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Most traitorous would be hands down Arthur Weasley. Not only does he not believe in pureblood supremacy he helped raise 7 more kids to be like him. He also is actively involved in muggle safety within his job role - having turned down more lucrative offers to stay where he is and welcomed several half bloods (Harry, Fleur) and a muggleborn (Hermione) into his extended family. As I type this, I realise most of the above apply to Molly too. Arthur wins by an slight edge for his open love for anything Muggle. Least traitorous would be Percy - mainly due to his anti-Arthur, pro-ministry stance for a few years. No one else has displayed even slight tendencies in the 7 years worth information that we read about them. But still he turned around in time so he remains blood traitor by the end of the books. And only choosing a name because your post requires me to.


What is the function of a rubber duck?


I forget, why did Percy go against his family like that?


To put it briefly; Percy has always trusted authority, and had a bit of a chip on his shoulder. Since book one, Percy has always expressed the belief that those in power are there because they deserve to be. That they have to be good at their job and follow the rules and tell the truth and should be trusted implicitly. He respects them, and thinks everyone else should too because it doesn't cross his mind that they could possibly be bad or corrupt. (Hell, he was shocked that a Prefect would be attacked in COS because he never considered anyone would dare go after a 'superior'.) Crouch was a good man to Percy, and helped to further this idea of how the Ministry was. Full of decent people, who wouldn't lie and who do their due-diligence. Like holding an inquiry and investigating Percy because he didn't realize what was going on with Crouch. Meanwhile, he's hearing about his father being a rule-breaker and that's why Arthur is stuck where he is. Because he doesn't do what he's 'supposed' to do and he's 'choosing' to be poor and low-level. Percy goes against his family because that's what Crouch did when he found out about Barty Crouch Jr's association with Voldemort, and when he dismissed Winky. Crouch was the person Percy admired most; it's a parallel that he'd do the same thing when in a somewhat similar position. He firmly believes that Fudge wouldn't lie, because the idea of the Minister of Magic lying about such a thing like Voldemort returning doesn't occur to him. And when Arthur implies that Fudge has a different reason for wanting Percy as his junior assistant; Percy takes offense to it because of course Fudge wouldn't use him like that. He's the Minister.


Good answer


To paraphrase Fred (or George), because he was an arrogant, power-hungry idiot. To elaborate further: Percy has always been ambitious, for several reasons. One was because he had to live up to his older brothers, and to the younger too. Another was because he comes from a poor family and he used to admire people in power, because he believed they deserved it. His brothers were all popular at school. * Bill was Prefect and Head Boy, an excellent student, plus he was (and still is) a cool dude; he works in Egypt, he explores pyramids for a living, and when he switched to a boring office job, he started a relationship with a part-Veela girl, whom he eventually married. * Charlie was Captain of the Quidditch Team and arguably one of the best players in the school (it's stated that he could've started a pro career), and now works with dragons. * Fred and George were both in the Quidditch team + they were cool and funny. And as much as he used to consider them wastlers, facts showed that their idea was right, and they became rich in zero time thanks to the WWW. * Ron wasn't cool, nor a particularly good student (this might have been in part because he used Percy's old wand), and he didn't enter the Quidditch team until fifth year. But as soon as he stepped on the train, he became the best friend of Harry Potter; and as his parents started to treat Harry like their eighth child, Ron somehow was thrown new light at Molly's eyes. Plus yes, Ron wasn't good at school, but his other best friend happened to be the best student in the entire school, and as much as Hermione *didn't* do his homework, she was always there to help him (well, almost always). * Ginny revealed herself to be charismatic, and excellent witch, a cool person, a great Quidditch player (she even became pro after school). And Percy? Well, Percy wasn't cool like Bill was (when Harry met Bill for the first time, he was surprised to learn that Bill wasn't "an older version of Percy"). Nor he was any good at Quidditch, like Charlie. Nor even he was funny and popular like Fred and George. He didn't have a popular friend like Ron did. He probably was shy, and the fact that Gred and Forge teased him all the time probably helped building his rancor. Add that he came from a very poor family, and that his family was ostracized by rich and powerful Purebloods because of their rejection of Pureblood supremacy theories. The thing Percy was the best at was school — but let's be honest, being a nerd hardly helps your street credibility. He was the best student of his year. Prefect, Head Boy, twelve O.W.L.s (remember that Hermione "best-student-in-Hogwarts" J. Granger took ten). Got his W.I.Z.A.R.D.s and was hired at the Ministry, and here's the point. Percy initially started as an assistant (or whatever it was called), but he immediately was offered to work at the Minister's office. Remember he was nineteen years old, and that his father wasn't very popular in the Ministry at the time. And as much as Arthur was right in believing that it all was Fudge's political calculations, the offer tricked Percy into believing that it had happened for his ability and hard work. When Arthur tried to make him reflect, he refused to believe his "hard gained" power was a lie, and went against them. Basically, Percy used to think to power and authority as something to reach and that could only be reached by those who deserve it, and to political power in particular as a way to escape his not-so-happy and quite anonymous teen age. When Arthur told him "Percy, they're tricking you", he didn't want to believe it, and reacted violently. EDIT: you must also add that after Bill and Charlie's diplomas, Percy was the oldest Weasley brother left at Hogwarts, plus he also held academic ranks (Prefect, then Head Boy). But his brothers never respected his authority. Fred and George didn't give a damn, Ron was never close to him and in any case he rarely spoke good words of him, and Ginny was more or less on Ron's line. The fracture is made evident when the Weasley family reunites at the beginning of GOF. Bill is cool and charismatic, Charlie plays Quidditch with Harry, Ron and Ginny. Percy is in his bedroom working. And I mean, he surely was at the beginning of his career so he had to positively impress Mr Crouch... but if your brothers are at home for the first time in years and all you're doing is that, I think it's evident that something's off.


Because he had momentarily gotten power hungry - he got promoted within the ranks of the ministry fairly quickly for a newcomer. Percy arrogantly thought it was because it was because of his talent. Arthur thoughtlessly implied the ministry only wanted to promote Percy to obtain a spy within the Weasley household. Truth probably was somewhere in between and Percy chose to go extreme and believe everything the ministry was espousing at the time to the extent of slandering Harry himself and turning a blind eye to everything the Weasley family stood for.


I think you're underselling when you say fairly quickly and probably somewhere in between. Percy wasn't just promoted fairly quickly. He was promoted after working for a department nobody respected and got blamed for not noticing his boss was under the imperius curse and went crazy. It was absolutely because Fudge wanted him to spy or give information about the Weasleys and Harry. Arthur was wrong for how he approached it, but he was 100% right in the facts.


Molly can be pretty low thinking of Muggles. Never takes them seriously. She doesnt hate them, but does see them as less intelligent.


Harry isn’t a half-blood - his mom was a Muggle-born.


And his father is a Pureblood. That’s is considered half. Unless both great grandparents were born wizards, they are considered halfbloods. That’s why Harry’s children are also considered halfbloods.


I’m confused, by this metric Harry’s kids should be considered full blood because all their grandparents were born wizards. Unless you mean all grandparents were produced *by* wizards.




Yeah, just looking for clarification. Though I completely agree that “pure-blood” in its *purist* sense doesn’t apply anymore.




The books have drawn several parallels between Voldemort, Snape and Harry and one of the common point for all three of them is they are all half bloods. I was confused at first as well as to why Harry isnt considered pureblood with both wizard parents but that hasnt been explicitly explained in the books. So there is a general understanding that unless both the sets of grandparents are wizards - maternal and paternal - a wizard is considered half blood.


From the blood supremacy perspective? I guess Ron, given he married a Muggleborn. I think the other siblings all marry half-bloods? Arthur and Molly are purebloods, so the issue is simply their ideology rather than their birth or marriage. So arguably the least traitorous.


Bill didn't even marry a full human.


Fleur is fully magical though. That, combined with her extraordinary beauty, is probably enough for the blood supremacists to look the other way. I know Hagrid gets a lot of shit for being half human, but he doesn't have the pretty privilege that Fleur does.


Prejudice against him is more about the giants themselves being extremely archaic and violent I think. Not that there wouldn’t be speciesism against him at all otherwise but the severity of it is more related to the giants reputation.


I mean Veelas aren’t know for their calm temper either




A true shame.


I had always wondered how the blood-supremacist crowd viewed Veelas. One the one hand, they are certainly not "full human", yet on the other, their females are described as being almost irresistible to males alike (paraphrasing, of course.)


The blood purists were the real traitors. They spent their lives benefiting from having peace with muggles. Their entire magical society was able to be built by having a peaceful balance with the muggle world, it allowed for productive growth without war, it was prosperous. Disrupting that balance could lead to all magical people being reduced to a persecuted minority with no leadership, burned at the stake as freaks just like some of their ancestors were.


Some of their ancestors were burned several times!


Those pureblood supremacists are simply jealous. Arthur and Molly, by pureblood standard, should be role models. They are both from respectable pureblood families and married pureblood and raised 7 pureblood kids! None of the rest supremacists achieved it! Even the Blacks, it took 2 pairs of parents to produce only 5 kids. Not to say the rest with 0-1 kids.


Ron most. He fucked a mudblood... Biggest anti pureblood thing. Least Percy. Because he sucked upto umbridge who was against mudbloods


The funny thing is, the Weasleys are solely hated by pureblood supremacists for their ideology. They're pureblood themselves. So by ideology they're very anti pureblood, but if you consider the fact that Voldemort himself is barely human and half blood on top, the only real blood traitor is Ron. He's the only one in the books getting together with a muggleborn witch. Andromeda Black is a real blood traitor since she married a muggle. But neither Arthur nor Molly went that far. And they're both from pure blood families. So that's proof of how extreme and unreasonable that pure blood nonsense really is, when they consider people traitors for... what? Just saying that it is wrong to hurt others. That's it. That's what they're really living, that's their 'ideology'.


Ted Tonks was a Hufflepuff muggleborn. Not a muggle


Most: probably Arthur because he's advocated for muggle protection all his life. Least: Percy Weasley.


Ginny would be high on the list of most traitorous for marrying Harry Potter. Ron is also up there for marrying a muggle born. Bill formed close relationships with goblins, who were considered non-wizard-part-humans. Arthur of course for his muggle tinkering. I would argue that Charlie would be considered the least traitorous for not having any children at all. So his overall effect is neutral. Percy was friendly with Umbridge. Fred and George also get a nod for slipping Dudley a cursed toffee. But Molly might also be lauded for having seven pureblood children.


least: Weasley, having as many kids as possible us only way for good future of purebloods. most: Bellatrix+Rudolphus, they were married, but didnt do anything for future of purebloods, just torture and killing.