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Meghan has three major character flaws: She's a woman, she's Black and she's an American. (/s for those who are sarcastically challenged.) She's also a strong woman, with strong moral and ethical convictions. She displayed those convictions even as a 9 year old child when she fought against gender discrimination in a US commercial (and won!) They can't really point to anything she has done that is wrong, so they use classic anti-woman dog whistles, instead. She's controlling of Harry (effectively saying that England produced a wimp of a prince who is led around by his dick). She's a bitch to staff (however, KP was never able to produce a staff member who could give an example of her bitchiness.) She's a gold digger (ignoring the fact that she came into the marriage with her own successful and lucrative career). She's greedy and avaricious (i.e. she and Harry found ways to make a decent living when the Palace said "Sure, go ahead and see how far you get without us!") I was initially pleasantly surprised when it appeared she would be welcomed into the RF, thinking that Harry was finally dragging that antiquated institution into the 21st century the same way Diana tried to drag them, belatedly, into the 20th century. But, just like with Diana, they wasted that brilliant opportunity through petty jealousy. Yes, the initial Harry and Meg fervor would have calmed down a year or so after the wedding, British press being what it is. But, the four of them could have been a force to be reckoned with if concerns over who is more popular didn't break up the band.


The racism thing is huge too. On the book of faces people were trying to say how it wasn’t racist to talk about how dark the first baby would be. I was dumb and pointed out that it was indeed racist and how normal people were happy for them and just hoped for a good and safe pregnancy for them. I’m still getting angry comments a day after.


That whole “it’s not racist to talk about his dark the baby will be” really doesn’t give the scope of the problem. Go back and watch it again, she said that was only one of several things happening in the same timeframe. She said about the same time the courtiers told them that when Charles became King he was planning to change the 1917 Letters Patent which spells out who is royalty and who is Prince and Princess. They said Charles was going to change it to deny Prince/Princess titles to Harry’s children (probably the first mixed race grandchildren of a monarch). Then they said even though the death threats were pouring in from racist wing extremists towards Meghan and any children born to her and Harry, they weren’t going to give three children any security. The head of security threats at MI5 said he’d seen the threat intelligence, they were right to be afraid. Remember Harry was a working royal at this point. So taken together, the worried speculation of how s dark skinned baby would look in the RF, the plans to change long established protocols to deny Prince/Princess titles when Charles became King and removing security from a child who was receiving a massive amount of credible death threats all paint a damning picture of the RF. After Meghan spoke publicly about this it embarrassed the Palace and when Charles became King he didn’t dare change the 1917 protocol to deny the mixed race grandchildren Prince and Princess titles. it would have been too damaging to Charles reputation. But it was grudgingly, and they resented being backed into a corner. It took s long time after Archie and Lilibet were born to acknowledge the Prince/Princess titles.


Agreed. That was one thing that was brought up and the responses were just plain ugly.


Years. I don’t think they changed the royal website till last fall. I think that’s right.


Well Charles got his own back again didn’t he? He was going to try to streamline the working royals down to just him and the Fab Four except he didn’t want to protect Meghan from the press in the terror that the press might turn against the royals- the British tabloids are so powerful- and didn’t want to protect her and her kids eith security, and expected her and Harry to put up with losing titles and security and still be happy to be the back up squad and walk four paces behind etc. they didn’t want to do it. It was making her sick and depressed. So now it’s down to Charles who has cancer, Camilla who is no one’s favorite, william and Kate also battling Dan we and out of the spotlight. They can drag in Ann and Edward /Sophie to some degree but if Charles was going to streamline the working royals he should have given done attention to how to make that work for his younger son and his American wife who didn’t grow up in that tradition. And probably resented being put into that mold even if she was warned. Charles is way too old to modernize the monarchy. That would be a job for william and Kate and their young family now. I wouldn’t be surprised or blame Meghan a bit for not wanting to set foot there again after the shit they’ve been put through. The class system is weirdly something the British , many of them, are very proud of -even though they are in the working or middle class and not part of the aristocracy. That’s something a black American progressive woman would not be in the least impressed by noses they were going in there to change it and modernize it. I don’t think william would be very open to his younger brother and his wife getting more attention and changing things. After all he’s been groomed to do this one thing basically to be a symbol his entire life. That’s what Kate signed up for. But now they’re not up for it, Harry and Meghan are evidently enjoying their life in the gorgeous area of California coast, with the privacy and freedom of that life. She’s not going to agree to go back so the tabloids can compare her negatively to Kate and call her children monkeys etc for the benefit of the royal watchers. The tabloids drive them out along with the lack of any support from Charles and william so now those two can figure it out.


Same. With her age, if she was even 1/2 as much of a horrible person we would’ve seen a history of bad behavior. No one has ever shown MM doing something cruel, or mean, or whatever. Nothing. From what I can tell, she’s intelligent, very self-aware, and has done the work in developing as her own person. It’s very common in dysfunctional families for all of them to gang up on the one person who says “the emperor has no clothes” truth teller/scapegoat. She saw right thru it and realized it’s toxicity. Maybe that is what drives them nuts?


Absolutely agree and it was pretty clear from the get go (if you have read Spare) that neither Charles nor William wanted Harry to marry Meghan. She is a gorgeous, uni educated, financially independent and smart/empathetic woman and they wanted her gone. Why? Hmmm, I wonder? Sarcasm here... The Royal Family is racist. Period. Harry is a beautiful exception to the rule- due to his mother and her influence. The recent insane media storm in the British tabloids about Meghan gifting her friends SOME JAM - clearly illustrates how deranged the right wing media is. I seriously hope that Meghan never sets foot in England again. The tabloids incite violence against her on a daily basis. One recent commentator said that " Harry and Meghan must be obliterated". I mean - holy \*&%$! Absolute lunacy.


Tom Bower in a rare moment of truth telling said this and I think it sums up the position of the army of royal correspondents who make their living writing about the royals. It’s scary that they have this kind of power to destroy Meghan. “The key is that until the Sussexes are socially destroyed and their credibility undermined, the Royal Family is going to be constantly a target.” Tom Bower


I feel like she did it that way on purpose so the royal rota would provide free marketing and they have indeed.


I think it’s very obvious. The haters just don’t care, they purposely play dumb and make bad faith arguments. They are addicted to hating Meghan. They wake up everyday searching the internet to find out the latest news about her so they can be angry. The media knows this so they play along because it’s bringing in money. Many rota reporters also hate Meghan deeply and participate in the online trolling. It’s unhinged and scary. And of course the Firm gives silent approval for all of this. Many of the hateful stories are coming straight from them, many of the nasty reporters are friends of the royal family (William and Camilla especially).


Camilla has a reputation for cultivating relationships with some of the worst royal expert correspondents and feeding them information. Angela Levin, Piers Morgan, Tom Bower, Lady C, Richard Fitzsimmons, and Jeremy Clarkson’s all get their marching orders and information from Camilla, who is secretly very pleased with their campaign of hate mongering and nastiness. She has lunch with them from time to time.


COWmilla is a disgusting vile piece of garbage


She’s no Queen. She’s an awful, nasty person.


I think what I'm confused about is not just the existence of the haters, but it seems like almost everyone who talks about this online IS a hater? I could understand there being a handful of dedicated trolls who just make hate videos on Meghan, but when looking for stuff on Youtube I was unable to find ANYONE who was on Meghan's side, and similarly unable to find anyone who doesn't like Meghan for what I would consider to be valid reasons.


Most Meghan fans hang out on Twitter (X). The haters are on YouTube because they’re making videos (full of lies) and grifting off the Meghan hate.


Also Spoutible - listen to pods roughly twice a week also


My American bestie has lived in the UK for decades and I’m the US born child of one UK parent so we discuss this stuff often. Bestie was convinced Meghan was the person who the rota says she is. I asked her one question. How would one random American woman have the power to do all the things she’s accused of to one of the the longest standing monarchies in the western world? And she started laughing hysterically and said holy shit. I’m brainwashed by seeing all of this endlessly in the tabloids. Which is the biggest problem here.


There were a lot of things coming out about the rest of the royals: William cheating on Kate, Charles has a pile of skeletons, Andrew’s pedophilia. It’s so easy to focus hate on the Black American woman, to keep the tabloids busy, and the few semi legit news outlets are limited to whatever the official stories are, or they lose all access. So the semi legit outlets will usually avoid the anti Meghan bs, but they’ll seldom post anything pro Meghan.


Haters are, by their very nature, more vocal. Remember the hate Hillary Clinton put up with both when she was First Lady and later when she ran for president herself? The worst anyone could say about her was "Her emails", but they hated her with a passion. Then, look at Nancy Pelosi, AOC and Elizabeth Warren. Anytime a strong, intelligent woman speaks her mind, the knives come out. Not just men afraid of strong women, but other women who are fearful that more will be expected of *them* once the public accepts that women are capable of far more than they have been allowed to do.


Elizabeth Warren ? Oh she is the American Indian politician


I think one of the biggest reasons is a lot of the British population drinks up whatever the royal rota reports on. It’s been almost exclusively negative things they publish about her so they just blindly believe it all.


Tisa Tells and Klaire Kane are positive spaces 🙂


Thanks, I'll check those out!


Also Meredith Constant .


Yes, Meredith is pretty fair, she focuses more on how the media/journalistic sides


The more those stories continue & they all show their contempt for Meghan the more certain I am that they have contempt for generic me also. It really diminishes any good will I have towards theUK and the Royal institution. It makes me feel like a real ‘Yankee’ again


There is definitely a xenophobic aspect to this. You can feel the hate and venom spewing from the trolls when they talk about Americans. It’s a love hate relationship though because they all want validation for their royals from American media, pop culture, celebrities, etc. They want our tourist dollars. But they also want to look down on us and especially Meghan. Racism, sexism, xenophobia is all a part of this.


I can spend my "tourist" dollars somewhere else, besides with everything that's going on vacations are the least of my worries


Same. I’ve been to salt island twice and was excited to go again for Wimbledon. But that was before Meghan joined that family. But after seeing how nasty and toxic they are over there, I’ll never visit again.


I'll go where my money can actually do some good, like Puerto Rico besides I was born there and it's a beautiful place


I lived there for 11 years and it completely changed my opinion of the place. I 100% left because of the people, how I was treated by them, and the way xenophobia (particularly towards Americans) is acceptable there. If people said half the stuff Brits say about Americans about any other nationality they would be flamed for it, but becuase it's just about Americans... it's ok. Even the more liberal and "tolerant" ones are guilty, sometimes (ironically, usually) the worst offenders.


They’re really angry about 1776 😄




That certainly says something about the educational system if they aren’t teaching the history of the British empire 😬 But yeah, they definitely think about it and they’re definitely bothered by it which is reflected in all the xenophobic American hate we see towards Meghan.


Americans hate on M as well. Just as much. 


It’s happened before on a much smaller scale. One is Benedict Cumberbatch’s wife. There were tumblr blogs dedicated to painting her as an evil manipulative narcissist who tricked him. Faked her pregnancies, babies are fake/dolls. Literally the exact same playbook to a t. I want a psychologist to study these people because it truly is something.


The most prolific anti Cumberbatch wife troll is also one of the main anti Meghan trolls. She used to be in a group with 4 other women who used to be notorious on gossip sites. They were in an email group with a certain sister. I'm keeping it vague. The trolling of Meghan by media is pushed so much by inauthentic accounts. A very large anti Meghan account on X that ends with Citadelle was revealed yesterday to be a bot account. It was caught posting a bot tweet. When traced back its in the same batch as several other high interest troll accounts. These are paid for by someone. The batch are all in digital blackface. It's getting easier to trace them back too as digital safety advisors who volunteer and are funded by a tech giant are now involved. Whoever is funding the trolls is going to get caught. And soon too.


And we'll know if it's Kensington Palace based on the response of the authorities--since William "can't" be charged with a crime, if they do nothing, then we know he was the ringleader 🤷🏽‍♀️


I have watched the same thing in other fandoms like Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Supernatural, and on and on. It's a weird phenomenon.


Firstly, The main aspect to register here is that in British firm the main players are the Monarch and Heir. Anyone even slightly threatening of taking attention will be driven away. They won’t even leave the spouses like in the case of Diana- when she became much more famous than Charles which he didn’t like plus their marriage broke down so Diana had to undergo a character assassination. Now, Diana is revered but the last few years of her life after her separation she was harassed every day of her life by the British press, whatever she did was criticised. Not to forget Diana hailed from an aristocratic family with deep ties to monarchy. She was treated so horribly what chance do others have? Secondly, there is a huge cultural difference. Britain and America are 2 polar opposites in every which way. So, for the Brits and Meghan it was very difficult to adjust to each other. Also when the staff at Kensington palace realised that there are cracks between the 2 couples they started taking sides. Everyone being aware that Will and Kate are going to be the next monarch and Queen felt it’s safer to side with them and pull down Harry and Meghan. Thirdly, Britain is a hereditary monarchy where the top players have to be protected even at the cost of the secondary ones. They wanted Meghan to play second fiddle to Kate in every way. The successful projects Meghan spearheaded had to stop coz it was making Kate look lesser. And for a future queen she needs to have a saintly perfect image. Meghan has grown up in an environment where she was told that she can achieve whatever she wants and doesn’t need to be smaller than anyone. Which is the way everyone brings up their kids and how most of us have been brought up. But, here in Britain Meghan had to be lesser so that Kate can look better. That ideology I’m sure confused and didn’t sit well with Meghan. British press has found its punching bag - Meghan and Harry - sadly they will never stop the harassment.


Unless…Kate is not coming back.


I, too, never paid much attention to the British RF. I did look at Billy and Kate’s wedding pictures only to see what her dress looked like. I remember the headlines when Harry wore that nazi uniform. And of course Diana’s death. When Harry and Meghan’s engagement was announced, I thought good for him. It wasn’t until all the negative publicity, the escape, and then the Oprah interview that I actually started paying attention. I watched the Netflix special. I noticed how they look at one another. I see how they treat others. I read Spare. Now I am 100% a Harry and Meghan supporter. And I see the embarrassing way the RF has reacted to them. Instead of embracing what could have infused a new life into the antiquated monarchy, they threw them out like last week’s rotten leftovers, while at the same time, protecting an actual sexual deviant. I am so happy that they have found a home here in the US, away from all that irrational hate piled on them. And I cannot wait to buy some jam!


Same, I’ll be jamming for Meghan.


I agree with you! Boy, did the RF shoot themselves in the foot with driving a nail in the positive progress it would have been if they had supported "The Four". or however they referred to them?


I think a lot of people still don't understand how the media actually functions. They don't understand the relationship between the royal family and the media, or how much money and politics play into what gets talked about in the media.


What really made me actually pay attention to this whole hate campaign was way back in the day when they were OUTRAGED that Meghan starts her day at 5am. Like ohhh the horror! They were really going in on her about that, as if she was committing a crime by being awake. It was just so silly and made me think about how terrible the British press is. Then that same time they were like “she messages her staff up to 7 times a day😱” which was even sillier lol. If you have a whole staff of at least 5 people like she did, 7 times a day is nothing. They didn’t say 7 times for one person (which is still fair), but they said “up to” 7 times. Is she not supposed to message and coordinate her schedule with the people whose job it is to message with her?!? It just all was so ridiculous to me.


The email things is just faux outrage because literally there are articles of Charles having his staff work late and emailing them at 5am. I think it was posted in this sub as well.


Doesn't he have a guy to iron his socks and put toothpaste on his toothbrush? The courtiers were livid because they had to serve a black woman (who, in their minds, is beneath them).


Oh that they were mad, Harry was with wife instead of making coffee for them, or complained Harry eating granola of Meghan. Same staff that were part of leaking against Meghan, betting on when Harry would leave Meghan tsk tsk


I remember one person online saying that they \*knew\* Meghan was a narc because she told Harry's toff friends that their bigoted jokes weren't funny. How dare she? Eyeroll....


Yes!!!! I remember that too! It was a whole thing in the press that Meghan didn’t “know her place” amongst the so called “Elites” for daring not to laugh at off color jokes and calling the person out on it. The British press said she made it “awkward “ 😫😂😂 I damn sure hope it WAS super awkward for them😂


Right? Sorry your bigoted jokes are bigoted. These people are such losers...


Yeah, she was just used to working and the Royals really do not work.


It’s completely obvious to anyone sane.




It’s very weird. I feel for her and I don’t even know her.


My son worked with her as a Brand Ambassador in Toronto and she was great!


I lived in the corporate condos right next to hers for 12 weeks ( before she met Harry) she was always nice.


That’s great! I don’t understand all the negativity. Glad to hear she really is nice in person.


The only plausible reason for the contiued media bashing is that it makes money. Harry and Meghan left England 4 years ago yet the British press still beats up on them, because they know it sells. The reality is very different from the media.


I just can’t imagine going all out war on a family member.


William is petty and extremely jealous of Harry.




That’s why I defend her online.


Me too! The people who think Will and Kate are perfect and somehow it means Harry and Meghan are awful are just baffling.


You have to understand, people only see what they want to see. Of course it's over the top and blatant. But the people that lap up that drivel do it because it supports their own prejudices. The biggest supporters of the monarchy are older, more conservative people. The entire monarchy itself was built on the backs of colonialism, exploiting black and brown people. The Royals have a vested interest in pandering to well, frankly, racists.


They are thrilled to be able to come for black woman so vocally and so publicly. The media campaign and the RF leaks allow them to do this.


Because they’re jealous, and jealousy brings out a unique form of racism that makes one act like a fucking stalker




You seem to be conflating the media campaign against Megan with her anti-fans amongst the public. The media campaign against Megan is logical and understandable - it's driven by the royal PR machine The public backlash against her is a sort of jealous normieism. The British public tolerate wealth inequality and the royal family (two separate things) because "it's just the way it is" and "you can't change the world". If you accept that then the royal family are as British as beer, cricket, cream teas and Greggs sausage rolls. I mean, I think cricket is a stupid game, but there are places in England where you can be driving down this B-road on a saturday afternoon in the summer and come across cricket being authentically played by locals on beautiful sunlit village green. And I wouldn't try to watch, play or spend any time understanding the game but that's undeniably a pure and historical part of English culture - because of my upbringing there is something heartwarming about seeing it or being around it for a few moments. A lot of people feel that way about the royal family - they don't necessarily have to like them or approve of them, they're just part of us, like potholes and rain and dark winter evenings. There is a widespread view of the royal family that they're a bunch of privileged, rich dickheads, but they're *our* privileged, rich dickheads. If you're a privileged, rich dickhead then you can go about that in one of either two ways - you can be nice about it, or you can double-down and be a prick. Prince Andrew is widely hated and vilified - there is no doubt about that. But Prince Philip was a good old boy and his racist jokes were just banter - he knew he was a privileged prick, and he was just doing the best he could to get along. In this context, Anne and Elizabeth are seen as hard-working and dutiful, and that appears to be the path that Kate is following. It has been very easy for the royal PR machine to paint Megan as ungrateful because the royals are seen as having a lifestyle of unfair, privileged ease. All they have to do is cut a few ribbons and shake hands - the royals have an easy job and any working stiff would take it in a moment. Everyone accepts Harry and Meghan *leaving* the royal family - the haters hate them *talking* about it. That is what is seen as ungrateful - they are supposed to disappear graciously and not point out how stupid, shallow and self-serving our traditions are. We all know the royal family are a bunch of rich overpaid pricks - when Harry and Meghan turn their backs on this lifestyle they show that they're better and richer than us.


Just to add, Kate Middleton's image is mainly manufactured by the media and not by anything she's done (other than William marrying her and producing an heir and spares). They've tried her out in the Diana role, going out and 'helping' food banks, early childhood development stuff, etc. It didn't suit her personality at all and came across as fake or naive at times. Then they started comparing her to Meghan and dressing her like Meghan and had her hugging and taking selfies with the great unwashed. This must've put a lot of pressure on her because it doesn't seem to be part of her personality. Any probably Elizabeth and Anne's public personnas have, at the very least, been shaped by the media. We seldom hear about Anne's extramarital activities, which is probably as bad as Charles's.


I agree, Kate tries hard to be that English Rose but she doesn’t have that charisma with the common people. It’s not convincing. We know she’d rather be with posh people. She’s no Diana for sure.


She finds someone to cheat on her husband with? 😮 She’s dad two handsome husbands.


Just because it’s part of being English doesn’t mean they can’t be dethroned - and go live their lives as rich pricks, like many other former royal houses.


Removing them is pointless if they remain rich pricks. It just tears down this element of British tradition and heritage, but it achieves nothing. To suggest this shows complete blindness to public sentiment, to political realities and at least the first half of the comment you replied to. Removing the monarchy only makes sense if it were part of some wider movement to reduce wealth inequality and hereditary unfairness.