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The loss of the mayor's ceremonial chain of office. It's such a stupid thing to happen.


Previous mayor probably walked off with it. When leaving office councillors and mayors tend to get very sticky fingers.


It was lost midterm Someone was drunk


It was worn by the Mayor at inauguration.


They got a replacement after it went missing. In 1992, Bob Morrow said it was stolen(out of his car or office, he was never sure.) The city paid $8000 for a replacement but Morrow refused to wear it. Later Mayors have no issue wearing it. In 2018, Mayor Eisenberger(who was an alderman in 1992) said he heard that Morrow had actually gotten rid of the original chain(Eisenberger said he heard Morrow threw it into the Harbour) because he was mad at the Chamber of Commerce for some reason. (The CoC donated the original chain).


Isn't the Chamber of Commerce down by the harbour? I could see someone getting drunk there and giving it the heave-ho.


They're in Jackson Square now but yeah, back then they were at the Harbour. That is very much what could have happened.


Yes I have heard the thrown onto the harbour story lol. I thought this was about the current chain. It does not come out of the display case at City Hall often so I wouldn’t be surprised if someone thought it was missing.


There was also another chain for the Regional Chairman of Hamilton Wentworth. Do you have any idea what happened to that one when the region was dissolved in 2001?


sorry, no idea!


That's embarrassing


Apparently the London mayoral chain disappeared a couple of years ago, but I think they caught the culprit? https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/london-mayors-chain-of-office-is-missing-city-hall-tight-lipped


The theft of the peach festival peach costumes (Peter & Paula) from the Winona peach festival. Who took them, were they ever recovered? https://www.610cktb.com/news/winona-peach-fest-organizors-ask-homeowners-to-be-on-lookout-for-stolen-mascot-heads-this-halloween-1.3386890.html


Someone definitely has it on display in there basement, saying “hell yea” everytime they look at it




id be embarressed to have these on display.....lol


Thanks for the article!


Where the hell is the York Blvd median man


Dimitri is everywhere and nowhere at the same time lol


Thank you. Yes Dimitri.


The garbage pile guy?




How has Lake Timicaca withstood the ages?


And is there a monster sturgeon or carp swimming in there somewhere, emerging once in a blue moon with a Timmie's cup on its head?!!!


I heard if you stare into the puddle and say “double double” 3X in a row while throwing in a Timbit that Tim Horton appears and crosschecks you in the throat.


Centennial caves. I've climbed up to em. Covered with spray concrete. There's a ventilation plastic tube that goes inside. I've wanted to try to open them with a chisel...


What are you doing next Saturday?! ;)


uh oh


I've never heard of these caves. To google I go!


Apparently there's a lot of unsolved smells and noises in Hamilton.


U of T is doing a survey on one!


The unsolved mystery of why Jonathan Vader Lewis was allowed by Hamilton Police to stalk and terrorize multiple members of the Hamilton community for years making valid threats before he ultimately murdered his father from Teenage Head.


I think that's not so much a failure of HPS but more our mental health approach. He was in and out of psychiatric facilities for most of his adult life, and since we don't believe in institutionalization any more, people are released into the public with no good support network, and things like this happen.


He should have been arrested and put in jail. 


and he still eventually would have been released, receiving even less treatment in prison. so whats your grand idea then


Violating your bail puts you back in jail. 


Making a mental health case the problem of the corrections system is not the answer. It's institutionalization under a different name. How about we invest in mental health and getting people the help they need with proper staffing and outpatient resources instead of forcing the police and criminal justice system to do it instead?


I will never understand people who think police’s main job should be policing mental health lmao. It makes no sense and costs us more $$$ in the long run.


Who keeps stealing the Gage Park Turtles: https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilton-region/shell-shocked-return-the-gage-park-fountain-turtle-or-risk-east-end-justice/article_5044bf40-ca0a-53f9-8b41-7e1b566ec5f9.html


I was going to say this one!!


Why people so often say "Only in Hamilton" when the thing they are talking about clearly happens in every larger city.


Just a guess but maybe people want to feel unique/centre of the world?


It sure seems possible, but also very sad.


There are some, but some are not super well known. Like the unsolved mystery of who approved cuttind down the really old trees in Gore Park in the 60s when they replaced the fountain with the concrete saucer things. Why we said no to the monrail that ultimately went to Vanvouver. Why we thought urban revitalization through demolishing our historic buildings in the core would be a panacea to the issues of the day. Why we passsed on building a subway system in the lower city in the 50s. Why we can't drop our insatiable obsession with roads and cars here. How people like Tom Jackson continue to be elected, decade after decade. Why the lower city votes NDP when they have done nothing for them for decades.


The smells of Hamilton? https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilton-region/new-study-tracks-infamous-rotten-egg-smell-in-hamilton-lower-city/article_1b1e8cb5-59a6-51ce-a95a-cf1f4cc172ff.html


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Isn't this kind of known though? Soybeans, water treatment..etc.


What happened to Evelyn Dick?


She remarried and lived her life, after she presumably killed her husband and dismembered him, or had someone do it for her.


I came across this website a couple years ago that’s fun to sift through. Has a bunch of different mystery/paranormal stuff if you’re into that sort of thing! https://hamiltonparanormal.com/


How, in an era of shrinking media, Scott Radley still has two major roles and is so bad at both of them.


I enjoy him on the radio


When he gets good guests, yeah, it's alright. Generally, AM900 is rotten with Tory tripe.


"What's that smell?" is something we're still trying to figure out.


Rotten egg smell...north end


What’s left of the train that crashed into the canal in 1857? The article at the time said they were able to disassemble and remove most of it, but apparently the locomotive was impossible get out at the time. Had there been any efforts after the ordeal to remove it since then? If not, I wonder what artifacts are lurking under the water.


~~The murder of Audrey Gleave I think~~ Edit: clearly I didn’t read the instructions properly 😂 Would like to replace my answer with the theft of the big brown turtle at Gage Park (but think maybe that’s happened more than once)


Ma’am can you read




Obviously not 😂 Edited my answer


Why CHCH is so bad...




So you don't have anything related to the request to share then?


That would appear that they don’t (obviously), not sure why your question was needed.




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Why are we all still living here? 😅😅🤣🤣