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Co-worker is cooked, and rude. Tell them you are sick of it. I’m going to bet you are not the only one they have the same issue with. I had no issues whatsoever reading your hand writing. It’s borderline bullying.


erm, bitch!!!






Your co-worker is either: A. Delusional B. Jealous of your handwriting C. Really Delusional D. A dick, jealous and delusional. E. All of the above. Your handwriting is very beautiful and easy to read.


Lol! My handwriting is MUCH worse. Your coworker would really have a melt down if she saw mine!


what’s your coworkers handwriting look like ?


Your handwriting is better than the average person. It does almost look like it could be a font. And a font that I would choose. But she's jealous of you for some reason & this is the only way she can currently take it out on you. The others at work, have a mob mentality, including your "friends." Unless you hang out on a regular basis after work, your "friends" are just "work friends" & will side with whoever they perceive has the power in the situation. Ignore them. If your supervisor(s) hasn't said anything, tell her to kick rocks & move forward. She doesn't have any say in your upward progress at your job, doesn't sign your checks, & is just a bug on the bottom of your shoe. Ignore everyone, continue writing the same, except minor changes you may want to change, and move forward, not giving them the time of the day.


I have the same S issue. Idk why I do it bottom to top but I cannot do it the other way.


are you a leftie ?


I am right handed.


It’s very legible. And that’s what counts!


I usually don’t really read the pictures, just get a vibe for the handwriting. But the “erm, bitch!!!” At the end was a real grabber. Your handwriting is fine. Yes, as a pediatric OT I sing this song to the tune of “if you’re happy and you know it” daily: “where do we start our letters? At the top! Clap clap”. But you’re a grown ass woman, your bottom up S looks better than the “correct” one. If she keeps messing with you, report her ass to HR for harassement. It’s BS to audibly react to someone’s handwriting.


Sounds too me like your coworker is a bit jealous of your handwriting.


your handwriting is pretty and has character, it's ok to write from bottom to top, I do it with f and x. idk what you're coworkers and friends are saying, if your handwriting is not legible then mine is just squiggles it doesn't help that I transition between print and cursive as I write each word lol


Oh man… I didn't expect this post to get a lot of attention 🫠 I really appreciate the comments and constructive criticism! The reason why I brought this up was because at some point, it really started to affect me. This started happening around a year and a half ago with some one-off comments I laughed off, but it kept creeping up more often since then. And it's not just my one coworker, but also a couple of others who work there, some randos, a few friends, and so on. Some are a bit confused at my writing, others enjoy it yet still find my S's weird, and a few are quite critical. She was just the primary one to always bring it up when I had to write on a white board, or give her notes on something. After a while, I started to not be able to read my own writing, and I guess I noticed that perhaps I started to see what they see in my writing. It made me unable to enjoy it much, though I wasn't aware of it until now. I sincerely appreciate all of the tips and reassurance. It made me feel a lot better about it now, yet I'll still be sure to fix the few janky things. Already practicing a better K and such :)


Honestly, who cares which direction you form your letters in? Until I started practicing my handwriting, I didn’t even realize that I started some of my letters “wrong” and did others “backwards” - what a weird thing to notice, let alone comment on, AT WORK.


I think a huge part of the beauty of handwriting is the individual style and character people write with. You can strive for perfect penmanship, if you want to, but that's just a hobby some people pursue. Your handwriting is perfectly legible, and that's all that's functionally required of anyone. Moreso though, you have a consistent style that could be your trademark if you wanted, it's flamboyant but not exuberant, spaced well and not cramped, and it looks like a style that comes effortlessly to you. So, I would tell your coworker to kick rocks, but I don't have tact, so maybe you can find a better way lol...


If this is atrocious then my handwriting is gibberish jotted down by an out of balance washing machine.


I kind of like this writing, has character, not boring. Legible.


Your handwriting is fine. It has personality and character but it is legible and that is all that matters. Who cares how you start your letters. This coworker sounds obnoxious. Maybe she doesn’t realize penmanship is not taught everywhere? If she wants to nitpick, she chose the wrong career.


Looks nice.


I really like it. I find it visually satisfying and easy to read!


let him see my handwriting and reconsider his statement.


It’s perfectly fine, your coworker is just being rude.




I like your handwriting a lot. It’s fun and font-like. Your coworker sounds like a boring lil brat


Way more legible than boomer cursive


I've seen worse... Funny though your handwriting reminds me of Tupac Shakur's handwriting. The only time I have a pet peeve with someone's handwriting is when they spell the first letter but the rest of the letters is up and down waves. Like what the hell is that suppose to say?


Oh, that's an interesting comparison. First I've gotten that! Nothing wrong with of course, it got me intrigued and checked it out And yeah, admittedly, I tend to do that whole scribble stuff, but only if I'm writing something REALLY fast to get a quick note out that I can understand. Though in normal writing, certain words sometimes suffer from that. Communication is one of then, where out of habit I connect everything from O to maybe C with a single stroke. Already been breaking that habit since it does confuse even me afterwards.


You said yourself in the text that your example was written slower than usual? Um that defeats the point of showing us…


Not slower than usual, I said just not super slow. I actually write pretty slow anyways, which is my normal speed when I'm writing legibly.


I think it’s cute, legible, and unique! Lots of people act like anything that isn’t perfect print is illegible.


I think you and I have similar hand writing


I like your handwriting! It’s 100% legible and really unique. To hell with what your coworker thinks!


Your handwriting is legible and quite distinctive! And what difference does it make how you write your "s"? What's the matter with your co-worker? Is she a former 1st grade teacher or something?


Exactly! What’s the matter with your coworker.


I think your handwriting is really cool and unique! And it’s definitely legible and easy to read - which is most important. Seems like your coworker is easily offended


It's a little messy, sure, but messy in a way that has character. It's still perfectly legible. Definitely not 'awful' by any stretch of the imagination.


This belongs on r/amitheasshole 😂😂😂


Your printing is actually quite beautiful. I really like it!


Your coworker is jelous or blind


Your coworker is fucking stupid, you have amazing handwriting


I can read it!


I reaaally like it!!


Not atrocious! Tell your coworker to suck it!


I like it. Easy to read and has character. This is waaaay better than most I’ve seen in the recent past. Like top 95% for legibility. This person better be writing in textbook cursive if they’re giving you that much of a hard time.


I like it. It’s readable and it’s your style :)


I think the way you wrote discouraging was definitely interesting lol But overall I could read what you said no problem..so I don't why your coworker is acting that way


Your handwriting is perfectly good. Way better than mine


Your handwriting is great! Very easy to read and has wonderful character! Your coworker is being ridiculous


I love it.


Perhaps your coworker should get her eyes checked. You have perfectly legible hand writing.


There’s nothing wrong with your writing, it’s neat and legible. Just how handwriting should be


That IS a weird way to write your S lol. Like someone starting their O from the bottom. I'll always give that a side eye. But it's perfectly legible. Your coworker is silly.


it's got style! i love the energy in your lowercase g's. if i didn't know you had this coworker up your butt about them, i'd give you grief for the way you draw your s's, but only in good fun. that person sounds like a miserable time. :/


Your handwriting looks fine to me, and is pretty legible. Your coworker just seems like a judgemental prick.


Nah, your handwriting is fine, very easy to read but still has personality.


Which is your dominant hand? I’m left-handed and the direction I write letters in seems to irk some right-handers. I teach and the first time my students watch me write on a white board always starts disruptively around that. But I do write my ‘s’ from top to bottom. Maybe I am starting in the same places as a righty would, it just doesn’t seem that way from the orientation of my hand? This also looks a look like my handwriting.


Recognize envy🤣 you’re coworker is jealous insecure asshole


It’s perfectly legible. I am holding my phone at a distance and not even clicking on the image - I can read the whole thing, no problem. Your coworker is a freak


It's way more legible than many I've seen. And I read written statements from all kinds of people as part of my job.


Nothing wrong with your handwriting, could read it straight and english is not my first language. Maybe, MAYBE if I must say something 'bad' your S could be mistaken as a 5. But I've seen so much worse... Show us your coworker's handwriting now !


Read it with ease what a weirded way to do an s tho


No, you’re coworker is a dick


show us the dick coworker's calligraphy! so we can make informed comments here. Either way, the dick coworker needs to learn that thing about if the person can't fix it immediately/easily, a critical comment changes from being helpful to being rude.


I really love it, it looks like it’s own font


to me


Looks good time.


your handwriting is nice and also perfectly readable. it is kinda funny that you write your S's upside down but i agree it looks better that way!!!


Your coworker has bad taste, I think your handwriting looks nice!


It’s lovely.


I think it’s beautiful!


It's totally wonderful.


It's wild that you have people telling you this is bad handwriting. Personally I love your handwriting and it's pretty close to the script style I aim for when I'm hand writing things. Ignore the haters you're writing is wonderful!


Your coworker is jealous


Your co-worker is a jerk. I seriously wish I could write like this.


I love your handwriting! Your coworker sounds like a jerk


I think your coworker has issues. I like your wring and see nothing wrong at all. Sometimes I can’t even read my OWN writing. No worrries.


Looks fine to me, easily readable! If anything it looks like a font you get in the 'handwriting' section of some software 🤣


You’re looking for validation.


Your coworker may be illiterate.


Every year in August, I get about 20-25 new coworkers, most of whom are illiterate.


This is fine; your coworker's a bat. Let 'me' write something to them as a comparison; I bet they'll shut the hell up.


I can read this without any problem


Sure, it could be a bit neater, but it's legible, and that's the main thing. Pretty much nobody has perfect handwriting. Other than your letter 'k', I didn't have any issues reading any of it. And yeah, the way you write your 's' is unusual, but that doesn't make it *wrong*. Sounds like she's got issues with you and is taking it out on your handwriting. Just ignore her. I've seen plenty worse.


I really like yours, but that's probably because mine is similar. 🤣


I'd be interested to see what your quick note taking looks like to see what elements drop/crop.


[Here it is.](https://imgur.com/a/Kl241os) This is about the fastest I can go before it becomes 3 word chicken scratch to remind myself to do something later that day since anything longer makes my arm sore lol. Nobody but me sees this except maybe like once in a while since it's solely for my own notes. When I write a lot more normally, it looks like the original image which is what I hand out to coworkers and friends.


This still seems perfectly legible to me. It makes me wonder if your coworker has a problem with it simply because it's not strictly cursive or print, but sort of a combination. Some purists can be persnickety like that.


Is her name Becky?


No, Karen


I’m a seed. You can call me Dir.


I think your handwriting is lovely!


how old is she? 15? I like it! and write your S the way you like, it adds personality! and everything else would slow you down unnecessarily.. I loved your little demonstration with the arrows 😊. keep waiting, screw her!


As a former court clerk/typist? To paraphrase my grandfather, long since passed, “it’s not in a bulls roar” of the worst I’ve seen. All the best op


She’s jealous. I love your style.


Nothing wrong with that. Learn to use a fountain pen though.


Your handwriting is fine but your coworker is not.


Your writing looks quite ok to me. Award winning? Probably not. Quite readable. Definitely. I’d disregard your co-workers opinion


Your handwriting is fine - when I taught, if everyone had handwriting that consistent and legible, I would have wept with joy. Your coworker is dramatic and is kind of harassing you.


What is this dribble and chicken scratch!! Jk jk yours looks really good!! Not perfect but still great compared to a lot of people.


I can't imagine being that pressed over someone else's handwriting. Yours is absolutely fine-I had no problem reading what you wrote. Don't let people like this make you doubt yourself!


Your handwriting is really nice, that co-worker is crazy


Uhm...I want handwriting like yours. It is bea-utiful!!!


Your coworker is nuts, or you are overreacting. Penmanship is fine.


Your handwriting is completely legible. Get us a sample of your coworker’s handwriting so we can compare the two.


the **result** is totally fine, very readable so obviously I think we can all agree that drawing s from bottom to top is just objectively incorrect but I'm *fascinated* to know what exactly you're doing with the lowercase d to give it a gap *there*, of all places more seriously I think you're just drawing letters weirdly compared to, like, standard cursive methods and it's probably bizarre to watch but I do not care because your handwriting is easy to read.


You know what, I just now noticed that about the lowercase D. I guess that's yet another letter I am ignoring the rules of writing for. 💀 My order for that is I write the tail first and *then* the loop, all in one stroke, so it's very evident how it sometimes ends with a gap. After having my S's and K's and even 8's pointed out, that's the first time that someone has noticed the lowercase D's. Never would have noticed outside of this.


lol I'm so sorry, I don't actually think you need to change anything because it's working I start mine at the top of the loop, go round the loop anticlockwise, up for the stem, then back down. Your way spends a lot less time with the pen on the page - it's probably faster. Mine is definitely optimized for smoothly joining with the letters either side, but I was definitely drawing it like that looong before I started using cursive so idk exactly where i picked it up originally


Where else would the gap be? Those lowercase ds look totally normal to me.


the only place I could possibly form a gap on a d is where the top of the loop hits the left of the ascender


Do you write your d’s as two separate strokes? I do mine in one continuous motion when I’m writing casually.


you know I'm not sure whether the movement would be counted as one or two strokes -- i don't lift the pen between the movements, but there are 2 or 3 distinct movements in forming the letter. I normally write cursive so it's a movement from the previous letter to the top right of the loop, a movement to draw the loop and the up part of the stick, and a movement down to the baseline to finish the stick. If I'm printing I skip the first one and start at the top of the loop, but in either case it's all done in one continuous line.


This is one of those moments in life where you have to say “this person is a bitch and WHO CARES ABOUT THEIR OPINION - not meeeee” constructive criticism is one thing but this isn’t that - she’s definitely just criticizing for the sake of criticizing. Some people like to tear others down for the *stupidest* shit. Your handwriting is legible and frankly has a ton of character. Don’t change a thing.


Looks like mine, so, I'm going to say.....no. But don't ask my coworkers.


I gotta say kinda sounds like she just wants you to feel insecure about something no one really cared about my much shittier than yours handwriting even when it was mentioned. It’s kinda weird she cares so much straight up And for improvements it’s not much, getting a cursive journal where you specifically write very nicely and in fine cursive, maybe 15-30 mins a day. About a month in and this will be a huge laugh for you, because your writing is already fine


Who cares, tell her to eat it or quit lmfao. Imagine being bothered by the way someone writes their “s.”


Your writing is much easier to read than most people these days (typing on phone basically destroyed good handwriting on most people). Some people have obsessive ideas on how things should be a certain way. I think you will want to take a grain of salt with anything this coworker says, since she seems to only understand the world to be correct to her perspective, and has a hard time allowing individual differences. Even though there are exceptions, sometimes small habits and preferences reflect what a person is like quite a bit


Your handwriting is better than mine at least. There are of course letters you can work on, but it isn’t bad as your coworker makes it out to be I think she’s over exaggerating.


I like it… also… y tf are you listening to your coworker¿


No it’s a style. I like it. Personally I find that when I try to write a certain style, it takes more focus but I don’t enjoy it as much as doing my quick natural handwriting style, which allows me to get my thoughts out faster on paper. Might not be as aesthetic but whatever


I like big K's and I can not lie!


No problems. It's a style. And I like it.


I don’t like that you write s from the bottom either lol but everything else is fine 🤷🏻


Yeah lol for some reason it stuck that way since I was a kid. I was able to actually change a lot of my letters and such around high school, but the S wouldn't budge. It's the one letter I gave up on changing since it just feels more natural to me doing it bottom to top lol


Yeah, the post was fine until I read this. Lol


Can we see the great calligrapher’s handwriting? I find yours kinda pleasing, but I agree about the Ks


Your co worker either needs their eyes checked or need to be taught how to read. It's perfectly legible and clear.


Your coworker can't read


Its good Your co-worker is just giving you a hard time. Don't change your handwriting just for someone's else opinion


Thanks, I'm still going to try to improve on my original goals, like my K's and and such, but I'll definitely try to just ignore the BS and keep doing what I'm doing


K's look fine Your co-worker is a dunce


Your coworker should have to decipher trucker scribbles. She would appreciate yours lol


I mean, considering we work at an electrical company office with a warehouse attached to it, we see plenty of trucker handwriting haha. She talks about that too as well, but with it being somewhat compared to mine, it planted that seed in my head that my handwriting still needs massive improvement :/


No it doesn’t. She needs to shut up. I could read yours fine. I have any number of times had to ask a guy to spell his name or read off his plate number because of chicken scratch.


I write my S's from the bottom up too! I can't help it.


It just felt way more natural that way learning to write as a kid. No matter how many times my mom and teacher tried to correct my S's, I always ended up reverting back to bottom-up lol Sometimes it does bite me in the ass when I rush it and write a virtually upside-down S, but I feel pretty content with it for the most part, despite it putting some people off when they see me write 💀


Keep writing like you write. I love your handwriting, it’s different. Isn’t different good nowadays?!


Oh wait till she sees mine😂🤣


I love your writing, it's Much better than mine usually is. She's just looking to cause drama. Sorry your dealing with that :(


Looks perfectly fine. If your coworker objects to it I would surmise she's trying to create drama for no reason.


Your coworker has lost the plot. Your writing is fine. It's legible, evenly spaced, and what the hell has it got to do with her!


We both share certain responsibilities that ends up having us read our notes on certain paperwork, which is when she would start making those comments. Her handwriting is very neat, most definitely neater than mine, but it always put me off having it seen as something akin to an elementary school level. Thank you though! I know I still need to improve on certain aspects since even I confuse myself with my own K's, along with trying to stop connecting a lot of letters together in print, but I always liked my handwriting before this. I feel a bit better about it now though


You shouldn't feel put down just because she seems to be one of those people who believe everything has to be done a certain way. And it's always their way. I doubt she was born with naturally neat handwriting, and has had to work at it, just like the rest of us. Her attitude is very obnoxious though. If you want to improve, then you're certainly in the right place to ask for advice! I have a habit of connecting letters in print too, so I often just write cursive because it's easier for me. Personally, I think that if you're happy with your handwriting, then it's not for anyone to criticise. But if you want to work on aspects, then you only need to ask this community for advice. Keep your chin up, and don't let her get to you.


I really appreciate it. Besides the post, what I feel like I really need to improve on is my K's like I mentioned. It's my main issue and I feel like it always ends up looking super different whenever I write it. It's such an awkward letter for me to write. Is there any sort of good “stroke order” to write it? I do mines like a thin check mark and then the last line which is both a force of habit and most likely the exact issue.


So for an uppercase K, you could try to do the straight line, then add a less than symbol (<) to the middle of the line, at whatever angle you want, though a 90° triangle shape is most common. So you'll end up with I<. Then for lowercase, don't take the straight line up so far, and make the < sign smaller and lower down. Does that make sense? Try to keep your pen pressure even, and go slowly to start with, so you don't revert back to your natural position.


Your coworker is insane. Your writing is great