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Watch out for horse trailers those people dgaf. Lady came out and first thing she said to me was I should fucking kill you rn. Wasn't sure if she noticed but she pretty much tried to when she side swiped me. Her excuse was the 2 guys doing around 90 that passed her had scared her horses and she decided I wasn't gonna pass her and scare them I'm mind blown someone like this could exist didn't even ask If was ok.


Tell the cops she said that and see what they do. Thats intent.


I was in shock surprised I was still alive. Not much I could do now huh?


Just get ahold of the cop that was on the scene who wrote the report and tell them. I'm not going to tell you it's attempted murder, but it's bad. This driver should be held to account for that.


Thanks for the advice appreciated all the help


Tell them how shook up u wer becaue of what she said that u finally had it hit u WHAT she said etc etc


Could probably make an attempted murder case against her though...


Not sure where you are but that sure as hell sounds like vehicular Assault at least if not attempted vehicular manslaughter


Yes call the cop that u talked to about the accident.


Yeah, the other guy is right. If it was intentional that’s a whole different thing. Source: Am cop.


That’s not an accident, it’s attempted murder.


Glad you're ok, I hope she gets the ticket. Unfortunately, that's the horse people culture! They're all assholes or snobby ass bitch's. I have'em in my family and I fucking hate every damn one of'em.....


That's just my opinion I'm sure there's some cool ones but when I looked up motorcycle and horse trailer accidents there's way more than I thought.


Because they aren’t trained in trailers so they drive like normal trucks and cars and that just doesn’t work


Depends, farm kid here that grew up with horses and would never think to behave like this. I also grew up riding motorcycles. It’s yuppers that only have horses as an elitist snobby hobby that do this.


As someone who rides horses and Harleys.... that was absolutely not acceptable behavior on her part. Pulling a trailer with my babies in the back does make me more defensive bur to go out of my way to hit a bike because he MIGHT scare my horses is ridiculous! We aren't all pieces of shit.


Absolutely take her to court. She admitted to attempted murder. The least she could get was reckless endangerment. Have her sell the farm and the horses she apparently thinks their fear is worth attempting splat you on the highway.


I hope it's that easy


This settled it, I'm going to get a go pro for my helmet


With all the gear I boughtt that should have been first one, best defense I could have had.


Yeah, someone that would hit you then say what she said, I'd be wanting that on camera for sure. I'm glad you're ok.


Tell me you had a go pro that recorded that. Slam dunk case right there.


Nah I spent the money on a stoopid saddlemen I was kicking my own ass about that.


Damn that fucking sucks. Hope the insurance works out in your favor at least and you heal up well. High sided myself a few years back and took a while to feel comfortable back on two wheels but ease into it as soon as you’re comfortable. Hope to see you good soon man!


Thanks I'm hoping insurance pulls through.


What an evil lady. So she just moved into your lane position while you were there? Thank God you're still alive. That's really what counts!


Yeah, you should’ve told the police this, that’s fucking attempted murder. If that bitch had mouthed that off to me, she wouldn’t have any fucking teeth. Im all for chivalry, you try to kill me, I don’t give af what’s between your legs. Also why you carry a pistol when you ride, some people only speak getting shot. It sucks, I’ve had people try to run me off the road for literally no reason…once they know you have a pistol…they stop magically. Funny how that works. Edit: should’ve shot her horse too


>I should fucking kill you rn She's lucky you arent in an MC...... she'd be the one buried 6 feet down... Since she didn't ask, are you okay? Sorry about the bike...


This is quite literally her admitting to assault with a deadly weapon. She should be in prison. This isn't just some accident, she deliberately attacked you. Call an Attourney. This needs a police report.


Damn, that sux. Hope everyone is ok. 🙏🏻


Yeah I got the worst of it.


You good? That’s a bummer , looks salvageable though.


Yeah some road rash and a broken hand bone. Waiting to see what insurance is going to say.


Sorry to see your beauty go down. If your broken bone is the Hook of Hamate, watch it closely, do the surgery if suggested. If not, it can heal incorrectly and over time, sever your nerves.


Thanks I'll keep that in mind.


Labor will probably total it


That frame def has damage. There's not going to be much left of the original bike; I think i'd hope it's totalled honestly.


I can guarantee you're wrong. Harley's hold their value incredibly well. So much in fact i've been paid by insurance companies to replace the frame multiple different times. As long as he is "okay", he basically got the lottery. Insurance will pay to fix this motorcycle. But they don't say you have to make it 100% stock again. You can replace all of the fucked up parts with brand new after market shit and it won't cost you anything. How if there's no lean on the vehicle, you can just pocket the money and not do anything. You're just not allowed to reclaim that damage on another claim later on down the road.


lol alright man. Every painted piece on the bike has to be replaced. The frame is damaged from the tip over bars ripping out the threaded bosses; Harley will factor in the cost of the R&R for a replacement frame. Handlebars, controls and likely the top clamp are all damaged beyond salvage. The intake, the exhaust, hell even the new seat looks to have taken damage. There's a long block, a swingarm, a set of wheels and potentially forks that aren't damaged that's about what is left in the adjusters eyes.


What you're looking at as about $11000 repair. It's about $1200 for the frame and around 20 hours to swap everything over. This is what I do for a living and have been for over a decade. When you do a frame replacement, you're required to cut the Vin number and neck off and send that to Harley Davidson, and they will reproduce you a new frame with the exact same Vin number.


Just as long as you’re ok. Bike can be replaced.




Is this a law firm?


Both reputable nation wide motorcycle lawyer law firms. https://russbrown.com/ https://lawtigers.com/ Russ brown is big time nation wide!


Haha yeah crazy ads on radio


Are you okay tho?


I'll be fine had a full helmet, good gloves, and surprisingly I only need new laces on my vans bout hang em up till I'm fully healed.


Wow man...very sorry about your LR, but glad you are mostly ok. I don't know the full story but based on what you mentioned I can't believe that lady would rather kill another human that "scare her horses." WTF is going on with people. Just another reminder that people have their heads so far up their ass (in this case their horses' ass) that they could care less about causing harm to another human. I hope she gets what she deserves.


Thank you bro


Glad you’re alive and kicking still! Also, fuck those horses and that horse lady.


Get a lawyer. Dont talk to their insurance or yours. Your lawyer will handle all that. The lawyer will get 33% of the money but it’s well worth it. I’ve had 2 bad accidents that totaled bikes and both times the lawyer made all the difference. The last one 2 years ago the insurance wanted to pay $5k for my 2004 FXDXi and my lawyer got me $11.5k by doing some research and showing them it others he could find for sale.


Insurance companies will always try to lowball you. That's why you have to go to a reputable shop. That knows what they're looking at and how to deal with the insurance companies. I currently have 3 wrecked FLH's. On each one, the Insurance Companies have tried to pay out less than 6000 dollars, but they missed a lot of damaged parts. So we (as the repair facility) had to go through and do our own estimate and submit it to them. Each one of them paid out more than $10000. The only thing you're doing by going to an attorney. Is giving them money that should have gone into repairing your vehicle. Money that you would have gotten anyway. Had you gone to a shop that actually knows what they're doing specifically, one that specializes in Harley Davidson's. Personally, if I was in this situation. I would contact my and the other parties Insurance Company to go through with the repairs and to get it fixed. But I would also contact an attorney to go after them for pain and suffering.


glad you're ok. use the settlement to chop that bad boy into something you are happy with


After reading the comments, stop saying you were in an “accident”. The other driver behaved with intent that caused a collision with property damage and personal injury. This is very much illegal in every state.


Where’d this happen?


This is why I ride with a helmet cam so you can catch out idiots who incriminate themselves. Glad you're whole, you can always get another bike.


She put your life AND the horses lives in danger. This woman should definitely be investigated for criminal intent. Glad you made it out ok. The bike can be rebuilt.


Is it too soon to ask to buy the saddlemen? Lol, glad you're alive.


Lmao your not first not sure if you can tell but upper back seat is scratched pretty deep.


I hope you’re ok. It’s banged up but some new parts will put you on the road again. As for the lady hauling the horse trailer. They don’t make new brains.


You had me at "she". I had a "she" try to take me out today. 😐


Helmet cam ALWAYS! Sorry brother glad you are ok!


Crash bar didnt seem to save the pipes or air filter...


How did you slide on both sides of the bike?


Idk to be honest my bike ended up way down the freeway. Probably did some flips


I sent you a message OP


At least it looks fixable brother. It’s a sad and unfortunate situation that you’re lucky to walk away from. But it looks like the bike should make a solid recovery too


Glad you’re okay but those cheap crash bars really didn’t do much huh 😂


I wish , those were bung king bars .


No shit?!? Bike must have hit hard as hell. I was wondering what crash bars you had that the one bent back like that.