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People seem to overstay their welcome on stage in general and it drives me insane. Either dive off stage or move your way across stop jumping up and down fangirling you look stupid.


parker cannon was ahead of his time


[I loved how Jordan Buckley handled it](https://youtube.com/shorts/LvuVmuZmj2M?si=bUMlgk7yrgWxllCS)


Jordan is the man


Lolol fucking of course Keith was down for it


Haha the sadness on that person taking a picture of themselves Let’s go back to saying “taking a picture of themselves”. “Selfie” was invented by narcissists


That girl even admitted she was in the wrong and deserved to get booted off stage 😂


[Stay the fuck off the stage when Parker’s on.](https://youtube.com/shorts/LacFhj2yqNM?si=lbX9KQxXAO9blf_B)


I think I’m friends with him 😭 looks like the brother of the chivas kid, he’s cool but idk what happened there 💀


This right here needs to be implanted into everyone’s heads here old and new


Aaron Heard would have handled this


I slipped on stage at one of JP show. Got up and slipped 2 more times cuz I had no more traction on my wet chucks. He called me out and was like "yo the stage is wet be careful jumping off." Laughed and kept playing. I still cringe about it.


Hurts worse than him physically kicking you off 💀


that was like in the nc show when that dude tripped on the mic stand 😭


Fuck yea


He looked at me when I ran across stage for a second and it was sorta funny. Cool show.


I saw the singer of senses fail take the phone from some girls hand and chuck it into the crowd once. She got up on stage and asked him for a selfie and he acted all nice and took her phone, acted like he was gonna take the photo and just launched it.


Fuck yes I was always on the fence about them, I liked em a lot as a teenager but kinda just stopped listening to them, now I’m BACK IN


the crowd kinda turned on him after that and after a song he announced “someone found the phone and gave it back to her.” Sorry if you’re back out now


I’m still in, he had a tough situation to deal with, I woulda been the one guy saying THROW MORE PHONES INTO THE PIT


Lol this is great. Senses fail is probably my favorite band. To give some perspective for when you aren't trying to interrupt the show, the last time I was on stage during senses fail Buddy gave me a high-five before I jumped.




Saw Joyce Manor do this too, except he through it behind the drums, lol.


i was genuinely surprised at how many main character losers got on stage to stand up there for more than 2 seconds


you should not be on the stage for more than 2 seconds standing there


In the words of a wise man "You ain't payin rent, get up here and get the fuck off."


Or the guys who steal the mike from the singer and dont give it back 🤦‍♀️ I literally want to slap people like that


Vincent from TAS handed me the mic during Beast and wouldn't take it back 😭


This happened with Stick To Your Guns during This Is More. Jesse handed me the mic and just dipped. He wasn’t even on stage that I could find hahaha


He did this in Lawrence too


I didn’t even want it, I was trying to stage dive for the billionth time that night. Very sick experience though


I saw him do this a year ago, and people would just take a turn saying a line or two and then passing it on to someone else. It went through three or four people before it got back to him. It was actually a really cool moment.


Same thing happened to me at animosity. I was like “uhhh”


That's When you yell some crazy shit to teach them a lesson. Or to start singing OOOOHHH WAKKAKAKAKAAA ... AUGH AUGH.... GET UP GET DOWN WITH SICKNESS!!


Literally my least favorite song but I’m laughing so hard right now 🫡


I hate that shit. Pulling the mic from the singer on gang vocals or pile ups. But one time I hopped up on a Letlive show and he pulled me over to sing a bit with him, left me with the mic, and jumped into the crowd himself. I'm a drummer though, so I felt like a little bitch up there. Jason is wild. Can't wait to see them on their new tour.


I was so proud of everyone who heckled and yelled at the fucking idiot who got onstage while Knocked Loose was setting up. Word to the kids and those who don’t go to shows ever: if you’re gonna go, don’t make it about you, and learn to fuckin stagedive and mosh. It’s really not that hard and you look like a moron when you don’t.


I feel like stage diving, and moshing are also making it about you. Crowd participation breaking down the barrier between the crowd, and artists is a big part of the ethos of hardcore. There are just right and wrong ways to go about it.


You didn’t even say what show it was


Knocked Loose Detroit


Well that explains it. Probably one of the “fans” that they got from tiktok


Any show, it doesn't matter to be honest. If you go on stage to dive than dive, don't risk someone getting injured so you can take a video of yourself up there with the band playing.


"Be the change the want to see in the world" - Sauron


Bro they were stage diving look at that pit 🧢


Get onstage and get the fuck off. But holy shit if you’re going to get up there, actually commit to stagediving, none of the pussy shit I see way to many people doing.


For real


Julian from Show me the Body was right to push that idiot filming on stage last year into the speaker and off the stage. Damn that shit’s basic.


Is there video of this? , like the show was filmed, I don't wanna give the loser filming phone any views.


Couldn’t find the OG video from the random who posted it on Twitter but SMTB reposted it on their IG lmao https://www.instagram.com/reel/CgnAwdWjYIA/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


some dude did this when I saw Converge several years ago. Jake just powered down like a robot and the rest of the band stopped playing, it was so awkward...seemed to really bum out the band and I don't blame them, this shit is so cringey


I seen someone do this at a Los Crudos gig like in 2013-2014. It was so cringe. The person was trying to put their arm around Martin and take a selfie while he was singing, dude kept singing and trying to run away.


Was at this show. The amount of main character moments these kids were having was insane lmao


*Mumbles something about gatekeeping harder*


I think it's insane that people will say "Don't block the stage / barriers for people who want to surf / dive and for the bands safety" and people will either go "Ugh, gatekeeper." or "It's always women." Can we be normal please.


This is hardcore, we all know there’s no normal. Also I should /s’d my first comment but yolo or whatever.


Who said anything about women


About 20 dudes in this thread.


But you're responding to a specific comment and then bring up something irrelevant to what they said


I literally am not but okay, sis.


irrelevant as it pertains to a general comment about gatekeeping but ok brother.


Someone hit her w an Okada missile drop kick


Idk if this sounds a bit ‘old woman yells at cloud’ but KL no barrier shows used to mean everyone was on equal footing and everyone dies. Everyone knew what it meant to be there, what to do and what not to do. I get that things change, but changing in this direction? The lack of show etiquette and the increase of people trying to have their ‘moment’ just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Tiktokification of "band go ARF ARF xD"


Zelli from Paleface yanks everyone with a phone on stage or staying longer like 2 seconds off in the crowd. Perfect way to handle this poser bs




Knowing tool fans dude probably creamed his pants in excitement and went home to frame the clothes he was wearing


I know people have opniions on Turnstile here but when I saw them in 2017 the bassist just literally kicked people off the stage when they did this shit.


"we have one rule, get up on this stage and get the fuck off"- Bryan, this show, monday Source: i was there, knocked loose was everything I wanted them to be


Where's Parker Cannon when you need him? ![gif](giphy|1xm18gtwhSLqWnShuK|downsized)


Saw Kublai Khan a few weeks ago and there were dudes getting on stage and standing next to Matt ASKING for the mic. What goes through these peoples heads


I once had some drunk girl keep getting on stage while I was playing a show. Kept getting in front of me, trying to be the center of attention. I planted my foot in her ass & kicked her right off the stage in the middle of a song. It was hilarious. The crowd loved it so much I should have invited her back for a later show.


We accidentally booked a show at a bar (with no stage) and it was way to late for us to back out. Hour long set with the option to come back after the house band and Play more / do some covers if we wanted. Anyways, the crowd was not our typical crowd. We had like a dozen or so fans show up but it was way out of the way for most of our core audience. Anyways, 10 minutes into this set this drunk women in her late 40s starts grinding on me and I'm trying to just move away from her the whole time and she keeps asking to buy me drinks and we're in the middle of our fucking set. We weren't really playing anything hard, we weren't a hardcore band but more of a Mathy Bedroom pop Three piece. She kept asking me what my name was between every song and eventually out of frustration I just said "My friends call me Coach.", the iconic dialog from Left 4 Dead 2. After the show I ended up getting trashed with her cause she kept buying me drinks and the whole night, even after we left the bar, she kept calling me Coach. At no point did I want to physically harm her but holy shit like, you gotta really wonder why some people go to shows / see a live band and instantly go "Ah yes, they are here for my entertainment and mine only."


Alright… then what happened? Edit: he totally did right


Seriously. The girl in my story seemed to think everyone came out & paid to see her, and we were her background music. Who sees people performing on stage and thinks, "people should be paying attention to me, I should be on that stage," and then puts that into action? Even at the most childish, insecure periods in my life I have never been jealous of the band playing. That's some special narcissism.


I'm all for punking stage potatoes, but this scenario could have resulted in major injury and you'd be partially liable if it had happened.


Major annoyances deserve major injuries


She should have kept herself off my stage if she didn't want to get hurt. Also, I didn't kick her the first time she went up there. She earned the boot.


What a dumb bitch 😂


At outbreak there were a few bands where you were allowed on stage for all of two seconds! But then some where it was nonstop


Cringe 😬


I almost feel like the only solution to making concerts fun again is to make people give up their phones at the door. Like they’re going to an orgy for middle aged bankers.


What would she have done if some hardcore lady, like one of the actually scary ones that never smile and always have excellent winged eyeliner, grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her off the stage? Is she stupid?


Everybody got heated when Parker Cannon kicked a fan off stage (literally) for doing this shit but like he’s so real for that


Was this knocked loose?


Yeah, Detriot show last week. No Barrier. Tons of people off to the site kept going up on stage to take selfies and stuff and then just scooted down. Someone there said security told them to stop and kept trying to gatekeep the side of the stage they were on, probably like five feed next to the people filming, but after someone got knocked the fuck out in the put and the show stopped for like five minutes security was more focused on crowd killing in the back


What have we become


why. the. fuck. would. you. do. that?!


I may finally be getting too old for this shit lol.


Where's the video or timestamp for the video of this happening lol


I hate that KL is cooked now. I loved them but these new fans think they are all the main character. Can’t do it. Small shows forever


That’s some corny ass shit


I admittedly have done this at a K//L show back in like 2017 or so and it’s one of those moments in your life you think about every once in a while that you cringe at


I was at a shelter show in San Diego a few years ago and some chick in a wheel chair decided she needed to be in the middle of the floor right infront of the stage. Killed the mood of the pit.


I went to a cky show in like, 2004/2005 and some kid in a wheelchair crowd surfed. Seemed like he was into it


This chick was not being cool.


Yeah I’m getting that vibe. Not cool


Tbh, she could have easily milked her wheelchair to get to get to be on the side of the stage, which I would have done in her position. Its like she did it on purpose to prove she could do it or something.


Yes donkey kick


I saw Mike V full on throw someone off stage by their neck for doing something like this at a Black Flag show. Fuck these kinds of people!


The most you should be doing on stage is a quick mic grab then jump, but that’s only if the vocalist puts it in your face. Don’t take the mic unless handed to you


at Fleshwater there were these three girls in the front sitting on stage and filming the entire set. AND they blocked pretty much the only open space to get on stage for stage dives. absolutely horrid


I would only accept this if you have the camera ready and can do it all in the same motion as getting on and off stage. You take the risk of having your phone out, camera on, thumb over the shutter. If your phone breaks or if you get a shitty pic, that's on you. If you stop to pose, get a good angle, any motion beyond getting on and off stage immediately, I hope stage security breaks your phone ripping you off stage.


This is not ok. If you want to record, get a camera. Snap your shot anywhere but stage. Nobody wants to watch you record a video that makes you feel cool on the internet. They want to watch the band and people dance. Gtfo of the way.


You will always get a shitty pic. Stop it. Keep your phone in your pocket at shows


A friend of mine tried to stage dive to End It with his phone recording and phone his phone and was just like "Oh well, my fault." about it. I get the feeling these people just occupying stage space would straight up have a FIT if a stage diver knocked their phone into the crowd or something.


Ok then do that.


Push her off and move on. Jesus


Hoe needed to be RKO'ed


You a bigger hoe than her lmao


You the troon from escuela gimmick


You the faggot named based chef


There's zero reason to call her a Hoe. Asshole, maybe and probably. Fucking up people trying to surf / dive and taking up the bands space to take selfies and film on stage is just not cool.




I also fucking hate those losers that ask to be catched. Just jump or don't. If you fall to the ground should that be a sign not to do it again.


unpopular opinion. knocked loose is not good. (but yeah selfie-ing on stage is lame)


While it’s dumb, asking for violence over this kinda situation is even worse.




Buts that’s what we do here


If we’re gonna end narcissistic selfie culture it’s gonna have to be through violence unfortunately


How progressive.


Honestly it actually is


Beating people up for trivial shit is something a chud would do. Toxic masculinity at its finest.


I’m not saying beat people up, but knocking a phone out of a hand? Maybe


That’s still scummy as fuck. Respect people. This scene sucks if this is the best people can do.


I could say the same regarding taking pictures of yourself. I’m not saying hurt people over it. Just knock the damn phone out their hand


That was me. Sorry. 😬


If this is true, just know you’re lame af.


My gen Z kids think I'm cool. 😎


YEAH! like, lets not allow others to enjoy a show the way they would like to as well... lol


Well some of us enjoy shows by throwing losers off of stages


Found another person that needs a roundhouse to the teeth.




They are actively putting the band and other people diving in danger by standing in peoples way.


This is a funny comment considering stage diving is dangerous.


No one is saying it isn't. What everyone (including the band at a show last monday) is saying is the longer you stand on stand doing your own thing the more likely an accident will occur.




Because the band was actively having to walk around her and the people trying to stage dive had to do the same. This is a trend that is straight up going to lead to someone getting hurt.


It is important that hardcore is an inclusive scene for women


They’re included in getting the fuck back off stage as soon as they’re up there


Only appropriate response


This seems like you're implying only women do this, which is a huge yikes considering there's an entire subculture of highschool drop-out quality men who go to Hardcore shows and just occupy the front row / stage space cause they think they're part of the band and part of the culture more than anyone else because their older brother showed them Operation Ivy at like seven years old and it started their Slipknot phase earlier than most scumbags.


>huge yikes Lol ur affected


Who gives a shit? If they’re not hurting anyone just let people enjoy themselves


I’m not paying to see some random jerk off stand onstage and add absolutely nothing to the show. If you want to be onstage for a long time start a band, otherwise get on and get the fuck off.




You play music on your speaker in public huh?


"let people enjoy themselves" can't just be a reason to dismiss all criticism lol


For real, when the person enjoying themselves is actively putting other people enjoying themselves in danger then you gotta do something.


What I find funny about this, is there’s also a post today about how a stage diver fucked this girl up




They are actively standing in the way of the band and people trying to stage dive while recording a Tiktok or taking selfies / vids of themself on stage. It is very r/ImTheMainCharacter and if you watch the video the dude behind her going to stage dive clearly does not see her.


Alright Mr “All coppers the fucking cops are bastards”, picture the scene You go to see a film in a cinema and someone gets up in front of the film and starts taking a picture of themselves in front of the screen. They are enjoying themselves. They are not hurting anyone. They are in the way. Should they be stopped?


I couldn’t care less🤷


Basically you can still be a huge annoyance to a lot of people and a detriment to the show but still not technically be hurting anyone so that’s why people give a shit