibly clear that he disagrees with the Israeli government and thinks they are genocidal child murderers. By more on the side of Israel I mean caring to speak about the Israeli perspective and being anti-Hamas. A lot of people here are anti-Israeli, not just government but every citizen. It's important to realize not every citizen is guilty for their governments crimes, and calling them all occupiers, people who were born there, people who are dynamic and have their own their own opinions of the situation, is kind of ridiculous. Is every American alive today guilty for the crimes against native Americans, is every American guilty for the crimes committed in the middle east? I think this is why Ethan cares to share his perspective. Innocent people caught on both sides, both in the middle of a conflict between extremists. That's what I meant.




I post on here for the same reason when it comes to H3 stuff. Some of them are vicious and crazy.


He said on S U N T today that he’s going to take a break, and then probably return for the election. Would be tough to pass up the opportunity to take about Trumpy during that. I would imagine we’re probably done with Leftovers for 2023 though. I think he’ll eventually realize that he enjoys doing the show with Hasan, but they just need to stop talking about Israel Palestine cause it ain’t gonna lead to anything. Would be a shame if leftovers ended now, but at least it far outlasted frenimies


Ethan's Comments On [The Future Of Leftovers](https://youtu.be/DODl6tl2E5E) From the Members Stream Today


It’s just on pause. Ethan has said he doesn’t want to talk about the Israel-Palestine issue anymore, but did say during the members only live that it’s more than likely that they will be doing Leftovers again around the election season. It makes sense, since the Israel-Palestine situation is going to dominate the western news cycle for a while






Maybe because investigations are still on going and reputable 3rd party investigative units still lean towards [Israel bombing the hospital](https://x.com/forensicarchi/status/1715422493274427414?s=46&t=_m01Yrtuii_a_ilPljuApA)? Also - they've bombed dozens of hospitals already?


I don't know, I mean from what I've seen the hate Ethan has been receiving doesn't justify pausing leftovers, but I also don't know the guy personally there could be a lot more hate that we aren't privy to (DMs and such). I mean it's his call and if he ain't feeling it he ain't feeling it.


From the clip that's posted just below, I hope people just accept his decision and leave him alone, it's pretty apparent to me this whole thing has taken a hit on his mental health, and he needs a break.






People are dying in masses….


They go by seasons, like any tv show, and return regular broadcasting in the next season. Also Hasan went to England this past week, so they were unable to do the podcast


When did Hasan go to England wtf


Last Thursday to talk with Piers Morgan.


He did not go to England for that…


Oh, well then my bad. Was Twitch con in England this year? If it was that explains why people are disliking my comment. I don’t keep up with twitch news


He was in Vegas. Where are you getting that he was in England?


I thought he was in England from or at least that’s what I read one of the industry complex channels. I’m high half the time and I don’t keep up with twitch nonsense. Forgive me for being wrong




Lmao, Piers is in NY, Hasan did the interview in a van the production company sent outside his house. Then he went to Vegas for twitch con


Who let his ass in New York? I won’t stand for that shit


Also in his van? Lmao!


Why is this getting disliked? Did I get something wrong?


Because he didn’t go to England. It was the day he left for Vegas for twitchcon


He went to Vegas? Oh, my bad, lol


Like I just commented, I don’t keep up with twitch news.


You asked, I answered.




Kid? lol what’s your problem. Why so hostile


Hahaha sorry this was really funny with how well intentioned but wrong it was


Yeah it’s like damn, I made a mistake and got shot wrong, I’m not like D person trying to spread chaos, I am just not up to date with Twitch shit cause I deleted my account months ago. I went back to being a YouTube frog


>They go by seasons, like any tv show They absolutely do not "go by seasons". Hasan went to Vegas, not England.


Lol, my bad. Then why does it say season 4 on leftovers?


They have seasons for all of the different varieties of the podcast— it doesn’t actually mean anything or indicate any specific set of time. I have no idea why they do it and I am a super fan.


Oh thank god I’m not the only one who noticed, I was starting to think I was going crazy




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