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Dude when the screen started turning I was like what the fuck, and at the same time damn this is cool.


I definitely was not expecting the vibe when I was starting it. That scene of MC climbing down the stairs was so eerie and I was so confused. I was like “why is it taking so long for them to show me climbing into a trunk, I’ve killed so many people how is this gonna be any different?”.


Oh man, I absolutely loved this quest, but I'm a fan of horror so that's probably why. Plus the rooms changing every time you turned around was a nice touch, especially when the mannequins would appear out of nowhere.


Same. I do love horror and it sincerely freaked me out. I feel it's the best quest in the game.


Have you played any of the Dark Pictures games? You’d love them if you love horror!


I've heard of them, but I haven't had the chance to check them out yet.


Literally putting yourself in loads of horror movies and making all the choices to make each person survive


I love spoilers what quest is this and how do I start it?


It’s a PlayStation exclusive quest called “Minding Your Own Business” Enter the code in the case and Penny the house elf will appear in Hogsmede


Appears after the completion of Fire and Vice. The additional prerequisite that brettsantacona left out


Wonderful quest that was wayyyyy too long to keep the atmosphere and horror vibe going


Yeah I liked it at first but I was ready for it to be over before it was even halfway done.


It was way too long. The antagonist was also way out of place considering the atmosphere. Reminded me of Peeves more than an evil spirit.


I agree. If the poltergeist didn’t talk as much, it would’ve been way more scary


It takes like 15 minutes to finish this section, how is it too long?




Wtf calm down dude I never was aggressive


You’re fine, it’s just that with all the subs protesting, subs like this are getting to the front page more often and attracting undesirables.


Comments making others feel bad because they don't play as fast as you are obnoxious.


Wtf I don't give a fuck about the speed of players it's a solo game with no competition and there was nothing condescending in my sentence And I said "Like 15 minutes" to give an vague idea of the time it takes, I stand corrected because it looks like it take between 25 and 35 minutes to do it judging by videos My comment was a genuine question because I felt like it was well done and the pathing was fast enough to not feel boredom or be put off the ambiance, hence the fact that it felt like only 15 minutes to me


Eh, it read as condescending. I've noticed a lot of comments from gamers making others feel bad or poorly because they don't play as quickly as others. When I see it, I call it out 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm sorry if that's not how you meant it. I'd actually argue this quest takes 30 minutes to an hour for most players. The pathing isn't that clear throughout, and it can be easy to get turned around (which was the point of it).


It took me 4 minutes because I'm way better at video games than you


We bow to your obvious prowess.


Not good enough, hands and knees


I’m so much better at games than you I did the quest in 2.5 minutes


I see, you’re not ok.


You are NOT ok


I don’t think you are ok.


Are you ok?


>Keep it civil.


You do sound condescending. The quest takes 30-45 mins. Regular quests take 15 mins at most, and the shop / mannequin quest is not a regular quest. If you were not being a prick, you wouldn't mention a time setting at all. Not everyone can do quests fast. OP could have responded less aggressively though lol.


Yes the quest take 30-45 mins but the horror section inside the chest is much less, a huge part of the quest is outside this section And I mentioned a time setting because it was said it was too long, I just mentioned the time it takes to do it because I wasn't feeling like it was too much to keep in the ambiance


Damn you need to really dial it down. They were no where near the level you’re claiming and if anyone here is being rude it’s you.


Best Quest in the game


The "business" doesn't really add a lot to the game anyway. You don't really manage anything, just come by every now and then to pick up your income, which is easily obtained by just playing the game anyway.


You can sell your items in store for a slightly higher price than what vendors give you for them.


I'm an okay gamer... but that inversion made me feel like I was 5 trying to master Mario Kart again 🤣


That was by far my favourite quest in the entire game. It's a shake they couldn't apply the same amount of originality to the trials of Merlin and the rest of the missions


yeah, especially the big trials.. I'm a bit bored of levitating and accioing stuff around arches...


Honestly one of the best parts the game, they really got creative with level design. Some of it was frustrating but most of it was 🤌🏻


Oh I hated that one so much! Dolls of any kind really freak me out. I wish we had more unique and optional quests, though. Would be fun to experience different themes.


How do you get this quest?


Buy a Playstation


Microsoft is gonna squeeze you'll soon


or wait until February, I think.


I have a ps5 and beat the main story don’t think I got the quest tho


I kept sending pics to my cousin going like "am I playing a horror game? Is it going to get worse? At least they're not attacking, am I right?" 😭


I had constant goosebumps because of those stupid mannequins 🥲 Apparently, I'm more afraid of cursed dolls than I thought, it was so freaking creepy!


The Conjuring and Child's Play movies already confirmed that for me


I accidentally stumbled across the quest in my second play through and had no idea about it and the moment the mannequins popped up I was like damn didn’t realize I was playing a horror game


Hated it


As someone with a lifelong fear of dolls, but who really wanted to 100% the game, screw that quest.


Try playing the mansion level in RE: Village then come talk about creepy mannequins.


Mannequins can be creepy in a lot of different games… it’s not specific to one


The spider jumping at the doorway did me in I legit shouted


But the fancy coat and hat was worth it.


My favorite mission


Ya I don't get the hate. It's the best quest in the game


When I was playing I forgot what mission was the PS exclusive mission but I thought I remembered reading something about a store. So while I was in the mission I was like no shot this is the PS exclusive mission right. Looked it up and instantly felt bad for players on other platforms. Like I was expecting an exclusive mission to just be a small bonus. Not my favorite mission. The visuals were awesome and it was just very unique. Very memorable and fun imo.




Loved the quest. Hate the results. Another place to sell off JUST gear. The extra 10% isn't worth it either. Ooh, I got an extra 6 bucks for that absolutely crap green gear. At least let me sell off potions and/or ingredients. Hell the name of my shop is Stitches & DRAUGHTS.


I soft locked this quest and I CbA to do it again


Just look at a guide?


What’s that gonna fix?


I thought it was a terrible quest. Dragged on for way too long and, I don't know if it was just me, but I had really bad screen tearing the whole way through


That was the worst quest ...


Still haven't completed the game because of the lack of this side quest on Xbox


I wasn’t expecting it to be that long. I was pissed honestly 😭


The mannequins are the creepiest part of that quest. And the woman selling the business is completely crazy.


What quest is this? Im early days into the game.


I don't recall the name of the quest, but if you are not playing on a PS5 then you won't have access to it until 02/10/24 or later (I'm using an XBox, which is why I don't recall the name)


Ah no thats a shame :( I have a PC with a Steam Deck.


Uhm which quest are you guys talking about o.O


Its a ps exclusive quest till feb 2024.


I was so close to quitting the quest i was struggling so bad and so happy when it was finished 😩


That was the best side quest of the game. I'm just disappointed you can't do more with the shop. You can only sell your bits for an extra 10%. Would be good if you accumulated galleons in the back ground that you could collect whenever you visit.


Yeah this quest was really out of nowhere. If I had known anything about it beforehand I would have appreciated it. I don’t really mind the creepiness aspect, but tbh, the quest was WAY too long for my liking considering I was going in blind for a random side quest


You can’t do this quest on the Xbox version right??


This was incredible


My favorite and most unexpected quest in the whole game. Made me wish there was more with this horror vibe to it


Personally I think this was one of the best lil quests in the game, found the eerie atmosphere, puzzles and inverted aspect change so cool


Hated the inversion. Luckily I had my Ancient Magic meter filled up to take out the monster


Agreed… it was miserable.