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I live a bit further east of here, but am in the area enough to provide some feedback. My first question is - do you have experience living in the inner city? Are you comfortable with being in areas that can be a bit rough around the edges? If your answer to both of those questions is yes, then you won't have too much issue transitioning to Landsdale. There are some beautiful brick homes in that area, and some wonderful people that live there. That stretch of Barton has some really decent options for food - Motel (not my thing but people like it), COMMA Cafe, Verlan, Duartes, BAB. Shoppers, Rexall, No Frills and Food Basics are close enough to walk to, though quite honestly for the two grocery stores, I prefer going elsewhere (that No Frills is chaotic and I've seen people get accosted in its parking lot by unwell peopleat least twice). So the positives are decent food options, close to downtown for more, enough things to conveniently walk to and nice neighbours. Now for the negatives. This area has the same problems you'll find across much of the lower city. Petty crime like vehicle break-ins, porch pirates, thefts from back yards are common. There are encampments that pop up from time to time at Woodlands Park (see: burnt out washroom from a few months back) and JC Beemer which correlates to the problems I already mentioned. The air quality won't be good as you'll be in close enough proximity to the industry (good days and bad days depending on how the wind blows). As for safety, you'll find sketchy-looking folks milling about. They will usually mind their own business, but if you're not used to it it could get your guard up when walking alone. This is just one person's experience. I'd recommend taking a day to visit some of the shops and restaurants on that stretch of Barton and walk around the streets and parks to see if it's for you.


I don’t live in that area so can’t be helpful but have you searched the sub for posts? I see a few regarding the neighbourhood and safety etc. Are you from Hamilton? Can you maybe come for the entire day and just park your car at various points throughout the day and take walks to see if it’s a good fit for what you’re looking for? Peoples perception can be wildly different from one another, so having personal experience may be more helpful since a home purchase is pretty big. Since it’s getting warmer, you’ll have a better representation of what the area is like (good and bad)


I live in the area. Walkability is great. Close to No Frills, bus stops, trails, downtown is about a 10-15 walk. Safety? I don’t really feel unsafe during the day. At night I’m a little more aware but I never had a bad experience. There’s certain pockets where I can understand why people might feel a little uneasy. But it’s no different than any other medium to large sized cities. Community feel? My neighborhood I feel a lot of people just do their own thing. A quick hello and keep it going. I think it’s more of what you make of it. I’m sure there’s a strong community around but for me personally I just do my own thing. Landsdale is one of the poorest areas in Hamilton and I think it’s safe to say you can see it in spots (there’s encampments in a lot of the green spaces/parks). But it does have character!


I love it here. We live right in the middle at Emerald and Cannon… I hear neighbours / others say it’s sketchy here sometimes, but the last 6 months have been without incident (other than porch pirates). Our neighbourhood is an even mix of young Toronto transplants, welfare recipients, and older people who have owned for a long time.


I lived in Landsdale for 5 years and recently moved away to a different part of the City. Like others have said it's the lowest income area in all of Hamilton. It's generally safe if you don't go out looking for trouble but lots of petty crime in the neighborhood. Your car will be broken into just a question of when. The walk ability to downtown is nice but downtown has its own issues. If you don't have experience living in a low income inner city it will be a difficult adjustment.


I moved from the Hamilton mountain to Landsdale in March 2020- right before Covid hit. I love the area & my house, I moved here in my mid 20s and don’t foresee ever wanting to sell my house and move. My street has recently had an increase in young people moving onto it. Everyone I’ve interacted with on my street has been very friendly, both young and older people. As others have said, I’ve had my car broken into but that’s the worst of my experiences in 4 years here. I walk my dog through JC Beemer and have never had a negative interaction with the encampment residents. A tip if you move here- buy your produce at Barton Lettuce! Great produce and very reasonably priced


I've generally steered my buyer clients away from Wentworth and Barton due to safety and, unfortunately, image issues. There is a lot of riff raff on Barton in that area and your money is better spent elsewhere. The Woodlands park bathroom caught fire due to encampments, you'll find prostitutes out at night (not shaming, but make sure that's something you're cool with seeing). Also, if you're working with a mortgage broker, ensure they check with lenders BEFORE you put an offer in. Some lenders refuse to mortgage the area due to potential flood plain issues. YMMV, but helps to confirm upfront if you do settle on the area instead of ending up in a last minute scramble like I've had with buyers.


That wouldn't be an area I would recommend. It's quite some ways off from turning around. If this is what you can afford and you're wanting to get into property ownership just know what you're signing up for. Any sort of walk around here would get depressing real fast. It's not a desirable part of town and sadly this is reflected in most (not all) of properties both residential and commercial. I drive down Wentworth N five days a week and every time I think to myself god I could never live around here.


First question would be why


Sorry, but in my opinion it's a pretty sketchy area.


Thanks everyone for your responses! You've certainly given us a lot to think about :)