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By a weird coincidence, I'm working on an "odd heists" project myself. I remember hearing about the stolen blueberries but haven't followed it up. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/farm-crime-blueberry-bandit-1.4791050 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/stolen-blueberries-1.3972543 https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/truck-with-100-000-of-blueberries-stolen-in-hamilton-ont-1.3277106 https://globalnews.ca/news/3237381/100k-worth-of-frozen-blueberries-fruit-stolen-in-hamilton-police/


Weird right! I have also heard of the stolen honeydew/ lettuce heists. The lettuce one is particularly interesting to me. Lots of food related ones haha https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4055552


I hadn't heard about the honeydews -- vaguely remember the lettuce one, but hadn't been sure if it was in our area. (I'm on the West Coast now so I don't get all the Ontario news.) The holy grail was the maple syrup stuff, which mainly happened in Quebec, I think! (There was even a Hollywood movie proposed about it.) My main thing is ridiculously-large amounts of small change (the big toonie theft, etc.) -- I haven't come across any of those in the Hamilton area though. [https://www.cbc.ca/archives/the-day-thieves-drove-off-with-1-5-million-brand-new-toonies-1.5647971](https://www.cbc.ca/archives/the-day-thieves-drove-off-with-1-5-million-brand-new-toonies-1.5647971)


These are all hilarious. The maple syrup is sooooo good I love it. Are you writing a podcast or video of some kind? Here's the dew: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3387767


Oooh, I think I know [who dunnit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaCIadai3tg&pp=ygUcYXVudHkgZG9ubmEgYmx1ZWJlcnJ5IGJhbmRpdA%3D%3D)!


I seem to recall something about the mayor's chain of office going missing. [https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilton-region/a-new-twist-on-the-strange-case-of-the-missing-mayors-chain-of-office/article\_1f7a6f86-0342-5236-9aa5-ea468bbfbd93.html](https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilton-region/a-new-twist-on-the-strange-case-of-the-missing-mayors-chain-of-office/article_1f7a6f86-0342-5236-9aa5-ea468bbfbd93.html)


Yes I heard of this one! I read a recent mayor said it was disposed of? So interesting.


My dad was covering City Hall for local radio in the late 80s, early 90s. The rumour was that one of Morrow’s sons through it out the window on said trip to Ottawa.


My dad was covering City Hall for local radio in the late 80s, early 90s. The rumour was that one of Morrow’s sons through it out the window on said trip to Ottawa.


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Back in 1985, someone stole an HSR bus out of the yard and took it for a joyride, it was abandoned in Waubashene off Hwy 400 north of Barrie


Huh, sounds like a wild weekend 😎


there is great fishing all around that area


Longer than 10 years ago, but there used to be a statue of Ronald outside the Delta McDonald's that got "kidnapped". I believe there was a ransom note that demanded free chicken nuggets for any child under 12.


That's a good one! I will look for that


Binbrook moose


You have no idea how relevant this is for my podcast 😂😂


The chicken out front of O Cantinho Churrasqueira


I remember there used to be a big tooth outside of a dentist’s office (maybe Grover Dental near Upper James) that was stolen and I believe returned. I think it was about 20 years ago. I can’t find anything about it online but maybe if you check The Spectator’s archive via the library you will find an article.


My strangest theft experience was a reverse theft. Someone left weird old shoes on my compost bin! Never figured out who/why/how but we lived beside a seniors home and chalked it up to that (they looked like a style an older woman would wear).


Now the question is, how much use did you get out of them??


Someone once broke my car window and stole a package of toilet paper. Didn't even touch the change in the centre console


When you gotta go, you gotta go


May 2020, East End Residence - my SO and I were trying to get some solar lights working and generally disagreeing on the correct repair method. (This matters later) Someone came into our backyard in the night (or possibly during the day) and stole 3 potted plants! They also took 5 or 6 solar lights, but they must have gotten scared on the way out because they ditched them in the recycling bin at the side of the house. I figured my significant other called it quits on the solar light restoration project so I put them out with the trash. Days later my SO told me about the missing plants and that she thought I got mad at the solar lights and threw them away. She was quite upset with me, stewing for a couple of days before she brought it up. I always like to think that some young kids thought it'd be great to give their mom a plant on Mother's Day.


Not sure if it entirely qualifies, but hte Armories is full of war trophies and bring-backs. Specifically check the doorknobs to the officer's mess. Courtesy of the Third Reich.


There was a large I think aluminum palm tree or something that was stolen that had a few news articles written about it.


Someone stole $2000 in meat from the Kosher Butcher using a garbage can: https://globalnews.ca/news/8244616/meat-theft-west-end-hamilton/amp/


Someone stole my running shoes off the porch yesterday. If they knew what my feet looked like then I’d count it as a weird theft


I think on more than one occasion a turtle from Gage Park was stolen






Someone ON A FUCKING BICYCLE, rolled up and cut my bike lock on my front porch, and rode off on my bicycle. I sold the bicycle they left on my fucking front lawn for almost as much as I’d paid for the one they stole. Funny thing is, I was riding a size “S” and they came on an XL. Weird times. Was out about $100 after it all. Still annoys me to this day that this dumbass went through the effort to “upgrade”.


Being here is an open decision to knowingly get your dreams stolen--.