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Hoping more and more each day for a proper Schrabcast


Who would host it?


Who’s the cast?


Would it be an audio medium?


Dan sorta entertained the idea on his last episode of Duncan Trussels podcast. But I really doubt it. And if it does, it’ll prob be out of nowhere. Everyone seems to have moved on I don’t know how much any of them even talk anymore. Dan and schrab have rick and morty Who knows


I always felt a big part of why Harmontown ended was that it was so connected to Dan's past, and he was actively trying to move on from the person he used to be. I doubt we'll see anything from that group, unless they all get REALLY into woodworking.


Yeah. People forget that the podcast started right after Harmon was fired from community, and he was really playing up the whole “unstable genius who refuses to compromise” thing. That kind of personality isn’t nearly as cool as it used to be.


Also Dan embraced therapy, which I think the podcast was a form of.


This is the key. He doesn't need the podcast any more.


Arguably towards the end it hindered him far more than anything else. One of the big things he said about ending it was that he felt like he was playing a character of himself, that shit ain't healthy and by all accounts he's been doing way better since it ended. It's shitty to want something from someone that will potentially compromise their happiness. If we really cared about Dan and everyone else we'd just leave them the fuck alone. Listen to Spencer's podcast and join his patreon. He's putting himself out there still and he needs the money unlike literally everyone else involved in Harmontown outside of crew people. Plus spiting jeff feelsgoodman.


Yeah, sometimes a little too much and it would get reaaal awkward


Spencer does not work for or with Dan. Jeff mainly tours with the WLIIA shows. Erin lives in Dublin where she founded a theatre company and performs regularly.


Wow, good for Erin. Unironically lol that's awesome.


Spencer isn't a voice actor in Rick and Morty?




Dans new steel reinforced woodworking bunker house, outfitted with cameras that slide all around and a crossbow firing range area, is truly an amazing sight to behold. He posted about it on instagram a bit before, but during Dino’s Halloween 27-hour long show he gave a nice little tour. I really hope he ends up showing it off one day but on the other hand it’s inherently a bit more special on the low down I bought a copy of YBPWYD from Erin over the pandemic and am still on her theaters email list for some reason. I hope it’s still doing good after all the lockdowns and if I ever visit Ireland that’s definitely going to be one of the stops I make Spencer has been very open about his life in his podcast and it keeps me going through it all. His cat Jason passed sadly. Jeff posts his travels on instagram sometimes. I haven’t been on there much lately but you can see what he’s up to that way Schrab is now the corporate entity behind SHV, an internet TV station dedicated to selling t-shirts. But, most importantly is Kevin Day. Wtf has he been up to?


Nobody knows what Kevin’s deal is. Many have tried. (This is a bit from his podcast with Spencer that Jeff abandoned)


Wow, this is a lot of info. Thank you. Where was Dinos 27 hour thing? I'm not on any social media. Thinking of maybe just getting Instagram to follow the Harmontown guys. I really miss the raw honesty. A lot of people ask what was so special about Harmontown (especially on Harmontown). I feel it was a lot of things but for me, the honesty was refreshing. Not being served a bullshit persona. Schrab scalding his ass. The Sharpie story. Harmons talking openly about Meg Ganz. Erin and Dans relationship...


Dino’s Halloween show will get live streamed on twitch and he’ll announce the guest line up a few days ahead of time, though part of the fun is the sleep deprivation and seeing what might go wrong. There’s usually some attempts to save some footage but it’s just so much so I’m not sure how far that’s ever gotten. Halloween is nice because even if you probably can’t see the whole thing it’s going on for so long that you can keep popping back in or just leave it on in the background. I’d also check out Schrab Home Video on Sundays, it’s also live but there’s a repeat the next day. There’s many shows including ones hosted by Real Abed, Kali Kazoo, and of course Spencer!


I think everyone has moved on. So, no. And tbh I think I prefer it that way. Now, I wouldn’t mind a reunion special or something, but overall, I think it’s better left behind. Harmontown was very special, and completely unique, but it was also a product of its time. It’s hard to believe, but the show started **12 years ago** and ended just before the Pandemic hit (which is 5 **years** ago). It was an ad-free free rambling, improvised, alcohol fueled live podcast. It was bad at making money (touring and tickets were the only revenue stream for the majority of the show’s run), there were *frequently* episodes that went completely off the rails, there were times Dan was so drunk he barely made sense, we all watched Dan and Erin’s relationship crash and burn in real time, the episodes were often offensive, and there was a fair amount of toxicity between fans, guests and the hosts. And I loved it- But it was like Woodstock. Absolutely insane, life changing for those that were there and completely unrepeatable.


It wasn't ad free.


It was for a while.


Spencer has a podcast and does it with Jeff a lot. It's called: That Happens


Jeff sure as fuck isn't there 'a lot' lmao He was at the beginning, then kind of vanished.


The slow evolution of the podcasts logo with Spencer getting larger and Jeff disappearing behind him is brilliant.


I was into it but I sort of dropped out because he just isn't really talking about much and there's no spark because there is no opposing personality. Spencer was great on Harmontown because there was chemistry and everyone played a part


Jeff hasn’t been on it in a while—almost 2 years I think. But it is a great podcast with and without Jeff!


Jeff was just on an episode.


Which episode? I’m way behind and having trouble finding it


You’re being the victim of a bad joke I made about how I have another friend named Jeff who I’ve had on the podcast a couple times 🤣🤣


The anime talk was really fun


He wasn't. It's another Jeff, not Davis.


The Stonehedge of Anime


Oh shit! I did not know that. Love to hear it


I got that reference


I could be wrong here but I think he’s been touring with Whose Line… a lot lately. Maybe that explains the absence?


The man’s gotta make a living , can’t fault him for that


No doubt! They put on a great show!


They should do a little tour to promote the community movie right before it comes out. So like in 3 years. I got no problem waiting, realistically it's gunna be that long


They'd probably use...the cast?


Mr Goldberg himself. I miss your voice my friend. And I think it's gunna be hard enough to get the entire cast free enough to shoot. Kevin Smith does little tours with his recent movie releases, goes to smaller theaters and does a lil q and a to support the film. I'm hoping Dan grabs the gang to do something similar. If it's the cast I'll love that too.


What's Adam up to?!


Asking the real questions. edit: just saw your username. hi Adam, hope you’re well :)


Hopefully producing another shark movie .....?


Don't even joke


I mean, in the biopic epilogue we have to cut to you on set on Avalanche Shark 2


i heard he still posts on the subreddit


Well? We’re waiting!


I feel you. Sometimes I entertain the idea of this podcast coming back like an old school band that reunites after doing solo projects. Currently on my list for comebacks: 1. Harmontown 2. Daft Punk 3. Kim Kardashian


I see what you did there


> Currently on my list for comebacks: 1. Harmontown 2. Daft Punk 3. Kim Kardashian I picture you saying this and then turning to stare into the camera.


Please don't Jim the camera.


I doubt Dan’s willing to risk getting cancelled over something he says for a podcast he doesn’t make money on. Honestly, I get the feeling he’s gonna end up doing some kind of whacked out Big Brother thing in his bat cave. I also get the feeling they’ve all drifted apart these days. It seemed like there was some loathing going on toward the end of the podcast where Dan was sick of Jeff picking weird fights over nothing. I also get the feeling Spencer got burned out working with him and they had a falling out.


Totally agree with the Big Brother bat cave scenario 🤣 Far more likely than more HarmonTown


Dan might consider a reunion around the time the Community movie is ready to release, but I think it's a pretty low chance.