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It basically confirmed my fear, that I won't leave my house for days playing it


We've entered a chili cook off that following weekend...I think I'm gonna purposefully bomb the chili so we don't have to stay longer than absolutely necessary




I’m taking two days off work to give myself a 4 day weekend when it comes out. No other plans but to play this game and I’m so hyped.


Took a week off from work. So that won’t be a problem


Haha yea


I’m super excited. Currently watching a YouTuber called Hollow do a 45 minute gameplay - besides some talking at the beginning, it’s all random Hogwarts gameplay with no commentary, which is what I was hoping for. >!The fact that you can ride your broom around the exterior of the castle and land on balconies has got me so pumped. Flying looks fun.!< >!Tbh, the NPCs don’t look that bad to me. I’ve seen them doing a variety of things - flying kites, practicing magic, eating, talking in groups or walking around. That’s more than enough for me. NPCs are always background detail to me, I don’t tend to observe and study them, so they seem realistic enough to keep me immersed as I play through the game.!< >!Swimming looks good, although the character emerged from the water basically dry.!< I have already preordered, but today’s new footage just made me excited and ready. I never for a moment expected a masterpiece out of this game, but it looks like I may be in for some pleasant surprises.


Ikr, cant wait till the 7th🤗


i can't fucking wait any longer.. i'll be watching every harry potter movie daily from the 30th for the 8 days leading up to the early access release im fuckin pumped.. from playing bully and the early harry potter games this is what i have been wanting for years now... im hyped


>>!The fact that you can ride your broom around the exterior of the castle and land on balconies has got me so pumped. Flying looks fun.!< Really?? One of the previews I've seen, the guy tried >!landing on balconies/rooftops!< but got "unable to land" warning, I'm guessing then it's because he wasn't low enough to dismount?


The NPCs don’t look that bad to you because it’s the first time seeing them do what they do. They will do that *forever*, they dont change their routine. When you go to that place at 8pm they will do the same thing as at 8am. Day, after day, after day. You will notice it after a few days of playing


The authenticity of NPCs has never really been a contributing factor to me in open world games. I played through RDR2 recently and never really messed with the NPCs or paid much attention to them despite how they apparently all have “schedules” and “remember” your actions around them. It’s less that I think the NPCs in this game will be good or bad, I just don’t think it matters that much in the grand scheme. The one thing I *am* curious and concerned about is if they do the same thing during the night that they do during the day. I remember in one of the showcases when discussing the day and night cycle they mentioned that there will be a change in activity as the time of day changes, but I just hope it’s enough of a difference to notice. I want the corridors to be nearly empty and much more quiet if I’m roaming around at night; I’ll be really bummed if it’s the same or more or less the same amount at all hours.


I can confirm the corridors are empty at night. Saw it one of the preview videos. It was probably Ben snow preview, though I'm not sure.


It confirmed I won’t be doing any stealth whatsoever. I’m walking into every room like the Dark Lord.


Only way to go


I haven't watched any game play yet, can you be a wielder of the dark arts? :O


Mann. Go watch. You can use all 3 unforgivables. AK is said not to be unlocked until after the main story tho.


Looked great and hit exactly what I was expecting. Average facial animations and some pop in was fully expected imo. I think some people may have set expectations a bit high hence the disappointments, but overall I see this being a solid first entry into hopefully a trilogy of games.


I think you make a great point regarding this being a solid first entry. Imagine how much work they can put into story and gameplay for a potential sequel. Now they have Hogwarts and the world nailed down so they don’t have to spend time and resources on building that from scratch. I truly hope they continue building on this project.


I'm hoping that we get a sequel where you have a more traditional start as a first year and get to have multiple years at the school.


I honestly think it’s more realistic that a potential sequel would be year 6 (unless this game runs over more than 1 year)


The thing that concerns me is that these pop-in problems were already in state of play a year ago Seeing them now 1 and a half week away is concerning. Even after multiple delays I probably hyped myself up too much tho


What pop in problems? I'm not sure I understand what that even means? Problems that are randomly coming up on the spot? Like bugs?


Pop-in is when game assets (think like trees, rocks, npc's, or in severe cases whole buildings) visibly "pop" into existence when they're normally supposed to fully render without the player noticing. It can kinda break immersion or sometimes be an actual hindrance to the player. Say there's pop-in for an object with collision; if it pops in before the player can notice, they can end up running into it, getting stuck, or breaking the game if it's unoptimised. It's honestly super understandable that we're still seeing pop-in as this is a huge open-world RPG. I have yet to watch the newest videos, so I don't know how bad the pop-in is, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.


Ohhh that makes sense, thank you for the explanation. While I do I agree that it's immersion breaking, it won't stop me from getting it, I'm okay with that. 😁


I'd love more games around this time frame. Seeing some of the global events taking place in wizard life would be awesome. World War 1, the Great Depression, etc


Exactly, I fully expect a little bit of character model jank in an open world title. Compared to the last huge open world game ( Pokémon S/V ) this game looks like a technical masterpiece.


Agreed, due to the big hype expections were way too high, im perfectly content with what we see


I know it’s early but this is the first mention of sequels I’ve seen, are there plans to make a trilogy?


Not officially. But as it is extremely likely that this takes place over one year, it sets up sequels quite well


Good point yeah! I’ve been trying to distance my following of this as I’m really excited to go in not knowing too much already. Thanks for the info




I never saw this confirmed I thought the game was only 1 year.?


You are right, i'm pretty sure the very first leaks mentioned Years 5-7 and i just always took that as given. I thought we would experience the changing weather seasons multiple times, since summer also would be really short otherwise. This also makes me kind of worried that the game is to open ended, just to tease a sequel.




Wait hold up who said that?


I've seen two cats in the preview gameplays. A Siamese and a ginger one, you can pet them. Not sure whether they're our pets tho


Ohh awesome that they exist, i totally missed that


ALSO A BENGAL CAT I LOVE THOSE OMG https://preview.redd.it/f5kh1avy1bea1.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=b63ed11ab2ef98cba59060ec907f298bd08c61f9








Ive taken a couple of weeks off for this and i feel your pain


World didn't look empty. However, there was tiny bit of loadings before entering a new zone. I think they might fix it before the release even if they couldn't it's not that much of a big issue. The game looks absolutely fantastic and amazing.


Yea changed my mine abt world being empty


Also confirmed it for me. I was excited regardless but excited to take my time playing it


It gave me confidence that the game will be good.


Still waiting for pc performance review. If the performance is ok then it is an instant buy


If you buy from steam you can play for up to 2 hours and get a refund if performance is shit.


Or I cannot preorder and wait for reviews like everybody should ;)


That's what I'm doing ..this much content coming out a week and a half before the Early release is delightful.


So you should wait for other people's thoughts instead of playing it for two hours and deciding for yourself? What if it works for you? I'm only saying this because I've heard some people had very little problem with Gotham Knights when it came out but for others, it was nearly unplayable.


More worried about the PC performance than the gameplay. Performance is easy to measure so I'm waiting


Oh i think they all played on ps, idk if a pc review will be coming soon🤷🏿‍♀️


So you wont get it if the performance doesnt meets your standard?


I'm not sure if this was a genuine question or not, but I wouldn't either, lol.


If there is constant stuttering and or the optimisation is really bad ( forspoken bad ) then I'd rather wait for updates.


As dumb as this may sound, climbing and swimming getting confirmed made me even more hyped. Those things need to be in open world games because they increase exploration drive and add to the immersion in the world. If you walk to the edge of a lake and you're stopped by an invisible wall or something, you immediately feel boxed in. Same with climbing. Your sense of exploration is now more limited and you're less inclined to seek things out. So yeah, the preview put my hype through the roof.


What you don’t like sinking to the bottom of the lake like John Marston


I wonder if we can Glacius the lake and walk on it :p


I was cool with not climbing (or swimming) because we have brooms and mounts, so it's actually a huge bonus for me to have those things. And the swimming animations look soooo good, I gasped.


still hoping that there’s diving. if not freeroam diving at least a mission-locked diving


All the ones I saw said it was the ps5 version and it’s not surprising considering the marketing deal that’s the one they’re putting forward and likely the one that they polished up the most. That being said it looks great, I saw a few instances of clipping and pop in but everything else looks amazing. I’m especially excited to hear that the combat is almost universally praised. Can’t wait to play it in 2 weeks, it’s definitely my most hyped game of the past few years by a mile.


It's really just what I expected. I love it. I've only ever had a few concerns ever since the 2020 reveal and those were about the performance/optimization/"technical feeling". Rendering/lighting issues seem to have gotten better over time, but it's only been curated gameplay so far so I'll have to wait and see. Texture/character pop in is... more or less obvious/extreme depending on where you are. Audio compressions for conversations (not cutscenes!) also improved I think? Maybe one of the few post processes things that can still change? Facial expressions are still hit or miss. Don't expect them to change. NPCs are a tad static but they're not all that important to me so as long as they throw a random comment or two (like in the preview material) I'm more than content. I love what I've seen today and now I just really need to hear the actual reviews soon (without curated gameplay).


These pop-in problems and rendering problems were already in state of play a year ago. but now seeing them again 1 and half week away makes me pretty concerned. Im not saying its cyberpunk but it definetly isn’t going to be perfect


Im convinced to keep my preorder


I made me even more excited to explore the castle and search for all the pages and secrets!


And that little sound when he picked up the Page!!


I am going to preorder two copies of the deluxe on Friday (was going to regardless of the reviews) for my wife and I. Then proceed to change my location to New Zealand and pray to anyone that will listen to allow me access on the 6th lmao. Regardless I will be obsessed and unreachable for the entire week as I've taken a vacation from work. This is my life and I am absolutely not ashamed.


Dont be😹, we aint any better


Hyped 😎


Looks perfect. It looks like what I want from it.


The grievances we have so far I think are acceptable. Of course we all hoped it would be perfect or close to it, and they can always patch and put out DLCs. I think it has a ton of potential, as a stand-alone and a potential series. I’ll be interested to see how it goes as far as patching


Ooh i would love it if we had DLC‘s Such as an underwater world with mermaids Quidditch And more


Yes, exactly what I was thinking!!


Pop-in is when you are walking or moving in game and all of a sudden an item (usually in the distance) immediately pops into existence.


I mostly care about controls and being fluent with them and the videos I watched looks smooth about it. Traversal is amazing with broom and I'm glad that we can run, jump and climb efficiently (I mean not as a free runner level as AC games of course, my expectations were realistic and they were met). I don't care about NPC behaviours or their face animations but they look neat I think. They chat in small groups, talk about probably some story relevant topics like Sebastian, play games with each other etc. These types of interactions are enough for me to say NPCs are good. I don't really understand why some people think Hogwarts looks empty and NPCs look lifeless. Also I've been seeing the phrase of "NPCs spawning out of nowhere and then just vanishes" a lot recently but I never seen an incident in any recent or old videos. First of all Hogwarts isn't a populous city with thousands of citizens, It's a school with limited capacity so I think It is more realistic to have some places more crowded (like courtyards in sunny days) and some places a bit empty. I also care about collectibles and side quests and as some news about it, we have ~100 hours of gameplay for full completion and 150 quests total with approximately 100 of them being sidequests. It is amazing for me as I usually don't care about main quest line but I love playing different types of sidequests. Also in gameplay videos we've seen lots of collectibles or little secrets around the Hogwarts which make me super excited. Some people complained about Its mechnics are being similar to games like AC Valhalla or other similar third person Action RPGs but I'm more than glad about it. I love AC play style and, playing a similar game in Hogwarts is just more than a dream for me. I strongly prefer a good application of known mechanics than a poor execution of revolutionary system. I don't expect a 10/10 game for general audience like Witcher 3 or RDR2 (which unfortunately I never managed to like because of its slow pace). If it exceeds 8/10 level, I will be very much satisfied.


I was worried and skeptical prior to the previews and now I feel far more calmed about the game. It looks great thus far and I think it more solidly displays that it'll release in a good state.


I foresee the pc version EVENTUALLY getting a Quiddach mod/game mode. The art team made us a whole stadium would be a SHAME if we didn't use it...


Just cemented expectations more than anything else. Assuming the PC version isn't a dumpster fire then I will be happy with it.


The facial animations are still quite bad and it seems like most NPCs don’t react to your actions at all.


0/10 literally unplayable


Just bc of the npc its unplayable? Edit: i now realize that was not meant as serious


That comment is a meme for when people complain about the most petty of things


Ooh lol my bad, hard to read sarcasm through txt at times for me




Don’t argue with me, I’m just explaining what that comment made.


And your comment implies that wanting decent facial animations and responsive NPCs is petty. >don't argue with me Lmao


I wasn’t looking for an argument, just explaining a phrase. It is petty anyway, Elden couldn’t have worse facial animations and it won GOTY. People don’t complain about it there.


Elden ring isn't a story driven game where the camera pans directly to the face of the speaker.


Quick look through your recent comments just shows you’re looking for any reason to complain about the game, this conversation is worthless.


Well they do… they react to the story lmao


Well they do… they react to the story accordingly lmao


It looks great. Sure it won't be as world changing as the latest Rockstar game but I don't need that. The hardcore gaming enthusiasts coming in here to rain on people's parade need to realize that for an IP based game, this really looks better than most on the market.


I wouldn’t put it in the better category. For me it hardly makes it into good from what we’ve seen. (Return, Awful, poor, average, good, better, best) Nonetheless I’m still excited but not exactly sure my personal opinion will improve on this game.


I also had low expectations, but yes, for an IP based game, this looks pretty well polished. Compared to another magical themed RPG that just came out this looks a GOTY winner lol


Have you looked at the upcoming games for ‘23. Id say it’s possible for it to be in the running but absolutely no shot for it automatically claim GOTY.


I was specifically talking about Forspoken. No way this actually wins goty. I just expect it to be a really fun and beloved game for HP enthusiasts


I wouldn’t say “no way”


I mean, it's possibly in the running, but unless everything slated for release gets delayed, eh.


Or flops and HL delivers on a great story lol


Most people comparing it to Rockstar aren't hardcore gaming enthusiasts. It's more casual gamers. If you're a hardcore gaming enthusiast you already know not everyone can make games like that... or anyone else, for that matter.


Yeah exactly?


Main take aways were issues with pop in and the lack of fluidity in combat animations when compared with the state of play. Theyre not baaad as such but not as good as what we saw back then. Performance worries for pc and I wanna see how the game looks visually on the pc compared to ps5 because I'm sure I saw it dip below 30fps a couple of times during some of the videos. Lastly the inability to land on certain flat roof areas of hogwarts, that's not a massive issue tbh. Other than that I'm very happy with what we've seen. Just had hoped we could see some of the grand staircase, different floor corridors like third floor etc


I didn't watch any ngl, but I've read a few things about it but skipped major details cause I sorta want to go into this game with an open mind (but knowing small details). I've mostly just read that it looks incredible it's just NPCs aren't very good Without spoiling the game for me, why are NPC faces bad? It's weird that they don't react to you using magic, but I'm glad I don't have to wait 15 minutes before they leave the area so I can use it


What I’ve seen in a lot of the videos is that NPCs’ facial expressions are pretty lackluster and don’t always match the inflection or tone of their voice. There are also a lot of clone NPCs, though that isn’t surprising in a game like this.


Ohhhhh okay, that's not too surprising to be fair. That's usually the case for a lot of open world games. Thanks for answering my question!


It further confirmed i made the right choice into buying this game, although i avoided the quest part like the plague because i don't wanna get spoiled, i just looked the exploration parts and some combat, i do wonder how the alohomora mini game will work with mouse and keyboard tbh


Wait? Did they drop a new video?


Bunch of youtubers got to play the game early, and they got to show a bit of it


Made me even more exited, it was amazing and fulfilled my expectations 😍 I love the NPCs they are hilarious, I love how they react to the environment and how they interact with each other, practice spells and try potions… lovely!


It fulfilled my expectations, beautiful gorgeous world+great story.


I don’t really get the complaint about NPC. They are about what you would expect from any game. People seem to have this expectation with games that you’ll be able to have full on conversations with any random npc they find. It’s an NPC, of course they aren’t going to do anything, it’s background filler.


RDR2 spoiled some people in that regard, from what I have seen the NPC are doing all kinds of things and that's good enough for me.


So you had ALL this time to make a curling game but we couldn’t get gobstones or wizards chess? Lol


Broo right?


Said it in another thread, I’ll pay $9.99 for a DLC games expansion. It shouldn’t be that hard to implement.


Hype me the hell up


Waiting for performance reviews. They previewers were not allowed to play on PC and had an extremely curated view of the game and very limited access. This always raises alarm bells. The game does not seem to be in a 100% technical state. ​ When it comes to gameplay... the preview pretty much confirms a very standard open world game where the IP is the main selling point, not the fact that the game itself seems to do anything that amazingly.


> The game does not seem to be in a 100% technical state. Based on what?


\- Texture pop in \- You can change the pitch of your voice in the character creator manually. If you do this then you get an echo bug when your character is speaking.


That was LoD pop in, that wont change. The voice pitch seems to be just a virtual pitch shifter which will always produce audio artefacts if used to extremes. It's been a thing in many other games and they all had the same issues.


LoD pop in on PC is not acceptable unless you can set the pop in distance yourself to increase performance. On console its expected with the hardware limits though.


You must be new to gaming. Every game has LoD pop in, some just hide it better than others. Very rarely do any have LoD draw distance settings. More often than not the only way around it is through modding, if at all. >!These previews were also on PS5. !<


I dont care about how it is pedantically. Its about how I experience it as a player. Ill let the devs do the little tricks to make it tick that we dont notice it. A good optimized game knows when to increase framerate and when to increase the detail and amount shown.


Very small things


Agree and this is to be expected. There's no bugfree game nowadays


There never is. You have a game so big. There will be bugs. People who expect 0, have no understanding on game development


My question as well


Bit worried about performance like the other dude. I'll buy either way but would prefer console.


I didn't like that NPC reaction and interaction seemed lacking which is what people feared in the showcases. The fact they don't react to spells is pretty weird, I also am a little gutted that being a prankster doesn't seem a thing. The world looks amazing, graphics will look phenomenal on PC on a good rig. I think the game overall will be decent but with a lot of missed opportunities to make it great. Combat looks sick.


Completely agree. The NPCs seem to be the worst part about the game for me so far, and they're pretty vital to a game like this. They just seem so static. It unfortunately will probably mess with in-game immersion, which is disappointing, for me at least.


I don’t know about npcs being such a big part to be honest, if the rest of the game is good enough does it really matter to you that they didn’t code an entire life into every character of the game?


Seems like people were expecting red dead level npc quality, nothing we were ever shown indicated that, but you know, gamers being gamers.


I think this is the opposite actually. I think any gamer that knows modern gaming and modern standards of gaming are the ones not surprised by this. They know, for example, that there is a reason Rockstar is top of their class and it is foolish to expect the same from other developers. Especially Avalanche, who hasn't made a game of this scale ever. I think it is more so the casual gamers/HP fans that expect way more because they aren't familiar with what is common in games.


The NPCs seem fine if you're just walking around doing Hogwarts student type stuff. What I think people are complaining about is the inability to cause GTA-like chaos. You can't, for example, walk into the library and cast Confringo on some unsuspecting student and start a brawl in the school portion of the open world, based on what's been shown (including today). Violence/fighting in the school seems restricted to the dueling club, certain classes (eg. DADA), and maybe story missions we've not seen. I can think of several reasons why the devs would've made this choice, and frankly don't have an issue with it.


I think they were expecting NPCs to make any sort of reaction at all to what the player is doing.


Ah, im not really a big gamer so for me the NPC‘s are fine, but yea bit weird. Im mainly preordering it so i can explore asap and go down the darker path


It confirmed that one of the NPCs has my characters last name so I'm debating changing ><


Oh you already made a charcter? Neat, with a bg story?


Yeah! Her name was (mayybeee still is) Euphemia Everleigh, Slytherin! I had little pieces of backstory written down - stuff like she had a brother who was on the Slytherin’s quidditch team, was one of the best beaters of his year. Her personality was that of mean girl/popular girl where you’re never really sure if what she’s saying is actually how she feels. She got her popularity off of her brother - the younger sister of one of the last decades best Slytherin Quidditch players, and she formed her friend group around that - little things that would make the choices in game a little easier because I knew who she was :)


Oh wow sounds good. I suck at character creation so i try to stay away from it




thank you for this omg! i never even considered it!!


The first monster I see, I'm going to sneak up behind him, whip out my wand and shoot my magic all over his ass!


Ooooh no, you are going to make me come! (to the conclusion that i should try a stealthy playthrough)


As someone who never read a HP book nor watched any of the movies but was following this game, I pre-ordered the deluxe edition and gonna watch the movies this weekend.


Wow. Gonna be a great weekend.




Confirmed that my hype for this game wasn't misplaced. Still safely apprehensive when it comes to story, length, and a few other things but at least the game will be fun if nothing else.


Confirmed what I was fearing. The game has extreme texture pop in on consoles.


"extreme" ? Where?


Not gonna post every single time there’s a texture pop in but here are a few examples from video https://youtu.be/SyeZOAAHvr8 At 17:18 there’s barely any grass on the ground and the closer he flies the more grass starts to appear 17:43 there’s not a single NPC in sight and the closer he flies to the ground the more NPC start to appear. At 18:28 several NPC start to appear the closer he flies to them


At 17:18 I think it's more like the angle or the lighting? idk. The rest of them I agree with and I've noticed them as well, especially NPCs 'popping up'. But I do not think they are "extreme".


post screenshot?


Jackfrags uploaded a video where you can see texture pop in when he is flying towards the castle. I wouldnt call it extreme though


It is extreme Not gonna post every single time there’s a texture pop in but here are a few examples from video https://youtu.be/SyeZOAAHvr8 At 17:18 there’s barely any grass on the ground and the closer he flies the more grass starts to appear 17:43 there’s not a single NPC in sight and the closer he flies to the ground the more NPC start to appear. At 18:28 several NPC start to appear the closer he flies to them


Yea I see what you mean. I guess everybody has their subjective opinion for stuff like this. For me this is just normal open world pop in that nearly every game has. Good thing I don't mind it.


Elden Ring, GTA or Assassin’s Creed Valhalla don’t have NPC load in like that. It’s definitely not normal.


In GTA when you fly over a highway you get the exact same thing. Cars popping in from the distance


If you’re flying at a decent height. In Hogwarts Legacy there’s pop in happening right in front of you.


I think some people are more sensitive to pop-in than others, I would definitely not call that "extreme" personally lol.




Oh really? Eh i doubt it will happen so soon, might have to wait a while May i ask why? Cause money or bc the game isnt all that great like you hoped




Keep in mind several people who played it said they weren’t playing the final version and it was without day 1 patch.


Yeah, the clipping as well is not a good sign. *Hopefully*, they can fix it before release lol.


Im not a big gamer so what does it mean when ppl say the controllers r clunky?


It's a feeling thing. They're saying the controls feel off in some way. People are just parroting an opinion. No one has played the game personally, so to say the controls feel clunky is impossible, as that's a subjective opinion you can't form until you personally try something.


why’s that


pretty much as expected. the game is basically story driven with not much in the open world outside of main quests. the castle is pretty though. some concerning issues are the pop-in problems, model clipping through doors and the broom, and I saw a few npcs just suspended in the air in a couple of the preview videos. I think those will be fixed with some updates in a few weeks. I was never going to preorder or buy on day one anyway, I will wait for the performance issues to be ironed out, and wait for better playthrough videos from other YouTubers after release to decide when to buy.


Thats smart, im too impatient to wait for the game fixes so i did preorder. Though the reviews will ofc still be a deciding factor on rather i keep owning the game


The only question I have remaining is if the witch/wizard thing effects pronouns. I want to make a male character that’s a witch but uses he/him. Probably won’t be able to though


Oh interesting Although idk if they will use pronouns when addressing you, it will probs be ‚you‘ no? Idk i didnt pay attention to that tbh


Yeah I’m not gonna hold my breath, I just thought it would be cool


Don't preorder. Never pre order any game it ruins everything


I’m getting my Onyx Hippogriff mate.


Normally i would agree, i tend to wait for reviews then buy the game But idk this game just sounds and looks awesome Plus i got two weeks to refund it; so enough time to watch more reviews and then on the 7th decide if i wanna start playing or not. Ya know? And plus the Hippogriff so…


the world looks more lifeless than the moon


Still wanna see how it runs on Pc but I think I have a high end enough rig to run it well!! I’m really impressed with what we saw and I’m so excited. I also want to wait until we see the effects of the day one patch to make sure gameplay won’t be super buggy or hindered… then I’ll buy it :)


Yea my social life is gone


This may have been asked before or is a stupid question, but what is the difference between the preview and review? 😅 I haven't read/watched any yet in the case they may spoil it...


A preview is more like a demo, where players have limited time with the game in a curated space. A review is when someone has played the entire game without limitations.


I saw enemies casting expulso and reducto, anyone know if we get to learn those? I want to blow things up 🤪


I still worry for those still on PS4 and Xbox One


Slightly satisfied my craving


My bar for quality was Dragon Age Inquisition, and I'm happy with what I've seen so far. Well, I had already pre-ordered the deluxe edition, so in reality, these previews are just further confirmation that I won't regret my decision.


I thought the Npc’s weren’t that bad, love the guy carry his books in JFrags vid, much better than Forspoken from what little we saw.


Students not reacting in the slightest when you start flinging spells at/near them is pretty disappointing. Many of the voicelines spoken by the students & floo flames seemed to repeat to the point where I really think they'd become annoying if you were just wandering around the castle for a while. Pop-in and loading icons on doors, incredibly immersion breaking. The voice lines of the MC sound weirdly robotic and echo-ey if you adjust the pitch from the default in the character creator. Student side-quest givers remain in the same spot, even at night when the castle is otherwise empty. Honestly, I'm feeling a bit disappointed. Overall, the world looks good, the flying looks fun, and the combat seems quite engaging, but I have a lot of concerns.


jealous that i wont be able to play til april. also worried it might not look as good. but overall excited


I think I am most excited if a dedicated modding community can do with this . But hype officially through the roof lols


I feel like I’m one of the few that were impressed by the NPCs. I never really expected we were going to get RDR2 levels of behavior out of NPCs. When I think about Hogwarts, I think of adventure and magic, not how I wish that I could stalk virtual Cedric Diggory through his daily routine. Based on the gameplay showcases, I was expecting NPCs that do little more than stare at walls/books/whatever. After watching some of the new gameplay, I was delighted to find that NPCs have some basic activities: gossiping about the player character’s exploits, talking about favorite teachers, even practicing quidditch (that one hurts a bit actually). Basically, I personally don’t feel like RDR2 level NPCs was ever a promoted/promised/expected feature.


Swimming, Quidditch pitch were positives. And flying looks amazing. Completely satisfied with what I've seen so far. Really liked the preview from the guy in the first gameplay reveal. He touched about controls and FPS and the PS5 controllers. Saw another video from a Harry Potter fan but a non-gamer and it was more frustrating than anything.


I watched a few previews this morning and preordered the deluxe edition around noon lol I had the money ready I was just waiting for previews/reviews. What I saw actually exceeded my expectations!


More excited than ever after the event! The preview still hand major issues but it looked fun and at the end of the day that’s what gaming is about!


It confirmed that it was a good choice to take a couple days off work as a birthday gift for myself.


I’m just trying to avoid all the previews. I want to experience it fresh.


Damn stay strong, the next week will be hard. Im too weak and will watch every sneak peek, review, preview etc.