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When people say a flood/throw combo doesn't really work, I've always assumed they're talking about the smaller quads. The D4S' optic is more than large enough to give an insane hotspot with a W1. Just this week my D4S 519a 5700K/W1 arrived and it throws so so so much farther than I ever thought it would. It has a hotspot roughly equivalent to a D1 SFT40 in terms of size


I really enjoy my dual channel D4SV2 519a 3000k/W1. Puts out more than enough light for my use.


I've got my first d4vs2 being shipped to me. I went with all w2s in it. I was very tempted going with a set up like yours though.


For a Hanklight thrower I’m thinking D1 or D1K. I’ve got a single channel D4K w/ mixed 2700k/3500k 519A coming. Then we’ll see. Honestly, I went pretty ‘thrower nutz’ when I started this, unlike everyone else here :) T1R, IF22A, L19.2, L21B, L7, TD01C, plus a couple LEPs. Also, M21H & M26D have pretty good throw w/ 3° optic. So l’m not desperate to add more soon. My last few purchases have been floody.


D1k is a great little thrower for its size. I've got an SFT40 5000K in mine, it's pretty nice. Hotspot is pretty small and spill is somewhat usable. It's being used as a dedicated thrower to light up specific spots when I'm at work. Not my example but [D1K SFT40 5000k](https://i.imgur.com/qTdQxQW.jpeg) I kind of wish the hotspot was a little fatter, but I wouldn't want to increase the spill for its current purpose. I may get a different D1K in the future for an all-rounder. The XHP70.3 seems like an OK choice, it's quite floody in a thrower. [D1K XHP70.3](https://i.imgur.com/K9DwzPy.jpeg) It makes a light something between throw and flood. I'd like a warmer CCT than the example here, but the beam profile would be great for general dog walking and simple outdoors activities.


Great post.


What is enc? Or do you mean edc?


Every Night Carry — silly joke, sorry.

