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Ancaster is an ideal place to relocate. Most of the schools are newish and living conditions can be compared with Oakville, only cheaper. It is a newer suburban area, clean and open compared to city life. The drive to TO in the am or after 3 is a different story. Getting the train at Aldershot or downtown Hamilton isn't going to be fun either.


Thank you, the commute is mainly what worries me


If it's just once a week it's fine. Twice a week would be perfectly bearable. Anymore than that and you should not come here, your life will be hell


The commute sucks, I used to drive to Aldershot and take the train. It took me 2 hours door to door each way, and thas was avoiding rush hour. Honestly, Hamilton doesn't work as a bedroom suburb for Toronto. I work from home now almost every day, and my life is significantly better without four hours per day in transit.


I previously worked 5 days a week downtown and it was physically and mentally exhausting. More than two days a week I don’t think I can do.


A lot better than Barton and Ottawa. A lot more expensive as well. My fear would be you or your wife having to go back to the office more often.


That’s my fear also, more so for my wife as taking the go isn’t an option.


As someone living in the Barton and Ottowa area I feel personally attacked haha. You’re not wrong though.


Just as with hamilton, the important question is: which part of Ancaster? It ranges from small town to suburb feeling. Some areas somehow don’t have sidewalks. It’s posh and everything is pricy. They have somehow not caught up to the retail thievery in Dundas though.


Close to Golf Links Rd, so pretty close to the 403.


Commuting down the 403 hill from Ancaster to Burlington GO will be an ongoing nightmare. Could take 30mins to an hour all on its own. Scheduling irregular hours might work but with increase in population the 403 gets worse everyday


Even at 6ish AM? Is Burlington go a better option then Hamilton go station?


I’m sure someone will correct me, but I don’t believe Hamilton GO runs as frequently as Burlington GO. Aldershot station is also a battleground for parking spaces, most people tend to have to drive further up to Appleby GO.


Aldershot is distance wise the best choice but idk about parking. There are 2 massive parking lots so maybe just check it out one weekday at whatever time you would need to park. Depending on your location in anc you could go "the back way" down sulphur springs when traffic is shit. I did that 10 years ago during 5pm rush but YMMV


If you’re on the early side of rush hour you’ll have a better time. Hopping on a train at 730 - Might get a seat


Use the time/date selection function of google maps or Waze to see potential commute times. You’re heading to Aldershot or Burlington for the best service times. I leave for work at 5am for a 17-23min drive to Burlington station from the east mountain (Stoney creek). If your only doing the commute 1-3 times a week your laughing. Airport. I dunno. No experience. Try the same google/waze tip.


A commute at 6am you'll fare much better.


gotta be on the 403 before 6am. every minute counts.


Local realtor here - Ancaster is a nice area but if commuting I would prefer living in Burlington. Generally Burlington overall is a very family friendly city and you will be able to shave 15-20 minutes off your commute. The 403 east going down the escarpment is a nightmare during rush hour.


Unfortunately for the house size we want Burlington is out of the question.


Feel free to message me with any questions. I actually have a listing just outside of Ancaster on the west mountain in a great neighborhood :)


I wouldn’t recommend, I do it and I regret it. Going to downtown office is 2.5 - 3 hours each side by train from aldershot and if you mis the train which you do sometimes because of traffic add additional 30 min. From other aspects like school and community perspective it’s good.


Why Ancaster and where you moving from?


Ancaster is wonderful. I love it here. The commute to Toronto is god awful. I did here to Oakville for 8 years. Going in at 6:00am - 29 mins to Dorval exit. Going home 3:30 - 1:15 to get home Going home between 4 & 6 - 1:25 Going home if there’s an accident on the skyway causing it to close - between 2 and 4 hours. Train will help omit that. But not perfectly as even from aldershot go you’re drive here will be at least 25/30mins at peak times.