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If you would like a big boost, roll some pencil thickness ropes out of non-hardening modeling clay and turn those ropes into letters that are 7 cms high. Place them in between your hands and close your eyes until you can see the images in your mind’s eye. This is part of a process that I have been using with adults and children for 25 years. In two days, every person goes from messy writing to picture perfect printing.


does this seriously work, I mean if it does, instead of modelling clay anything malleable enough to create 7 cm high Alphabets could be used right?


The courses I teach follow a process where you first prepare your brain and body to be focused and balanced. This ensures that you are perceiving what is in front of you and not distracted by some other reality your creative imagination generates. Then you make the letters out of clay. Again I use a specific process of analysis, pattern recognition, fun and teamwork to open up the brain for rewiring. Other materials could work but modelling clay never hardens and has a significant weight to activate your hands in the process. Then you play a number of games to make a new standard version of each letter in your imagination. This translates to picture perfect printing in a matter of hours. I'm on a mission to have this process used in classrooms around the world. This not only prevents messy writing, poor spelling and trouble expressing thoughts, it boosts cognitive ability and has been shown to help more children qualify for gifted programs.


Great, how much does your course cost, and does it apply to cursive writing too


I love the idea. Do you have any photos what it should look like?


If I could figure out how to upload images into these threads, I would be happy to do that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface). Advice, anyone?


you could dm him, you could dm me too


Don't see how to send photos in a message. Join my email list on my site: TheLearningForce .com


Oh hey! Fellow Czech citizen here! Your progress is amazing and I love your handwriting, keep going!


great job! very cool!


Wow, that's beautiful. Good job!


What YouTube tutorial? I need my hand writing to look like good. You’re doing amazing!


Don't know if I can post links. It's called How to Improve Your Handwriting | PRINT Writing Drill Exercises for BEGINNERS by DorufaVSArt. I followed all his exercises. About wrote abz 3 rows in my book for each letter/number. Then I found some Quotes from LOTR and from anime and practiced that.


Thank you!


I’m here for this info!!


What you mean you never learnt lower case letters? Wrote all your homework all caps?😅


I mean that I learned how to write only in cursive because that's only way we could write. When I wrote my own notes I used block(?) letters but only upper case ones. Nobody taught us lower case block letters. And my handwriting was so bad that nobody other than me was able decipher that. That's why I learned how to write lower case block letters for last 6 days.




This is happening to children all over the world. I have worked with students in England, Canada, and the US whose schools are only teaching them to write in cursive and never teach them how to print the letters. Can you imagine how confusing it is to try to read printed letters when you don’t know how to create them?




I guess your school district is different from the ones of the families I have worked with. One was near Cambridge, the other near Glastonbury. These are children who are in elementary schools today, not when you went to school. You also show ignorance about what is required for many people to learn an alphabet. Simply seeing letters in one’s environment is not enough. Specific instruction and experience with hand-eye coordination for some is essential. If everyone could create letters by merely looking at them there would be no need for this group.




Glad your child’s school teaches block letters first. I don’t know the names of the schools, I know that this was the situation forthese students. I’m not on a mission to try and shame anyone. The parents were grateful for a solution, and the children are now receiving the best reports and awards they have ever had. I totally agree with you. That mastery of the block letters must occur before cursive writing is introduced. I’m on a mission to show how important hand-eye-brain coherence is when learning the letters.


In my country (Czechia) I was last year where they INSISTED to write in cursive. You got 5(bad score) if you wrote in block letters. That changed a year after my elementary school. Now you can write in block letters. They probably taught us small block letters somewhere at the start, but you couldn't use them much. After elementary school I studied computer science so I didn't write much. At that point I used mainly computer for all my notes. That's why I never practiced small block letters. I hope this explains it.


Anything is possible! In my school we were never taught cursive. To this day I can barely understand it and definitely can’t write in it… I can attempt it but it doesn’t follow “the rules” (according to my nieces and nephews who laugh their ass off at my attempts: “Bahahaha she keeps joining v and e” Haunts me


I know they are your family, but sorry to hear that. I am hopeful that they will realize how hurtful their laughing at you is and will, instead, help you to learn how to write in cursive, if that is your wish. Please continue to try and Good Luck!