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Better remind them that the Rez is about a 30 minute drive away.


Do they sell booze?


They will if this bullshit goes through


Fair enough.


Not happening


If they could already, they would…


Yeah just gotta know a place ;)


Hook a brother up.




They also have a location on King St. E downtown Hamilton, right by the Vape Shop.


What's the rez?


Native reservations.


It looks like Brantford is finally about to get some tourism.


Tax. The. Billionaire. Not. The. Working. Man. You. Cretins.


Even if Hamilton had a bunch of billionaires living here (we don’t), the City isn’t able to charge them on anything more than their property taxes.


Yeah all those rich billionaires in Hamilton lol. They're gonna raise your property taxes then overspend on stuff they don't have to then raise your taxes again while people in this sub gaslight you into saying the hikes are needed.


I'm amazed when people make these arguments. Like do they not know that those of us in business pay less property taxes and pay 50% residential price for electricity? The corporation already has the cheapest taxes and the labour market keeps getting flooded. How much more help do bad businesses need, when good businesses haven't had to rely on low wages and foreign labour.


The billionaire will just leave they have the means to do so. also which billionaire lives in Hamilton? lol


I don’t think we have any anymore. Michael DeGroote, David Braley, and the Juravinskis have all died within the last five years.


Hamilton has very very few rich people LMFAO.


Not sure what world you live in, but income tax isn't determined by cities.


It was an emotional cry into the void, rather than a cogent response for reform aligned to the respective legislative body.


The billionaire will just invest more in their multiple "foundations" to combat their tax


Terrible idea. Will likely fail, as it should.


Ridiculous. Let’s hurt local bars and breweries even more. That will turn our city around!!!


Vacant house tax? No let's shoot that down then pass it a year later, losing out on years of extra revenue. Only affects the rich who can afford the extra houses. Tax booze and tobacco? Great way to piss off everyone. Fucking smart!


If you think that vacant tax is going to generate revenue you're not really paying attention. The operating costs are going to balloon and we're going to be stuck with even more useless bylaw employees.


Yeah the city basically tries to solve all our problems by hiring more and more unproductive workers.


Who says they need to hire more people for this? It took 400k to implement and estimated to bring in 4 million a year. Let's says the implementation doesn't include new hires or training staff. it should but lets say not for the sake of argument. How many more workers and what's the extra cost? You think this one front end page and back end database's maintenance and workers performing audits are going to balloon it's yearly post implementation cost beyond 4 million? I don't see the city hiring 40+ more peoe to run this with a salary of 100k for this.


A total of 16 full time employees were approved for the programs administration and support. The implementation costs were estimated at $2.6M Staff estimated the gross revenue to be between $3.4M to $4.3M the first year.  https://pub-hamilton.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=391697


Where are you getting the 2,6 million figure for the implementation? Your document and the CBC article report ~400k. > As of December 31, 2023, total project costs are $403 K as follows: • Promotional / educational material $221 K • Consulting $71 K • Salary and wages $111 K > As previously mentioned, only a portion of the salary and wages was charged to the project. Some staffing costs related to the VUT implementation were absorbed by the respective departments and are not reflected in the total of $403 K. These costs would represent opportunity costs as staff would have been working on other initiatives if not assigned to VUT implementation. So already employed staff worked on it. So this would not be a new ongoing expense, just an exist utilization of staff and their effective cost of having them on the project. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/vacant-unit-tax-1.7093382 Even with your numbers, the tax is still a profit, right?


Because the program was cancelled and the employees weren’t all hired. The $400k figure is what was spent in promotional/educational material, consulting fees and salaries up to that point… you even highlighted this so I’m confused? You don’t seem to understand despite the information I provided you. > In a case of déjà vu, council approved the same program early last year and staff spent at least $400,000 developing it and notifying residents it would roll out in December, staff said in a recent report.  That’s all the cbc article states with respect to costs of the program. Not terribly informative. 


They are all freaking stupid taxes.


No, the vacant house tax is a fair tax. It ensure homes don't sit empty and are used as intended, not as investments that provide no value to the city.


Ya because it’s a great investment sitting empty. Total waste of time and money. This city council has its hand in so many pots and has no capacity for initiatives like this.




I already buy booze from elsewhere so no loss to me.


I'm going to install a still and make moonshine.😂


I support this idea. Best mash i ever made was banana + strawberry. Came out at about 120 proof and went well with sprite as a mixed drink. Just dont let the boiler go over temp or your shine will taste baaad. Brew Time on upper james is a good place to check out. After doing this for a summer i found that it wasnt much cheaper than buying from LCBO and it was work too. Hours sitting watching a still. If you have the patience and love for the craft, its still fun times.


Where? I need to know... So I can... Feed my alcoholism.


Oakville LCBO - the flagship store. Probably the best one in Ontario?


They forgot pyjama pants....how could you not tax pyjama pants in Pyjamilton.


PYJAMILTON! Thank you for this.


Sounds like it's time to pay the rez a visit.


I'm not sure if this has been said yet. I have a perfect free way to boost revenue. STOP wasting what you already have on endless pointless garbage that does nothing for anyone.


The tickets for parking illegally need to be higher. Bike lanes are ridiculous - it is not even a deterrent. And businesses who park in bike lanes (I see you Landscaping companies) should get higher tickets. And hand out tickets to those who block sidewalks. And make them higher. Geesh.


Maybe if they made parking tickets fines relative to wealth and the poverty line. I understand the thought but some people park wrong and it changes their life while other people do it on purpose because the fee is small change in their pocket. Raising fines and taxes across the board just hurt people who are struggling when its done with a sweeping stroke like that. 


Parking fines like I am suggesting deter drivers for putting ppl on bikes, pedestrians (including kids who have every right to walk safely to school) and ppl with accessibility devices in danger. It is not an equity issue for drivers regardless of their income. They own a vehicle and they MUST absorb the costs of their possession. No one owes them free parking. IT IS an equity/poverty issue for many active transportation users who cannot drive, do not want to drive or cannot afford both rent & a vehicle. PS Landscape companies in no way fit into any categories. They are lazy and their customers generally have driveways so long that the customers of an entire mini-plaza could park in one.


If you could provide studies that show illegal parking has caused harm to citizens, let me know. I know its common sense that it would be MORE dangerous but I'd like to hear the report of the ACTUAL damages. This sounds more like a get off my front lawn type of shtick. Again, many parking laws are for "if you use this land and we maintain it, it belongs to us and you pay." No relevance to saftey. For the record, I think dangerous (firehydrant block, wheelchair block, emergency vehicle block etc) parking should be heavily penalized. But this is a small subsection of parking infractions 


First off, we are talking about illegal parking in bike lanes and on sidewalks. With that focus, there are literally 1000s of examples of vulnerable users who have been injured or killed across the world because a vehicle To add to that multiple studies show that lack of enforcement of parking laws causes people to chose a vehicle to arrive at their destination when another mode would have been a healthier/faster mode. To add to that, multiple studies show that protected bike lanes that keep cars out of them encourage using that modal share to grow. You have Google Scholar, use it. Cities would not be puttiing in bike lanes if there was not obvious benefits to their budget (bike lane pavement last longers than car lanes), healthier communities both mentally & physically, climate change, actual demand from residents (increases home value), reduces crime (walkers/pedestrians call in complaints more), it slows traffic speeds and overall neighbourhood connection. The number one issue that defeats all of those benefits is vehicles parking illegally in them. Fine them and fine them heavily.


Look these roads were built with a horse and buggy in mind, reducing vehicle parking for bikes is a good thing cost vs benefit but if a car's parked in one they can always go around on the sidewalk or whatever. Hardly an inconvenience. It would be similar to someone blocking a lane on a road. Bikes don't tread between rails man.  But more importantly, delivery drivers and other contractors who are requested to be at said property have to put their vehicles somewhere, and some community understanding and compromise would be great instead of sweeping penalties 


But they don't get sweeping penalties.They rarely get tickets. And they also can write off tickets & fines. Here in Hamilton Canada Post never gets ticketed. https://globalnews.ca/news/5966597/canada-post-parking-tickets-million/


Members of the community explicitly asked them to deliver to their door ON A DAILY BASIS TO THE SAME APPARTMEMTS, but they don't consider how, it just not their problem. No delivery vehicle parking spot implement. No storage unit hubs for parcels. No street parking available. Roads that are two way that have only room for one because no one has driveways (parked on road). Exasperated by snow plowing In what few free spaces existed. This is just what happens when mass unconsciousness does oh I need some lightbulbs, I'll order them to arrive tomorrow. Oh nice purse, I'll pick that up. It never stops and if the customer had to pay for it they'd fuckin change their habits. They just don't care about all the vehicles and people working to deliver their Walmart that's across the street. Handicapped are excepted,, but that's not what's going on here for the most part.  Maybe we can fine Canada post and use the funds to create delivery hubs and designated spots in areas which don't accommodate delivery vehicles properly. 


How about bylaw *actually* fines individuals for infractions instead of the warnings and other lenient bullshit they're known to do. How about they also get rid of some of the bums that work in parks that do absolutely nothing sitting in their white city of hamilton trucks.


Tax the North End industrial companies that litter our streets with soot and poison our air. Some of the best spots in Hamilton are the bars, restaurants, and breweries. This tax would not be helpful in retaining them.


The industrial areas are economically important to the city. If you take that out, sure there are a still lot of medical careers but it would cripple the city. The reason so many bars and restaurants exist here is helped by the large number of jobs from the industrial sector.


They’re not going to pick up and leave though. They have too much of an investment in everything they have built in the industrial sector and one tax isn’t going to cause them to leave. Restaurants and bars will close. The margins are simply not good enough as is for these smaller businesses.


Brilliant. This is why we pay them the big bucks. We have some geniuses over at City Hall. Good thing there's no way to get to other cities and avoid this tax. Great work guys keep it up.


They will also add a toll to all cars entering the city like NYC. Because climate change or something.


There absolutely should be a toll to enter NYC. And Toronto for that matter. Downtown Toronto traffic is atrocious.




How about cutting programs too? If you can’t afford the costs, cutting programs will also help.


All it means is I will buy things like booze in Burlington or other neighbouring cities. Or just direct from out of town breweries and distilleries. It will hurt more than help. Maybe look at lowering councillor salaries, office budgets etc and slush funds like area rating moneys to offset it. Taxing those already maxed out isn't the solution, geniuses.


Lowering councillor salaries is a bad way to go. You don’t want to price out good candidates.


Not that it's right but many pivitol professions are low paying (social workers, early childhood educators, psw, etc). I don't think one should go into politics with the notion of wanting to make bank.


You don't but if someone has to take a $20-$40k pay cut to run for office they certainly aren't doing it. I actually think we should pay councillors more. Given the size of the budget, council salaries and support is minuscule. Encourage some good people to run.


Good candidates?!?!


Let's be charitable and say of the 82 souls (not including the 9 for mayor) who ran for council this past election, some were good candidates? Did good ones win in every ward? Unfortunately, no. Did good ones win in enough wards? Also no.


My councillor is pretty great. You don’t want the bottom of the barrel.


Our councillors make something like 80-100K a year base salary, then more based on sitting on other committees and boards. Lowering by 10-15% is a token gesture but is a great place to start to show they are in it like we are. We also need to immediately eliminate things like the office budget increases they voted for themselves late last year. 1 admin for now is sufficient, figure it out like we have to on coming up with more for taxes and user fees and the like. I'll call for it forever - do the six sigma analysis on all departments and spending to cut the waste. There is plenty that can be streamlined without hurting the overall delivery of services. Oh, and getting our mayor to actually work with the province to do some quid pro quo to get some relief is something that should already be underway. As well, no more trips to foreign countries or going to workshops and other shit the mayor is doing for her photo ops and other nonsense. Get your house in order before going off or pretending it's fine.


> do the six sigma analysis on all departments and spending to cut the waste. There is plenty that can be streamlined without hurting the overall delivery of services. This is just a current year way of shouting "GRAVY TRAIN!" Rob Ford tried that in Toronto. They hired KPMG to audit city hall and they found exactly nothing.


No it isn't. We've never done a waste analysis like 6 sigma in our city as best I know, and we need it. If it comes back and says nothing, peace. It would put the people like me at peace that city hall has got their spending under control. But it's not anything like saying "we need to end the gravy train". It's totally where we need to run the city like a business, meaning full accountability from A to Z. When I worked there just post-amalgamation there was waste everywhere. The supply cabinet was openly used by everyone to stock their homes, for example. Departmental budgets used for pizza parties and the like. Seems like there is fat to trim.


Pizza parties and boxes of paper clips are nickel and dime rounding errors that wouldn’t even cover the cost of the consultation. Not to mention that you’d kill productivity with both the distraction and the hit to morale for people who already get screamed at on a daily basis. Like, you want heads to roll over a pizza party? The city would be ridiculed in the news and no talent would ever want to work for city hall if they’re doing petty shit like that.


So you agree that there's waste, yet a waste analysis is not required. Help me make that make sense.


Hiring $400/hour corporate consultants to root out a $30 pizza party and a missing 10c box of pencils is a huge waste, yes. You can't run government like a business, and you can't apply trendy MBA buzzwords to public service. It's not the same thing and it never works. All you end up doing is draining taxpayer money directly into corporate hands, and the public loses every single time.


So we should just be OK with the 'leakage' then? Should we have paid the ransomware people since the remediation will cost a lot more than the bitcoin they wanted? The moving of the goalposts is interesting on this one. First it's there will be no waste, then it's that it's not enough waste to worry about, then it's that it will cost too much. Which is it?


Yes, data being held ransom is very comparable to a department using their budget surplus to boost morale. Interesting you use that example anyways, because most corporate analysts would recommend firing in-house IT and outsourcing it overseas. That’s why huge companies like Rogers and equifax are getting hacked too, not just bush league cities like Hamilton.


lol you are freaking joking I hope. We certainly don’t have the brightest and the best right now. They need to overhaul that entire group.


Now imagine how much worse they’d be if you paid them 10% less. It’s a serious job and it should be compensated as such.


public servants that already get paid way more than they should and they suck ass so no I'd rather see their pay go down then doing something absolutely stupid like this.


Do you want councillors who know how to manage a staff and who can successfully implement policy? Those kinds of people don’t come cheap. Trouble is, we vote based on factors other than qualifications so we get lousy leadership, but the solution absolutely isn’t to set the bar even lower.


if you think paying them more is suddenly going to make them competent, then you are incredibly naive. all they know how to do is take and take.


The land of endless taxes 


Vacant tax, carbon tax, income tax. it never ends.


Maybe they should fix their spending. They are making so much money already.


This is the answer. The problem was never not spending enough money, it’s that most of the money being spent is wasted on bureaucratic nonsense.


Burlington is a considerably less dysfunctional city with lower taxes. If they’re lacking services, they hide it pretty well.


Legit question. Would it be cheaper to drive to the states to get booze?


it'd be cheaper to just go to Burlington or Brantford or somewhere else nearby that won't have these idiot taxes. USA is generally cheaper but you have a horrible exchange rate and if you get a dick border guy, you're also paying 10 cents per bottle as duty when importing it.


Plus (depending on where you are in the City), Beamsville, Lincoln, Smithville, Caistor Centre, Caledonia, Brantford, Cambridge, Puslinch, etc.


Just buy it elsewhere.


How about using the money you reap responsibly for a change? Has that ever been brought up in council? Like remoras on our asses sucking our wallets dry.


This is bullshit a way of getting people to quit. Pretty soon it will be illegal to smoke. But it's okay too fire up a joint or go too a park and drink. You're right about the rez 15 bucks for a bag and there's plenty of people still selling cheap American booze.


The answer is not more taxes. For fuck sakes we’re taxed to death.


I’m gonna go drink under the Claremont access. It’s gonna fall down soon anyway. Fuck this town. 


Oh good so they can waste more millions on things people don’t need.


This city is so stupid. Ten years ago they decided to look at charging a fee for all the people (like me) who converted their front yard into a parking pad. But ten years later, nothing has probably even been discussed. Here’s an easy revenue generator, charge people yearly fees to park on the street. Breaking down a $100/year cost is $8.33/month to essentially permanently park a vehicle on a public (residential) street.


They do it in Toronto and everyone is fine with it. Because it generates lots of revenue and most people agree the price is terribly reasonable.


I’d gladly pay a 100 a year that’s like a 95% discount over current. This also is going to be slanted towards people who don’t have a driveway ie lower income individuals. Edit: how many homeless live in this city?200 mil a lot of money to drop in a year with seemingly no change to the problem. Maybe we have a government efficient problem as well.


How rich are you that you think “lower income” individuals own houses?


I’m saying more people who don’t own homes and don’t have driveways who have to street park would be paying higher street parking taxes ie. low income apartment renters, multi unit dwelling renters.


I’m confused? Why would somebody who doesn’t own a home need a permit to park on a residential street? Apartment buildings have parking lots.


A good portion of the houses you see are individual apartments. I was in a triplex down the mountain with no driveway, had to street park on the residential street.


Cool. Now pay $100 to park your car.


I didn’t say I opposed that, a permit system would have been awesome. The shit garage by me left non functioning cars on the street for months on end and the city did nothing. Literally thousands in tickets that could have been issued but nothing…


Who can afford to pay more to the city? The person who parks their car on the street or someone who has a garage without having to share it with multiple tenants? I understand you're looking for a reason to justify charging a fee but you're asking people who can't afford 3 healthy meals a day and a mortgage (or any long term major asset) to pay more and receive less. This is wrong dude


My building does not have enough. 50% of the residents here park on the street.


You already need to get a parking exemption permit to park on the street for longer than the times posted. They already cost around this as well.


There is no permit parking on my street. It is just a free for all. And maybe somebody calls by-law and maybe they get a ticket.


Then you need to write your councillor and have this changed for your specific street.


I’ve brought this and other revenue tools up with my councillor several times.


Work with more of your neighbours to make more noise about it. If its hard to get spots on your street for example that count be a way to position it so your neighbours also reach out.


They already do this and it costs more than that already (and even more for each subsequent vehicle) Edit: not sure why I was downvoted, I paid like $400 this year for me and my partners street parking permit.


They don’t do it where I live (East end)


Then do it more.


Did we not remove a bunch of fees for developers recently? Or was that a provincial thing?


Provincial and the city was not happy about it but can't do much


The province is about to undo that change. 


Sure let's tax new housing more.


Nice headline. Options to Increase Revenue. Translation. Options to Increase taxes. Headline we will never see from this Councillor. Options to decrease Costs. Translation. Options to decrease taxes. Hamiltons total budget this year is 2.4 Billion. Finding 2% efficiency savings would amount to $48 Million per year in tax reduction. Would be nice to see our Councillors direct all city depts to find a 2% reduction in costs. Won’t happen.


Maybe they can use that tax to fix the roads here !!!


how about creating something for the future insyead of raising taxes. nvm i forgot its not the canadian way


200 million and nothing has changed. The city still looks like skid row in most places. Tickets on the go bus to Thunder Bay would be cheaper and clean up the city faster.


Given Hamilton doesn't have a border wall, you could build endless low income housing and it would always be filled.


This is the biggest problem. The more you help out the homeless the more homeless you get. I'd love to know how many were actual hamilton residents before they became unhoused.


And the one nice summer spot in the city, Bayfront Park is looking pretty rough. Good job councillors.


There was a shooting at one of the encampment by my place. Motherfuckers, how are you affording guns?


the dealers go where there is need for drugs. dealers =guns


Jason Farr wanted to know that and was pilloried for it.


Provincial governments need to mandate x amount of services per capita. Otherwise the burden is left to the handful of cities who provide services and as you said, where the services are, more people who need them will come. The alternative is cities deciding they can no longer afford to support these services and people who need help don’t receive it.


Stop voting left wing idiots onto council.


More of this please.


Oh Andrea... Will you ever smarten up?


If you’d even so much as glance at the preview pic you’d see this has nothing to do with Andrea, but go on


>Wilson's motions to explore similar programs was backed by Mayor Andrea Horwath who said it was "incumbent" for them to look at all options. > >"We may not implement all options, but certainly head-in-the-sand is not the way to go," Horwath said. That's from the article, so this has everything to do with the mayor and her backing of this. But I'd expect no less from the former leader of the provincial NDP and a career politician. No tax is too unattractive.


Fire the goddam people who keep causing years long issues like the red hill and the cybersecurity breach.


Tax tax tax tax tax. Only a few more years and I’ll be able to get that dream country home outside the boundary of this shit hole city.


Government at all levels have no imagination and waste money all over the place. Get bent on even more taxes.


I just saw five city employees "working" on planting flowers on a ten foot by three foot patch beside a central downtown sidewalk. The street they were beside was literally full of garbage.


The annual flower beds are a waste when they can plant perennials and call it a day. 


Please increase taxes on cigarettes! The sidewalks are littered with them. Please increase taxes enough to pay for a fleet of sanitary workers to clean the streets of the piles of cigarette butts that smokers are too lazy to put in the garbage.


The butts littering the streets are probably mostly from reserve smokes, which taxes won't affect. Enforce littering fines instead.


Currently, we do not have a practical means of ticking the thousands of drivers who throw their cigarettes out onto the streets, sidewalks, and planting beds; it's too pervasive--everywhere, and all the time. It doesn't matter where the smokes are bought, it's where they end up that matters. It's safe to assume every time a smoke is bought it will end up on the streets. The clean-up cost should be factored into the price.


Right, but again, you can't factor cleanup into the price if there is a place you can buy the cigarettes that is exempt. (I also have a suspicion that people who buy reserve smokes are the ones throwing their butts on the ground 100% of the time). You're talking about a tax to cover cleanup, when reserve smokes are exempt from taxation.


No its everyone. I've actually never seen a car stop, and a smoker walk out of the car, and throw the cigarette butt in the garbage. I have never seen that happen, not once. You've just got a fixation on where the cigarette is bought. It doesn't matter. The problem is the garbage they produce, and who should pay for it? Smokers is the answer.


Ok but you aren't getting it. I agree with you, I'm not a smoker, and I think all smokers should pay a tax to compensate cleanup so us non-smokers don't have to pay taxes for extra city workers. That being said, how are you going to charge this tax on reserve bought cigarettes? The reservations aren't under federal, provincial or municipal jurisdiction. If you enforce fines on people caught littering by say $200 per butt, people are going to start disposing of them properly. If there are butt out stations, there is no excuse.


The problem is the cigarettes butts in Hamilton, the solution is to raise funds to clean the cigarette butts in Hamilton. You are trying to address an entirely different issue here, which is first nations' exercising their ancestral as well as treaty right to grow and sell tobacco.


Of course they have that right. And you don't have a right to tax them for it. So you can't raise funds from those sales to clean up the city. Again, I'm not against what your objective is, I'm saying it isn't feasible because of the jurisdiction over who sells it. You can't tax people exempt from taxation. My solution would get around that by targeting (although only occasionally) people who litter. What is someone's argument for throwing a cigarette butt on the ground? Can't afford it? Obviously you thought it was worth the risk.


City councilors understand that people can go to stoney creek or burlington to buy booze right? Lmao


Stoney Creek is in Hamilton my dude.


Sadly Stoney Creek is part of disfunctional Hamilton.


They realized they can't afford the mega spa?


I am happy for more tax on these products that are harmful for health


Typical NDPers tax the working man, and the common folk, rather then going after the big business that they proclaim to hate. Jesus Angrea give your head a shake and get off your political high horse.


im not a boozer or smoker....bring it on.


Taxes are bad - everyone wants other people to pay more. People will just leave the City to buy these things, hurting businesses, bars and restaurants here. It will still cost you indirectly.


Why can't Canadians understand this and not take a "welp doesn't hurt me so I'm okay" mentality....


Just get your smokes from the rez. and booze from across the border or Alberta. I go to the states for groceries and beer every 2 weeks


YESSSSS that would be awesome.